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How to deal with religious family and friends?

Being an agnostic is especially challenging when you're surrounded with religion family and friends. Often they will try to convert you to their religion, become hostile towards you or even disown you. What are your thoughts on how to retain a good relationship with religion people?

Admin 9 Aug 30

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Tell them you've made your choice and it shouldn't impede on their religious views or activities. You're just choosing to opt out of activities that don't suit your religious preferences. Ask them to please respect your wishes.

SamL Level 7 Oct 20, 2017

if they don't like me I don't need them


I let them do whatever make them happy


I only retain good relationships with people I value, family or not. No one that loves or cares about me will attempt to do those things. Those aren't people I want in my life.


I don't have any.


It is not discussed if at all possible. I know a person who is working hard to convert me, but the harder he/she pushes the harder I push back.


So far I just don't talk about it. I just started telling certain cousins who I know that are atheist that I am as well now for comfort. I'm not sure how to handle it once everyone knows I'm agnostic, just say "feel free to disagree" I guess.


My friends and family know that I'm a non-believer and they accept it. it has never been an issue


No problem: they know that I am an atheist.


Personally for me it's not a big deal. You either accept me or you don't.


Offer answers when they ask a question. Usually it's best to live your life, being helpful to them in every way possible, but generally keep it out of the conversation. They'll bring it up along the way, you can be sure, but always be kind but firm in your response.


I'm VERY open to my family about my disdain/disgust for their religious beliefs. I challenge them to challenge me in the issues - I was raised in their religious family & know everything they know about their religious beliefs .. so I know all the fallacies, lies, & hypocrisies they practice IN-DEPTHLY!


I got tired of being disrespected and talked down to because I don't participate in their delusions. What really bugs me is that they don't see the good man that I am. They only see the "sinner". Even though I have not done any of the despicable things I have seen the believers in my family do. So I disowned them, just because they are family does not mean they are healthy to have in your life.


With respect...also with the understanding that those who believe in fairy tales are very ignorant.


I tell them that GOD gave me freewill and that you should pray for me. In other words- sit there quietly and do nothing.


I don’t have to for the most part. My religious relatives cut me out of their lives. My friends do not try to convince me to accept their views.


Keep an open mind. Listen to what they have to say, no matter how many times have you heard the same gibberish over and over again. Tell them your side of the story, fully expecting them not take it well, but also defining the boundaries. A simple respect to everyone’s beliefs and opinions.
If they end up abandoning you, just stop caring. Their narrow mind will never allow them to look at the bigger picture.


I think it boils down to having respect for others' beliefs. You might think that family and friends are idiots for subscribing to a religious dogma, but I agree with ron29 below - live and let live. Unless they constantly get in your face with their beliefs, proselytizing, etc., just let them live with their beliefs. If they are open to discussion about beliefs, then be gentle and discuss what you believe in a civil manner, without condemnation or instant judgment. They might come around to your point of view, but even if they don't, they will appreciate that you are at least understanding of their belief system.


tell them straight like all things and then they have the choice what to do about it.


My friends and family know I’m free from religion. If they want to talk about it, fine. Most stay away from it because my reasoning has been thought out for many years. Most of them don’t even think about why they believe, they just like sheep, blindly follow.


Honestly I think that if they can't accept me as I am then they aren't good enough for me and they never really loved or cared for me in the first place.


I made it very well known to my family when I was in Middleschool that I "lost my faith". I grew up in a multi-religion family; mormon, Lutheran and Presbyterian. They surprisingly embraced it. They bought me books on philosophy and a tarot deck, etc.
As i grew older i watched as some of them came to terms that their religious beliefs weren't helping anybody. Now the only religious people i deal with are the Mormons from my moms side of the family... i treat them with utmost respect, i follow the rules of their household, and i allow them to believe what they want. They have never tried to push their beliefs on me and they respect that I believe differently than them.

However, when Jehovah's witnesses or mormons come to my door, i either answer it naked or in BDSM gear


I don't push my beliefs and they leave me alone . Some of them prey for me .


Be nice about it, be patient, explain your views and inquire on theirs. They're family, they're worth at least that.


Smile and nod...all whilt thinking to youself "this crazy mfer right here" lol

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