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Pandemic in the words of Arundhati Roy

William77 7 Nov 8
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This is a dream that ignores human nature. I wish it were possible.

wordywalt Level 9 Nov 1, 2021

Pragmatism and sociopathy differ by little more than remotse.

yvilletom Level 8 Dec 25, 2020

We can only hope but we humans have a history of missing critical lessons. It has always been at our peril.


Perhaps Gaia is ensuring her own survival. If true, I trust she will win out, and always will.

brentan Level 8 Nov 9, 2020

It's true! The bubonic plague in medieval Europe killed a third of the population, yet broke feudalism, led to the Renaissance and modern democracies. The Covid19 plague is not nearly as bad, but is already dampening the scourges of Global Warming and unlimited growth. Let's make the best of this as an opportunity.


Flu with media buzz

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