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Why are you voting for your presidential candidate?

With just days away from the election, now is your last chance to make a case for why you support your candidate. Is your vote more about opposing the candidates and party of the other side? How do you think the future will be different depending on who wins?

How strongly do you support the candidate(s) of your choice?

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Admin 9 Nov 1
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62 comments (26 - 50)

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I decided to not engage in the lesser evil voting scheme this time around.

So I went ahead and voted for the candidate who actually supports policies that are important to me.

As did I.


As a psychologist (retired counselor), I recognized long before he was elected that Donald Trump was/is a mentally ill person. I was astounded when the Republican Party nominated him, and even more shocked and astounded that (with the help of the Russians and Comey) he was elected. That event caused me to become more politically active than ever in my life. But just yesterday, I published a simple test that anybody can use to do their own test of Trump's psychopathy. I published it on this and two other social websites. Amazingly, it has been virtually ignored. Why is that? Isn't anybody concerned that he is actually a psychopath?

mischl Level 8 Nov 1, 2020

Voting used to be something one did... now it seems to be something that one lives. I too have become more political - feeding on miles of news and media coverage. Being immersed is political content definitely must be impacting our mental stability.

As far as Trump, I don't know if his supporters care about his mental state (e.g., psychopathy) as they see it more a feature than a fault. His ego obviously gives him energy and drives the way he communicates. Perhaps there is also some outrage fatigue?

@Admin We can definitely see "outrage fatigue" in the form of apathy about his misbehaviors. We can hardly help becoming inured to his schoolyard bully behavior. But so far, I have NOT gotten accustomed to the ongoing damage and deterioration I see happening to the United States caused by Donald Trump.

@mischl , I don't think we are inured to his behavior as much as overwhelmed by it. It's damned near impossible to keep track of all his bald faced lies. And they keep coming. The man is insane.

@TheMiddleWay does anyone need be accused of bias to conclude that Trump is a Psychopath. 2 plus 2 equals 4. I don't need a test to figure out that Trump tells his lemmings that 2 plus 2 equals 5 and they believe him.

@TheMiddleWay The Hicks Psychopathy Checklist was designed to be used by anybody to evaluate anybody, even one's self. But yes, in order for it to have value, it must be done by a mental health professional.


Has his faults? Wow, the understatement of the century and we're only 20 years into it. No, when I vote I evaluate both options. While my vote is definitely a protest over Trump's first term of deceit, Biden is definitely the best option, he was deft enough to turn around a practically lost primary by doing what smart politicians do, rely on allies, and by golly did he turn around the campaign in the Carolinas. We need leaders like that.

Mofo1953 Level 9 Nov 1, 2020

Agree with you that his nomination showed political skill... although I thought he would have nominated Warren. We'll see how Biden handles his collation post election. Interesting times.

We have an interracial/multi-cultural nation. Our politicians should reflect that. Elizabeth Warren will be in the cabinet.


Thanks for the great question,

Since you have cleverly pictured left and right forks in the road, I will stick to that theme. As I see it, there are many binary dynamics between the two candidates and the ideologies they represent at this juncture. Some of these ideologies relate to basic needs(see Maslow's hierarchy) for people, which makes them critical needs. This explains the elevated anxieties over the outcome to some great degree. On the left column I will list 10 values/behaviors (which I perceive) from the candidate representing voters on the left fork (Biden). On the right I will list the contradicting values/behaviors (which I observed) from the candidate representing voters on the right fork (Trump). After careful analysis the choice is obvious to me.


There are many more stark differences between these two men and their followers but proper documentation of this could literally turn into a doctoral dissertation in Sociology and/or Political Science.


Actually voted(emphatically)for Kamala...I believe she'll be president before 2024.

I've read that if people like Kamala, Joe should stay on a least two years so she will be eligible to run in two more elections (i.e., 8-10 years).

@Admin If that left wing piece of crap becomes president I hope Oklahoma succeeds.

@Trajan61 So does everyone else


The solution starts with down ballot votes, at the level of who you elect to your school boards. Who you choose as mayor, city council or freeholder, who you pick to run your county, who you elect as your state legislator and who you choose as a governor.
Both parties gerrymander but it is the gop that has taken it to new highs. Gerrymandering by the gop in many areas is so egregious there is effectively no 2 party system in play.

