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What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?

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I never was religious at any time, but - I do my best to be kind and helpful , I lived and worked in Housing and worker co-ooperatives for a long time so have a certain code for being with & dealing with people in need and also people who want to put me down . when I am angry I try to defuse myself and if that doesnt work I get someoen to help me not to fan a grudge- I live by myself most of hte time and do whatever I want so its not like I meet tons of people who might do my head in.


Be nice, try to leave our world a little better than you found it, if you can't help someone then don't put roadblocks in their way, try not to take yourself to seriously. By the way, I don't think I was ever religious.


I live the best life I can, being the best person I can. I won't willingly hurt another, I try to be honest and truthful in most things, I will help anyone I can.


Morals are how you behave if you believe God is watching. Ethics are how you behave if you believe nobody is watching. I find ethics are of a higher order as they are motivated from within. It shows you who you really are, something you can't duck. When I'm helping deliver a baby, I have bottomless empathy , compassion, and ability. When I'm at a Club or a Party and somebody is showing their ass, I can enjoy being ruthless and letting my mean out to play. Nobody is completely good or completely bad.


Respect everyone and their opinion.
do unto others ( I know...but if it's an actual good rule, why not steal it)
stick up for the little guy
don't tollerate hate, bullies, hypocrissy lies etc


My moral code is my conscious and the fact that if I commit any kind of immoral act against someone, I have to live with it, and it's not very pleasant. Also, I would ask myself if this is how I would want to be treated. We all live in a society where it's in our own best interest to get along and respect others.


The golden rule as promulgated by crows, ravens, elephants, orca, dolphins et al. ...


The same moral code everyone else follows, the only one that actually exists -- societal morality, the organic outcome of explicit and implicit negotations between humans concerning how to coexist and cooperate.

Religious moral codes are just slightly embellished versions of societal morality. If they were not, society would deem them immoral and sanction them accordingly.


Logic and Empathy


Do as much good and as little harm as possible during your life. Apologize when you are wrong or hurt someone. Help people as much as you can. Stand against wrong.


Is there a change here?


If you want the full unabridged version (and it is really quite good), these are my dogma free ethics...



Never was, empathy is all you need.


I follow a moral code based on my sense of right and wrong. People who are religious follow religious doctrine Not morals. That's why they think morality comes from god. They don't know the difference. The Bible teaches that its OK to beat your slaves to death as long as it takes them more than 48 hours to die from the beating. Because the religious are actually Amoral they see no problem with that.

MarqG Level 5 Feb 22, 2018

Common sense? Don't be a dick, that usually works! ????


Do what you will as long as it harms no living creature. Be kind, courteous, gracious and forgiving. Help your fellow man in any way you can and live for today.


Having always been an atheist even while attending church in my youth, I follow the same moral code I always have. It aligns pretty closely with the traditional Christian moral code, except that have been abused as a child I mentally rewrite "Respect your mother and father" with "everyone deserves to be TREATED with respect." As George Carlin pointed out, most of the Ten Commandments can be boiled down to the Golden Rule, and that is how I live my life as much as possible.


The same moral code I grew up with. It hasn't changed in more than 60 years.


The Christians use the ten commandments, I ask the 3 questions

  1. Does it feel better than the alternative?
  2. Does it harm anyone other than yourself? Example- Smoking outside hurts me, but causes no one else any harm. Drinking and driving could hurt others.
  3. Did I earn it?
    If I can answer yes, no, yes. I'm good

Be a decent human being.

Honesty, Integrity, Respect.


My moral code is simple I don't be a prick someone they don't be a prick to me. It's just that simple.


I've never been a religious person. I've believed in karma most of my life. I've always tried to treat others as I would like to be treated. I have a little more patients with younger or disadvantaged people. As far as morals and religion I've met many people that claim to have religion that have virtually no morals or compassion.


I don't know that I have one or want one - A code I mean - I think my morality is spontaneous and only fit, for each occasion it is needed . If something happens me I might have to go away and think about it - Recently I was beaten up for no reason and I immediately called the police who came and sorted it . Once when I was living in Liverpool a group of us women had gone to a 'reclaim the night march for women' - On the way home in the dark , we were attacked and a woman had her handbag snatched - We all gave chase but I was very slow witted and a slow starter whereas some of the other women were right on the nail - sprinting after him like whippets. So I think the reaction just comes and whatever it is I will live with it!



  1. I treat others the way I want to be treated, until they don't ... and I remove myself from the relationship;
  2. Do no harm; when it's inevitable, do more good than harm;
  3. Try to leave this world a better place.

I've made it a practice since the first time I was asked about the source of my personal morality, as an adolescent (!), to make sure each night before going to sleep I evaluate the day and measure my actions. As long as I can honestly say that my actions were more positive than negative, I'm good with myself ... regardless of what others may think. This self accountability has served me well so far.

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