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Should religion be taught in schools?

Admin 9 June 19

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730 comments (126 - 150)

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Very common post - YES as a cultural and political phenomenon as it is a part of some very ugly history.. Now if you are talking about 'Bible Study' - absolutely NOT!


Only if all the beliefs are called myths in all the religions


In a very critical way. Showing the connections between wars and religious conflicts.


All religion should be taught in schools. Including Norse Gods, Roman Gods, Egyptian gods, Assyrian Gods, etc etc, At least make it interesting.


All religions should be taught in school along with Shakespheare, Milton, and Tolstoy. Teach it as literature like Greek myths.


Do you mean a History of Religions around the World -or- a this is what Jesus thinks of your sins class?

I think some places on this planet could get away with the first one. But in my rural Arkansas high school, if it's not about Jesus, it's blasphemy and will not be tolerated. The one Jewish kid in class was tormented. I hate to think about someone teaching about Hindu or the Muslim faith. Even the different Christian based religious would cause a fight. Just last week, a friend tried to argue that Baptists weren't real Christians. ?

Well, but Baptists AREN'T real Christians!! ?


Yes, but make the course optional and if only they took history class first.

nezer Level 4 May 22, 2018

Only comparative religions. I think an overview of all world religions so everyone had a look at all the religions of the world, and a discussion that includes where you are born will influence which faith or lack thereof you will be exposed to most frequently. Religions are part of history, education is the cure for ignorance. Well, usually.




Only in context of multiple religions in a religion class. Actually had a great presentation in TN where the teacher researched how teachers were sneaking their personal religion into the classroom via non related exercises, art, reading comprehension texts, etc.


If you're talking about an ELECTIVE college class on religious mythology...why not? Otherwise, never!


I was asked to teach European Cultures in a Chinese university. 80 pages out of a book of 400 were devoted to the bible. I didn't expect that in communist China.
But even within this group the religious influences are stark amongst some members.


Social studies should include relgions as a subject of investigation. Some people hold the strange believe that one has to know the Talmud in order to criticize Judaism or the bible to understand Christianity or the Qoran to have an opinion about Islam. The same people are ready to dismiss the 33000000 Hindu deities without even knowing their names.
The could be a good tool to deal with religion as a phenomenon.


Should crystal meth, heroin and cocaine be past around in social studies class and all the students given free samples? No hard drugs in class and that includes the opiate of the people.

Understanding religion is different then using religion. It helps you understand people, their cultures and helps improve the relationships you can have with them. We live in the world and everyone is different.


I think all religions should be taught in schools. Religion influences so many cultures and if we are going to know each other and understand each other we need to understand how religion works in their culture

What about sport? Sport is very important in many cultures ...

@PontifexMarximus sports are widely available in schools

@Tinyhouset I know ... Unfortunately many sports show similarities with religions.


No they should teach debating and critical thinking


No learn that stuff on your own money not mine.


As long as is in the same level as greek mythology


I'm dubious that comparative religion could be taught objectively. I remember studying history and politics in high school which definitely was biased. Many years later in college I realized the curriculum was mostly propaganda.


I believe educating kids about all religions would be wonderful. But only if you can control the environment in which they are in. I feel that there will be many areas and teachers that will now have license to teach, indoctrinate kids into Christianity and not teach but denigrate other religions.

jab60 Level 6 May 13, 2018

Separation of church and state is a core value of the First Amendment.


Religion (Religions of the World) should be a subject taught in all levels of school up to and throughout High School. HIgh school would include trips to different places of worship as well as attending such places of worship for educational purposes. No one should be able to graduate from Middle school and high school unless they pass the classes.


Sure. In a religious school.

RichE Level 5 May 6, 2018

An overall synopsis of religions should be taught in schools, not one religion alone

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