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What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?

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Try not to kill the religious idiots or laugh at them. Try like hell to get away from them. It's difficult.


Umm, moral code has nothing to do with religion. The Golden Rule wins the day.

lerlo Level 8 Dec 27, 2017

Do not hurt other human being what so ever


I try to follow the Golden Rule, which seems to be taught in most religions (although lots of religious folks apparently have not heard of it.) I try to look for the good in people ... sometimes is difficult. Certain power brokers and elected officials REALLY put me to the test!

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 31, 2017

To be good to others, smile and be open, people feel that


The golden rule!


Good question, Yes I love and respect all, everything, all atoms, however I respect that I am a homosapien walking around as a life form, All this means is that yes I avoid poison ivy and will not eat certain veggies but I do love the ecosystem of all.
Each atom in your bod Neil, is 14 billion years old, They were in a different ecosystem before you came along. We Love all unconditionally, as the saying goes, my child can commit a murder and will always love them but like poison ivy, I do not like it.

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 2, 2018

I recently joined this group and to date love the mindset that I see. Thank you for that. Now, I am a deeply spiritual person and assume most of us are. I think therefore ,,,,,, In the past the term atheist implied nothing beyond death, no god, nothing and that was me. But with years of science I now understand that the human brain is all we have to measure things with,
The idea of a god is ridiculous, the idea that we live on in the mind we now have is ridiculous and to believe this mind is all you are in ridiculous That is unconditional love, all of it

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 2, 2018

I too am a live and let live person.I don't believe in knowingly harming anyone--self-defense excluded.


I like Aristotlean virtue ethics the best. What personal qualities to people who are happy and thriving exhibit? (Note that I didn't say "people who are rich," because "rich" doesn't necessarily mean "happy." )

Those qualities include generosity, kindness, empathy, intellectual curiosity, moderation in consumption of pleasures, integrity, tolerance of others, and personal industry. These personal characteristics may be called "virtues." Cultivate those virtuous qualities in yourself, until behaving in that way becomes habitual. Then you'll find that you're happy and thriving.

These are the behaviors that benefit people. Their opposites are things that hurt people. That's how you know what's moral and what's not moral. That's how I suggest you live your life.


Why would you have a different moral code from any other law abiding person? Listen, being good and doing good works in our society. We understand this. Being religious or non religious has nothing to do with it. There are probably just as many amoral people who are professed Christians as who are Atheists.

PEGUS Level 5 Jan 4, 2018

Be nice.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 7, 2018

The same moral code of always had - "do unto others..."


I follow it like this, I beileve in something higher than humanity, I don't know what or who it is, but thats as far as I go with it!


The same code I had before. Honesty, integrity, empathy, helping those who are not as lucky/privileged as I am. These have nothing to do with a deity.


Since when has religion been necessary to establish good behaviour ??

Everybody has been born with a conscience.and some religious churches,have been and still are responsible for some of the worst atrocities ever carried don't tell me you need religion as a guide.................Do you remember the heretic hunting parties ???


Primum non nocere: "First do no harm." Or as it's stated in the Hippocratic Oath "...abstain from doing harm..."


"Don't be a dick."

Jnei Level 8 Jan 12, 2018

I go with a basically utilitarian sort of ethics-maximize the good in the world and minimize the bad to the best of our ability, combined with a good dose of the Golden Rule.


(I have never been religious)

  1. If it harms no-one, follow your inclinations.

  2. Cherish every freedom that comes your way.

  3. Lovingkindnessing with no regrets.

  4. Treat others with respect until they disrespect you - then let them go their own way


If I have a 'code' it would be the basic 5 precepts. To abstain from taking life. To abstain from taking what is not given. To abstain from sexual misconduct. To abstain from false and divisive speech and to abstain from intoxicants


Moral codes are a more social thing than they are tied to any specific religion, regardless of what certain religions might teach. I've always been somewhat empathic and caring how my actions or words might affect others. That has always been forefront with me. That is my moral compass. Most people who have even a little of logical thinking skills can line up how certain actions can harm others and how you might feel if certain things were directed back at you. Why cause what you don't want on yourself? Why is that such a hard thing to grasp regardless of religion or lack thereof?

AmyLF Level 7 Jan 19, 2018

This question infers that religion is the prime source for setting morals. and how will you replace this if you are devoid of this assistance ? Firstly, religions have over thousands of years been responsible for some of the most heinous crimes of death, torture and destruction ever carried out ...This hardly makes them suitable candidates for setting moral codes. [ crusades, Spanish inquisition, child abuse by priests, witch hunts and torture by the Catholic church. ] No, I can do quite well without them thank you.!!!


My moral code comes, not from religion, but from my heart. I choose to treat people respectfully, and to always be kind. I treat others as I want to be treated. I choose to believe that I make my own decisions, and I choose to be kind.

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