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Do you have to pretend to be religious to fit in?

Admin 9 June 19

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Nope. I have Christian friends, and they never try to convert me. I am up front about me being an atheist, and my friends never make a fuss about it.


No .I am an honest and good person and have no need to disparage myself in any way to be a member of society.


Nope... I just tell everyone my beliefs are PRIVATE and none of their business. The more they insist... the more I laugh and tell them to mind their own business.


I have in some situations.. but the older I get.. the less it happens. I've migrated my life to be surrounded by those of the same view, or tolerant of mine.


Nope. Take me as I am.




I'm not interested in fitting in. It's cool if I can find like minded people to talk to/spend time with, but if I have to change any fundamental part of my personality just to socialize, I'd rather not be bothered.


I don't necessarily pretend, I just don't create conflict. If someone is trying to evangelize to me I'll tell them what I really think and stick up for myself, but if someone is praying I'll just sit quietly and be respectful.


nope, never. i would never do that, if they don't like the fact that i don't share their delusions, that's their problem, not mine.


I like to fit in any social construct. Pretending to like work and enslavement to the almighty God the US dollar is something i do. I might as well pretend to be religious. Its the same sort of pretending.

argo Level 4 Nov 3, 2017

It depends on how bad and how broadly you want to fit in. But I would never pretend this. And no, I'm not particularly interesting in fitting in with delusional theists, though I seem to have a few friends/acquaintances that are theist anyway. I recently advanced to anti-theist, and so, if it comes up with a theist, I will explain why I know feel a responsibility to speak out against all sort of irrational (and sometimes immoral) thoughts and behaviors commonly associated with or comparable to most types of religions. Because it is not benign.


No I don't. I absolutely refuse to pretend to be religious. To begin with as an anthropologist/archaeologist, in my field, being atheist is actually the norm. I am also at that point in my life that I don't really want to be surrounded by people who are religious believe in more than mandatory for survival. I don't trust their analytical and judgement skills, considering they still talk to and depend on imaginary characters as grown ups. Thus all my friends at this point are agnostic/atheist. I have believing acquaintances but they don't receive high level of importance in my life.


I refuse. I am not rude about it unless pressed but I refuse.


I'm in the customer service industry. I'm a flight attendant that encounters hundreds of people from all over the world in one day. These people come from different socio-economic classes, races and religions. I cannot bring my biases or beliefs to to work and I ignore theirs and treat them equally and at the same same time ignoring and respecting their "god be with you" or "have a blessed day" I know who I am and proud of it and if asked ... a proud Atheist.

flora Level 3 Nov 4, 2017



No, not at all. In the circles I end to move in, anyone openly 'religious' would be regarded as 'odd' or 'simple'.


Why to try to fit in a group whose ideas / way of thinking don't match yours?


No, and I never have.


I never fit in, regardless. If anything, I fit in better (in my own way( since shedding religion. I never feel the need to pretend.


No... Nyet... Never.


No... I've been an open atheist all my life, I have friends, co-workers, family, everyone is fine with it. I'd say I 'fit in' in society perfectly well. Of course my family are atheists too, so I grew up comfortable with being one. I even had a 'Religious Education' class in primary school that at least half of the time became the priest that came in just calmly trying to talk his way through the inconsistencies of what he was teaching... mainly cause I was a bit of a smart ass as a kid but still.


No but I don't live in the bible belt either...




If you do you are a fake and that doesn't feel too good. I feel sorry for these small minded people that seem to be in the dark ages, blaming God for the weaponized weather the NWO powers that be, use against us. God has nothing to do with it. I think we are very powerful spiritual beings that have been lied to for a long time. They have hidden all real knowledge from us.... The Catholic library no one can see their collection. They screwed with the bible putting what they wanted into it. The only parts I think are true is Jesus's words in the New testament they ring true in my love our neighbor, forgiveness, kingdom within, etc.

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