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Does teaching "white guilt" also cultivate a "white pride" backlash?

Glenn Loury, a black author and professor of Economics at Brown University, recently wrote an article entitled "Unspeakable Truths about Racial Inequality in America". In it, he lists ways that "cancel culture" is enforcing a world-view that is often not fully backed up with facts and evidence. He posits further that the vilification of white people and their ancestors could result in an argumentatively justifiable "white pride" backlash. Specifically, he writes:

I wonder if the “white-guilt” and “white-apologia” and “white-privilege” view of the world cannot exist except also to give birth to a “white-pride” backlash, even if the latter is seldom expressed overtly—it being politically incorrect to do so.

Confronted by someone who is constantly bludgeoning me about the evils of colonialism, urging me to tear down the statues of “dead white men,” insisting that I apologize for what my white forebears did to the “peoples of color” in years past, demanding that I settle my historical indebtedness via reparations, and so forth—I well might begin to ask myself, were I one of these “white oppressors,” on exactly what foundations does human civilization in the 21st century stand? I might begin to enumerate the great works of philosophy, mathematics, and science that ushered in the “Age of Enlightenment,” that allowed modern medicine to exist, that gave rise to the core of human knowledge about the origins of the species or of the universe. I might begin to tick-off the great artistic achievements of European culture, the architectural innovations, the paintings, the symphonies, etc. And then, were I in a particularly agitated mood, I might even ask these “people of color,” who think that they can simply bully me into a state of guilt-ridden self-loathing, where is “their” civilization?

Now, everything I just said exemplifies “racist” and “white supremacist” rhetoric. I wish to stipulate that I would never actually say something like that myself. I am not here attempting to justify that position. I am simply noticing that, if I were a white person, it might tempt me, and I cannot help but think that it is tempting a great many white people. We can wag our fingers at them all we want but they are a part of the racism-monger’s package. If one is going to go down this route, one has got to expect this. How can we make “whiteness” into a site of unrelenting moral indictment without also occasioning it to become the basis of pride, of identity and, ultimately, of self-affirmation?

In a way similar to "Black Pride", "Asian Pride" and "Latino Pride" where associated people share camaraderie, a sense of identity, and an admiration for their history, is there a factual or moral argument for people of European ancestry to have "White Pride" (or perhaps "Anglo/Euro Pride" )? If not, why not?

Note: I am not trying to advocate a position, only bringing up a topic to discuss. I am aware that the term "White Pride" is often associated with negative aspects of far-right types. Is there a way to separate these negative aspects from the term?

White people having or expressing pride in the accomplishments of their ancestors...

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Admin 9 Feb 17
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109 comments (51 - 75)

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That's great


I'll argue that there's a missing link in your address. Narrative control. There's a large degree of narrative control to each aspect you mentioned above that purposely creates the various strifes you give notice of. Which is why my vote went to---Something else. Everything above it plays a part in the controlled narrative, mostly towards a negativity. Everyone has the right to express pride in the accomplishments of their ancestors, and should do so. It's the manor of how one does so that counts. What those accomplishments were, particularly in regards to the role they played in society as a whole. As individuals, be intellectual holding to recognize the differences of positive and negative results, and address each from there for all of society to learn from, as a united front. The controlled narrative suppresses the learning of a vast amount of history in that regard. It purposely divides us. And what should be an obvious today. Many of us are a make up of multiple mixed ancestry. Where many who negatively participate within the chaos of the controlled narrative, do so against one or more parts of their own ancestry. Whether it be out of ignorance or malicious intent. A prime example today would be the cancel culture going on in Ukraine, around the world, against Russian's---Slav's, where so many are of a mixed make up in regards to ancestry throughout the surrounding regions. Where the primary enemy has been the use of a false narrative control, and misrepresentation of history.

Cancel culture in itself I argue is another relatively new tool of gaslighting narrative controlled agendas. The history of colonialism is a context of evil. This shouldn't even need explaining due to the millions, if not billions, of lives it has erased throughout history. Still reaping havoc on the planet today. Leave the statues up. As I explained above, let them teach us the negatives and positives of our history accordingly. Also controlled within false facades today to keep us divided. If we were all properly informed, there would be no reasons for apologies. The divisions would be erased for us to properly teach our future generations.

