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Should religion be taught in schools?

Admin 9 June 19

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In an ideal word kids could be taught about religion but there's always that guy or girl who insists that there religion is taught but when someone else's religion is being discussed they don't want to hear it.


Absolutely big no. Because when you teach a children not to do wrong because something call God will punish them then they will do the wrong things when they found there’s no such thing God.
And if I want my children to follow a guidance it will not be a guy who will burn them for thinking different or because they doing the goods for the sake of goodness not for God sakes, I think that is more crime than the worst crime in human history specially coming from a guy who supposed to be smart and knowledgeable like God.
But if my child asks me why not to steal I will say because it’s not yours, do you like somebody else take what is yours.


All Unitarian Universalist sunday schools teach religious education & now sex education.


OK to teach religion in private religious schools. OK to teach religion as history, culture, or literature in public schools. But, for heaven's sake, never teach religion as science anywhere. It makes a fraud out of religion and a joke out of science.


Absolutely not. Separation of church and state. Only reference should come in history classes but religious folks won't like hearing the whole story there.


I believe religion should be taught in schools only if it could be strictly secular. That is, the origion of various religions and how they evolved into what they are today could be taught. An example might be how pagan belief evolved into the Zoroasterian one "sky" god concept and then the "sky" god became too remote therefore god's son had to "appear" and become more available. All religions would have to be covered i.e. the eastern religions. My fear is we won't be able to find teachers withour bias.


Potentially in a history class, it has definitely shaped most facets of society


I agree with RonnieD's statement. Whomever first came up with that was very accurate.


Hell no. Science, science, science.


Teach them curiosity, creativity, empathy, intellectual integrity and critical thinking. It's better than religion. It is way more usefull than faith in every aspect of life.


Only if it's all religions


Religious history is a necessary component to understanding history all together. It did not start with christianity and will not end there ether. If you take a long enough look, relitions and gods seems to have a 2000 year run, more or less.


Not in public schools. Compare the number of religous organizations/churches/schools, in EVERYtown, USA to the number of PUBLIC schools! There are plenty of places for people to get their religious fix in places other than our public schools beginning with their PARENTS! Public schools are just that—PUBLIC, meant to serve ALL people, not just a select few who would otherwise seek to exclude based on religion, gender, sexuality, science, etc, etc, etc. Besides that, the public school curriculum is crowded enough already with subjects that are important for kids to have a chance to be exposed to without adding another subject—religious teachings that can and are abundantly available elsewhere.


The separation of church and state is as specific as it needs to be. I taught my grandson to think for himself, not to be atheist. And yet, he is atheist. WHY?? Because he wasn't being indoctrinated.


No don't need it enough churches around for those that want them.

Unfortunately churches only dictate their own religion and do not teach about every religion


We should teach children the damage that religions cause, how to think critically, and how to avoid the logical fallacies that blind, dogmatic faith comes with.


Religion is just like history, sociology, philosophy, music, art, athletics, etc. It is a part of what has made up the human race. People should have knowledge of it - of all the religions. So yes - it should be taught. But it should be taught as subject matter and not in any other way.


Never. this is where it all starts followed by years of arguments. fights and evemtually wars, if religion can be taught in schools then what is to stop evolution being taught as well. After all, evolution makes sense not utter stupidity


Yes, just like teaching world languages and geography. Religious stats, figures, objective history.


Religions should be taught in Schools. All Religions should be analyzed and historically discussed as to their origins and how they came into prominence. All mistakes and translations relating to the number and who and how they were made. Special notations should be made to connect the Political Influence and the Religious Priorities that were enforced by Politicians that swayed the Populace into a certain belief.

You are asking for honesty. Noble. Dangerous. Precious

From a state run education system: un-frickin'-likely. Corporate power writes the textbooks in it's own Godlike image.


"One nation under god . . ." was always a part of the pledge of allegiance. I remember as a second grader asking my atheist father why we had to say "god".

He told me it was added during the red scare to essentially differentiate the USA from the godless commies. But even at that age I knew it was all indoctrination.

The "under god" part of the pledge was not there until the mid 50's


It would be wonderful if we could teach religion like we teach smallpox.

"We have a small freezer of southern baptism and related strains in the CDC freezers in Atlanta. Meanwhile, there is some Russian Orthodox Christianity on ice over in Sverdlofsk. There is reason th suspect some may have escaped and is harming the region."


Religious teaching is the most insidious form of indoctronation.
It should not be taught in schools. Religion is the politics of control through fear.


A class about theology would be fine.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 30, 2018
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