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Do you celebrate religious holidays?

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Admin 9 June 19

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Easter for cooking and eating lamb.

JayJ Level 1 Dec 24, 2017

Religious holidays I take as a secular citizen... enjoying them as historical events; sans the hocus pocus of superstition. Who doesn't like the good will of Xmas, candies at Halloween and Easter? I also celebrate Boy's Day (Japan), May 5; as well as Cinco de Mayo... and many more reflections of our humanity.


I celebrate more for traditional reasons instead of religious reasons. These holidays have been celebrated for many generations in my family and in this country. Just because they're claimed by certain religions (and there are disputes as to the religious origins of certain holidays), that doesn't keep me from enjoying them.


I only do Christmas for the kids. If it wasn't for the little ones I wouldn't even bother.


I support them as I believe you should be able to believe in whatever religion or non religion you choose for yourself. Just don't push it on others. Besides, must holidays do have a secular side and aspect to them. It's a wonderful time to reflect on the relationships you've built between family, friends, and significant others. You don't have to believe in them to see the benefit there.

There is no religion that doesn't "push it on others". That's the whole point of religion, no matter what anyone says, because they think they know better than us.


Enjoy every holiday. Life is too busy not to have fun.

lecoq Level 4 Dec 19, 2017

I like to celebrate some religious holidays like Christmas but I don't do any of the religious aspects of Christmas like going to church or talking about Jesus. I personally prefer to simply enjoy Christmas lights, put up a tree for the beauty of the season, and spend fun times with family and exchange presents.


I'll accept any excuse to have a good time.....This even includes the geometric holiday, pi march 14 or 3.14. I usually celebrate by buying a bottle of apple pie from the liquor store and getting wasted with friends and family


We celebrate Saturnalia, Noel, Yule, Santa, Rudolph, Frosty, etc... all rolled into the day that we refer to as Christmas. It's a lot of fun and time to show others how much we care.


I'm married. Not only married but married to a bonafide Christmas junkie. We kill a tree - the whole nine yards - but every year, I say, "Thank you tree, for all those years of oxygen, now, we're gonna cut your head off." Personally, I dread it every year.


I only celebrate Christmas not as a religious festival but just as a time to have fun and spoil the ones I love.


I celebrate eight of them: the solstices and equinoxes, and the points between.


I put up a Christmas tree, put up Christmas lights, make a Christmas dinner, and get Christmas presents for people. These aspects of celebrating "Christmas" are not Christian and are based on mid-winter celebrations of the Roman, Celtic, Nordic and other cultures long before Christmas was invented. I see it as adding some fun to a cold dark part of the year, not appeasing or celebrating some supernatural being.


I don't, but I don't criticize others that do .. any reason to party is fine with me.


christmas and easter are the only christian holidays that I celebrate. Not because they are christian but because it is a time when my family get together.


Only as a reason to get together with extended family. No religious observance.


It looks like all these religious holidays have become mass consumer events that have little or nothing to do with any gods and everything to do with profit.


I celebrate Christmas and Easter, as I think those holidays have been one that we have taken from religion and made into a holiday that all people can celebrate. People moan about the commercialisation of holidays, such as Christmas and Halloween as well (Halloween being based on the religious holiday of All Souls/Saints Eve (I think) before being modernised (correct me if I'm wrong)), but the age we live in, with however many people with a multitude of beliefs or lack thereof, holidays need to be changed for all peoples to create unity.


I grew up celebrating those days and am not going to stop now! They are traditions for my family and I although they hold much different meaning to me than religious observers.


I'll still buy my sister a gift at Christmas, bu the holiday has no religious significance to either of us.


anything for a party


enjoy the holidays, just do not see the religious connections, also enjoy holidays from other cultures.

mzee Level 7 Oct 19, 2017

It seems that religions (or at least Christianity) are the ones that have appropriated most holidays that have been celebrated with ritual as the passage of time and seasons for a million years. I love celebrations of all kinds (I am a party animal) and just leave the deity out of it entirely.


I celebrate Christmas in a secular way. It still is a wonderful opportunity for a family celebration.


Only in the secular way presents at xmas, egg hunts etc.

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