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Has anyone here read "How to Change Your Mind" yet? I saw Michael Pollan on Late Night a while back and was very intrigued. I think I'm going to have to order it.

He also wrote "The Botany of Desire," which I haven't read, but love the documentary version.

OldWiseAss 7 June 29
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[sound of crickets]

Did everyone in this group OD, or what?

Am I the only psychonaut here left upon this mortal coil?


OldWiseAss Level 7 July 5, 2018

Are you taking about DMT? I've been researching it and it will def change your mind.

@Electro68 - I see you're in Spartanburg. I hope you've avoided serious loss during the flooding!

DMT is one of the psychedelics that Pollan experimented with for his book. I smoked some a few times in the early 70's, and would do it again if I trusted the source. It wouldn't be my first choice of psychedelics, but it is kind of nice to jet-pack to a peak experience and then come down in time for lunch.

@OldWiseAss yeah man thanks, we got steady rain for two days but avoided the bad stuff.

I watched a documentary on it, looks like a wild ride. Shooting up and out then back down and sober in Ike 20 minutes. Like you, if I trusted the source and had good people with me I'd do it.

@Electro68 My first choice for a serious vision quest would be mescaline. It's a long trip, and retching is part of the take-off, but I found it gentler on the mind and body than LSD, with the eventual result being nearly the same. I never liked the toasted feeling for a day or two after an intense acid trip.

I'll probably never take another trip. I haven't had any psychedelic experiences for decades, and wouldn't know where to begin to find a trusted source. But, as I get closer to my end I wish I did. I would love to check out like Huxley did.

@OldWiseAss my experience is limited to LSD, when I was young we would do it and laugh mostly. I tripped a few months ago with a cousin, it was good but not enough to hallucinate. I am fifty and want to have some more profound experiences, with the right people of course. Finding a trusted sourse is my biggest problem. I wouldn't know how to go about it. I need to find some true psychonauts.

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