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LINK We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes. Some thoughts on outrage and an idea to get human.

I normally don't post commentary here as I try to stay neutral and behind the scenes. I have several goals in building this community - one of which is to help bridge the growing divide in society. My thought was if I could raise the view of non-believers in the eyes of religious people, it could help them humanize what they may perceived as bad people. That was one of my motivations in adding Humanism text here... to give us a shared vocabulary of "goodness".

As I expected, almost everyone who joined here was a good person who wanted to make the community a better place. However, I became disappointed in the way that the majority of members (who were left-leaning) treated the minority who are conservative in positions unrelated to religion. Before you say, "oh, they started it", please remember, I'm not picking sides but only observing that contempt is a dangerous thing - especially in groups of people. Many of our conservative non-believers have left in the last few months.

When couples are fighting, they often try therapy. The best predictor of divorce is whether or not the couple has contempt for each other. Make sense, as contempt can only build if the other person is dehumanized first. In society today, contempt has grown to a level unmatched since World War 2. Social media, which machine-learning algorithms optimize what people see by how effective the content is in creating outrage and contempt (as it increases revenue), is a major contributor to today's growing unrest.

This makes me think of how we can help improve things here. I realize that part of the fun many members have is jumping in a thread of some daily outrage posted by members who are tacitly encouraged to find the most outrage-inducing posts. It's a drug, pure and concentrated. While it was not our intention to become a pharmacy, we are.
It's more obvious when you scan the groups and imagine them as assorted drugs in a cabinet. Some come in extra-strength, 72-hour doses.

Aside from the normal admonishments of "hey, tone it down!", I want to help find another type of communication for members that is unrelated to a topic. I'm thinking of something like "hey, how are you doing?". Many sites have "status updates" where you can post temporary things that are at a single-human level instead of some external outrage at a 3rd person or group. It's hard to build contempt at another human being who is sharing their personal, intimate feelings. The weakness of status updates is that it only shows up to your friends and only if they're keeping an eye on you. I'm hoping that we could do better.

Here's what I'm thinking the "status update" feature would look like. On the main page, we put a tiny form for "How you feeling?" (or similar), it either opens a form or pops a small window for you to enter 120 characters or so. We then put that as a comment to a single post called, uh, "How you feeling?" and perhaps even display the last 10 or so on the main page. You are encouraged to reply KINDLY to these "comments" - even more than on any other posts. The member will get alerts when people reply to the status update.

What do you think? Are we on the right track? Other ideas?

Admin 9 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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99 comments (26 - 50)

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I have coined a term regarding the environment I live in and the people that live in it. "Happily Angry" They are sensitive and quick to feed into anything that let's them release their anger. It has caused me to exist on a plane of neutrality and promote a campaign of smiling. I think I'll begin posting it here and see if beginning the day on a good note can carry through. Let's all feel better. Stress is a killer of many. In between left and right is a middle.

I have found in all my jobs dealing with the public that an irrationally angry person will be defused 95% of the time if you are super kind (sincerely) and reflect none of their anger back at them. Depending on the person, being simultaneously super-rational also helps, but with certain people that backfires (as pointing out they are plainly wrong to be angry only makes them angrier). With some people who can ease into the rationality after you defuse the anger.

@greyeyed123 I tell people that folks like that are already in their own hell, why join them?


I just finished the "Behind the Curve" documentary on netflix about the flat earth movement (ok, so I skipped through some parts). Part of the explanation of why the movement has exploded is because many people feel weird or left out (for whatever reason) and thus join together around this ludicrous idea, and ANOTHER is that they feel people looking down on them for their beliefs.

There is an entire section of the documentary devoted to cautioning educated people not to look down on these people because that "smugness" the educated project, etc, is part of the problem of why they believe crazy things. Many parallels to Trump supporters. I don't know if I buy the argument that you have to baby ignorant people until they come around, or treat every idea as legitimate for fear the crazy person may think you smug or conceited. (Have we really gone so far down the rabbit hole that pointing out the earth is a sphere makes you a smug, elitist, college boy or girl?)

And I was also surprised to learn there are infighting factions within the flat earth movement. Some think there is a dome, some do not (infinite regress upward), some think others are government plants to infiltrate their movement, etc., etc. They also seem to doubt gravity for some reason. The documentary didn't really explain that. (I'm not sure anyone could.)

personally, i don't think those ppl are that stupid. rather, i think they're just having fun with the super serious practical types.

