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Should religion be taught in schools?

Admin 9 June 19

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Hell no. That's a waste of money and time.

Zofia Level 3 Nov 2, 2018

Absolutely not!!!!


Yes... Right alongside other mythic gods... Apollo, Zeus, etc.


I don't think highschools should have any coursework on religion. Highschool is a place for fundamental education, necessary for everyone. It has to be strictly fact/science based.

Religion and related topics can be part of a higher education which is elective. For instance, pursuit of a degree in Theology.

Keep religion/religious teachings away from children.


Only in a historical context such as the crusades, witch hunting, 100 years war, inquisition, etc.


They CAN all be taught, but next to each other. Not in a dogmatic way. What the facts are. Who they worship and rituals. But absolutely just the facts. Whatever can be shown demonstrably.


I would not trust people in the US to be responsible about it. Some would use it as an opportunity to tear down or belittle the beliefs of some, and though normally I'd be okay with that, I'm not when psychologically unprepared children are involved. Also, most teachers in the South would use it as cover to evangelize.

I tend to agree with you on this one. When science books can say that Evolution and Natural Selection are 'just theories' and equal to the story of creation in the Bible...we know there is an uphill battle just teaching about religion in a historic and objective way to our nation's kids. Each teacher could choose to 'sabotage' the curriculum if they felt it was 'offensive'. Like pharmacists who won't write prescriptions for birth control.....they let their personal beliefs interfere with secular job duties.


Absolutely not! Let minds be free!




Why not. If you don't know what it is you can't analyse/evaluate it.

If the class is taught by an atheist


I think the indoctrination of children is the worst child abuse imaginable.
And yes, I have survived all the other types, and somehow managed to avoid being infected with God.


Not unless it’s a private school.


Ignorance is the foundation of intolerance, be it religious or any other flavour of discrimination. Without education, you drive a wedge between different sections of society. Understanding is the key to cooperation and without that, there's no progress, as the last 1000 years of war has shown.


Sorry, I feel religion should be kept out of the school system at least K thru 12. school should be left to teach facts and history etc. It's one thing to teach morals but teaching a child they could go to XXXX if they do not heed what so and so said is just not healthy.


I think it is beneficial to teach the students about different religions, especially the current main 5-6 religions because that give them an understanding about the socially construction basis of many societies. Plus, religions are part of our human civilisation.


No. A separation of church and state ensures that no faction obtains too much power. The Catholic Church is a perfect example. Look at the ring of child abuse that is covered up by even the highest ranks in this church. A study of religion in general is ok. There is much to learn about our own nature by studying our past, and religion is a large piece in that puzzle.

Angee Level 4 Oct 13, 2018

A short class quickly covering all major religions and atheist agnostic and spiritualism.
Chuck in some history of religion.

Echo7 Level 3 Oct 13, 2018

I don't think young minds should be subjected the horrors of the history of religion. Unless they cherry pick it..........Oh wait. They already do that!


Which of the many religions? If someone wants to study comparative religion that is okay. It is also good to study the history of Religion to understand how Church and State can corrupt together and harm people. It should never be taught in a public school as a substitute for science and fact.


Religions should be taught as other world types of political ideologies because they, like political movements, operate the same. A Paradise or payoff of one or another kind is promised to those who will surrender themselves to 'betters' who establish doctrines.

Support and advancement (evangelizing) consist of financial support and participation in rituals and duties dictated by leadership. Leaderships claim to 'serve' and provide salvation to the faithful; always at some time in the future, either here on Earth or some Paradise. The problem with both is that promises are never fulfilled.

Schools already teach religion in that they support unrealistic socio-political ideologies and principles and are critical of others. They forbid 'prayer' while organizing rituals that are no more than acts of worship of a state with a god's alleged endorsement.


Maybe in a historical context. They should also teach Islam and Judaism with the intent of decreasing islamophobia and antisemitism


Schools should teach Irreligion.


No it should is for learning not worshipping


Yes it should. The history of religions and why they need to be abandoned.


So long as Mormons, Satanic Temple, and FSM get equal time.

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