{And then, were I in a particularly agitated mood, I might even ask these “people of color,” who think that they can simply bully me into a state of guilt-ridden self-loathing, where is “their” civilization?}

Well, agitation would correlate with the apparent aberrant mentality and a lack of world cultural knowledge. Glenn goes into a rant about the accomplishments of various European cultural aspects, seemingly totally ignorant that "people of color" have no cultural achievements. But, just which "people of color" is he referring to? Those of the Middle East where the cradle of life may be? Those cultural achievements rubbled by bombs of western nations eliminated from history no longer count? They've had no music or arts over the millenniums? Central and South America. Does he think Europeans simply spent a few hundred years mining gold in those regions for their fortunes. No music and arts here either? Do I need to go into India, Asia, and Russia? Where these regions also played a vast role in culture and arts for millenniums. I must misunderstand why these places draw so much tourist attractions. I'm betting his targeted "people of color" are Africans. Well, Libya was just about wiped off the planet? History erased. Part of my ancestry comes from Morocco. Yea, nothing here --- [] Egypt no, nothing here either --- [] I guess the vast open desert lands and open air imprisonment like enclaves of suppressed people by Europeans and the US for centuries were to much for him to see over to recognize all the wonderful achievements in Africa.

{In a way similar to "Black Pride", "Asian Pride" and "Latino Pride" where associated people share camaraderie, a sense of identity, and an admiration for their history, is there a factual or moral argument for people of European ancestry to have "White Pride" (or perhaps "Anglo/Euro Pride" )? If not, why not?"

Narrative. I can't emphasis narrative enough. That's why. Highly correlates to the war on religion. There's only a war on religion because someone wanted a war on religion. So it mainly comes gaslite essentially every holiday season now. The facade of the US being built on religion seemingly wasn't enough, so we got a new front applied to the war. The question that's really needed here is, why can't Blacks, Asians, and Latinos have their pride days without being confronted about it. Why can't they just be allowed to celebrate it without it being a topic involving White pride interference? Who's the primary make up the constructed interferences? In both cases, I think it's fair to point our fingers a certain direction. The vast majority of people on the planet could care less about what religion anyone follows. The war is between the organized religions is all their part. Has been for as long as man kind has been fighting wars. It's a construct of control where they fight over who's going to be the leader. Blacks, Asians, and Latinos, for the most part, don't care if there's a sense of White pride. Have your day! We have those days. Do they invade any of the various days set apart throughout the year to spoil days in the US of European celebrations? Next time you go to a parade for or certain cultural festival celebration, take a good hard look around. I bet you see a fair degree of Blacks around you enjoying the festivities and food.

I love fair food. I'll go just for the food to any of them. And I'm part Moroccan. And a couple other western African nations. I'm also a socialist. More specifically, a Marxist-Trotskyist. I highly advocate for world unity for the benefit of the working class of all races. The race issue is an agenda driven issue just as religion is. Driven by the international power structure with the help of the medias they own. When you come to realize this, all that cloud cover goes away. The rich and political arena becomes expose for the frauds they are.


Not much to add. I can feel pride AND shame at the same time

Storm1752 Level 8 May 6, 2023

Beyond the 2 generations back whom I knew, I don't give a flying flip what my ancestors accomplished. They are not me and I do not "identify" racially. It is a stupid obsession. That isn't to say horrible things haven't happened in history, and still happen today, which must be changed.

Agn0s Level 4 Jan 13, 2023

As with most things in life it's never a simple story. There's no reason not to be proud of any given race's achievements, but it's likely we couldn't ever know the whole story. The deed itself is likely a mixture of truth and legend, self-made progress and self-aggrandizement fantasy, some varying amount of personal effort mixed with the outright abuse/use of others.

gobstopper Level 2 Oct 14, 2022

I think "have justification for their beliefs" should be "might have valid justification for their beliefs", people can still believe they are right even when they are completely wrong and everyone else can see it. Here is New Zealand we are having white guilt shoved down our throats for being colonizers but here is the thing all countries have been colonized in one way or another, I personally didn't colonize the country as for my family this is only our second generation here and colonization started five or six generations ago... Why should I feel guilty for something that I was not involved with? It's like blaming Germans born in 1990 for the crimes of the 3rd rich... How does that work?

