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Is there such thing as a soul mate?

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Admin 9 Aug 12

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52 comments (26 - 50)

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I've seen no evidence of a soul and believe that people can feel a sense of deep kindredness with any one of a number of people.


in the sense that its someone who can help you become a better person or enjoy life more, yeah i think so


Since I do not believe we have "souls", my logic concludes there can be no "soul mates". What we have is compatibility. The more two people have in common, the more they have to share with each other as mates. Religion of course .. being a doozy! Perhaps this site will be helpful finding that compatibility?
Curious why my photo did not upload though. Does it need approval or is it operator error?


it depends on the definition


I cannot deny the way that music, soul music or otherwise, makes me feel. In a related way there is such a thing as a soulmate. I think most people use "soul" to describe the entire experience of a person regardless of what you think happens after you die.

Soulmates can be described as a relationship where the parties are mutually beneficial to each other's "soul" with minimum or no effort at all, esp. after years of attempting to find such a person.


well, i don't think that there is literally suck thing as a " soul mate " for the simple reason that there is no " soul ", at least as described in different religions to be what's going on our minds.. on the other hand, some people might think that a " soul mate " is a person whom has the same personal characteristics as theirs, went through the same experiences, or lived under some similar conditions, which might lead them to think that if a person has had the same journey of life as mine then he/she must be my " soul mate "... although, there are others whom might think that what defines a " soul mate " is how much the other person completes me, means that person is required to have different experiences, different beliefs, submitted to different conditions on the course of his life.. from all of this, a constant definition of a " soul mate " doesn't exist, also for other reasons, e.g. there is no other person who has the same characteristics as ours, for each of us has lived his life totally different from everybody else that it is impossible to find 2 persons think the same way.


There are many great loves that people have throughout their lives, each propelling a person to the next stage of growth. Occasionally people are lucky enough to meet someone they are compatible with to spend their entire lives, but that does not invalidate the shorter loves that other people experience. That one love is more true than another diminishes the reality of how beautiful each love is and how grateful we should be for each experience.


Like minded (Brain chemistry) people are more interesting to each other because they are able to think in a similar way ( abstract vs concrete for example)


Several. Choose wisely.

I don't you choose them or they you. They just are.


People typically think of a soul mate as someone who is also a sexual partner. That's not always true. I consider my youngest daughter my soul mate. We have a connection that's beyond all others. To speak in the vernacular, "we vibe."


Depends how yoy define soul mate.


there is one, If you take some time and get to now and find the right one


First, one would have to answer if souls even exist.


If you look at a soulmate as somebody who you have awesome chemistry with, then yes, soulmates exist. Not in a spiritual sense.


There are definitely people that are more compatible with each other or that have a ton of chemistry. Speaking in the sense that people are “meant to be” I don’t think so. There are roughly 7.5B people in the world and the averse person gets to see only a very small percentage of them. To find the right person near you isn’t coincidence. It has to do with proximity, fear of being alone and chemistry. So we tell ourselves that we found the “one” when we haven’t even met the rest. We developed our “soulmates” out of respect and mutual interests. Sounds cynical I know but then again it’s’s just logical and reasonable. 🙂

ateo Level 3 Oct 11, 2017

If by "soul" you mean 'mind', then I would understand "Soul Mate" to be two like-minded people sharing their lives. If that's what you're asking, then yes, I think there is such a thing as a soul mate.

Jerry Level 2 Oct 11, 2017

I agree with you Jerry. Well said... Now the trick is finding one!


Since there is no such thing a a soul how can one have a mate? People need to work at a relationship and often the most rewarding ones come from someone else who has differences than you. This way one gets a wider view of the world and evolves. The normal definition of "soul mate" seems contrary to that fact.


I think there is more than just "one special person" out there than can make a person happy. Soul Mate seems to be defined as just one. I think there are many who can come to be seen as a "soul mate". However it is never all bliss, it is work and compromise and takes a great deal of willingness to share and be honest.


Soul mate(s) perhaps. In my experience, the 3 I had thought that level on all ended up being somewhat fraudulent in character, so...


Soul mate sounds inherently religious and also misleads people into thinking there is only one person out there that god chose for you. There are 7 billion people on the planet it's completely stupid to think that your "soul mate" is your high school sweet heart or lives the next town over. If your family moved across the country when you met your HS sweet heart guess meet someone else!


Geeze! I've been married 3 times. Esxh says im a soul mate till that magic moment lol! I don't think theres such a thing now. I can reason things out in my head. I don't think im dealing with a soul. Maybe im bouncing things off one side of my brain.


No, I don't think there is. I hear some reference the fact that because there is not soul, there are no soul mates to be had. I say that the idea of the "soul mate" is merely an unrealistic romanticized notion of what a relationship aught to be. The problem is that the requirements for a match to fit the label are not truly attainable, at least not in an enduring sense. The idea that you aught to be able to know what eachother are thinking and wanting with a glance rather than through deliberate conversation, for example, isn't a sustainable way to have a healthy relationship. Yes, you may feel that you're on the same wavelength right now (it's the raging chemicals in your body I tell you), but at some point you need to learn how to properly communicate. How to have productive arguments. Arguing, discussing, the nittygritty of a relationship are not part of the idea of the "soul mate". Soul mate does not exist outside of its own definition.
That does not, however mean that loving, fruitful relationships do not exist. I'm not a pessimist in this respect by any means. They do exist. They just require more work than our romantic ideal. Worth it, in the end, I think.

Much better than my reply, but basically what I was trying to say. I have the tendency to ramble, so yeah... your reply is an infinitely better version of my comment XD

The closest being ever, in my life, has been my dog - really. I think they are evolutionary primed to have extra ordinary senses that relate to utter intimacy. They know us far better than we can know ourselves.


Humans were not meant to be monogamus animals but as in the animal kingdom, 4 legged, and 2 legged ie. Apes , there are exceptions to every rule, there are some that do mate with one for life, as there are some of us that do mate for life but they are few as the population is so far very vast, and the ratio of female to male is like 3 to 1.


Not believing in a soul in the first place, all I can say from my own experience, is that I have been fortunate to have people drift in and out of my life appropriately, with whom I have shared deep intimacy in body, in mind, both, neither or one or the other. They have contributed to my life experience in many positive ways and helped me be the person that I am today. Some have become life long friends, some come and go. I have no need for marriage or commitment other than that the relationship is genuine in every way. My kids have keep me busy, committed, strongly bonded and fill my life with much love and a measure of stress. They say that I am fertile in a complimentary way. Having been single since I was 26 gave me absolute freedom to be free to encounter as many people as will give be a dance. - but the closest I have experienced to what you might call a soul mate, oddly, has been my dog, who senses my emotions way before I do. And I find that uncanny.


The hopeless romantic side of me wants to say yes but I guess it's all semantics. Ultimately looking for a lifelong connection, if that's possible.

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