D outvote R in every election. But thanks to the R dirty tricks the bastards steal the election almost every time.

I wonder how much of what impacts people day-to-day is policies at the city/state level versus national.


As long as I’m working I can never support another Republican / Conservative. I’m a union member and after the SCOTUS decision in Janus Vs. AFSCME makes that impossible. However, once I retire and am living in North Carolina then my vote will change because I have to vote for the lower taxes.

This current subhuman garbage #45 is just full of hot air, exaggerations, outright lies and blatant deceptions. What reasonable person would think that he would have made Mexico pay for his “Big Beautiful Wall”? I went to vote yesterday myself and waited in line for 2 hours. Everyone there, Republican or Democrat alike, all wore their masks, kept their proper distancing, all civil with each other.

What this shows is that there’s a difference between a Republican or a so-called “Trumptard” or a “Trumpanzee”........those who are blind or just plain stupid enough to listen and believe anything he says. Not to mention his handling of the COVID Crisis. My vote went for Joe.

FYI: Janus v. AFSCME that non-union government workers cannot be required to pay union fees as a condition of working in public service.

@Admin What Janus v. AFSCME is really about


@LovinLarge Thanks - I just googled it for my comment above. I don't see how it precludes @SeaRay215ex from being a union member tho.

@Admin He didn't say it kept him from being a unionist, he said he won't vote Republican because he's a unionist and Republicans are anti-union. Reagan heralded the end of unionism in this country.


I voted for Biden. I have said here before he was not my first choice. I voted for Elizabeth Warren in the primaries. I believe she would have made a great president as would any of the women running. I don't think she would have won, but who knows. Biden is conduit to something resembling democracy. The two party system does not work and I don't think having more political parties is the answer. I like the ranked-choice voting that several countries and some of our states have adopted.

Sierra4 Level 8 Nov 1, 2020

I also like the idea of ranked-choice voting - especially in primaries. I agree with you that Biden does seem to represent the last 40 years of Democracy, pre Trump. Polarization is not good for Democracy but seems to been growing for decades.


Shouldn't you have asked this question before early voting started?

What possible good is this information now, other than to rile up people?

Believe me, I wish I had.


the choice is simple...a somewhat functioning democracy or wisely

If you want a functioning democracy you damn sure don’t want to vote for the democrats as they are aiming for a socialist dictatorship.

@Trajan61 who dresses you in the morning?

@Trajan61 Now that Biden has won, lets see if we end up with a socialist Dictatorship. If that does not happen will you admit you were Wrong Trajan61.....?????

@dermot235 As long as the republicans hold the senate and we have a conservative Supreme Court he can’t get to radical.

@dermot235 Besides its not over yet.

@Trajan61 It's OOOOOOOOOOVER. And you know it

@Trajan61 It's OOOOOOOOOOVER. And we all know it now


If anyone's interested, he ran the same poll on He also ran another poll and a question of extreme bias and offence. See screen shot.

Thank you for pointing this out. That second one is interesting. Should white people start identifying as non white for personal gain? WTF?!? That's offense. It's a query like that that makes me loathe stupid white people.
White people in America currently are the majority. Uneducated whites have a better chance of getting pretty much anything in America before a Black, a Latinx or an Asian person.
Maybe I misunderstood the purpose of the polls.

@silverotter11 I think you understand the purpose of the polls just fine. Remember this is the guy who tries to fault the left for "identity politics".

@silverotter11, @LovinLarge Yes, I try to think of controversial ways to position a "topic of the day" to cause a little outrage, suggest a different way to view things, and foster conversations. Please come to the site and give your thoughts as it will help balance responses. (we do advertise with progressives for that purpose) "Should white people start identifying as non white for personal gain?" is a good example as it is basically asking white people if they'd give up their "white privilege" as the two professors did. FWIW, I am not blaming the left for using identity politics... forming a coalition is the basis of a political party. I am concerned that treating people first as a member of an immutable identity group - regardless of political affiliation - results in tribalism and dehumanization. Perhaps we could discuss something like this in a future post.