Fallout Level 4 Oct 4, 2021

As with any race, culture, or nationality each group has done both good and bad. Just be truthful and honest about history. For example, the U.S. has done a great deal of good through invention, innovation, and scientific discovery and played a very significant role in the outcome of both World Wars. But, on the other hand the U.S. allowed slavery for centuries, has a long history of racism and mistreatment against blacks and Asians and gays and Native Americans. Teach all of that. Discuss all of that. It all fits together as a whole because all of it is this nation's history. Embrace the good and learn from the bad. That's how you grow and improve.

  1. Who is "teaching" this, exactly? And where?
  2. You think that quite a few white people do not deserve the vilification they richly deserve based on their actions? Like the murderer of George Floyd, maybe?
    The ASSUMPTIONS you put forward to create a false narrative would take me all day to point out, so I will just leave you with these 2, for now......
AnneWimsey Level 9 June 22, 2021

You mean the man that choked on drugs and complained that he couldn't breathe because of that before the office held his knee on his neck, who was also a known and violent offender?

@Fallout so you are comfortable with random police being Judge, Jury, & Executioner?

@AnneWimsey I still don't believe the cop was responsible for his death, I believe the drugs he swallowed to stop the cops from getting them as evidence were.

@Fallout sooooo, sitting on someone's neck is perfectly fine police procedure?
And if the supposed drugs were killing him (Not on the autopsy report that way) then a semi-comotose dying man would need to be restrained like that because.......?
Try making sense!


I could not agree that “are” is an absolute in any of these statements, but “may be” seems appropriate in many. The older I have gotten, the less the world seems black and white...there are MANY shades of grey.

KateOahu Level 8 May 5, 2021

I may have pride in my own efforts & successes; but not in my genetics or the successes of my forebears. I may have pride in others, if my contribution/teaching has enabled or encouraged another's efforts & successes.

Responsibilty has similar, but for more extended implications; because, I have benefited from my genetics & forebears efforts, without my own efforts.

LizZyG Level 5 Apr 2, 2021

Those who believe there should be White Guilt must believe in "Original Sin". The concepts are identical.

Alienbeing Level 8 Mar 24, 2021

If you are right then the moral equation is: guilt = sin. I love the way you think because of the relationships you make. I like when people make me stop and think, like: "Say what?" However, a person can feel guilty without committing a sin. There needs to be an "x" factor in the social math equation.

There is no such thing as sin - just good moral human beings and arseholes.

@Fallout Correct, but irrelevant to the point.


It is possible to recognize and appreciate the good and also acknowledge and condemn the bad, even if that bad is downright evil.

Joanne Level 7 Feb 19, 2021

Being proud about an ancestor's achievement is entirely unrelated to race. The question itself is a stupid question.

Alienbeing Level 8 Feb 18, 2021

It is certainly possible to be proud of one's ancesters and for that to have nothing to do with racism.

It is also completely possible for someone's ancestor pride to directly serve and cover for one's racial prejudice. The record of Jim Crow is the proof of the latter.

@MikeInBatonRouge No shit. What is your point?

@Alienbeing My point is that your response, without any further clarification, appears dismissive and therefore racially insensitive at best. The original question is not stupid but rather, complicated, unless, of course, one chooses not to actually consider it.

@MikeInBatonRouge Thank you for clearly illustrating the problem is the way YOU read YOUR feelings into what I posted.

The mere fact that you feel what I wrote was dismissive and therefore "racially insensitive" (whatever you mean by that) in no way makes what I wrote dismissive or insensitive.

Unlike you, I know I only speak for myself. My opinon about how one feels about one's ancestors is based on how I feel about my ancestors. The way I feel is I am neither proud or ashamed about my ancestors, I had no say in who they are so they are who they are. Period.

@Alienbeing Re. "Unlike you, I know I only speak for myself." Uh, not so much. The first part of your original response, sure. The last sentence was straight up judgment. So no.

@MikeInBatonRouge To clarify that which shoud not need clarification, BOTH of your examples are clearly wrong. Since I am only qualified to speak for myself, that is obviously what I did. If I cited back up or other's opninion, then you would have a point.

You lose.


