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Any fasters in this group? I'm currently on day 2 of a 6-day fast for autophagy. I managed my first 5-day last week.

Anyone follow this science or do fasting?

(Please no comments about anorexia. This kind of fasting is to promote health. Research in autophagy won the 2016 Nobel prize in science and medicine. Not a crash diet.)

Lysistrata 7 Apr 17
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I want to applaud you for taking responsibility for your own health. My faith in doctors was irreparably damaged when they told me I would have to Manage the disease. Nothing about reversing it. You said you were vegan. Does that mean you still use oil in your diet?

markd Level 4 May 7, 2018

It means I don't use any animal products. I don't usually use oil either, but I'll occasionally cook popcorn in olive oil. Otherwise, I haven't found the meal that can't be prepared without oil.

And thank you for the compliment. We kind of have to do our own doctoring these days. There are very few cures offered by modern medicine. They're just not profitable enough.


I loathe how people are lured into some new, ridiculous "diet". No scientific basis, but susceptible humans swallow it.
I witness it time and time again.
If I mentioned "autophagy" to colleagues there would be 5 minutes hilarity, somebody might actually choke to death laughing.
Eat good food. Exercise. And if you don't believe that simple doctrine works...wait for a miracle.

inkdabink Level 4 May 4, 2018

Who, anyone with half an ounce of intelligence, does not realise that a healthy diet and exercise works?
I'm a scientist/PT and this bs drives me up the wall.
For the record, doing a moderate exercise schedule without food will encourage fat burning. But you have to eat well afterwards.
So many people out there proposing utter guff. Loudly.

inkdabink Level 4 May 4, 2018

It's not about weight loss, as the original post stated. It's about autophagy.

@Lysistrata you are not a yeast cell. The scientific studies are about yeast cells. You are just an unfortunately naïve human. Albeit a human with a degree of cojones.

@inkdabink I'm a naive human being who found her way out of trigeminal neuralgia (the suicide disease) through nutrition when doctors wanted me on toxic meds for the rest of my life. I cured my own chronic kidney stones. I got rid of my arthritis. All things naive humans like me (who research night, day, and professionally) have learned how to do. You live within your lines. I'll draw my own. Thanks.

@Beach_slim i think outophagy is not so profitable for the health and i can prove it as my grandparents are Muslims and they fast for 30 days a year and this just sicken them. its not usefull for loosing weight or making urself healthier...having all foods but enough and exercising is the best way for keeping urself in a great way.


Generally I would strongly advise against this. Just eat healthily and exercise. The Nobel Prize re autophagy was awarded after studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This is a yeast/fungus. Not an animal, such as a human.
A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

inkdabink Level 4 May 4, 2018

No one is going to research this. There's no money in fasting.

@Lysistrata there is a huge amount of money in weight loss. Scientists are rampant in this field. And we are talking billions.
Fasting is complex. Metabolism is complex. Autophagy in yeast is complex.
Eat healthy food. Exercise. End of. Don't fast or do any other nutty thing you read on the tinterweb!

@inkdabink Where is the money in fasting?

This is so frustrating. You don't curb insulin release through calorie reduction. You curb it through limiting the time you ingest insulin triggers. That's the center of weight loss.


Pushing 400 lbs and suffering from numerous health issues, I was able to reverse and cure just about everything by adopting a plant based lifestyle. That settled what to eat. How to prepare said plants for consumption was phase two. The final (hopefully) piece of the puzzle for me is when to eat. I started intermittent fasting with an 18-6 window but am happily adjusting to 20-4 for about a week now. I'm not against a longer fast but I'm getting about 4 hours of autophagy every day. Since I no longer eat crap food, I'm no longer taking any steps backward so by my calculations I get about 4 days worth of autophagy every month. I get to eat every day, getting healthier by the day. (It's still partly visible to me.) I'm grateful that I learned proper nutritional needs first, which makes intermittent fasting such a great asset since it has taught me how to deal with other less tangible issues like binge eating, overeating, emotional eating, etc. Once I lose the extra weight, if I still suffer from nerve damage, I'll try an extended fast.

markd Level 4 May 2, 2018

Honestly at what point did you realise you were simply ingesting more calories than you used? Eat well. Get good nutrition into your body. Walk. Exercise. Do something you love daily!
Autophagy is bullshit. Really. As a psychological tool, yes it works. But it is still utter rubbish scientifically. Sorry.
Look around you. Do the healthy people you know, other healthy cultures you are aware of, fast? No.
They just do the boring reliable good diet and exercise thing.

We're a lot a like. I started by going plant based yeats ago. Fasting I started at new years. I'm currently on day 12 of a 21, but will probably eat tomorrow. I'm trying to get the most autophagy possible, but I was healthier on a 23:1, I think. I overdo some time.

A delight to meet you.

@Lysistrata do you feel you are overweight? I am guessing yes. Look around you at all the people you know who feel they are a healthy weight.
Do they fast?
What does that tell you?

@inkdabink []

What does that tell you?

@Lysistrata thank you. Also delighted ?

@markd I blocked her.

@inkdabink Frankly, having read up on it, I have found there are studies being conducted and some very positive results. Yes, scientifically. And other cultures do fast.

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