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Should marijuana be legal everywhere? all drugs?

Admin 8 Aug 10

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In addition to my BA is Sociology, i have an AA in Addiction Studies. One of the things I learned was that addiction has two aspects. There is physical addiction and psychological addiction. Psychological addiction is the one that needs the most effort to be beat.

I think we as a society need to figure out why peopel are psychologically driven fidn a mental escape from society and solve those issues. Yeah, that is a difficult goal to achieve, but there aren't any solutions to addiction, and tht one would be the most beneficial for society at large. Easy solutions usualy solve one problem only7 to generate another or more problems.

You could legalize all drugs, regulate and tax them, which would mostly put the illegla drug trade out of business. This would also greatly reduce overdoses. Most peopel have enough sense to not overly abuse, just like with alcohol. The regulations, over time, coule also limit legal drugs to those that provide the best high and are the lest addictive. The drug companies woudl fight that as they would want to sell the most addictive drubs to increase their profits. Also legalizing drugs would be fought by the privatized prison system, because they'd lose about two thirds of their prisoners and they's lose profits.

In short, politicians won't offer or propose any real solutions, because special interest money gets int eh way, and a lot of legitimate profits are made off the illegal drugs trade.

I suspect when driverless cars become legal on the roads, more drugs may become legalized.

As it is marijuana has many legitimate medical uses, but people have to fight to be able to get it, because drug companies want people to be forced to use their over priced drugs that don't work as well instead.


Marijuana was legal before, even now it is legal again in some states in USA A
In some other states states people go to jail still.
I believe is wrong, in one country to have different laws. In these states is legal in other states is not , what on earth.

tonia Level 5 Sep 27, 2017

Are you smoking pot right now tonia?.....Just kidding

It's a lot better in Amsterdam even if you don't have the stuff. Just walk along some alleys and you'll find the MJ smoke so thick you'll just do some deep breathing as you walk along and you'll get your fix for free . . . not covered by the Clean Air Act, ha-ha!

States Rights is why marijuana is legal in some states and not in others. Same reason prostitution is legal in some counties in Nevada and nowhere else in the country.

All the government can really do if they don't like an individual states ruling on a particular issue is cut federal funding.


Yes. And yes. But education about drugs should also be as prevalent.

now, that's a double "yes" . . . am I right to say that you also support to make dangerous drugs legal?

of course ,yes, yes, yes. because is good for everyone.


At the very least Psilocybin(Shrooms), LSD, and Marijuana need to be legalized and taxed for revenue, particularly because they were criminalized as a direct result of the hippies raising so much hell due to the Vietnam War. The others need to be studied in clinical trials to see if there is any benefit to them at extraordinarily low doses. I'm not saying in any way whatsoever that they could have any benefit, but seriously, we keep finding interesting interactions between party drugs like LSD and Ketamine that actually have really beneficial effects on the brain at low doses. Could you imagine if one of the worst drugs on the ban list ends up having an incredibly beneficial health effect and we don't find out for years?


Marijuana should be legal. Some drugs should be legal while some should remain illegal but as a punishable offense. Rather, those found using them should be offered housing, food, and mental health services. I believe that much of the problem with addiction is due to unhappiness. Unhappy people, especially those who've never been taught coping mechanisms, want to disappear. Drugs (and alcohol, the most addictive drug we have) help to accomplish that.

Further, I believe that the so-called War on Drugs is the biggest failure we've ever seen. It's targeted people of color and devastated their communities. It's fueled the expansion of our prisons and helped us along the road to developing the for-profit prison system.

TamiB Level 3 Oct 8, 2017

Not all drugs. Marijuana, yes. I don't do it however there are good medical studies that show it helps with a lot of medical issues. And if its legal we can stop relying on the Mexican cartels for the product and it will create a lot of jobs in the US,

I say same, only Mrijuana.


YES, it is safer than most chemicals on the market.

that's a "yes" for marijuana only, right bro?

for sure dear



i assume that's a "yes" to legalize marijuana only

YES, It is going to be legal all over the world.


How do you distinguish between a legal and illegal drug? There's really no general standard to define the words "legal" and "illegal." If you think about it hard enough. Almost every drug( LEGAL or illegal has the potential to carry with it a monetary fine or jail time if it's used, possessed, distributed, sold, etc in a way in which the law makers deem unacceptable. If almost everything has the potential to have criminal repercussions regardless of legal status, how can we simply make the determination that something is definitively legal or illegal? My focus isn't to get caught up in the semantics of the meaning of "legal" and "illegal," but rather to illustrate the importance of acknowledging that our current drug policies are ineffective, arbitrary, and damaging to society. Interestingly, simple "legal" drug possession can, and has, resulted in imprisonment under certain circumstances, while you can freely grow, purchase and use federally-illegal marijuana in certain states. The effects that poorly thought-out drug policies have is devastating. I'll admit, a lot of these are the exception to the rule, but I'm still going to try to show that virtually all drugs can either be legal or illegal, depending on the circumstances.

