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Last activity in May??? C'mon fellow trippers, what say you? Okay, I'll talk.

Psilocybin mushrooms...yum yum! In my younger years (late teens, very early 20's) I had the opportunity to experience the wonder many times. With the exception of the first time, it was something I always did with a group of friends. The first time was supposed to be with friends, but I wasn't able to make the date, so had to do my share on another day. Although I was the only one to eat them, one friend was with me. It was one of the happiest experiences of my teen years! 🙂

Throughout my adult years, the opportunity only arose a handful of times, usually on a camping trip, but always a welcome and enjoyable experience. As a side note, I've only tried acid/lsd 3 times. These experiences were enjoyable enough (except for an episode involving a mirror on trip #1). It always left me with the feeling that I'd been poisoned though.

Fast forward to present day. Not long ago I was gifted a small amount of the magic in the form of straight shrooms and shroom chocolate bars. I've already tried a minimal dose of the chocolate and found it to be quite satisfactory. I'm looking forward to more smiles, but there's one tiny drawback. I really have no one around to share the fun with.

I have a decent home on nice property out in the boonies, but don't live near any of the (few) people I know. The short story of why I live here is that it's near my daughter/son-in-law/granddaughters. 12 miles to be exact. I'd be certain to schedule my trip when I knew there'd be no chance of them popping in...even though that doesn't really happen anyway.

Sooo, it looks like I'll be taking my trips alone, the same way I do everything else (insert long whining complaint about loneliness..). I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions about how I might maximize the joy of my experience, with no one to share it with? Also curious about if others enjoy doing such things more with friends or alone?

There. Your turn. 🙂

daylily 8 July 13
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It's always more fun with others as long as there's not too big a crowd .

Besalbub Level 8 July 13, 2019

@daylily A couple of years ago there was a head shop close by that sold mushroom growing kits and the owner had psilocybin spores he'd plant for you .

@daylily They were regular mushroom growing kits but the owner had the spores the shop is no longer there . There's an Island close to me only accessible by boat that has cows on it we've gone mushroom hunting there but mushrooms are not that potent .

@daylily Most of the farmers around here don't like you wandering around in their fields and will call the law on you .Mushrooms were fun I wish I had a source I don't like dealing with young dealers .

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Posted by climaction23A happy little family!

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