@Admin There are enough slugs here, I'm not going to seek out any more.

Both questions are outrageous and speak volumes as to who you are personally. The "personal gain" component of your race question eliminates anything to do with white privilege and denies the systemic racism experienced by racial and ethnic minorities in this country every single day. This question exposes you as a racist.

To equate Twitter rules with domestic terrorism is grossly misleading, particularly at a time when the right is using violence to try to win an election. Twitter is a private company and can do anything they want to do. If they are a company who refuses to perpetuate misinformation and disinformation, that favors the truth and anyone who opposes it has an ulterior motive.

The fact that you put this question on both websites but only put the other two questions on your RWNJ website speaks volumes.

@LovinLarge The Twitter post explicitly said "This is obviously hyperbole" as the idea is more about when does a platform, like the telephone system, become a utility vs private company. I also try to make it clear that "question of the day" topics do not necessarily express my views or of the website.

@Admin Publicly drawing connections that undermine systemic racism and equate domestic terrorism with peaceful operations of a private entity makes you responsible for them whether you want to own them or not. Whether they express your views or not, the ideas were yours and the consequences should be, too.

@LovinLarge , I think I love you 😉
That's like the christian woman on a news site said she supported the Rump but didn't condone his actions. I replied that by her support she condones his actions. Own it!

@freeofgod Kind words always appreciated. Many thanks, my friend.


Some because of character, some because of policy and some because it's a vote against 45. I don't agree with everything Biden does or supports but I never have with any politician. I do agree with his character over that of 45's but I would vote for a broken rock before I'd vote for 45.

Leelu Level 7 Nov 1, 2020

It's often reasonable to vote for based on character. I wish Biden and Harris were better able to articulate their vision for the country... "Hope" and "Yes we can" seem like distance memories?

They have articulated their vision. You just can't see it.

@sassygirl3869 Biden and Harris have very different visions as was seen in the debates... so it is hard to know which one is the one they'll use.

I don't see Harris as Far Left at all.

@Admin , but, major but, Biden and Harris will work together for the common good. NOT fire their staff repeatedly, argue with the Drs they have appointed. I'm simply to tired to continue listing the reasons Drumpfs reign has been a shit show. How about putting up an ad for GOYA beans, kissing Putins ass, falling is 'love' with Kim Jong un, separating 545 children from their parents and keeping no records, putting children in cages, shall I go on???


I’m voting for Trump and a straight republican ticket. I will never vote for another looney democrat as they have become far to radical and left wing for me! Biden is just a crooked and incompetent politician. And he’s also a liar!

Trajan61 Level 8 Nov 2, 2020

The literacy rate among Democrats must be terrifying for you.

@LovinLarge It seems to be very low.

@Trajan61 False.


@LovinLarge The Washington Times is a left wing piece of garbage!

@Trajan61 The Washington Times did not conduct the research, Einstein.

@LovinLarge Where I live almost all the successful business people are republicans. Most of those voting for the democrats are deadbeats looking for a government handout. So evidently you must be one of those.

@Trajan61 Prove it.

@LovinLarge Come to Oklahoma and I’ll introduce you to them.

@Trajan61 I'm sure they wouldn't tell me how they vote, just like they don't tell you.

@LovinLarge They tell me and almost all of the successful ones are strongly for Trump.

@Trajan61 You have no way to know if what they tell you is true.

@LovinLarge I know.


On top of all the other reasons not to vote Republican, anyone who does supports the opposition of democracy.


How so? Isn't democracy about letting the voters decide by voting?

@Admin Correct, and Republicans are using various tactics to try to prevent people from voting.

@Admin The US has always been an oligarchy, a few rule the many.

Here's most of what the Founders in the 1787 Convention said on the subject. If interested, search on "Records of the 1787 Federal Convention" and choose Volumes 1 and 2 of the three volume set.