@callmedubious The people in the documentary were not stupid. They were just ignorant of this one fact and any evidence surrounding that fact (sometimes willfully ignorant). I at first thought as you did--that they were pulling legs simply to piss off scientists. But of the people featured in the documentary, that simply did not seem the case to me. These people traveled hundreds of miles to conventions, an eclipse (they claimed it was just another part of the projection on the "dome" ), designed fairly involved experiments to try to prove the earth is flat, etc. The documentary ends with an experiment that--surprise!--unexpectedly showed the earth is curved. The man conducting the experiment seemed to be fighting an epiphany when he mumbled, "Interesting. Interesting there." ...long, considered pause about the ramifications of the experiment. "That's interesting."

@greyeyed123 ,
what the hell were they taught in grade 9 science?
when i was a teenager in the navy i was a lookout on a destroyer escort & was scanning the horizon with 20 power binoculars. i watched the bow of our aircraft carrier appear to be coming straight out of the ocean & within a few seconds the entire ship appeared.
still one of the neatest things i ever saw.

@callmedubious As I said, willfully ignorant. There were even little clips of excuses why that experiment showed a curved earth rather than a flat earth during the credits...just as the psychiatrist predicted in the doc. If something doesn't already fit this cherished belief (around which they have spun their entire identities), they rationalize why that is. As one person in the doc put it, if they realize they are wrong and announce it, the rest of the world doesn't care, but their fellow flat earthers (friends/insiders) will abandon them. They will basically lose everything, much the way a minister who loses faith may not tell anyone for fear of losing his family, friends, community...and job (many of the famous flat earthers seem to have created HUGE internet personalities for themselves that I can only assume has been monetized). When you've built your entire life around this one thing, rejecting it may become psychologically, emotionally, and even financially impossible.


I agree with others that it may not be likely that you will ever get everyone to agree, or to even communicate nicely with others. I see your suggestion here as being along the lines of "let's create a forum where we can all play nicely together." But do we have RULES for how that would look, or at least suggestions? I think part of the problem is that many people do not know what the rules of good communication are, how to state an opinion without attacking another person, etc. Perhaps discourse would be elevated if everyone agreed to adhere to some basic principles of effective communication. For example:



Thanks for the resources 🙂


It's about time this got brought up and mentioned. Thank you for doing this. I have been here 1.5 years now and noticed a lot of changes on how people talk to one another, the upswing in drama. There are a few areas that have gotten way out of control. Communication in word is our only way to reach out and keeping things civil is important because we know what we deal with in the real world of believers and the judgment call they lay on us daily. It sure is worth a try.

I hear you. I've seen this pickup in the last year and it's fueling the deplatforming push my Facebook/Twitter/etc. They're taking the fast and safe approach instead of the complicated consensus building approach. There is hope in the algorithm if it can optimized for community instead of profit. We'll work on that here and hopefully have results.


I usually stay out of political discussion here, but I consider myself moderate/middle-of-the-road yet left-leaning. It's where I think the evidence for what works best in social, economic, and political arenas typically points. But, even though I don't often get swept up in the political fervor in this community, I do pay attention to it some and I think you framed something a bit poorly in this post:

"However, I became disappointed in the way that the majority of members (who were left-leaning) treated the minority who are conservative in positions unrelated to religion."

I entirely disagree. I generally see, even in heated debates, mostly fair treatment on all sides. There are, if course, exceptions, but I balk at the suggestion that most left-leaning members have been abusive to the relatively few conservative members. I think that's patently false and an incredibly unfair characterization; you're judging the majority of one group by the actions of a tiny segment — and what we really see seems to be a small number of the liberal members and a small number of conservative members at each other's throats.

But, with that said, I fully support an effort to improve the sense of community here. I'm not quite sure how the status might work — I'm trying to picture it in action and determine how much activity it might generate — but I think it's worth a shot even if it might need some tweaks along the way.

Something I would like to see, if there's even a good way to do it, is to have a personal news feed on the home page where we can more easily see the activity of those we follow, with less segmentation so it's mixed with group activity and so on. I know this is a big undertaking, and it needs a lot of solid planning if it has any hope to succeed, but I think it would generate more activity overall, promoting engagement in areas we don't often see. I had to turn off alerts for comments of the people I follow because it was too cumbersome, but if it were moved into a news feed where I can quickly scroll through (similar to how Facebook shows friend activity) then I'd be more inclined to comment or otherwise get involved in a few threads that I might otherwise never see. This personalized feed would also be a good way to alert followers of updated profile information, added photos, status updates, and so on.

What I don't know is whether that will help foster a sense of community like you're attempting. I'd like to think that it would increase follows and enhance activity across the site, but it might do nothing to improve the overall tone of discourse. So, as a reasonably easy experiment, I think your status concept has potential. I suspect there will be some trial and error, but I think it could foster a sense of community that's often somewhat lacking here.