I feel white people should be aware of white privilege in order to guard against that form of corruption of society en mass. It is not necessary that white people should feel guilt about the historic evils some white people have perpetrated upon people of color. It is more realistic for white people to be aware that more oppression has existed for people of color for lengthy periods of history than has existed for whites. Many people of color have not experienced advantages that many white people experience. White privilege advantages have produced the deadly conflation between having had superior life conditions and supposedly having come from a superior cultural group. Whites can feel justifiable pride in their ancestors as long as their ancestors did not deprive people of color of the freedom to celebrate pride in their ancestors too.

What "white privilege" exists? I am white and never saw an advantage. I had to study hard to get good grades,and work hard to earn decent wages.

@Alienbeing if you think “white privilege” means you don’t need to work or go to school, you don’t know what the phrase means. That is your problem to correct, you don’t get to burden others with your ignorance.

@FreethoughtKaty Your problem is you don't know what the phrase connotes. That is perfectly exemplified by the fact that you infer superior knowledge, but don't offer a definition and instead offer a smug conclusion.

You impress no one with such actions.

'White privilege' is a societal phenomenon, and sociologists would be familiar with the expression.

If a white person has never heard of it, they should not infer that they are white-privileged because of being white. It is advisable not to take the expression white privilege too personally. The reason I guard against symptoms of white privilege in my thinking & behavior, is because I know that many innocent people of color have suffered and will continue to suffer far worse circumstances & events than I ever have suffered, even though I have suffered some traumatic events.

Here are some examples of white privilege: If a black family wishes to buy or rent a house in a white neighborhood that is conveniently located, safe and has good schools, but the owners won't sell or rent to them at the asking price, that is an example of white privilege. If a scholarly black college kid gets killed while jogging in his own neighborhood, because some white men think he might be a thief running from a robbery, that is white privilege.

@Alienbeing Imagine the difficulties hurdles and hardships you have experienced in your life. Now imagine how those situations would have been exacerbated had your skin not been white. If you cannot imagine this, then perhaps it's time you took a hard look at the bubble you have been existing inside.

@AnonySchmoose Your example is wrong. EVERY State and the Federal Gov has laws against refusing to sell a house solely for racial reasons. Therefore it can't exist unless the wronged party allows it to exist. Additionally this is an example of prejudice, not "white privilege".

As for the jogging example that is again an example of prejudicial thinking, NOT "white privilege".

Try again.

@Deb57 Your imagination is the issue. I can't imagine what you imagine. Conversely I KNOW the hardships I had to overcome, abd I "imagine" you do not.

@Alienbeing were your hardships, at any point in your life, caused or complicated because of the color of your skin? I'm betting that was never the case.

@Deb57 Whether they were or were not the answer would not affect my posts, and to answer your question, I really don't know. I did have superior officers who were people of color. One in particular was very difficult to deal with.

However the POINT is that race in itself does not preclude advancement to any individual of any race.

@Alienbeing I don’t aim to impress you. I do not care for the good opinion of racists and I never will. Though you are correct that I have a better education than you. Clearly. I also have a deeper understanding of morality than you do, which is even more evident. How sad for you that your entire life has nearly passed and you aren’t even basically decent.

@Alienbeing If you think having dark skin is no more of an impediment to a black person than it is for a white person to have white skin, then you are straight up delusional. Period.

"EVERY State and the Federal Gov has laws against refusing to sell a house solely for racial reasons."

Laws are good as long as they are defended by the authorities, which often is not the case. There are many loopholes to excuse oneself from defending righteous laws. Some judges do it all the time.

"As for the jogging example that is again an example of prejudicial thinking, NOT "white privilege".

You argue semantics. That didn't prevent a young black person from being murdered, not only by prejudice, but by a system that allows in its antiquated laws for white privilege to exist. The Georgia law, that allows citizens, who are not police, to arrest a person suspected of a crime, goes back to the Reconstruction period when white former slave owners could still kill a negro for running away. You seem to think perpetuation of such a law is okay, yet that is as much white privilege now as it was way back then.

@FreethoughtKaty When you can cite anything I said that even bordered on racist, I'll read the rest of your ignorant reply.

