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We're really excited to announce a bunch of new ways to help you meet other members. If you like what you're seeing, please tell your friends about our community.

Here are few of the new features:

Chat rooms

Since it was one of the top requests in our January survey of things to do, well, it’s live. Group owners can now schedule a chat room for their members. If you’re on a computer and one of your group’s chat rooms is live, the small “Chat” icon on the top bar will turn yellow to let you know. You can see which groups have chat rooms here: []

Map view

Agnostics are everywhere and this map proves it! You can now browse our members on a map. Scroll, zoom, and hover over pins to view members. You can select which members you want to see and even click the browse button to view all in that region. You can get there from the “Meet” button or here: []

Pin posts in groups and events

This for group and event moderators to keep a post at the top of the group posts. To pin a post, click the “Options” button and select “Pin to top”. To unpin, just do it again.

Toggle who can contact you by messenger

Getting too many messages from people outside your desired area? You can now remove your “Send Message” button on your profile by setting toggles on your settings page: []

Improved messenger

You might have noticed that we’ve updated the messenger to make it easier to use on your phones and apps. You can see and switch between all your conversations by click on the “3 horizontal buttons” button at the top of the screen.

Now that we have some of these larger projects live, we will spend the next couple of weeks polishing the site, fixing bug, etc. We will also create a new survey to get your feedback on direction ideas.

Best wishes!

Admin 9 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

Create your free account


Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.


Thanks! Big voice in the sky!!! (echo, echo, echo)

Lukian Level 8 May 15, 2018

Thanks for working on this site to make it awesome!


That's a whole bunch of cool things to have completed in just a few months - wow! Thank you!


@Admin hard at work




Thank; you for the changes.

When will we be able to search members by compatibility percent?

How would you suggest that be calculated? It seems to me that relying on a "compatibility percentage" takes a whole lot of mystery out of a potential relationship. Or are you joking, and I am mistakenly taking it seriously?

@citronella i totally agree with you. But, too many women do not respond with, "How ya doin?" They want a long missive of clear attractiveness. I got no time starting from scratch.

I have learned that knowing someone meets me at 80+% means we already have a reasonable foundation for conversation. Spending time scrolling through dozens of pages, testing those at 50% and below, is clearly a waste of time. Often no profile, not worked through the questions, or just not interesting to me. So, a "dating" site should provide searching on all the parameters available. This includes the percentage number calculated by whatever algorithm is used.

This is a man's perspective.

@Jacar or been talking with someone that they had us matched at 54% but we've been hitting it off. So who knows

@ashortbeauty I do not dismiss the possibilities. But i am here to filter the religionists. At OKC there are categories for religious ideas, so the algorithm can match those that are in opposition. But, those believers still get displayed.
To me, all filters should be at the users' control.

This is where I left the sort by % match [] - it only sorts all the members that you've seen in posts and search results.

@Admin Tell me what to do to get that result?

@Admin This link does an odd bait 'n switch thing... first it displays matches with the heart and Match %, but then when you click on that 99% it falls to 60-70-80% on the person's profile page.

@Admin I am at a loss as to how to recreate that page.
Why not just add a button at the top to sort by match %?
And to include everyone by default?\
Is there some sort of privacy issue you are concerned about?

I want to search for those within 100 miles, sorted by match %. Is this so wrong?

@Jacar I'm not done with the feature... it has a limitation to only show people who've been in pages that you've seen. It's a complicated query to generate with the current database schema.

@Admin Thank you for your response. It must be that the match % is done on the fly and is not saved. That makes for a lot of temp indexing.

I apologize for disturbing your sleep.

@Jacar No problem... I've been thinking more on how to generate the %s in the background. On the list... 🙂


Thanks admin! Sounds like good stuff!


Awesome improvements! Thank you very very much!


Awesome thanks as usual


It's great watching this site's development, and I have been here since 2017. Thanks.


Love ur work ?


Thank you for the continued commitment to updates, these are great! Although something seems to be off on the member geolocation, because a bunch of people are showing up in the middle of Lake Erie!


Wow! Thank you so much! ?


❤ Awesome!


dandy! thanks.


Fantabulous updates. Really like the map


thanks for continually improving the site !


Hey, thanks bunches for the new features!


Wow! Thank you so much! ?


@Admin it's great to get messaging back and being able to access them. I now notice about four or five dozen going back to January have a red "new" flag against them. They contain nothing more than my letter of welcome to site members however - no replies. Does the new therefore mean that the recipient has not opened the message and not that it is a message unopened by me? Or has someone been stealing my replies?

@Admin why is there no response. It looks as if 5 others would also like to learn the answer.

@FrayedBear Is this happening now? I've not seen this issue you mention.

@Admin please save photo then delete and reply that you have received it. Thanks. - I've got dozens of them.


I don't get "easier to use on your photos and apps."

Thanks - typo fixed.




Keep on... moving on!


Wow! Alrighty...


Thanks very much!

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