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How to deal with religious family and friends?

Being an agnostic is especially challenging when you're surrounded with religion family and friends. Often they will try to convert you to their religion, become hostile towards you or even disown you. What are your thoughts on how to retain a good relationship with religion people?

Admin 9 Aug 30

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My family is a very mixed group of Christians, Jew's, Atheist, and Nones. We all accept each other and get along no fight's about religion.


ignored them

tonia Level 5 Sep 25, 2017

I've learned the best way to deal with religious family members or friends. It's too laugh at them because to me it's fun to watch them getting flustered when I talk about how there is no God or how aliens exist or how there's a possibility for extra-dimensional beings or places


My wife and all her family are all hardcore bible thumping Christians. Yes, I said my wife too, she wasn't when I married her. They all know I don't believe and they all know I don't, I'll repeat it I DO NOT respect their beliefs. I think they're damaging to them and society. They also know I love them and I would take a bullet for my wife without a second thought. It's hard, but I'm done sitting in the closet. If they debate me as they do every time they come over to visit, I point out the flaws of their beliefs, but I make sure we hug it out before they leave. I love my mother in law she's a good lady with a ton of spunk. She greats me, calling me a demon child. She'll say Demon child help me out of my chair. Then before she leaves, she says, Demon child, come give me a kiss goodbye and tell that devil friend of yours I'm coming for him. She'll swat her walking stick against my leg and I'll be coming for you too. Then she'll wink at me and smile. This isn't just one account this is every time I see her.

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