@Seeker3CO Absolutely. I think disagreement is fine, and I see lots of that — and we definitely don't need to give a pass to intolerant words and proclamations — but I think criticism of these things as well as general disagreement about ideology is somehow being conflated with the relatively infrequent abuse of people when it's genuinely a personal attack. While conservative members may feel like they're outnumbered here, and maybe don't feel especially welcomed, that's a far cry from the majority of members mistreating the minority.

@Seeker3CO Wait, I'm not a "humanist", neither am I "on the left".
I think there are far too many gross generalizations being tossed around.
Not by you specifically, but too many in general.

There is a "My followed posts" link on the main page.

Perhaps could put a list of friends with new content.


Well . To anyone who got to know me on this site , u are aware that I am not the best educated one , or the best spoken , or the bright star on any category 😂 ( I ll take " who does not give a rat's behind for 1000 Alex ).
So don't jump on my English , u can do that any other day and I will be actually thankful for .
Contempt :
6 , maybe 8 yrs ago , I worked on a patient for several hrs in the ER setting . Chronic issues , non compliance , and there w sepsis onset . Fair enough and easy deal . She was chatty and in a preaching mood despite of a high fever and a half way dead bp .
I have heard that night several times of how her faith is keeping her alive and how the good lord provides . I can be funny and tell u who I think was keeping her alive and who the good lord was , but u already know what I stand for I hope , and does not matter . She went one to ask me if I have the lord in my life and if I am happy . She went on to tell me , that true happiness is when u forgive your enemies and u accept lord's plan for everything .
U know , I was dying to say " u have enemies ? How so ? A godly woman like u ? Who can possibly hate your guts ". But Bcz paying bills is more important than been smart ass , I ate it AND I smiled . Of course ! Just when I was about to be done w her and ready to put orders for her admission up stairs , I asked her One question : do u have any kids ? She said :" two growing up daughters and 7 grandkids ".
I asked , if any of your grandkids get raped and killed tonight , would u forgive the killer ?
She replied without any hesitation , " absolutely . This will had be my lords plan for my grandkid and the killer must had his own reasons and plan by the lord . My job is to not CONTEMPT but to forgive him ".
And that's where I thought , a) she is crazy . B) I must be an a?!$@ apparently . And u know , Bcz I can't know for sure if she was crazy , I decided I am an A,?$& . I must be . Evidently , I contempt murder , rape , lies , indoctrination of children , oppression of minorities , abuse of men , abuse of women , discrimination / gay rights , and anyone who makes education and health access / services not accessible for humans . I also contempt anyone who stops progress , anyone who cuts funds for vital organizations and social services and science research . Let me see , what I forgot . I am sure I contempt much more . Ah , here is one , religions ! If u are religious thou AND u have legit questions Bcz u do want to learn , ask me .

That patient taught me a lot about myself that night . And I am thankful . It also taught me , debating is Useful and possible when the basics are there on both sides . U can have all the good manners and fancy words u want and all that , point is , if u believe that abortions are murder , we need a wall, Brett kavanaugh was an honest victim , and the earth is flat , well , I will just smile and say u are crazy , and u can smile and say I am an a$&@".
We can sugar coat it all day long , provide each other with links , and ? At the end of the day u vote for what I contempt and I vote for what gives u hives . On a web site u have even more options : block , scroll and ignore , leave a site that the majority seems to not be " your people " ? I think everyone utilizes what fits him / her best .

Your idea on " how u feeling " tab / posts seems like a good option for many members . I think they will like it .

Hahaha. Well said my friend and you express yourself quite well.

very good explanation.

What cuss word has four letters and starts with "A"? Just curious.Is it Italian or Greek? Or am I being an a$&@? 🙂


I'm not sure if that specific idea will be helpful but I wanted to say that this has been a very positive forum for me overall. Yes, there are problems but there always will be wherever humans are congregating. Thank you for providing this space. I'm sure your efforts to make it more congenial will pay off.


Biblical thinking has done such terrible damage to the human mind that the future of the entire planet is at stake. A lot of the damage is subconscious. Consider the commandment “Thou shalt not kill.” Really stupid and crazy. Nobody says anything when they put killers to their final reward. Same on the battle field. How come the government doesn't tell recruits if you'll join the Armed Forces there's a good chance you'll go to hell? In the ensuing chapters that Moses gives us the Sixth Commandment, God orders the killing of hundreds of people.