@FreethoughtKaty, @AnonySchmoose Apparently you didn't follow what I typed very well I did say, and I quote "Your example is wrong. EVERY State and the Federal Gov has laws against refusing to sell a house solely for racial reasons. Therefore it can't exist unless the wronged party allows it to exist." Note the second sentence. For the law to work all one needs do is present proof. The problem would not be the law didn't work, the problem would be the wronged party did not persue relief. IN FACT, virtually all suits alleging violation of Fair Houseing laws never get to court because the party that did violate the law know he/she has virtually no chance of winning.

Arguing that prejudice in not "white privilige" is not semantics, nowhere near. The term "white privilige infer an unfair advantage is some thing or things. Prejudice means pre-judged. Entirely different. Learn definitions, your own private definitions don't mean much.

The remainder of your reply is based on what?

@Deb57 I never said nor implied that dark skin can and does subject one to prejudicial behavior. However that is not white privilige, unless you think it is a previlige to be racist. Learn definitions and you will argue better.

"Learn definitions and you will argue better."

Learn English phonics and you will spell better. 🤣🤣🤣

@AnonySchmoose I don't proof read because I really don't care. I suspect you do because you lose on all other points.

Trumpists exist in terms of division - white & black - winners & losers, etc.
Do you react against & fight others because you are a trumpist?
Do you fight the concept of white privilege because you are racist?

You could be part of humanity, if you ask yourself these questions.

@Alienbeing my, my, you're awfully condescending! But I guess that trait would be in tandem with someone so starkly unable to comprehend the basics of human empathy and compassion. Not fooled, though. Condescension is a big red flag when it comes to personality disorders.

@AnonySchmoose Your point out prejudicial acts, and thus only argue with yourself. I freely stipulate racism and prejudice is alive and well in the USA. Additionally I have stated many times that if I was a black man I would be continually outraged. White Privilege infers an advantage, it does not deny racism or prejudice. That is all I am saying.

@Deb57 I see you now present yourself as an expert in psychology. You are not. When you can back up your argument, let me know.

@AnonySchmoose If you read anything I ever posted about Trump (and I posted much) you would see I hated Trump, and that I voted against him twice.

Do you think that all disagreement with your is Trumpist?

@Alienbeing how do you know that I'm not an expert in psychology? You don't. The position you're defending is inhumane and racist, and you're being a tool in the process. I could back up my argument all day long and you would still argue. White privilege is a real thing. Male privilege is a real thing. If you're a white, CIS, upper income male who can pass for Christian and living in America, you are at the very top of the social food chain. Clearly you have been a predator far too long to have any sympathy for those you consider prey. You think your opinion is the final word. In short, I know a narcissist when I see one.

"EVERY State and the Federal Gov has laws against refusing to sell a house solely for racial reasons. Therefore it can't exist unless the wronged party allows it to exist."

"The 'single greatest source of wealth' for white Americans is the growth in value in their owner-occupied homes. The family wealth so generated is the most important contribution to wealth disparity between black and white Americans. It has been said that continuing discrimination in the mortgage industry perpetuates this inequality, not only for black homeowners who pay higher mortgage rates than their white counterparts, but also for those excluded entirely from the housing market by these factors, who are thus excluded from the financial benefits of both capital appreciation and the tax deductions associated with home ownership." []

"For the law to work all one needs do is present proof. The problem would not be the law didn't work, the problem would be the wronged party did not persue relief."

So according to what you suggest, people of color should pursue lawsuits, for which they do not have the financial means to pay.

"The financial inequities created by discriminatory housing practices also have an ongoing effect on young black families, since the net worth of one's parents is the best predictor of one's own net worth, so discriminatory financial policies of the past contribute to race-correlated financial inequities of today. For instance, even when income is controlled for, whites have significantly more wealth than blacks, and this present fact is partially attributable to past federal financial policies that favored whites over blacks." []

These laws have allowed some exploits of white privilege in Georgia:

"Georgia’s Citizen’s Arrest Law
O.C.G.A. § 17-4-60 Grounds for arrest, states “A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge . . . Not surprisingly, this law dates back to the civil war era . . . This law was invoked in 2019 after a young white woman chased down a 62-year-old black man who left the scene of a minor car accident, began punching him and then shot him dead in Atlanta. She was not personally involved in the accident." []

