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What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?

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just be human and don't do to others what if done to you you wouldn't like.


It is really easy to know right from wrong so no code needed


No moral code needed. I use reason an logic to guide my actions.


The moral compass that we all have from nature and nurture. Do unto others. Ne decent in all things.


I just try not to be a dick to be fair.


"now that"??
I was never indoctrinated to any religion. I did, however, attend a Quaker school for 9 years as well as a couple of years of Quaker college. My dad was an atheist, my mother a recovering Catholic. I studied religions in high school.
The Quaker ideals make pretty good sense if you add an extra "o". There's a little bit of good in everyone, and the most meaningful thing you can do with your life is cultivate the good both in yourself and in others.


I don't need moral codes. Instinct directs my behavior. It's the same way everyone gets through life, whether they admit it, or not.

You simply take whatever you want if you can without harm to yourself? Because THAT is instinct.

I'd say our moral compass comes from our DNA. We are social animals who can think in concepts, outside of our small selves and realize that together we are stronger.


I instinctively know how to treat other people. I don't need to make up "moral codes" to know what the right thing to do is.
I don't navigate life with a rule book, and I really don't think anyone else does either.

...and if I get to make up my own rules, then what difference does it make if I follow them?


Not "now that". Never have been. Guess I follow "treat others how you want to be treated.
I find atheist to have a much better moral compass.


Oh my. The MORAL CODE issue.
Right and wrong are truly, on a sub quantum level, arbitrary.
There is NO right or wrong..... There just is.
Now that we've gotten THAT out of the way, my code of behavior is to do WHATEVER I want to do whenever I WANT TO DO IT..... as long as it does not HARM another of my species....
Now lets discuss HARM.
My atheist 'beliefs 'are in fact HARMFUL to believers. It distresses them, upsets them, causes fear and anger.... Once again it's a 'subjective' call because conversely, RELIGION harms ALL of mankind, so, where do we draw the line.
Thou Shalt Not Kill (mistranslation, original text was MURDER). Is killing and murder the same thing? Why or why not??
So to answer this 'question' I say that there are basic, coded (like in the DNA) behaviors that we are predisposed to follow. Then we are nurtured into a community based society that imbeds us with other beliefs and codes of behavior.
And then, one day, we hear a great POPPING SOUND!!!! And our heads come out of our arses!!
We then realize that, in fact, "It Don't Mean Sh&t" (Mr. Natural, ZAP Comixs), and sit back in wonder and amazement at this brief one in a billion billion billion trillion chance that we are even here!!!


be good to all.!

Gonzo Level 2 Nov 15, 2017

Does people need religion to now the difference between right and wrong? Common sense is all a person needs.


I don't follow any code.

My ethical system is based on classical liberal ideals expounded by Bentham, Mill, Locke, etc.

These ideals were taught to me many years ago by many, many teachers, friends and books.


The golden rule fits for all of humanity. Being at peace is such a nice place.


I wouldn't say I have a moral code, just a general sense of compassion.

People have problems, bad days, etc. and some handle it better than others. Until we all realize that we're all sharing the same planet and should maybe think about understanding that there are other people as well, with individual lives, with an entirely different point-of-view, we're going to get bothered by things that honestly don't matter in the end. You can't let other people decide how you greet life. You're the one that controls you, your actions, your words, and to a significant degree, your emotions. You can't control what you feel, but you can control for the most part how long you let it have an effect on your mood, what you say, and what you do.

Not really sure if that answers the question, but it's the best way I can describe my moral compass if not moral code.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


I have never been religious, or at least not that I can recall. However, I well imagine my moral code wode be much the same ~ Be kind. Harm none.


I am an advocate for human rights. I stress them in my discussions with people regardless of their beliefs. The constitution of the USA is important to me. The laws and regulations are fairly important but not absolute. I am tolerant of religions and feel religious tolerance is important even though I don't believe in god. It is the works of human beings that are important to me. I can accept religious teachings in an allegorical sense but not as any absolute truth.


ethical codes and morality are not exclusively religious. in fact you could argue that adherence to a system which teaches blind faith in an unproven supernatural order promotes unethical and immoral behaviour. Love, tolerance and understanding are fine tenets on which to base an ethical outlook.


The same moral code I used when I was religious, what feels right in my heart.


where does one find these "Codes" ? I think if you dropped a bunch of blank slate humans off on an Island a moral code would emerge very similar to all other "normal" human conduct. In other words, its hard wired into us like a flock of birds flying south.


Peace, love, empathy


I follow the same rule taught to me by my mother who was an aetheist; treat other people the way you wish to be treated.


What do you mean “now that” I’m not religious? I was born non-religious — as was everyone, including the Pope. I was never indoctrinated into any religion and never bought into any of it.

Loren Level 2 Oct 28, 2017

doesn't really apply to me, I've always been non-religious. and in my opinion morals have very little to do with religion anyways. my philosophy is basically don't hurt others and try to get through life doing as much good and as little harm as possible.

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