Religion stifles free thought. The teaches dichotomous thinking: just in Genesis night and day, left and right, good and evil, male and female, slave and free, plant and animal, Jews and gentiles, straight and gay. In nature, however, nothing is a hundred percent one way or the other. There are creatures that are neither male nor female (hermaphrodites), creatures that are neither plant nor animal (Euglena sp), almost all of us are good and evil at some time.

So when President W. Bush states, "You are either with us or with the terrorists," he is using Biblical thinking and soon after the country was at war. I'm a free thinker very much in favor of left-wing causes, but when Ted Bundy got his just deserts in Old Sparky, I felt the state was doing the right thing.


I'm suddenly reminded of the following quote: very fine people on both sides ....
and I'm now confused.

Indeed. And shifting the goal posts to advocates of "Civil War monuments" makes no sense either. They claim it is our history, and it is, but it is of those who were literally traitors. Those monuments were not built right after the war. No one would have allowed that! You don't fight a war against traitors, win the war, and then immediately let them built monuments to how they were traitors! All those monuments were built decades later (generally almost 100 years later!) during the civil rights movement to stick a thumb in the eye of black people. "You think you won the war? You think you're free? Remember the war we fought to keep you slaves! Remember when you were slaves!"

Give me a break. "Fine" people on both sides. Sure.


Here's my two cents...keep it simple. We just want to talk to whoever wants to talk to us. The audience is dynamic, what I say today is ok with some and the same thing will be ok with others on a different day. We're all adults. We should handle our own ideas and deal with the consequences.

GREAT feedback as we often get complicated and have to trim down features. It'll be the simplest possible.

@Admin A case in point is "Passions" which was set up at the very beginning of the institution of groups on the site. I am delighted to see that wonderful idea has now grown to 800+ groups in number. It was conceived not only as a stepping stone for members to find their like-minded passionate members and then create their own specific interest group when sufficient numbers were located but also to allow people to caste aside the mantle of mediocre unresponsive anonymity noted by Billy Connolly as resulting in "beige people". If other words if you come out and declare your passion it will likely attract like minded people. Trolls would be rapidly blocked from the group if they did not respect the other members and rectify their posts in the group setting.


Thanks for opening up the discussion.

As one of the people very likely to post items about He Who Shall Not Be Named, it would be very difficult for me to avoid expressing my contempt for him and his supporters. I'd certainly be sympathetic to anyone going through some a difficult times, but in nearly every case I can think of, I'd probably be inclined to say something about them bringing it on themselves by voting for HWSNBN. That said, I like your idea and would be happy to do my best to support it minus any sympathetic words for the aforementioned. And btw, I consider myself a moderate and have several conservative friends and relatives, all of whom are on the same page when it comes to HWSNBN but then they're generally smart people.

I suggest that in addition to a brief statement about how we're doing, you could let us pulldown a list of emojis like the pic here.

One other thought -- I'd prefer that people be at least at level 3 or 4 before having access to this (both posting and viewing).

@jerry99 both are good suggestions thanks!


On Facebook when I put how I am feeling in a status update, I feel safe doing that because it is going to be seen only by my friends and family, and I feel confident of their support. Here if it was open to everyone rather than a Group I already know I would be talking to strangers and I would be afraid of getting knocked back or mocked if I made any but the blandest statement.

Good point. That is kind of what I was trying to say I was concerned about, that some viewers of these updates would be cruel or insensitive to people posting anything personal and vulnerable. Some of us non-believers are not the most kind, fair, or moral people. Also there is the concern that some people will be too much exhibitionist for their own ego or whatever. Good taste is always underserved most of the time by viewers and those who share. I used to share honestly and openly, probably too much so for the audience of the general forum in Love And Relationships, about some of the hurtful and upsetting things I experienced with online dating. And every time I could count on at least a few people lining up to ridicule or bash me for being vulnerable. There are some jerks on this site, both male and female, who simply love to kick someone when they are down because they are, at their core, kind of sadistic and callous. So there is always that risk, and I would myself be cautious about how deeply I shared in a status update.


I've seen both nasty liberals, libertarians, progressives, conservatives, and just plain trolls on here. It's difficult to argue against a great number of "left-leaning" individuals on this site, because they are a greater number in population than conservatives. Some people are looking to fight, troll, and post their opinions without concern for opinions that aren't theirs.

I'd love to say that just being "Agnostic" means we're more open to questioning everything... Including politics. However, politics, like religion is learned from our parents and environment as much as it is our own conclusions, and we bicker with the same ferver as we debate our religious standpoints. It's easy to deny it, but difficult to prove.

