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How did you practice religion with your family?

Admin 9 June 19

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I don't. My parents have passed away, and only three of my five siblings are religious. If I am in their home, I will respect their beliefs by not pushing my lack of belief on them.

Being part of a large family, when i asw a child, i hated how by the tiem everyone had been rounded up to eat and the prayer was said to bless the food, the food was either luke warm or cold.


My Mother was Christian, and had me in church each time they opened their doors if it was possible. She attended with me.
My Dad was agnostic and followed Native American customs. He never set foot inside a church building that I know of. He had me out with binoculars stargazing at every astronomical event that took place.
It was very different with each of them.

Donna Level 6 Sep 28, 2017

I was Muslim and in all days I remain in mosque for hours, my family feel very good with that, they are traditional Islamic people, but my mind was changed when I was in university, after that I reach some little problems with them, but I decided to live alone and now I am free from their control.


I would go to church, do what was expected of my by my Mother. In 1974 I fell from grace in her eyesight and yes it hurt. Now I do not condemn them for their beliefs even though I do not accept their beliefs. I do not allow family or friends to chastise me because of what I believe. I always tell family and friends there is no Heaven of Hell man can condemn me to, nor can I condemn them to a Heaven or Hell.


I did was I was told to (I was taken to church, like it or not) until I was old enough to challenged it and walk away.

Draco Level 6 Sep 23, 2017

I was raised by lazy Methodists, went through confirmation at an embarrassingly wealthy church and , therefore, am still considered a member. I attend service one in a blue moon because it brings my grandmother joy.


Luckily, my family simply don't care about religion. We baptise babies and bake special cakes on Easter, but that's it.


With resistance....


Church and Sunday school and VBS in the summer.

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