Couple examples:

MARIJUANA, which most are familiar with, can be legal in certain states by means of recreationally or medical use while be criminally enforced in other states by means of mandatory prison sentences. Example: (Oklahoma)
Beginning on July 1, 2017, a second offense for possession of any amount of marijuana is a misdemeanor with a term of imprisonment of up to one year and a fine of up to 1,000
Sale or Distribution in Oklahoma
The sale of less than 25 pounds is a felony, punishable by incarceration for a period of 2 YEARS-LIFE, as well as a fine of $20,000. []

ALCOHOL, is technically legal everywhere, yet you can theoretically be placed in prison in Washington state for Minor in Possession (MIP)
You do not have to be in actual possession of alcohol to be cited for an MIP. If you are exhibiting the effects of having consumed alcohol (alcohol on your breath, results of a breathalyzer test, statements by others, etc.), you may be charged with an MIP offense. The maximum penalty is one year in jail, a $5,000 fine, or both. []

I could go on and on and I might not be making sense, but that’s kind of how I feel.

All drugs should be “legal” but highly regulated, taxed and the repercussions for going against those regulations should be rational and backed by science to get results. (Mental health care, a support system)


I don't smoke pot, but I would vote to legalize it, especially since cigarettes and alcohol are less healthy.


Marijuana yes it has been wrongly classified as a schedule 1 narcotic for political reasons. The benefits far outway the harm and it has many medicinal uses. I am not however for the legalisation of all drugs but I do think we need to treat drug crimes differently and concentrate on treatment over punishment. Also mandatory minimums are ridiculous it is basicly a number on a scale that decides a person's fate.


Yes, marijuana should be legal everywhere. All drugs should not be legal.


Nice to live in Amsterdam


Yes, everything

no more heroics for the DEA? they have this thing they call "narco terrorism" . . . don't you think you're digging your own grave if all harmful substances is legalized? our children's lives would be in danger here. and pretty soon it's gonna be a "World War Z". Think about it bro

I think some should be kept illegal but not have punishments for those who use them. I think there's a lot we can do to help drug addicts, with compassionate and comprehensive care. But in order to do this, we have to stop looking down on people.

People are going to get what they want no matter what, I smuggled drugs for 8 years before I became a victim of "The War on Drugs". I was performing a service for the people. It's unconstitutional. The government will not infringe on any vice of man. Not, only if it's really strong and I think everyone out there is retarded and they will all OD. At the end of the 1800's it was sold cocaine and heroin were sold over the counter. They even advertised a little heroin for kids bellyaches. People weren't stupid, they followed the directions on the bottle and heeded to the warnings that this can become habit forming... Some didn't and became addicts, whether it's legal or not. Bayer is the company that named the crystallization or chemical washing outcome of opium, 'Heroin'. Well people like you and I started producing our own and selling to apothecarys. Well, that wasn't going to happen. So they they saw away to stop us and they saw a way to make more money. Make it illegal and only they could produce it and distribute it through doctor's and then send the the taxes offshore. They got the suffragette movement involved and taking it to the churches and making pamphlets saying it was the devils drugs. But I thought their God said all the animals and plants were theirs to with is as they pleased? Anyway, if they legalized, and took more control over the manufacturers and taxed it the right way. The illegal stuff would fall to the way side, because the legal stuff would all be pure and it covers half of the drug industry that they could tax now. Then anyone that wanted help could get it, they could put the money to education and all social programs they have killed for, "The Dumbing of America", which came to full fruition when the people that complained the most about the 1% voted one into office with a 109 IQ. If it became legal, we would just need to get a licensed and some licensed chemists to produce our own and sell it and their would go the topple of a third of the country's wealth into a lot of new hands where a lot more people would be wealthy, they aren't letting that happen.


It should be DE-CRIMINALIZED everywhere. Legalizing it just gives the State the excuse to tax it, thus driving the price beyond affordability. Weed is a weed! And people should be able to grow their own!


Marijuana definitely should be fact all drugs should be decriminalized..which will take the power away from thugs and one should go to jail for addiction..


Yes, I would agree. pot should be legal. All should be legal then the saving from enforcement would fund more treatment for heavy drug addiction.


marijuana yes all drugs probably no


marijuana, absolutely! Regulated and taxed similar to alcohol.


Absolutely! The only requirement is that you must be a certain age to purchase. No other restrictions. The ONLY drugs I take are those that are prescribed by a physician for me.

In the land of the free, yes, must be free.
Also should be free all over the world.

Will you include that in your platform?

Nothing to hide. Yes, and I made this party of my platform last time!


Regarding marijuana, I believe it should be legal for medical and possibly recreational use, given its potential benefits and the fact that alcohol and cigarettes are legal. All drugs, however, I'm not so sure – some have high potential for abuse and can cause significant harm. Personally, I use medical cannabis for my condition. Got my medical cannabis card from and that's also where I source my cannabis. Their process was straightforward and the quality is consistent. But like with anything, responsible use is key.


It's 2023 and still a few countries legalazie it.


all chemicals should be available to the medical and research industries not necessarily for public

Odyn Level 4 Jan 6, 2018

Yes, and yes. Research shows the least effective way to deal with drugs is by making them illegal...Prohibition. Places people in prison, where they don’t get help if they need it. If a person is a functioning adult, they don’t belong in jail for drug use


I’d suggest it shouldn't be ‘so illegal.’ From Oregon, they’ve not only recently legalized it, they’d been pretty laxed on enforcement for decades. The once ‘light enforcement’ worked well for my age group at the time; we weren’t ‘going to jail,’ but our parents might find out..

Now legal, friends and family are already sick of smelling it, everywhere… Wouldn’t waste my lungs or time on it now, especially over where I think it’s still a felony -- but would definitely advocate for downgrading it from that ~

Varn Level 8 Dec 25, 2017
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