I'd consider a warning system to give people the opportunity to recognize when they're acting in an overtly hostile and potentially uncouth manner. Maybe demoting people's levels for aggressively trolling or insulting others and give them a chance to learn their lesson, and if not lvl 0 is banned.

It's difficult to gauge where someone's free speech is being attacked and when we need to silence people who have no desire to provide beneficial discourse. It's also difficult to gauge when enough is enough and people need to actually be silenced. People say hate speech is and should be protected speech, and I agree to an end. Consequences must be had for speech that causes egregious emotional harm or is meant to be offensive to an individual in retaliation for a differing opinion.

I've personally tried to moderate myself and on occasion we may all fail to police ourselves, once in a while. I wouldn't suggest a 3 strikes policy, unless it had a limited time duration, as it may inadvertently penalize longer term users. Maybe add emojis to point out logical phallacies and the ones most used (top 3 maybe) will be shown public facing. For example the "Liberals want to murder babbies" strawman used on this very strain of comments. The truth is some people have a definition of baby. Everyone agrees brain is necessary for something to not be a growth, but beyond that it's up for debate. I try to stay out of this debate because I will never be pregnant and forced to make that decision.

Sorry, I have a habit or writing dissertations, rather than comments.
For the general public, I'd just say read your writings and decide if you are the recipient of your own message, would it bother you?

Keita Level 5 Apr 29, 2019

Sorry bud, numbers of adherents to the many sides of one issue or another DOES NOT MAKE IT DIFFICULT to make a coherent argument.....and agnosticism is NOT a classic 3rd option to Atheism or belief....delaying a decision upon the fallacies of faith enable the criminal theocrats leading a counterrevolutionary cabal against Ethan Allen Thomas Paine Jefferson Adams Madison and General Washington all who condemned idiot clergy wanting continued pew taxes collected from poor workers and farmers....President Grant and Senator Blaine were the last dedicated secularists and all 50 states have in their preamble religious lies contrasting our CONSTITUTION that makes zero mention of the alleged word "god."

@GreenAtheist I put Agnostic in quotes because it's the name of the app or website we're using. I admit I'm 100% Atheist. The remainder of your comment isn't clear to me.

It's true being shouted down or censored make it IMPOSSIBLE not difficult to argue any issue.....I am glad we are both 100% Athests.....nonetheless here within so called conservatives can never win an argument because they are flat out wrong defending criminal theocrats TrumpOLINI and Pence .....yesterday these gangsters for their alleged bible gawd conducted another national day of prEyer started by FDR 1944.....with coins illegally stamped with an alleged god since 1909 and currency printing an alleged god into existence in 1955 all government policy must be resisted not defended by genuine Atheists regarding money creationism in school and prEying to the flag UNDER gibbetish


Mine, first and foremost are appreciation; both for your attitude to facilitate good, honest communication and learning, and mutually, the frustration of seeing believers clashing with those saying things that cuse those beliefs to weaken in the face of reason. They aren't Left or Right exclusively and 'beliefs' aren't limited to theologies. Any 'ology' or 'ism' functions as effectively at captivating individual reasoning as a theology or other type of mythology.

Because it seems appropriate here as a partial explanation of WHY such hostility suddenly appears in what starts as a rational conversation, I'll again quote a clinical observation from 1949 that is, to me, a maxim.

"We observe that human thought systems show tolerance as long as they adhere to reality. The more the thought process is removed from reality, the more intolerance and cruelty are needed to guarantee its continued existence." Wilhelm Reich, M.D., (1949) 'Ether, God and Devil'

When divergent points of view both have unhealthy shares of myth or indoctrination at their foundations, intolerance and cruelty escalate to some very ugly levels. It happens that most 'Conservatives' embrace notions (isms) that are more theologically rooted than 'Progressives' who flaunt their isms proudly and get just as excited and agitated when their personal myths are questioned as any back-woods Pentecostal or dyed in the wool Baptist or Fundamentalist Muslim. Isms held close by the majority of Conservative group 'thinkers' are filtered out automatically by the very nature of this godless site. Add to that the aire present here of superiority of ideas held by those who've rejected gods but willingly abdicated their reasoning to other isms and I think the sources of hostility are clear for anyone, even some of the people themselves to see.

I'm in the political middle, playing position 'hop scotch' all the time, depending on the issue at hand. If there were more of those who identify as Conservative [articipating here, I'm sure the venom that is often cast would be about equal. As it is, because the majority is comprised of Left 'believers' it explains why so many people who are godless individuals yet better specimens of independent thinkers than most Conservatives, feel daunted and are warded-off. I'm as entertained and delighted by Jimmy Dore or George Galloway as Rush Limbaugh. I could as easily support a Tulsi Gabbard as (again) a Donald Trump, because PERSONALITY is probably the lowest priority involved in selecting which of only two people is better equipped to serve and protect our nation.