ELBRIDGE GERRY. The evils we experience flow from the excess of democracy. The people don't lack virtue but are the dupes of pretended patriots. In Massachusetts experience has shown that they are led daily into the most baneful measures and opinions by false reports of designing men, which no one on the spot can refute. (May 31)

ALEXANDER HAMILTON. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the rich and well-born a distinct and permanent share in the government. They will check the unsteadiness of the mass of the people, and as they cannot receive any advantage by a change, they therefore will ever maintain good government. I confess that my plan and that from Virginia are very remote from the idea of the people. Perhaps the New Jersey plan is nearest their expectation. The people tire of an excess of democracy. (June 18)

JAMES MADISON. In framing a system we wish to last for ages, we should not lose sight of the changes the ages will bring. An increase of population will increase the proportion who labor under all the hardships of life and secretly sigh for a more equal distribution of its blessings. These may in time outnumber those who are placed above feelings of indigence. According to the equal laws of suffrage, the power will slide into the hands of the former. No agrarian attempts have yet been made in this country, but symptoms of a leveling spirit have sufficiently appeared in certain quarters to give notice of the future danger. Landholders ought to have a share in the government, to support these invaluable interests and check the other. It ought to be formed as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority. (June 26)

ROGER SHERMAN. Government is instituted for those who live under it and ought not to endanger their liberties. Frequent elections are necessary to ensure the rulers' good behavior. In Connecticut, elections have been yearly and yet for more than 130 years there has been great stability and uniformity as to persons and measures. (June 26)

GOVERNEUR MORRIS. The first branch, originating from the people, will ever be subject to precipitancy, changeability and excess. To check this, the second branch ought to be composed of men of great and established property--an aristocracy. (July 2)

We must take care that we don't establish a rule that will enable the poor but numerous inhabitants of the western country to destroy the Atlantic states. Men don't unite for liberty or life; in the savage state they possess both in the highest perfection. They unite to protect their property. (July 5)

JAMES WILSON. All men everywhere have equal rights and are equally entitled to confidence. I view without apprehension the time when a few states shall contain the majority of people. The majority wherever found should govern the minority. Should the interior of the country acquire this majority they will not only have this right, but will avail themselves of it whether we will it or not. Great Britain's jealousy that the colonies were growing too fast led first to emnity on our part and then to actual separation. (July 13)

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Some have imagined that the returning to the mass of the people was degrading to the magistrate. This is contrary to republican principles. In free governments the rulers are the servants, and the people their superiors and masters. For the rulers therefore to return among the people is not to degrade them but to promote them. It would be an unreasonable burden on the rulers to keep them always in a state of servitude, and not allow them to become again one of the masters. (July 26)

JOHN MERCER. It is a first principle in political science that where the rights of property are secured, aristocracy will grow. Elective governments also become aristocratic because the rulers will draw advantage for themselves from the many. Public measures are calculated for the benefit of the governors, not of the people. The people change their rulers, but it is only a change from one scheme of advantage for those who rule to another. The people gain nothing by it, but an addition of instability and uncertainty to their other burdens. (August 14)

EDMUND RANDOLPH. We have in some revolutions of this plan made a bold stroke for monarchy. We are now doing the same for an aristocracy. To allow the Senate to choose the President will be to convert that body into a real and dangerous aristocracy. (September 5)

JAMES WILSON. The committee report presents to me a most dangerous appearance. I fear not names; I fear aristocracy. (September 6)

GEORGE MASON. In the House of Representatives there is not the substance but the shadow only of representation. This constitution will begin a moderate aristocracy. It is at present not possible to foresee whether it will produce a monarchy or a corrupt and oppressive aristocracy. It will most probably vibrate for some years between the two and then end in one or the other. (September 15)

The Convention Adjourns

@yvilletom Really interesting comment! Seems like there has always been a debate as to how a country should be governed.


Howie Hawkins... all the way!

palex Level 6 Nov 1, 2020

For some reason I don’t see the arrows that allow to respond to individual comments, so I will do it this way:
Admin: There are many practical ways in which Biden can begin restoring our democracy, but first and foremost he needs to restore the moral standing and ethical character of the presidency by uprooting the corruption that in an outright cynical manner took hold in the oval office for almost four years.

I get it now. I had to be a member of the group to have permission to post a reply.


I'm done with voting for the lessor evil. I voted for Cthulhu.