"Georgia’s Self-Defense “Stand Your Ground” Law
Under O.C.G.A. § 16-3-21, people who “reasonably believe” that their life or property is being threatened don't have to retreat (stand your ground) and can use deadly force if they think it's necessary to prevent their own death . . . “Stand your ground” has been used successfully as a defense [ in Florida ] even when the ground the killer was standing on had been reached by stalking the victim, as in the Trayvon Martin case." []

@AnonySchmoose You keep citing examples of prejudice. I already said I freely stipulate prejudice and bigotry exist. My point has solely been the the term "White Privilege" suggests a special advantage to being white. If you are saying that advantage is not having to put up with racism and prejudice, I agree. However if that is your only point, then what is the difference between "White Privilege" and prejudicial behavior?

@AnonySchmoose Such lawsuits would cost the plaintiff NOTHING. Lawyers take such cases on a contingent basis. Therefore financial status does not matter.

@AnonySchmoose Discrimination in housing lending, and redlining has been illegsl for many years. As I said, it can only exist if the wronged party allows it to exist.

@Deb57 I know you are not an expert in psychology becaue of you were you would not even attempt to make the pronouncement you make prior to a detailed in person analysis. In fact if you were a licensed professional, in manhy States doing so would subject you to lose of license.

Clearly you don't know anything about me and you are prone to make wild statements, such as that statement you started with "you have been a predator far too long". I was never a predator, but you are obviously one who has no problem drawing conclusions with nothing to bakc up the conclusion.

Therefore it is obvious iti is actually YOU who is in love with yourself.

Feel free to rant on, you make my case every time you touch a key.

@Alienbeing I get that a white supremacist can't comprehend the idea of white privilege. If you could, you wouldn't be such a racist. And you're right, I don't have any degrees in psychology, but I have had more life experience dealing with malignant narcissists than many psychologists ever get, and I can spot one pretty quickly. The projection you just demonstrated is a textbook trait, and that's just a fraction of what you have displayed in this thread alone.


On one side, I see pride and guilt. On the other, I see fairness, goodwill, humbleness and courage.
I think we all have our fair share of pride and guilt. As individuals and as races.
I'm a white Quebecer. My ancestors came from France about 400 years ago to colonize one part of North America. After losing a war against the British, the colonists became colonized. They went from one side of the gun to the other.
I think white privilege is real and it sucks. I'd rather have equal human privilege for everyone.
I say all supremacists are traitors to the human race. The only purity that matters to me is the purity of the heart.


The issue has never been white people taking pride in their own heritage, the issue is that it's done at the exclusion of everyone else's and the lies told to hide their part in destroying those heritages.

redbai Level 8 Feb 18, 2021

Could you elaborate? Perhaps on how would white people taking pride in their own heritage excludes others more so than say "Black History Month" excludes others?

@Admin Try any American History class. The fact that unless there was a month celebrating black history, it wouldn't be discussed at all. But European history and American history glorifying the accomplishments of white people are considered a necessary aspect of an educated person.

@Admin How does Black History Month exclude anyone?


...are often losers with low self esteem who couldn't accomplish much on thier own and so are riding on the coattails of those who accomplished much and also happen to be their color or race.

Im surprised they haven't counted Einstein as a "white coattail" to ride on, lol. Im sure the only thi thing preventing that is the fact that he is Jewish.

MakeItGood Level 7 Feb 17, 2021

Another stupid poll. People of any color can be proud of the achievements of their ancestors.

Mofo1953 Level 9 Feb 17, 2021

... yes, as well as being proud of the achievements of other people's ancestors.

@Admin other people's? Aren't we all humans?


I have pride in good accomplishments of myself. I have nothing to do with accomplishments of ANYONE else thus I have no opinion on them no matter what color their skin. That includes my grown children. If they did (and they regularly do) good things, then I did my job well in raising them. If they fail, they probably didn't listen well, or I didn't teach them in a way they heard what I meant. My job is done and I can't go back and do it again.

Larimar Level 8 Feb 17, 2021

Why does everything have to be framed in a black & white issue? Yes, there are racists among us but why should they form the dialogue. Racism and us versus them seem universal and knows no tribe. But not everyone succumbs to this way of thinking. Many people of differing tribes fight and even give their lives for equality. Also, it's not just color but sexual identity. One fact of nature is when resources become scarce people, especially those that are doing without, compete. Somehow the will to survive becomes the overwhelming drive.