When our people make the choices instead of the financial, globalist and military-industrial interests, other political differences manifesting in different philosophies about how to better lives and self-govern can be hammered out later; when we've regained our primacy as 'we the people'; we the self-governors. Spoecial interests and old world centralized political structures are antithetical to our national nature; to our SHARED interest in making life better for ourselves.

Myths are scary things to give up, sort of like abandoning other addictions; especially when all we get from popular information sources is laced with mythical addictive substances.

Excellent, indeed. Well spoken.


It's very gratifying to slam one's ideological opponents, as well as their ideology, without bothering to pause and reflect on whether one is actually making a genuine effort to be fair-minded in one's judgments about their character or intelligence. But we are more rational, intelligent, and more likely to be persuasive to those who disagree with us if we try to avoid falling into this trap.

I should add that obviously, conservatives are just as guilty of this as liberals, if not more so. But we should still try to be reasonable, rational, and fair in our judgments (and I'm not saying that we should feel obliged to be completely non-judgmental either.)


@Admin if nothing else, I hope you see the incongruity of wanting us to interact socially, but restricting such interaction to groups. I understand you are trying to put out a perceived fire, but this method just drives people further away from each other by default.

I do. We have returned the general forum and are making changes to keep the conversations moderate and civil. Much better to get the community to formulate a plan than to have it proscribed from above. Just talk to Moses.

@dellik Your proof is?

@FrayedBear are you really asking me what my proof of us being driven apart is? ... really?

@dellik Working hard not to respond facetiously or sarcastically - yes. . . really!

@FrayedBear Geez, well, we could just take Admin agreeing, and having taken steps to rectify the problem.... Or just the teeny tinest bit of common sense.. That by removing communal space, it makes it hard to gather as a community.... roflmao

@Wildflower Oh I know, and I have so much fun playing with him. best part is it thinks its smart, makes it sooooo much easier. =)


Many years ago, I used be in a social club and they had one Golden Rule = No mention of politics and religion.
I kept to that rule in all social gatherings and they have all been good 🙂
Another rule I have is if I have nothing positive to contribute, I keep my mouth shut.
@admin You have an unenviable task in what you are doing, which is very much appreciated by most on here. It's impossible to please all the people all of the time, but is easy to upset everyone in one go - it's a tricky one.
All the best, whatever you do. 🙂

The problems with not talking about money, politics or religion are that we never learn to discuss them rationally and we never learn to tolerate or welcome our beliefs being challenged. That way lies intellectual stagnation.

@OpposingOpposum True, but there are groups for that. When I go to the pub for the evening I want to talk about music, books, films how someone is getting on rebuilding their motorbike, how their job is going, what they did when they were kids, history, etc., anything but religion or politics. The same when I come on here

@GothRik ffs if you only ever talk to people who agree with you, you never learn anything. We can't only hold the important conversations in dark little corners with 4 or 5 people who agree with us. "Civility above all" will be the literal death of us.

@OpposingOpposum I give up, OK I will put up with the all the BS that is politics and religion and not talk about anything else, shall I? What will I learn from that? I've made a big mistake if that is what this site is about, I clearly do not belong here. 😟

@GothRik I see that you are replying to a member whom I eventually blocked. I do not remember now if that was my tit for tat or that I had had enough. Similarly you have the ability to exclude yourself from this threads and topics that irritate you. Like you I have very little truck with politics. That is due to being politically assassinated at the age of 18 because I wanted to learn by watching a BBC programme on a British Prime Minister on tv when the association that I belonged to wanted me to party, talk about "baubles, bangles and beads" and raise money for them by getting drunk at their outrageously overpriced liquor bar. I ignored their demands as I do the contributions to about 800 groups on this site.
Ok I make the bed that I sleep in but I do lie straight and sleep without concerning that I have the previous day lived according to my code of honour, truth and respect for others without being a mind reader.

@FrayedBear I have religion and politics selected in "Show less of these", but they still dominate my feed.

@GothRik Unfortunately I cannot answer that. What does FAQ at the bottom of the page offer? If nothing then I suggest you ask Site Admin and if you have no luck there try the Community Senate and the two guys who do the programming Admin & DevTest.




I also am very disappointed about the hate for conservatives I’m reading. I’m a Centrist, but Conservatives should be welcome in our community, as long as they follow the rules—just as Liberals and Centrists have to.

