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Encouraged by Nancy today...had lost hope in DNC leadership after I woke up and found us with a "President Trump"...I believe a lot indicates we can be more progressive, and I would like our country to act like the First World country we are!!!

slydr68 8 Dec 11
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By noon #Individual1 won't have said what he did or if he did it was taken out of context or "Hillary"


I like Nancy. She won't back down from anybody. She has great political skills, which is what we need. NO MORE AMATEURS! The Tea Party and trump have shown what happens when you elect amateurs.

Sticks48 Level 9 Dec 12, 2018

I watched that shit show go down. Trump looked like an absolute moron and completely outclassed.

Green_eyes Level 8 Dec 11, 2018

kinda goes without saying LOL