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Should religion be taught in schools?

Admin 9 June 19

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Yes but as a way to understand how human use it to try to understand how things work before people used scientific methods. It should not be mandated as a replacement for science. All religions should be taught equally and no one religion should be held as the one true religion


If it is being taught as a part of History like where and when religions originated and if affected history in some way sure. However we should not be teaching actual religion in public schools. Private schools can do as they please.


I agree with Penultimate here - we should teach it so people understand what it is and where it fits in the world: but never, ever as a fact or something to be respected or admired.

Draco Level 6 Sep 23, 2017

Well said


I have no issue with teaching religion in public schools, in fact, I absolutely encourage it to be taught in school. I think that most people who have read Joseph Campbell, "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" would understand the importance of mythology. I would, however, object to teaching it as an alternative to science. My reasoning for this is, you can't reach any reliable scientific conclusions when your model of existence starts out with I have faith.

No issue teaching religion in schools? You do not have an idea what takes place teaching young kids religions. It is BRAINWASH plant ideas and believes in the young minds. AND THE MIND CONTROL CONTINUE going to church, Christmas is here every year Easter every year the religious holidays the stores selling cards Happy Christmas and the brainwash continue deeper and deeper, trust me. once you hear something can not either remember it But when you hear it again and again over and over, becomes your believe, hope you understand me since I am not an American.

Learning about theology isn't the same as brainwashing kids. I studied theology myself in high school, and I can tell you that brainwashing was the last thing on my teacher's mind. I learned more about how religion affects us, both in positive and negative ways. Learning how mythology takes root in societies, the conditions that will propel a surge in religiosity and things that diminish religiosity. Prosperity, science, and education are the best ways of reducing faith and poverty, ignorance and war tend to increase the levels of religiosity in society. Trust me when I say I'm the least likely person to promote any form of indoctrination. I will do everything I can to champion education including free evolution and geology tutoring for kids and adults.

you should have an issue.
You want to bet?
Learning theology means learning lies.
You do not know anything about brainwash.
What makes you think brainwash have not take place? please tell me.
I know it took place without been there. When someone is brainwash another, is not going to tell him, this is what I am doing to you. Do you have an idea how brainwash happens? I doubt. I am not calling you stupid , you just do not know.

tonia, I'm telling you I wasn't brainwashed. Have you looked into what theology teaches? Theology isn't saying religion is correct it's simply a history class on different religions around the world. It talks about Buddism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and a bunch more but it isn't telling you that you should believe, it is, in fact, educating you on the concepts. Education is not about hiding the facts; it's about understanding them. What good can is served by hiding the understanding of world religions?

I'll be as dogmatic as I can be on this subject. The people posting here, saying no don't teach religion, are genuinely intelligent people but they are entirely wrong on this issue. There are issues worth being dogmatic over and this for me is one of those times. The origin of positive societal change is education, and if you want people to begin to change their views, you're never going to get there by hiding. I'm not saying I want indoctrinational religion taught I'm saying I want theology taught.


Only for tolerance of others and historical purposes. We should know where we come from and who we were/are as a race.

we should, sounds good.



Well I think love for mother earth ,ethics and logic should rather be thought at schools. Religion divides brothers and human race no Mather the skin colour.

even worse, people are going crazy with their religion believes.


No, never. and no "moment of silence" either.



It should be taught if ALL religions are taught, otherwise, NO.


It should be taught like history and sociology.


Sure, when science is taught in church.


Yes. Especially the genocide and child sex slaves parts.

"Love and massmurder, children. Let us pray."


Hell, no! It would be unconstitutional (at least in the USA).


Absolutely not, all schools should reframe from embedding underdeveloped brains unverifiable nonsense which cannot be proven to be a actual fact but actually has a mountain of evidence to the contrary. This is dishonest and it's called indoctrination. If someone is gullible enough to swallow to this nonsense people call religion let them do it on their own time at home let them learn more important things about real life in public schools.


NO!! Plain and simple...NO! Kids have a lot of garbage thrown at them, every day, why make religion one of them. Teach them life skills, compassion, understanding, fairness...then you won't have to brain wash them.


No, no and no


Of course not. Unless found in the fiction section of the library. Frfr


I read a couple of years ago that in Oklahoma children were given a comprehensive religion course featuring the major religions. The trouble started when parents objected to any mention of Islam in any way, shape, or form. As long as it was Christianity, no problem.


Hell no. That's a waste of money and time.

Zofia Level 3 Nov 2, 2018



Why not. If you don't know what it is you can't analyse/evaluate it.

If the class is taught by an atheist


I think the indoctrination of children is the worst child abuse imaginable.
And yes, I have survived all the other types, and somehow managed to avoid being infected with God.


Ignorance is the foundation of intolerance, be it religious or any other flavour of discrimination. Without education, you drive a wedge between different sections of society. Understanding is the key to cooperation and without that, there's no progress, as the last 1000 years of war has shown.


Sorry, I feel religion should be kept out of the school system at least K thru 12. school should be left to teach facts and history etc. It's one thing to teach morals but teaching a child they could go to XXXX if they do not heed what so and so said is just not healthy.


I think it is beneficial to teach the students about different religions, especially the current main 5-6 religions because that give them an understanding about the socially construction basis of many societies. Plus, religions are part of our human civilisation.


No. A separation of church and state ensures that no faction obtains too much power. The Catholic Church is a perfect example. Look at the ring of child abuse that is covered up by even the highest ranks in this church. A study of religion in general is ok. There is much to learn about our own nature by studying our past, and religion is a large piece in that puzzle.

Angee Level 4 Oct 13, 2018
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