PadraicM Level 7 Nov 1, 2020

Well... there goes the over population problem 😉


It seems, sadly, that no matter the Election/s YOU always seem to get EXACTLY what others have been paid/ subtly or otherwise persuaded to vote for.

Triphid Level 9 Nov 1, 2020

My vote is determined by policy, not personality. The candidate that pursues policy initiatives that I believe to be beneficial to the Nation and its citizens gets my support.
For that reason, I support President Trump.

dumasarok Level 7 Nov 1, 2020

Beneficial to the Nation of the 1%.

Do you support the policy of putting Children in Cages. If you do you are as much a monster as Trump is.

And I noticed on your Profile that you were in the Navy. Does that make you a patriot or a Loser. Trump thinks you are a loser

@dermot235 Your response tells me it's not likely that you and I will be yukking it up over pitchers of beer anytime soon. LOL

Excuse me? I can't be kind about this. Are you fuckin stupid? What has the moron done for anyone. Look around dude. He has polluted the air and water and increased the speed of climate change degradation and is responsible for over 230,00 deaths. Why don't you ask the dead people and their families what he has done for them. Pollution makes the Covid 19 virus effect worse. We hardly have an earth to live on because of that monster. A vote for trump is a vote for your own demise and is a vote against everyone else on earth. Talk about an evil bastard. Shame on you, dude.

@Healthydoc70 I suppose you'll be putting coal in my Christmas stocking too. Have a great day!

If you vote for a lying, racist, misogynistic, amoral, immoral piece of shit man/child like Rump, then I can safely conclude you are really stupid, evil, or both. Unfortunately you have probably had children passing on those same undesirable traits. Pitiful and sad.

@Sticks48 Sticks and Stones------You have a good day too.

"dumasaroc"....speaks volumes

@dumasarok At least you proved me right, evil and stupid. Thankyou. 🙂

@Sticks48 You are very welcome. The type of invective used is quite revealing. And amusing.

@dumasarok Not invective, fact. I have two house plants and an overripe banana that I am sure are smarter and more moral than you.


I don't "support" either candidate. To do so shows support for the failed two-party system, which routinely gives us weak options and ignorant members. But as a human being, I dislike one candidate much more than the other.

KevinMR Level 7 Nov 1, 2020

It might be time for 3+ parties as binary polarization results in binary thinking. Perhaps a future question could be about potential changes.


I'd say it's long past time for 3+ parties.

I feel the exact same way.


I come from a long line of registered Democrats, and convinced my mother and her siblings not to vote Democrat. Had he still been living, I would have been able to convince my father as well. Third Party candidates never looked so good...


I held my nose and voted for Biden, the less worse of the two choices. It is a sad state of affairs that the great nation of smart, hardworking intelligent, enterprising population full of world renowned Nobel laureates, doctors, engineers, academicians, business people have to look at so lousy, old, frail, corrupt candidates to elect as a head of this world power in 2020. Not enthusiastic at all of the lousy candidate of my side at all but am very relieved it is not Bernie Sanders.

St-Sinner Level 9 Nov 1, 2020

At least you used your vote. Turnout is needed to get rid of the orange monster


I voted because I did not like two people:

  1. Donald Trump
  2. Bernie Sanders

It was a negative vote.

@St-Sinner It will be positive if it helps get rid of the orange monster

Agree with you that the choices are weak. Social media has made things much worse as politicians have to spend so much of their time doing politics ... any time they move to the center, their base is up in arms. It takes a strong candidate to be able to tell their base to move center once polarized. I wonder if either side could pick just one position from the other side to add to their own....

@Admin so you think the center is the accepted position? The center is afraid of actually taking a position. The industrial capitalists have run the country since 1776 and the result is socialism for the wealthy and a dead ecosystem and a dying planet that will be unfit for life soon if not now. Your apparent position fixes nothing and just is more of the same.

@Healthydoc70 I think you're jumping to conclusions that I think the center is ideal. It depends on the issue and the views of the individual. Sometimes I agree with the more liberal causes and sometimes I agree with conservative ones. Sure, centrist positions often are compromises that give a country unity.

