1 2

Congrats on making it to Level 2!

See, level 2 is super quick and gives you an important first "perk"! The level 2 perk is that you are now able to send new messages to other members. As you're still a new member, we do have a limit of messages per day but it doubles at each member level. We do this to make it harder for spammers, who already flood Match/Tinder/etc with fake accounts, to contact our members.

We are really happy that you're a member. If you have any questions or issues with the site or members, please contact us using the contact form [] . We will respond quickly.

This notice will disappear from the main page now that you've read it but you can find it on the 'Levels Page". Thanks again!

Admin 9 Mar 13

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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I never saw the notice for Level 4 and I can't find it. The links from the Levels Page are broken. I found this one via a search.

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