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Do you have to pretend to be religious to fit in?

Admin 9 June 19

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ya. I had to so many time.

cool Level 1 Sep 30, 2017

I'm from Pakistan. I can just never admit it openly. I envy all of you guys who are living in secular and liberal states. I just calm down or I've to keep the conversation going by adding my religious comments that I've learned in childhood. Being a Pakistani, you know, it is very tough to admit openly and no one knows where it might lead you.

Do you still live in Pakistan?


Nope and I never will.


Fitting in isn't all that it's cut out to be.


Never. And I won't be quiet about it if I am feeling pressured to conform.


I'm openly atheistic. However, I don't mention it unless it's relevant. In other words, I'm not an evangelical atheist.

Well said, “I’m not an evangelical atheist.”


I never pretend to be religious. My whole family and all my close friends know I am an atheist. With people that I don't know too well, or that I know are very religious, I'll just smile and nod during conversations regarding religion. But if asked a question, I won't hide it, or lie about it.

Nothing wrong with that approach


I would not want to fit in anywhere that I had to pretend to be religious. Just, no.


No. I never pretend to be anything I'm not, including religious.


I don't necessarily try to "pretend"...however, I simply keep quiet about religion altogether, until someone directly asks me my opinion or view. I find this is the most tactful and mature way to deal with living in a primarily religious setting, while still being an example of an atheist that's also a good person. The handful of people I've shared my beliefs with have been pretty respectful of them, and I think that if we approach them with respect, it will most likely be reciprocated (I'm still aware that many other people who come out as irreligious are disrespected and treated differently, though).

jacksonMB: looks like you’ve found approach that works for you. That’s great ????????

I think that respect is important, too, Jackson. My daughter was once explaining our strategy to a friend of hers and defined it as "We don't poke". That's now been our theme when integrating in our very religious area.


For a while when running my cab business I found the need to do so. In a very religious community with religious people as clients, I would have gone under if not for keeping up pretenses. (Not to mention how many people there would have been trying to 'convert' me, or the religious arguments that I would have faced.) I just spoke to them in their own "Christianeze" language and kept my own beliefs (or lack of them) under wraps.
Now that I'm retired, no.

Donna Level 6 Sep 28, 2017

I did pretend until I turned 50. At that age I had a rush of independence where I realized that I no longer cared what others thought of me. We all know that old people say whatever is on their minds, lol. At 50, I put a lot of thought into my life and realized their was no need to give a crap about what friends and family thought. I researched what atheism and agnostism meant and came to the conclusion that I was agnostic and I wasn't going to hide that fact.


My family is super religious, and every time I visit I'm asked to go to church. They don't know that I'm not a believer, and I don't know if I'll ever tell them, it would break my mothers heart. So yes, I have pretended (to a small extent) so I'm not shunned from my family.


Absolutely not. Always be true to yourself. I think there are a lot more atheists/agnostics than studies have shown, because many people are afraid to be truthful, or just don't know what those two words mean. The more of us that spread the word of atheism, the more people will stand up for it.




I have no problem with that. I'm always accepted by any circle


How do you actually fit in if you are disingenuous?


Yes we do and to deny it make us liars. Let's be honest! How many times do you just nod your head in silence when someone starts to pontificate over their religion, just so as not to make waves? I bet we all do it 2 or 3 times at least per DAY. Our families and immediate friends know the true score, but in school and the workplace we all swallow down a shitload of crap just so as to NOT rock the boat. God I resent this crap! Why can't the OTHERS pretend to be non-believers to placate ME?! Lets's face it folks, we are in the vast minority. Stupid people will always out number us and we'll always be in the minority. We all "lie" and pretend as to not rock the boat and if You don't bleive this you are in denial my friend. I want to share a MAJOR victory I just experienced. I have a 9 year old granddaughter who her mother taught to be a self-thinker as I taught her to be. Paige asked her mother to explain all this Noah and the ark story she had heard so much about. My daughter related this ancient belief as honestly and non-judgementally as she was able to, just so that Paige could choose her own belief. Paige was silent for a little while then stated, "Mom, that's the dumbest thing I ever heard of!. Are there REALLY grown ups who believe this guy captured ALL THE CREATURES on earth and caged them on one boat?? If he was in one area, how could he capture pandas from another country, or kangaroos, or Grizzly bears? And in ONE BOAT??" I just about popped my buttons you guys I was so proud of the little self-thinker. She reasoned out the obvious at the tender age of 9. Kinda makes you scratch your head and wonder why grown, 'educated" adults swallow this load of shit in blind obedience to a higher power no body has ever seen, heard or touched. AMAZING!!!

LOVE IT! Kudos to your granddaughter!

only in the last 6 yrs or so have I been very vocal about my atheism. I finally have had my fill of all of the religious BS that gets spewed my way. All of the unsolicited "god bless you", "have a blessed day" "I will pray for you" crap. I figure, if someone is going to give me their two cents worth, then I will give them mine. I don't get nasty with them or anything. Just kind of casually, ya know

I have never pretended to be religious (or anything else for that matter) just to fit in. Not starting an argument with someone spouting religious crap and saying 'sorry mate, not interested' is not pretending to be religious. Admittedly, over here in the UK we don't have people talking religion to us 2 or 3 times a day, more like 2 or 3 times a year, but I have never pretended to be religious and resent the implication that you think I am a liar for saying so.

Not to mention the supposed dinosaurs the alt-right now claim were present, as seen in the model animal display at 510-foot long Ark Encounter, built near Cincinannati, OH, LOL!

I like the Sumerian writings version better..saying that the alien Sumerians saved some of their genetically engineered humans from flooding, that they knew was coming when another planet approached too close to the earth. Two of the gods, one of which was nicknamed "The Serpent," which meant "wisdom" in their culture, showed their favorite human family how to build a submarine, then brought all their genetically engineered wildlife and domestic animal DNA on board, NOT the actual animals.

The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts []?




My parents are orthodox and very anti atheism, so they don't know i'm an atheist! All they know is i'm not quite as religious as they are.


No honestly whenever I get the chance I debate people to make them question their beliefs I don't worry about what other people think of me because at the end of the day their opinion about me doesn't matter it's my opinion that does and there's always going to be that one person in the world that doesn't share the same opinion as you or doesn't like you

When I first questioned I was becoming slightly depressed! When I finally admitted to myself that I was an atheist I became further depressed - I kinda feel like I don't want to be the cause of other peoples depression, so I kinda keep my opinions to myself.

Am I wrong in doing so?

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