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Recent site updates!

Wow, it's been a while since we summarized new features so here goes!

Alerts for comments of members you follow – If you want to be notified when someone you follow makes a comment, you can toggle that alert on your settings page [] (then click "Pick Alerts" ). We have it turned off by default so not to overwhelm new users.

Fancy form for posts – We upgraded our post forms for the main forum with group/event upgrades coming soon. The form lets you preview what your posts willl look like by clicking on the "eye" icon in the upper right corner.

Apps – Yep, we posted this a few times. We are making improvements to the apps every few days and getting great feedback on them. For example, you can now optionally login with Facebook (we only get basic info like email and never sell or advertise). If you use a phone, the apps are a better way to access this site as you get alerts easier.

Emoji – If your phone or computer supports them, you can now include fancy emoji/emoticons in your posts. That is, some phones will show you 100s of cute emoticons in it’s text input keyboard. They’ll magically show up now in your posts. If you’re using a computer and want to cut and paste them – try []

Better group control - If you're a group moderator, setting post access to "members only" now ALSO makes commenting and replying "members only".

Detailed search form – You can now find members who answered specific profile questions by click on the “Detailed Search” link on the members page.

Instant updates of profile questions – when you update the 30+ questions in your profile, you no longer have to enter “Save”. []

Optional first name – We added “First Name” in the account page so people can get to know you better. []

Greeter program – Our Level 7+ members can now signup to be greeters and have a welcome message sent to matching new members in their messenger (when both are online). If you’re eligible, you’ll see a link on the upper left corner of the messenger []

Can see which notifications you’ve viewed – on desktop, you’ll see checkmarks on notifications (alerts) you’ve viewed. On mobile, they’ll be a different color.

A few things we’re working on

  • moving the site to larger servers (faster)
  • update post form for groups/events
  • show who “likes” posts/comments for mobile
  • free interactive book on Why is there no God
  • group chat rooms for, well, groups.

As always, we are happy to get your feedback on ways we can improve the community.


Admin 8 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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I'm unable to post things. It's been happening all day. What's up

All fixed now. Some unexpected result of caching code for speed up.

@Admin thank you


I don't know if this is the right place to ask or not, but my question is : Does voting on posts listed under the POLLS heading not count for points for voting?

correct. "vote" is referring to the tags ^


Admin, i seem to be stuck in Shawappa44820.

@Shawappa44820 well...I was! I must have gotten all tangled up at your place! I found it on another person's bio site, too!

@Shawappa44820 it looks like it has been corrected now! New stuff, sometimes needs some adjustments! Lol


Can I throw a hat in the ring for an IM type feature, eventually? 😀 😀 😀

What is IM?

@FrayedBear Instant messaging

@evergreen how does that differ from the existing messaging?

@FrayedBear From what I've experienced - a little box pops up, and you can have a private conversation with someone in real time.

@evergreen I thought messaging here was private and instant within half an hour. Though I have noticed some messages disappear. In fact messaging here does appear relatively instant as sometimes I've had a little message come up telling me that the other person is busy typing which I presume is my reply and not a 33 page diatribe on the excellence of Hillary.


Could you integrate the fancy form for the profile bio editor?

@Admin, just trying to find something in my comments and noticed this. Just a friendly reminder. 😀

Ok, on the list. 🙂

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