As far as capitalism, it was going on for a few centuries before 1776 in many countries. I'm confused on what "socialism for the wealthy" means. I agree with you that the planet is consuming more resources and emitting CO2 at a rate which will cause heat driven sea level rise (chocking most large coastal cities), food shortages as crops burn during heat waves, unrest and larger migrations. How to get people to consume 50% less per year by 2030? I don't see anyone - be they left or right - cutting back their consumption by 50%. Solar/wind is not going to provide enough energy to make steel and concrete. This problem is not a Trump problem - it's a human nature problem where people don't want to have any pain now to help people in the future.

@Admin Climate change is a problem that Trump is responsible for to a huge extent. We have lost 4 good years with him at the wheel. In Ireland we have gone from 2% of our electricity coming from renewable energy to 30% in the last 12 years with 70% being our target for the next 5 years. Wind Power is how we are getting there. And Denmark now exports wind power. And Denmark has steel and concrete. Climate change is not a left right issue in Europe. Green energy is not PAIN, it's a new economy that creates new jobs. Biden gets this. Trump just wants to pander to the oil industry just like the Republican Party does.

Climate change is a priority of the rich countries, just like the sports of golf is. Other countries are struggling for food, clothing, shelter and survival.

@St-Sinner Climate Change is a priority for the WHOLE Planet. Poor countries will be affected by Climate change more than rich countries. When half of Bangladesh is under water from sea level rises where will they grow their food? If you listened to the Science you would not have made such a glib remark about Golf being akin to Clean energy. Clean Green energy is a WIN WIN for everyone, rich and poor. Within 5 years solar and wind energy will be cheaper than fossil fuels cost to produce energy. Poor countries can us this energy to keep money within their own economies rather than sending Billions of dollars to enrich the Saudi Royal family and the Subsidised US oil industry. The writing is on the wall. The quest is will america listen to the science. If they don't then they will be left behind. And America will once again demonstrate it's inability to embrace progressive change.

Climate change is "not" a priority for the whole planet. Millions in poor countries will die today, yes... today. What will climate change fix do about that today? Climate change, golf, country club, dog fashion shows are Western phenomena. Diabetes is not the priority of the world. AIDS should not get the most funding in the world. Millions are dying of hunger, medicine, malaria, diarrhea, leprosy, polio, rapes, child slavery, violence. Don't impose your priorities on the world. It is an issue but it is not a priority. People are dying every day around the world due to avoidable problems every day. When did someone in your neighborhood die of malaria and hunger recently?

More than half of the world's population don't give a shit to progressive vs conservative. They worry about food for today. We are talking like rich ladies in a country club talking about poor people's problem and doing a charity event while sipping on wine or tea.

@St-Sinner It's not me imposing Priorities. It's Climate change. If you want to live in a world where 80% of coastal Cities are flooded. The great Plains in the US become a dust bowl and not a grain bowl. Half of Bangladesh (A poor country) is lost to the sea and 200 million people have no where to go. Drought and famine become common place in Africa, and parts of Central Asia (Again Poor countries). If you want to see hurricanes ravage the populations of the gulf of Mexico, Haiti, Dominican republic and Central America (More Poor countries). If you want to see Cyclones kill and destroy the economies and the lives of people in The Phillipeans, Bali and Indo-China, then ignore the problem of Climate Change. Climate Change has already destroyed the agriculture system in Central America in Places like Guatamala and Honduras and Nicaragua and is causing death and hardship for it's citizens who are fleeing north to abandon their countries.

And when all this happens you can explain to the people of the third world how we in the first world consumed most of the fossil fuels to make ourselves wealthy by their standards, and they will now have to suffer the consequences for our treatment of this planet. And see how that goes down.

And when more and more people in Poor countries die of Malaria and hunger due to climate change will you explain to them that this was all avoidable but we did not think it was a priority.

And on a side note. Diabetes is a first world Problem. And it's at it's worst in the US.
As for Aids. 40% of people in some African countries have AIDS. Should it not get the most funding. Without medicine Aids would kills more people in Africa than hunger, malaria and diarrhea put together.

Listen to the science. This is not a first world problem. This is not a problem that's down the road. This is happening Right now. Climate change is real and is happening around us NOW. We can't afford to put this issue down low on our list of priorities. It not only a Priority, it's is an emergency. We have run out of time on this one.