I mean this isn’t

agnosticism and Atheism are based on rational thought. Conservative politics are rooted in religious controls, and are for the most part irrational.

@dellik That’s a pretty closed minded comment. Especially since there are actually non theist conservatives.

@Annaleda thats your opinion. i disagree.

@dellik ditto

@Annaleda Conservatism - Wikipedia
Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional social institutions in the ... Conservatives seek to preserve a range of institutions such as religion, ... In contrast to the tradition-based definition of conservatism, some political .... Cultural conservatives hold fast to traditional ways of thinking even in the ...

I am not alone in believing conservatism is inextricably linked with religion.
Just sayin =/

@Annaleda "Especially since there are actually non theist conservatives."
Yes, and there are christian lgbtq folks too. some people are hypocrites. thats not a rebuttal.

@dellik I believe there are two camps of Conservatives. The atheist ones can call out the religious ones as well. I'll do some more research to see what the covariance is between them.

@Admin Im not saying there are no conservative atheists. Im saying that conservatism as a whole supports and reinforces religious principles. many people support ideologies that are against their stated beliefs.

Annaleda, Show me a conservative idea that supports the rights of all people equally, other than the right for everyone to own an arsenal of weapons, I might ease up on them. Name one.

@Sticks48 And how does that equate to Christian only values?

@altschmerz I’m a Centrist for a reason. There are issues on both side. I got a lot of shit for sticking up for that kid. But I just couldn’t sit back and not speak up for what was right, if not popular.

@Annaleda Nothing. I am talking about why I don't care for conservatives on the site. I don't need to hear another word. They haven't come up with a good idea in around 30 years. As for Christian values, there are more Christian values on this site than there are in the Conservatives in this country. They talk some shit, but talk is all it is.

@altschmerz No. I didn’t expect to. There are still people saying the kid the wrong. I suggest they watch the full video, but the truth is they don’t care about the truth. Period.

I’ve learned to sit back and try to get all the info I can on things. I have jumped on the bandwagon, made assumptions, followed the flock. And felt I looked stupid later—about issues regarding both sides. I might not like admitting that certain groups do good things or are in the right, but if I want to be a fair and good person, I have to give credit (or discredit) where due. 🙂

@Sticks48 I don’t care for people like you on this site. You’re just a prejudice, small-minded, prick who thinks he is better than other people. Don’t push me. Asshat.

@Sticks48 And no wonder people are leaving for San Marcus, you are probably the reason. Did you burn down the bar, because conservatives went there? Or did you rob the rock shop, because the owners aren’t your type of people?

@Sticks48 I hate prejudiced people.

@Annaleda I ask you to come up with one good idea conservatives have come up with in the last thirty years and all you can do is call me names .That is very Trumpian of you. Anything Trumpian is driven by pure ignorance. Not liking conservatives and their ideas is not prejudicial anymore than conservatives disliking liberal ideas. They just see things differently.


I've been more active on twitter lately and had to make a DM group that I called "we can be adults" because the group I was part of had a split because some people decided just because people didn't do things the way they thought it should be done and disagreed with them on some topics. We ended up being rape apologists, white supremacist apologists and transphobes all for the crime of agreeing with someone they didn't like and choosing to continue supporting a certain youtube channel. Anyway we haven't figured it out yet. I've had to unfollow a bunch of the people involved because of the hate they have been spewing. It makes me so sad I had considered them good friends."Guilt by association" that was the crime I had committed. Like you said some people just live for the fight and there is nothing that can be done.


It seems like there is an assumption (reading the comments) that members here need to prove their worth or be of value. Is that a measurement we can make? Anyhow, this site is confusing as is. I think I joined at the moment the site was being redesigned?


Maybe the polarization in the US, in the long term, is a blessing in disguise. It brings up concerns such as yours. I think that a people is always polarized. But particular sides may be quieter than others. It may take more daring to verbalize one side than the other. People are learning to have more courage about their view. But adjustments to hear as well as speak may be trailing in the progress.

Your idea is interesting. It might be worth a try.

MrDMC Level 7 Apr 27, 2019

When someone "starts it", you can't expect the person on the initial receiving end to play nice and constantly take it. The person who starts being aggressive and insulting is the problem. It seems that's just their personality. Nothing is going to change that.

Couples fighting and trying therapy is great, but they are not strangers. Most of the people in here are strangers and you aren't going to get strangers to agree to anything like therapy to fix a relationship that isn't there in the first place.

People who are diametrically opposed in whatever issue it may be (politics or religion etc.), will most likely never agree with each other or get along. It's human nature. These things are too ingrained in them and it's like someone with a different view point is threatening the other person's entire being.

