52 5

Is there such thing as a soul mate?

  • 16 votes
  • 52 votes
  • 21 votes
Admin 9 Aug 12

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52 comments (51 - 52)

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I don't believe in a soul. so I don't believe so.


I don't think so. Many people would consider it comforting if everyone did have a soul-mate, but the idea just isn't a realistic one. To those who say it is, please explain the many couples who get divorces, break up, fall out of love, etc. Do only some of us have a soul-mate? Who chooses, and on what basis, who to pair us with? The idea starts to crumble the more you think about it, especially if you're not religious.

I agree with you whole-heartedly, just have a problem with your age. Judging by your picture, you are a handsome young man in your prime. You still have time on your side to find that special someone. Keep yourself open to the possibility.

enlightenedcan: Yes, I'm still early 20's. I wasn't saying that it is impossible for people to find someone they can genuinely love and form a lasting relationship with; I was just saying that this isn't very common. No relationship is perfect, like nothing else on Earth is perfect. Can some people be truly happy with someone else? Of course. But to say that there's a "soul mate" out there for these people I see as an oversimplification.

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