Science is saying malaria is killing millions in Africa and Asia in much much higher number today than Climate change is killing today.

  1. Science is saying malaria, diarrhea, leprosy, hunger, violence are avoidable problems. What say you?

But we in the Western world are fancying in problems after a decade when not one prediction about climate change in the last 70 years has come true. Not one.

There is science and pseudo science. Do you know there are many many acclaimed scientists do not agree with our views on climate change. Now you want to call them bogus, right?

@St-Sinner You're true colours are now showing. You are a climate change denier. The scientists that claim climate change is a hoax work for Big oil and fossil fuel companies. An OVERWHELMING majority of Scientists agree that Climate change is happening NOW.

Science is also saying that malaria, diarrhea, leprosy, hunger, violence will increase with Climate change. That's what I say.

"But we in the Western world are fancying in problems after a decade when not one prediction about climate change in the last 70 years has come true. Not one."
What can I say to that. It's just not true. The Temperature of the Planet is increasing dramatically in the last decade alone. That's what the scientists said would happen. And That's where I will leave it. You did "Not One". So one is enough. I could go on and on about the Ice Sheets receding, the increase in hurricanes and so on and so on. But All I have to do is give ONE example and this proves you are wrong

I am not a denier. I am telling you to not overblow it. There are other miseries where children and grown ups are dying every day. Many children will do today while you will see a climate change conference in an advanced country in a five star hotel. I hope you understand the point. It is NOT a high priority for the world. Hunger and survival are the high priority of the world. Sitting in a rich country does not give you the right to decide what the world should do.

@St-Sinner Every country in the World signed up to the Paris Climate accord apart from Nicaragua and Syria. Then Trump opted out. So all but 3 countries. That's hardly sitting in a first world country telling poor countries what to do. Everyone is on board with this. An international agreement of 193 countries is not a rich country telling the world what to do.

If you think I'm overblown, then please tell me the last time that many countries in the world agreed on the same thing.

And you just don't get it do you. If Hunger and survival are the High Priority for the world then Climate change has to the High Priority for the world too. It will be the greatest cause of human misery in the net 100 years if we fail to act and act now


I think I have tried to tell you that climate change is not a priority for millions of people in the world because they do not know if they can survive the day or next day. Countries do agreements for thousands reasons including foreign aid and international compliance to stay qualified in the international community. Many times African dictators take international money and fill personal coffers.

Why is it so hard to understand this?
"If a human being is dying of hunger or very avoidable disease today, he or she wouldn't give a shit to climate change"

@St-Sinner I must agree that you have blinders on or call it being in denial. Dying today or a very avoidable disease most likely or certainly has been impacted by climate change. The flood and arc stories from the bible are based on real happenings caused by the cutting down of trees in the mid east to clear the land for agriculture and for building and for heat. This was a real human caused debacle resulting in severe climate change and many deaths. In effect, humans were killed by their own behavior. there are cities in Turkey that are 10 miles inland from where they were prior to the flood due to loss of soil carried downhill by the flood.

You do not Not Eat Food because you are afraid of climate change in a few decades. This bogeyman under the beg trick works in Western countries but in Africa and Asia, they are not afraid of bogeyman. They see worse every day.

So good luck with this crap where you live.

Imagine stopping Hutus from massacring Tutsies and explaining to them what climate change is. Or try stopping in villages where children are dying of hunger or Malaria and please explain why climate change is very important. You will have the answer.

You are out of touch with the world. United States and Canada are not the world. Other people are not like you. Stop expecting that your issues must be important to them.

@St-Sinner OK you are now degenerating into BS. Just trying to justify your position. Asking why is it so hard to understand this. People are dieing of Climate Change NOW, TODAY, THIS year, LAST year, next year. Don't you get it. It's happening NOW. African Dictators are not taking bribes to sign the Paris Climate accord. You sound like a Q-Anon person now. Get real

@St-Sinner The reality is that people in the third world do see climate change as an issue. It's in the First world that Climate change is being denied. It's being denied by you and by a lot of Republicans and by Trump. Your attempts to stand up for people in poor countries is silly. THEY accept climate change is real. Poor farmers in Asia having there homes and land swept away by Floods and by rising sea levels are suffering RIGHT NOW. And they do no need you to tell them to worry about food today and not to worry about climate change. The 2 are connected and are connected RIGHT NOW. This is no longer a debate about the future. It's here NOW. RIGHT NOW

Absolutely not, not now and not until we save people from hunger and avoidable diseases. Divert all monies, all resources, all energies to the people of the world immediately. Now is important for poor people, climate change is not urgent because false warnings have been issued 10 times by scientists before. We cannot prioritize the world according to the Western preferences.

