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What is your response when people say i'll pray for you?

Admin 9 June 19

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I'm not sure what I do, as it's been a long time since it happened. I'm pretty sure I roll my eyes and sigh.

But lately, I have an internal dialogue, and depending who might say it, I might share it with that person. One thing about this, assuming a Christian said it, it goes against what Jesus said to do. Another thing is that I almost always see this as an act of vanity; thinking they'll make themselves look good by doing something in Christ's name (in vain). You know, those damnable ten commandments.


My sister prays for me every day to save my soul. I ask her to redirect her efforts to where they may be appreciated. She still does it, so whatever makes her happy. Generally though, I look at people strangely if they say this and they generally don't bother again. As soon as I discover someone has an imaginary friend, I always change my opinion of them.


If it's someone I know I usually just say thanks, because I know they're sincere. I've even had a friend pray over me before surgery, so what the hell.



It means they wish the best for you.

BD66 Level 8 Sep 6, 2019

Thank you, they mean well and are not trying to convert me


Sometimes I say "Thanks, I hope it helps" which represents such a light form of humor that the other person will miss it and not be insulted.

Occasionally, if I'm in a fighting mood, I might let the person know a little more about my feelings and views. Generally, though, as I respect America's commitment to freedom of speech and diversity, I try to remember where the person is coming from and this means something to them.

There's a place and time to make a stand for principles but such a comment, while irksome, is not usually my call to action. On another day, I might make it a point to let someone know "I am not religious" so they don't start increasing the amount of religious verbiage aimed my way.

There is a line they should not cross with me . . . Or I will express myself. I am not afraid of debate but I do not go out of my way to provoke argument. I recall a line from an early TV show about frontiersman Davey Crockett: "I never walked a mile out of my way to court trouble and I never walked a mile out of my way to avoid it." As corny as it may sound, I've always liked the saying!

Roger Level 2 May 31, 2018

If you really want to help get off your knees!


I'll think for you.


“Ok, that’s nice.” If it’s someone I’m closer to, I just say “thanks”, and leave it at that. A little smarminess for people I don’t know.


Trying to think of one time this phrase has ever been said to me after any discussion other than one in which a religious person discovers I am a non-believer. I just can't! Prayers are only sent on my behalf (or so they say, they may have forgot as nothing has changed) when my eternal soul is on the line! Could someone please send a prayer instead when I can't find my keys?! I can not be late for work AGAIN!!!!


Depends on the situation and the person. I have a couple of religious friends who sometimes say they will pray for me when I am going through some challenges. They know I am secular, but they are kindhearted, good people, so that is okay. If a religious person says it in a patronizing way, I will just walk away.

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 18, 2017

don't bother

sean Level 3 Dec 13, 2017

My usual reaction is always ( no response w/ a blank face ), I can't even say thanks or smile because honestly, I don't think it will help in anyways. It's just like pretending they do something to help by doing nothing.


I call em out. You're not supposed to pray for me. You're supposed to pray for the strength to accept things as they are and forgiveness. At least, that was my understanding


Ok .. you pray for me.. and I'll think for you. lol


I just say thanks and make a quick exit.

Harri Level 1 Oct 27, 2017

I appreciate your kind concern.


and i will write a letter to santa for you

bill Level 3 Oct 27, 2017

I usually just say "thank you".


I usually politely let them do their thing and go away. I had a gentleman "testify" to me at work the other day. He asked if I was religious and I answered "No." But he persisted thinking he could persuade me to change my mind. I let him go for about two minutes before I excused myself. My boos is a "Christian" so I need to watch what I say at work, but to the general public, I am an atheist.


I just say thanks and leave it there.

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