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What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?

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I try to treat and understand other like I would like to be treated and understood.


I love when people ask me if I have morals because it's just funny to think the only reason I'm not going out and killing people is because of my religion and if you don't have one well you don't have morals I just think it's hilarious and a stupid question because you don't get your morals from religion you get it from yourself or that's what I think anyways and if the only reason you're not going out and killing people is because of your religion well you shouldn't be questioning my morals

If it's morally proper to kill a person then why not, religion has nothing to do with it . . . just be ready to face the consequences because any action will always have a reaction

I've known many god "loving" people who have no morals at all and use God as a get out of jail free card. But hey.. At least they can be forgiven and still go to heaven. ????


I believe in the Golden Rule, treat others the way you wish to be treated. It's a good rule for all people of the earth and if we lived by this code there would be no hate, Bigotry or wars. Actually the Golden Rule is much more ancient than the bible; this simple plilosopjy is found in almost all religions in the world since they started writing down their beliefs.

The Golden Rule is what I use also

TBH, I'm not exactly a fan of the golden rule. It would be better expressed as treat others the way THEY wish to be treated. As it is now, it allows you to project your morality on others.

Me too. The Golden Rule rules.


The same one that most religions pretend to preach.


To do right by my fellow man and do the next right thing, I know the first part Thomas Paine, but that's what I belive too


My morals are the same as when I was a Christian. Morals aren't tied to religion. I live my life and make the best decisions possible for myself and those around me.


Be kind, honest,fair,and do not abuse or suffer abuse. Keep an open mind, listen and allow logic to overide desire.


decency and respect goes beyond religion


I just prefer to use other words that are not so closely associated with religion. ie. 'trust' instead of 'faith' & 'think' instead of 'belief' when stating my point of view.


Same one that came naturally (innate); do good, be good.


my own, that I have born

tonia Level 5 Sep 25, 2017

common sense


In large part our government creates laws based on morals created from a biblical framework. So obey the law and do unto others etc.


I try to follow the same moral code as laid out in this site, and I follow the laws of my Country.


Over the years, I'm 70, I have developed a strong sense of empathy and that is my moral compass. I put myself in other people's shoes and think about what they may need and then I see if I can help in any way. I am an atheist and a humanitarian and I feel that helping others when I am able is my moral responsibility. I do it because I know it is the right thing to do and not because I fear hell or am trying to curry favor with some god.

Absolutely to put yourself in someone elses shoes...




I go by the wise notion of don't be a dick. works so far.


My moral code is simple and can pretty much be summed up as "Don't be an asshole."

Care for your family and friends, help strangers when you can, don't take what isn't yours, don't knowingly and intentionally bring harm to another person, and try to leave the world a better place for future generations. Strive to treat everyone with the decency and respect you yourself would hope to receive, whether or not you do receive it.

Exactly how I live my life. I get along with lots of people from different religions to ethnic back grounds. Be a good person and try to be as happy as you can. You do me wrong and you no longer have a place in my life. I try hard to be kind to mother earth and have tought my kids the same. FYI.. I tell my kids all the time, " You don't want to grow up and be an asshole" ????

Have you read the book, Assholes: A Theory. It may give additional insights.


Heping others rather than harm them and being responsible


My own, based in compassion.Religion doesn't make good people.


I think the Humanists nailed it with their "good without God" motto.


Humanist. Do no harm to anybody!

Even if they try to kill you?

@GizmoAmbivert So maybe "Do harm when necessary" would be a better mantra.


It's a do unto others ....outlook. And a feeling of what goes around comes around. That seems to work for me. I have a conscience. I find so many who call themselves Christians, don't walk the talk.

Nina Level 4 Sep 28, 2017

It's dangerous to use the what goes around comes around code - it lets an awful lot of people off the hook when they do bad things, and we all know it's not true. (And it's almost a "religious" thing! - have faith in somebody/something else sorting out injustices).

It's what works for me.... I have a conscience and feel that if I do wrong to another, It will come back to me. It has worked that way in my life, so far.


critical thinking - we are able to have critical discussions and conversations for the purpose of determining what is the morally right thing to do.


I still abide by the so called golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

But didn't you know that anyway, before somebody wrote it in the buybull?

The golden rule doesn't work very well if you're a paedophile though does it?

@GoldenDoll - That's why I say it should be "treat others the way they wish to be treated."

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