There is a debate in Western societies and nobody is even talking about climate change in poor, disease, poverty stricken countries. Nobody even knows what that is. Don't give them your fancy talk.

@St-Sinner You are just not listening. People are dieing from HUNGER NOW because of Climate change. It's not a false warning . It's already happening NOW NOW NOW. Temperatures on the planet are up 1.5 degrees celcius this year. Record temperatures are being recorded for every year in the las t10 years. IT'S NOW.

That's is your view and you say your scientist say, right?

Does the world have to give a shit to that view? I am trying to tell you it does not because they have other burning priorities like - not dying today. Are you dying today?

@St-Sinner The CO2 emissions done in the first world TODAY and causing people in the Third world to die TODAY. Look where not listening to the scientist got you with Covid. I think when New York is 6 feet under water climate change deniers will still be unmoved on their position. When 50 million Climate change migrants come knocking on your door in the US and 50 million Climate Migrants come knocking on Europes door, will you even change your mind then. I doubt it. You just refuse to see what's happening NOW. And if you care about what happens to the poorest of the poor in the world you would want to embrace Green energy and accept that Global warming is an issue we are running out of time to solve. World hunger, poverty and infant mortality have been reduced dramatically around the Globe in the last 20 years. This was done with LONG TERM solutions that were put in play 20 years ago and more. You can't solve these issues by ignoring the long term solutions that will impact these thing. And you don't have to do these things at the expense of solutions that are available now that could be done to give instant relief to the poorest in the world. You have to do Both. You can fund clean water projects in Africa TODAY. You can fund vaccine programmes TODAY in the third world and save lives. But you can do green energy at the same time. Doing one does not require that you can't do the other at the same time.

And by they way. They are not MY Scientists. They are scientists.


Please read carefully two things I have been telling you:

  1. Scientists made 10 predictions that the world would end in the last 70 years, not one came true, not one.
  2. Conservatives have renowned scientists but we have been in denial that anybody who disagrees with us are wrong

The world does not work according to what you want. Go to Africa and Asia and ask poor people in shanty towns "what should we do about climate change?" Translation of the answer you would get..... "We do not give a shit. Where is my meal?"

@St-Sinner this is just getting stupid
The vast majority of scientists have predicted global warming and no the End of thworld happening in the Las 70 years

And I don't Want global warming
It justis
It is just happening
I did now will it to happen with my mind, I'm not Donald trump

And I have said this so many times and you just ignore it so I'll say it one more time
Poor people in Bangladesh and numerous islands in the Indian ocean are concerned about climate change because there homes and land are being swallowed up by sea levels rising and they are concerned about climate change and are more aware of it than you want to admit

Sorry to burst your bubble
But poor people all over the world do give a shit about climate change and you should give a shit too


Lesser of two evils. Which is how I've had to vote for a very long time. But the days of having a moderate person to vote for are far gone.

redhog Level 7 Nov 1, 2020

Perhaps 2024 will have one 🙂

@Admin we shall see.


I support Biden moderately. I oppose Trump immoderately.

I’m a footsoldier for democracy and the DIRR, the direct initiative, referendum and recall, which voters in only seventeen mostly western states have. The other 33 states and the nation elect people who will hear offers, may accept those offers (bribes ) and become predators.
See Citizen Power: A Mandate for Change by Mike Gravel, former US Senator from Alaska.

yvilletom Level 8 Nov 1, 2020



In my opinion , the whole thing is rigged and we're getting screwed no matter who we vote for or who wins .

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 1, 2020

Yes, these are especially tough times. Politicians are in a tough spot as the economy is fragile and unrest is growing (with justification).

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