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Health Conundrum
Is anyone else in this position??

I won't get into the mucky details or specific, but it seems that the foods I'm told to eat for one health reason or another are the exact same foods that I'm told not to eat for another ailment, and vice-versa.

•Don't eat red meat for health reasons -vs- I'm low in Iron: eat more red meat.
•Eat more Fish for lots of reasons (good for heart-health and anti-inflammatory for arthritis) -vs- Avoid eating Fish as it contains purines that may trigger another ailment.
•Instead of meat for protein, try cheese -vs- I'm allergic (not anaphylactic) to dairy.
•Another alternative protein choice is Tofu -vs- Limit tofu intake due to (several) health conditions.
• Eat lots of Fruits & Veggies for health reasons (I do) -vs- problem with too much fiber in my diet (yes, that is most definitely a thing!)
•Hey to counteract the Fiber thing, try some cheese... Oh, wait.. that allergy thing, right.
•Eat more citrus (like oranges) for vitamins (I know it's fruit) -vs- I have citrus allergies too.

So what's left... Carbs? I'm told to stay away from carbs too.

Obviously there are foods not mentioned, but it's also not a complete list of contradictory advise given by medical professional.

Anyone else feel like they have this problem?

scurry 9 Apr 26
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I feel your pain. I’m a vegetarian with migraine and belly issues.
It’s hard to find the “right” foods to eat

BeccaVa Level 7 Aug 10, 2018

Yes. Been that way my whole life. All you can do is listen more carefully to your body. When you're craving certain things, you'll know. Otherwise, only consume things you're not allergic to.

Try nuts and seeds, which aren't mentioned above, unless you're allergic to them too.

KarlHannah Level 5 Apr 26, 2018

It's no joy ride, that's for sure. Some stuff is easier to avoid thank others. Some stuff I've been avoiding since childhood (allergies). Some other stuff popped up in adulthood pertaining to other afflictions. Then, joy oh joy, more allergies somehow either began or became worse. Seeds & nuts are ok so far.
So, ya... :/
Thanks very much for the comment. ☺


Yes! I'm up against this very same thing, but am finally beginning to sort things out.

I don't have a compelling reason to avoid red meat, but my husband can't have it in his diet, and it's not like I'm going to cook it for just me. But it's okay, I get my iron from other sources: chicken, fish (yeah, yeah, I know fish is on your avoid list), eggs, legumes, nuts, and leafy green vegetables. I guess I could also supplement iron, if need be.

I've been told to avoid fish as well ... but don't notice that seafood presents any sort of real problem for me, so I eat it anyway. If I HAD to give it up, I suppose I would. I'm currently supplementing with Vascepa, a prescription-grade fish oil. I'm certain there are also quality non-seafood alternatives that you could supplement with.

I eat lots of fruits and veggies, no problem. I'm pretty sure you could too. Maybe just steer clear of the very fibrous ones. Asparagus is very fibrous, but that one makes your pee smell nasty, so best to avoid anyway. Hahahaha.

Obviously skip the dairy and citrus since you have allergies. Perhaps try some of the non-dairy alternatives. I make my lattes with organic almond milk. Costco's Kirkland brand is good. Also, have you tried A2 milk? I haven't yet, but I want to. Sprouts carries it. I've read that dairy allergies are often allergies to A1 protein. Since your dairy allergy isn't anaphylactic, you might dare to experiment on yourself. As far as the citrus, there's a world of non-citrus fruit for you to enjoy.

Ah, carbs ... I love me some carbs! But, as I'm genetically high-risk for both Type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis, carbs were placed on my @#$% list. So I gave up simple white carbs. No white potatoes, no white rice, no gluten-based pasta, no popcorn huge sob, and no gluten-based bread sob. I still eat sweet potatoes (love them), brown and wild rice, Tinkyada brand brown rice pasta (legit tastes like the real deal ... I am not even kidding ... also available at Sprouts), and I cheat every now and then with organic popcorn. Also, a local pizzeria offers a worthwhile gluten-free pizza, so I treat myself to that every now and then.

Seriously, though, I feel your pain. If I avoided EVERYTHING I'd been told to avoid, there would be literally nothing for me to eat. I mean, don't eat gluten, don't eat sugar, don't eat dairy, don't eat GMOs, don't eat processed anything, maybe try cutting nightshades out of your diet, you should try eliminating salicylates in case you're reacting to those, and then, some of my health food nut friends start listing off organic brand names that they say are no bueno. Aaaaaaargh!

At a certain point, you just realize it's all quite ridiculous and make for yourself the best diet you can given your circumstances.

*Insert standard "I am not a doctor" medical disclaimer here.

vita Level 7 Apr 26, 2018

I hear ya. And thanks for the comment!
There's a long list of veggies and fruits that I'm supposed to steer clear of too. It's a little crazy.
I'm managing, which is to say, I'm still alive. Ha!
I'm still eating and I do my best to steer clear of the stuff I'm supposed to, but can't always make that happen. I have found some non-dairy stuff I kinda like. 😀
Ah well, happy to know I'm not alone. 🙂 Misery loves company.
Thanks again.

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Posted by scurryIf only I could get "extra life".

Posted by scurryMorning can be hard and they are almost always draining. Hope you all have a wonderful spoon-filled day.

Posted by scurryHappy Friday!

Posted by scurryThere are a lot of memes and info-graphics that try to depict what it's like to be a Spoonie. Here are a few we might relate to. May the Spoons be with you!

Posted by scurryThere are a lot of memes and info-graphics that try to depict what it's like to be a Spoonie. Here are a few we might relate to. May the Spoons be with you!

Posted by scurryThere are a lot of memes and info-graphics that try to depict what it's like to be a Spoonie. Here are a few we might relate to. May the Spoons be with you!

Posted by scurryWe suffer, sometimes in silence, sometimes alone, but we are also strong and we fight. Never Give Up. I wish you all many spoons.

Posted by scurryWe suffer, sometimes in silence, sometimes alone, but we are also strong and we fight. Never Give Up. I wish you all many spoons.

Posted by scurryWe suffer, sometimes in silence, sometimes alone, but we are also strong and we fight. Never Give Up. I wish you all many spoons.

Posted by scurryA few Spoonie Memes that some of us might be able to relate to. Stay strong folks, and remember that self care is not a sign of weakness, it's refueling your strength.

Posted by scurryA few Spoonie Memes that some of us might be able to relate to. Stay strong folks, and remember that self care is not a sign of weakness, it's refueling your strength.

Posted by scurryA few Spoonie Memes that some of us might be able to relate to. Stay strong folks, and remember that self care is not a sign of weakness, it's refueling your strength.

Posted by scurryHappy New Year! I wish you all many extra spoons. The holidays can be super stressful and I hope we all made it through in one piece. Take time for self care and be sure to use your spoons wisely.

Posted by scurryRegardless of if we believe in Santa, Satan or Spaghetti Monsters, this time of year can be draining; family gatherings, work parties, reconnecting with old friends.

Posted by scurryAnyone else feel this way??

Posted by scurryGame of Spoons.

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