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What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?

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Empathy-based, definitely. How does what I do impact how others feel?


The same moral code I used when I was religious, what feels right in my heart.


Don't heart people , any people that special myself


Treat others kindly, but that's always been how I self-govern, and I've always been non-religious (with a few detours). And, honestly, simple as kindness is, some times I screw up!




I believe in Karma, The energy you put into the world is what you receive back from it.


ethical codes and morality are not exclusively religious. in fact you could argue that adherence to a system which teaches blind faith in an unproven supernatural order promotes unethical and immoral behaviour. Love, tolerance and understanding are fine tenets on which to base an ethical outlook.


A most interesting question. By Moral Code one can be asking a number of questions, but perhaps the clearest is: "What rules govern your behavior?" My training as a psychologist as well as decades of research and observation have me firmly on the side that we are all "ruled governed individuals." I do not think any of us live by a single rule. I could list dozens of rules that govern my own behavior, but perhaps two that are more meaningful to me are: 1) Everything is always as it should be and 2) Everyone is always doing the best they can.


Generally, I let others lead the way - I always start off by giving everyone the benefit of the doubt (I honestly like everyone from the start). But if I feel they are dishonest, then I am dishonest with them, if they speak ill of others, then I speak ill of them, if others are harmed by their actions (or words), then I have no issue with causing them harm through my actions (or words) - I believe in the adage that what goes around, comes around .. and then I add to it by forcing their behavior back their way. I have many who hate me, I don't care (they started it!)!


I am an advocate for human rights. I stress them in my discussions with people regardless of their beliefs. The constitution of the USA is important to me. The laws and regulations are fairly important but not absolute. I am tolerant of religions and feel religious tolerance is important even though I don't believe in god. It is the works of human beings that are important to me. I can accept religious teachings in an allegorical sense but not as any absolute truth.


The question indicates that you can't be moral without religion, although I personally try to use christian values ie respect for mankind good will to all etc etc


Religion has nothing to do with my thinking on this subject-it never did. I believe in being kind. That's it.


I have never been religious, or at least not that I can recall. However, I well imagine my moral code wode be much the same ~ Be kind. Harm none.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


I wouldn't say I have a moral code, just a general sense of compassion.

People have problems, bad days, etc. and some handle it better than others. Until we all realize that we're all sharing the same planet and should maybe think about understanding that there are other people as well, with individual lives, with an entirely different point-of-view, we're going to get bothered by things that honestly don't matter in the end. You can't let other people decide how you greet life. You're the one that controls you, your actions, your words, and to a significant degree, your emotions. You can't control what you feel, but you can control for the most part how long you let it have an effect on your mood, what you say, and what you do.

Not really sure if that answers the question, but it's the best way I can describe my moral compass if not moral code.


What goes around comes around. A.K.A.Karma.


My moral code has never been influenced by that book of fiction. My code of conduct is, 1. Random acts of kindness no matter your race, color or religious delusion. 2. Honesty with tactfulness. 3. Trust until given reason not to. 4. I do what I say and say what I do. 5. Never compromise who I am and what I believe or DON'T believe.


Do as thou will harm none but smash your enemies so that they never return...


The golden rule fits for all of humanity. Being at peace is such a nice place.


I feel that first and foremost you should do no harm. You do not steal, kill, rape or torture. Basically so unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat others worth the same dignity and respect that I would expect. You don't need religion to know what is right and what is wrong.


The one dictated by common sense.


I don't follow any code.

My ethical system is based on classical liberal ideals expounded by Bentham, Mill, Locke, etc.

These ideals were taught to me many years ago by many, many teachers, friends and books.


worship your mother

raza Level 1 Nov 12, 2017

"Harm no one. Do as you will."


NOW that I"m non-religious? I've always been athiest. I tell people, "Your god may forgive. I don't and I have to live with me."

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