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Do you ever miss the religious life?

Admin 9 June 19

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I do not miss religious life at all (even though I was once a well schooled christian minister). I dislike the us and them attitude of the religious people I was around. Because I am a curious, questioning, and mentally restless sort of person I do not fit in with religions that think they have the answers. I am happier, much happier, not being part of any religious life. If I want friends I can find more honesty in a pub, or park or the beach than I can at any church related event.




The social part... I miss that. And the community support when things got tough. I suspect that is why there aren't more "defectors".


Not even a little.


I rarely attended church. I do not miss church.


Wonderfully so!


I have never missed sitting on a bench with a bunch of morons, listening to some dimwit talking down to me.


No never had it.


Whats to miss constantly being told an invisible man in the sky judges my every move and even my thoughts um no thank you


I don't have to. If I attend a service or a function, however rare they are, I go for the fellowship and nothing more. They all know this and still tell me they love me.


I love the fellowship of church. That level of fellowship is hard to recreate outside of church, I just don't like the religious part.


I miss the church I was raised in. It was perfect for me. It was very physiological. It did not tell you what you had to believe in. The sermons were about life and how you lived it. It actually was very helpful to me when my parents went through their divorce and put me in the middle It probably is why I don't believe in formal religion. My husband is Catholic and I never could get into the masses that he attends. I tried to attend for the holidays and eventually stopped going when my daughter grew up and didn't want to become Catholic herself. I absolutely miss the music. I loved singing in the choir. I have thought about joining a church just to sing but that would be hypocritical and we have enough of that in this world.


I miss not having to decide things for myself. I miss having the Catholic Catechism to turn to whenever I had a doubt or a question that scared me; even if the answers weren't satisfactory, I was used to talking myself into them. In the long run, it's more rewarding to think for yourself. I do miss how easy it could feel, though.


Not at all.....The last time I even went to a church it was-I admit-only because it was on a first date with a stunningly beautiful lab tech at the hospital I worked at...It was Pentecostal and believe me I really suffered for my evil agenda that day-lol......But I just couldnt stand it and never had a second date with her.....It simply made me nauseous.....I am in one of the dating sites in the net and my profile says I don't want to hear from anyone who is in a organized religion..


Religions have group activities which can be very enjoyable: celebrations eg Christmas. They also provide a sense of order and comfort in the predictability of the annual calendar of events in the religion.


I like football on Sundays.


I love being free of all the rubbish associated with religion and hipocrasy.

Gonzo Level 2 Nov 15, 2017

I don't, because I have one! I'm an ATHEOPAGAN, follower of a god-free, supernatural-free Earth-honoring path. There is no reason why nonbelievers should not have rituals, observances, and principles that cohere in a religious practice, and build community with fellow folks who share the interest. More info at


never had it


The sense of community was really nice.

Ariel Level 4 Nov 16, 2017

sometimes yes, i wish i was fool enough to not know what i know now. couse sometimes thinking about the ending of this life make me sad actually. this is the only distraction in religion that we might call it a good thing(and the main reason why the people believe ) , but unfortunately the truth don't care about this.


I don't miss the religious life but I do miss the assembly of like mindedness though I soundly reject organized religion and the traditions of men today....


Hell no

NoH8 Level 2 Nov 16, 2017

No... I went to church thinking I better because I was told I should. I better pray to be forgiven. I better make sure I was in the right place with god if I die. Give me a brake? Ok, I met good people and made friends. That doesn't make up for the fear I had to endure. It did control my craziness as a child.


I miss the coffee and doughnuts every Sunday morning

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