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Do you celebrate religious holidays?

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Admin 9 June 19

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Considering that Christianity stole or appropriated all of the good ones from pagans (good ones, being the ones involving food...) I don't feel too bad about partaking. I don't celebrate any, in that I don't decorate my house, but I'll go over to the usual family gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas.


as a 3rd thing en atheist we grew up with Easter and Christmas as holidays. But there was no Santa or Easter Bunny involved. However there were easter baskets of candies and a huge christmas tree with presents, and we caroled and ate traditional Euro/American Christmas foods.

It seemed totally normal. Santa and God and the easter bunny were all pretty much the same: fairy tales. When id ask my mom about why people believed in God she would say they it was just ghost stories that made them feel better about life.

As we got older we were encouraged to go with our friends to their religious places, so I took communion once at a cathedral, I went to a Jewish service, I even went to a pentecostal tent revival in the ozarks where they spoke in tongues and writhed about on the floor.

Later in life I really wanted to get a degree in Divinity just to study religions really.. and maybe become a Unitarian minister.

You can do whatever feels right for you on holidays. Why not bring greenery in during the winter to make it nicer inside. Or decorate it? Or make santa cookies? Or eat chocolate bunnies?


I don't celebrate but I don't work when the company is closed.


I celebrate "religious" holidays. But not ina religious way. And my favorite holiday is Halloween, so......

Halloween was just another holiday with candy to me and fun dress up times and knocking on neighbors doors? Fabulous!

It’s a fun day to dress up and watch scary movies. It’s a holiday because I get to things that i don’t do on a daily basis. It’s the most fun. And, I took my three year old trick-or-treating for the first time this year since my oldest got too big. It was the MOST fun. He could not get over that you just nock on the door, say trick-or-treat and people give you candy.


I don't actually consider Christmas as a religious holiday. There are a lot of parts of it I enjoy. Otherwise, no.


Its always nice to give and receive gifts next to a tree...


When I go to family gatherings on holidays I'm very respectful of others beliefs and would never dream of proselytizing mine on those occasions. Really never do that anyway. What's in my heart is my business. If some asks me I will be quite open and honest with them. If they don't agree that's their problem...LOL. I'm pretty much a go with the flow type and don't make waves when not necessary.


Yes, i do celebrate some of the holidays without any religious involvement..


I celebrate "Christmas" but not from a religious perspective. My grandson recently asked his mom, my daughter, why they were buying presents for grandma when she didn't believe in god. My daughter called me to ask me. I said that I 'celebrate' Christmas as part of my family's tradition. For me, it was a time of showing my love to my family and friends and giving gifts of appreciation. My daughter said she could support that and things have been fine since then.

I do not celebrate any other religious holiday in any way. I don't put up a Christmas tree nor any other religious decorations. I gave those things to my daughters who are both Christians though not church going practitioners.


I love holidays - and the christmas holidays are among my favorites. i am able to celebrate the christmas holdiay season completely without any religious involvement.


What useful purpose does it serve to be given a mandatory religious holiday? I ALWAYS elected to work on ALL religious holidays. One time I remember saying why celebrate April First, of course it also coincided with "good" Friday.


I have to admit, I enjoy Christmas and Easter. I guess I just like celebrations and a good feast... I might go so far as to watch a religiously themed movie or tv show, but I don't pray or go to Church or anything so extreme.

Denker Level 7 June 21, 2018

Christmas is about it. Of course, I celebrate it more as a tradition in the winter with a Xmas tree and gifts. There is zero spirituality present other than the booze.


I "celebrate" by spending time with family and friends. Religious holidays usually means a legislated day off work too, so that's worth celebrating. I believe in separation of church and state, but I guess I can let this one slide! ?


All of the religious holidays were "stolen" from other religions or sects and have non religious formats that are more popular than the so called religious aspects so why not? For example, Thanksgiving. It wasn't about the peaceful Indians bringing food and drink to welcome the newcomers. What the pilgrims were celebrating was their men went out and massacred an Indian village , men, women, children down to the village dogs; that they were fighting with. They considered it a victory over their enemies to celebrate.


My answer wasn't there. I celebrate them but not as holidays. I take them as more family time, catching up with friends, that sort of thing.

AmyLF Level 7 Jan 24, 2018

Well I celebrate them to the extent we acknowledge family that we love. The higher power stuff no.

I attend christmas dinners and potlucks. I enjoy the food and company. If someone invites me to Easter brunch, I go. Being secular, I just like the food, cards, presents, decorations, etc.


I celebrate Christmas and New Years, and any other holiday that offers a day off.


Christmas even though it has no religion meaning to me or my family whatsoever. Its more a celebration of holiday & goodwill.


Most of our so called Christian holidays in the United States are based on older pagan sun cycle celebrations. Christmas is really a winter solstice celebration, Halloween is a autumnal equinox/harvest celebration, Easter is a vernal equinox/end of the winter season celebration. It's fine. It was one thing, solar cycle, then it was something else, Christian, and now it's a time for family togetherness and getting drunk lol


Yeah, but only to enjoy time with friends and family. I don't view any of it religiously.


I certainly do. Because religions have largely appropriated ancient celebrations to drive out the original heathen ones. I celebrate along with the religious, but stick to the ancient stuff because it is fun and mostly based on natural rhythms, like the Solstice. Why not remember fun mythologies that are based in pure fun and frivolity.


I see no problem with celebrating religious festivals etc. It is like being in a foreign place and celebrating the local festivals, religious or not.
Religious holidays are only religious to the faithful, to the rest of us, it is fun.


Thanksgiving has religious roots and I celebrate it.


I love Christmas and Easter. I love the cards and the presents, both giving and receiving. I love the tree and the decorations. I say Merry Christmas. I love coloring eggs and hiding them and finding them. I love girls in pretty dresses and flowers and spring. I don't worry about the religious aspect of any of it. I know some people might think that's wrong, but the holidays have always seemed more secular to me. The church I attended as a kid of course emphasized the whole Jesus thing, but that doesn't keep me from remembering the family gatherings and feasts and Santa and the Easter Bunny fondly. I'm crazy about the holidays.

jmott Level 3 Dec 24, 2017
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