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Should religion be taught in schools?

Admin 9 June 19

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Well of course I homeschooled my kid hes now growm im zn sthiest but he made his own decisions I read him the bible, I taught sumday school even he made an educated decision he doesnt believe in fairy tales


It's already taught. It's called history.
Wonderful examples of how religion is a crock.


Nothing wrong with exposing mythology to students as pure fiction. Myths reflect on the societies culture


Just like there is science class, a class on ALL the world religions maybe in with a Civics class or critical thinking class.


Only in an elective class on comparative religion or in one for which a study in comparative religion is a prerequisite.


Absolutely not.


Only if it is taught in a comparative mythology class.


I don't have an issue with religious courses in schools. However, sanctioned Bible or Koran studies I believe to be unacceptable in public schools. Private schools can do pretty much what they want as long as the parents agree. .


Religion if taught at all should be taught by parents or churches and left out of schools as the latter are supposed to speak of truth and facts religion lacks truth and facts..


I remember being in school and a girl was sent out of the class when we had RE unless it was the old testament - I always seriously wished I had a get out of RE free card.


As long as the teacher is not allowed to preach. We can all recognise preaching.


I think theology can be offered as a separate class that students may choose. I also believe that religion and its effects on human/societal development should be taught in history, sociology and psychology classes.

I absolutely 100% agree. I took theology in school, and I was raised by an atheist father and a non-religious mother who encouraged me to take that class, it was neither pro-religion nor anti-religion. All it did was talk about the religions of the world, it's a class I would recommend all kids take.


NO!! "Religion" should be taught in churches, temples and mosques.
But creationism tethered with Darwinism should be. This gives the student an opportunity to think independently and be given the current options to make up their own minds. And isn't that what school should be about?


I was educated in a christian school and never heard about any other religion. Nowadays in the NL schools, the public schools as well as the religious schools have the obligation to teach the children the essences of all major religions and non-religious convictions and ideologies, just as they are taught about sex, how it works and the several differences and preferences. The NL is quite secular and the problem of teenage pregnancies is quite small, and also the abortion-rate is very low.

Gert Level 7 Feb 4, 2018

As literature and myth.


I don't think any one(cough cough christanity) should ever be tought it should be all of them amd the athiest/agnostic point of view as well- were not a religion but we are a lack of them and that needs to be stated to


Not as facts!!


If you're going to teach one, you have to teach them all. If that happens, they all need to be taught with other mythology, and as such.


Theory, all world religions given equal time, no religious activity, hymn singing etc - NO INDOCTRINATION.


Only if ALL religions and their origins are taught along with non-believing philosophies. That way critical thinkers can see how group-think has been used as a cover for power grabs throughout history.


I don't have a problem with it if they are taught as a high school level elective as a theology comparative class but not forced as some religious thing. I was annoyed that my school back in the early 80s used a bible as a Lit class text. The teacher was married to a pastor and how they pushed it through as part of the curriculum had to be sneaky as hell. It wasn't mandatory but was allowed as part of the English credit.

AmyLF Level 7 Jan 14, 2018

Absolutely not !! This is a serious use of brainwashing the young to acclimatise them to believing there is a real god out there when any normally intelligent person has no option but to disbelieve it.
Get the young at an early age and you can teach them anything. This is insidious and deplorable.


very simply knowledge is power....which made me just think Faith is tested by knowledge....hmmm...I love this site.


Children should be taught ALL religions for informative reasons. To acquire knowledge and respect for others...not as a guilt-ridden attempt at conversion.

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