@DangerDave Well I'm agnostic, so I am annoying to theists and atheists lol

I don't think that those with diametrically opposing views can never get along. I just don't think it's likely. At least not for too long. If they only are around each other for a short time or infrequently then they can probably get along. I think the ones that get along are the exceptions though and they probably don't spend a lot of time together because they don't want to.

I'm thinking about a shift in the definition of "winning". Recently, "winning" means "getting what my side wants". More later...

And there you nail it. It becomes ego driven irationality.


@Admin - This is what I saw as an issue in Senate (As there is zero protection from it there) - I tried to raise interest in a solution for it - (took a beating for a week and half - I had a hate group form on site - that's still here btw (Flame: The War Room) - before I was removed from Senate (along with all my posts). Considering I only told people where they could stick it on my last day there - I find that rather unfair to this day.

I asked members to troubleshoot this issue. The one of dehumanizing each other. (Hate Speech/Misogyny/Transphobia... the list goes on and on).
Apparently it's not a popular issue to tackle.
Hundreds of Members simply avoided it.

I don't think this is the solution.

I do believe you will have to force members to a solution.

Perhaps a group based on the topic with willing participants.
Some of us are more apt to identify as Humanist.
Some wanted to flee the site when they realized we were being grouped with them.

Perhaps a "Think tank approach" of members willing to talk about it?
Yes folks like their dopamine hits - but perhaps there can be a topic of the day rather than status updates.
Something that really encourages humanist thinking?

Even articles to read - perhaps a reading room? - And a question or "item of the day" to encourage talk on that subject.

And with promises to keep I've steadily beat my head against the wall of transphobia and misogyny on the this site.
I do it in a humanist manner - and if it doesn't work - I wait and usually try again at a later date.
I've friends here who say "Why bother?".

The Original Poster isn't looking for solutions - they're looking to foster more hate.
I'm unsure what the response should be - because what I do? It's not working. Except perhaps to show other members there is another calmer way to respond. (No I'm not crazy I'm trying to show that maybe with other information given a mind can be changed). It's not a speedy process to make someone think new things.

I think if you want to see better Humanists? You're going to have to demonstrate it.
I have dealt with some very angry people and stepped out the other side with them having clarity - it's part of working in the Psych field. But here? That is much harder.
They can't hear my tone. or see my face. You can't keep them in discussion in a room.
So sometimes a solution is never reached here.

Time for changes I agree.

Thanks for your feedback. This post is not pointing fingers as we have all been affected emotionally here.

@Admin You might notice I don't get a lot of pulled posts (In fact none). Meaning I do try to engage folks using calm speech.

I use much the approach I learned with clients - you don't get anywhere forcing ideas on people - but explain an idea a bit and let them think it out. That's all you can do. (Give facts - maybe explain your view - ask their opinion on it - etc).
Then you let it simmer.

To me that should be the Humanist approach - unless I'm missing something entirely?

Try to engage people to help them change. Maybe learn from them as well - their viewpoint. Why they believe as they do? Is there a middle ground?

My method is probably far from perfection - but I know what the trigger words are and I try to not use them.

When a group becomes as focused on hate as some of the political groups did - I simply left. I just found it unhealthy in the extreme to watch the yelling of names back and forth - "Libtard" "Herr Trump" etc.... it was egregious.
And asking people to settle on more neutral terms? No one would have it.

Literally to begin? Such groups will need mods. (Sadly). Who are present.
I don't run those groups though and have no idea if those group owners care to explore that.

It would almost be like running a courtroom in the early days.


I don't know. If it encourages people to be supportive, then I'm all for it. I've seen some of the nasty things that have gone here, and I know for myself I don't participate because it's a waste of my time and energy, and instead I focus on interactions that have been thoughtful or supportive -- that's been my favorite thing about being on this site, that even though there may be some confrontational threads, there's way more a feeling of belonging here than on any other social media... All this being said, I don't know how a status update would function. I'd suggest to try it and see. "Schrödinger's Cat," right? -- you won't know until you find out.

Thanks Bleurowz....women in general get this.


I think it could work...but it seems to me that the answer to ‘how are you feeling?’ needs more than a few words...unless people answer ‘just fine,’ which would end most conversations. I can’t see how people will open up and reveal their deeper nature, by asking them ‘how are you feeling?’

@Henrygreen27 to most people it is a routine greeting...and they keep on going! That’s the point...keep having to think hard to a minimum.

Many people here already are setting a good example of community sharing our lives out loud FOR ALL TO READ AND REPLY

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