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What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?

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Although I'm still working on reformulating and improving my own personal moral philosophy at this time, I've long believed in kindness, consideration of the feelings and the well-being of other people and of living creatures in general, helping others, honesty, and forgiveness. I also agree with some of you that it's important to not be an asshole! 🙂


I find that just about everything falls into a moral grey area, in that I think that morality evolved alongside society as means of a way for social animals to have the highest quality life, and succeed in the one things that all living things are programmed to succeed in; procreate. Having said that, we learn our morals at the feet of our parents, and what is ingrained deeply in me is a sense of needing to feel like I have been honorable in the choices I have made in life.


The code I followed when I was religious. Try my best to get through each day with as little pain as possible. I also find doing right by others makes it life easier.


Treat others as you want to be treated. If what I do hurts someone, physically, mentally or emotionally, than I want to avoid doing that even if just to that one person. I absolutely reject that morality includes things like modesty, female-submission, etc.

clea Level 4 Dec 16, 2017

Be kind, killing other humans other than in defense is wrong, be kind to all living things. Respect all things.


Reason and compassion.


Sam Harris' Moral Landscape is a good read.


be willing to admit when you're wrong.


The premise of this question is wrong. Moral code and religion are not related.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you under the same circumstances.

Enlightened self interest. (Same thing, different words).


I don't equate morality as a religious equation.It's a human vice.


My moral code? As Jim Jefferies says, "Don't be a cunt."

[Strong language in the link, if you have a weak heart.]


For me, common sense... plus “resserts” big 3. After experiencing 75 years of living... everything becomes easier. I realize common sense isn’t as common as it should be, still make mistakes, we make choices, our principles (big 3) make corrections.

Tomas Level 7 Dec 20, 2017

I was born "non-religious". I believe in the Golden Rule, I also believe in Hammurabi`s Silver Rule.


Her: "It's in the Code!"
Pirate: "Well, it's not so much of a CODE as it is a guideline".


I guess I adhere to the Golden Rule. I try to treat everyone the way I want to be treated. Sometimes that gets me into trouble. I tend to trust people too much and sometimes they just aren't trustworthy. But then, that's on them, isn't it?


"Don't be an asshole." Be kind to kind people and kinder to unkind people; they need it more. Kill Hitler, of course. Letting him live would mean being an asshole to all the people whose lives he turned into sadness and horror. But otherwise see the good in people when you can. Walk a mile in their shoes.

jmott Level 3 Dec 24, 2017

If it harms none, do what you want.


My moral code is actually someone else's moral code. It's often ascribed to Hippocrates, though it night not have been him. Still, I think it's distills morality down to its essence: "First do no harm."

When I think about that, I think it covers how we treat each other and the world around us. It causes us to think through our actions, and to consider what effect they will have beyond us.


I follow 'a' moral code, now that I have forgotten religion so many decades ago. There certainly was no "moral code" before that. To quote one of the Ten Commandments: "Thou shall have no other gods--- blather, blather, and more blather". Such vulgar stupidity! A person that 'thinks' about all aspects of life has a heavy load to carry. The down side of waking up later in life is that one can see all their wrong choices- and it is too late to do anything about them.


I know you asked this question of your fellow Atheists but I thought this quote might be helpful in case anyone is confronted by Evangelical type Christians who ask them this question. It usually gets them off my back anyway.
"He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does Yahweh ask from you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8. Notice it says "Your God". BTW.


My moral code is - don't be a jerk! I try to be kind, not because I hope to go to "heaven" but because I respect myself more when I am not acting like a creep.

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 26, 2017

Treat others how you want to be treated. I wouldn't want to be murdered or robbed, so I don't do those things.. Lol.


I do what feels right, my code is don't be a dick.

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