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 17, 2021

Why do Americans focus so much on people’s race?
I find it racist.

Mvtt Level 7 Feb 17, 2021

To answer your question, it comes down (IMO) to a consensual sense of insecurity both at the personal level and the group level.


I'm going to create a poll asking if this is the stupidest poll ever.

Secretguy Level 7 Feb 17, 2021

It’s not, @Secretguy, but something in it moved you to defend yourself by attacking it.


Imo, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having a LITTLE pride in the achievements of ones predecessors or, for than matter, those of oneself either.
Skin colour is JUST skin colour and absolutely NOTHING else.
In my opinion, one the BIGGEST problems with this Racism bullshit is those who scream about it the loudest and make money from it AT the EXPENSE of others who may not be White and of Caucasian origin.
Are WE ALL not just Human Beings, cut us and we do BLEED the same coloured blood, kill us and do we NOT all die.
When a person of a dark skin dies, they actually fade to a greyish white, when a person of a white skin shade dies they become a greyish black skin shade but either way they are still very very dead.

Triphid Level 9 Feb 17, 2021

Yes, we are all the same, except the Irish. We don’t want the Irish!

( props to Mel Brooks)

Pride, especially for the "accomplishments" of someone else, is always a negative. It's not one of the seven deadly sins only for some occasions, after all. Pride is born of ego and that is the biggest crime. Ego created Satan, and Darth Vader, so has always been an evil in mythology.

@rainmanjr WTF. FYI SIN is a biblical concept designed solely to keep the Sheeple miserable and controlled by the Religions that purvey it to be so.
Having a bit of pride in ones appearance, ones manner, ones achievement/s, etc, IS a human trait and, more often than not it also encourages one to try to do better than they thought they could.
Pride is NOT born of Ego nor is Ego born of Pride and is, imo, never a negative/negativity since, e.g. a child that gets applause from its parent/s for a simple task like taking its first ever step is encouraged to take another and another until it learns how to walk.
Good and Bad/Good and Evil are merely 2 sides of the same coin and, imo, EVERYONE has both of them within them, it solely depends on, as an old Native American saying goes " Is like having 2 wolves inside you and which one you choose to feed the best depends upon which one wins out."
Satan, Lucifer, Darth Vader, etc, etc, are NOTHING more than the imaginings of fevered minds or Hollywood Scriptwriters at best.
So, as a well Qualified Psychologist may I most humbly suggest that you try to get yourself more educated in the realms of Reality, TRUE Reality that is, and and a little less in the foggy, misty mysticisms of the woo-woo that is Spirituality.


Would depend what you’re proud of, but assuming it’s something appropriate we should all be proud of positive historical figures of all heritages, surely?

Yay, yet another misleading poll from admin.
We live in a quantum world, where everyone can be proud of their heritage.
People like him live in a black and white world and seem to think phrases like "Black lives matter" means no other lives do, missing the entire point, every single time regardless.
Such a disappointment.
My personal opinion is that racial definitions are delusional and based only on the most superficial variations of morphology. Every accomplishment from every culture is everyone's heritage as a species.
This wouldn't even be a question had Europeans not considered all other cultures beneath them for the last 500 years. We still see the same kind of thing in many other cultures, and it's unbecoming. Try going to Japan and go bar hopping, you'd be shocked at how many bouncers won't let anyone that's not Japanese enter. I leave it to the Japanese to deal with the issue. Japan isn't multicultural, you can't live in a functioning multicultural society with those kinds of attitudes. In Americas case we condemned ourselves to be multicultural at gunpoint when we started buying African slaves, wait even before that, Native Americans were put into slavery by the Spanish and we've been going downhill ever since.

@Willow_Wisp most of them to date seem to do with American politics, which I’m still learning about.

@Willow_Wisp Since you are disparaging me personally, I would like to respond. I think the evidence of my posts and comments would suggest that I view almost everything as a gradient. There is good and bad in individuals, groups, and political/social views. I work hard to combat the caricatures that exist of people on the left and right by often positioning my posts in a way that highlights a charitable aspect of a disliked position or person. I admit that doing this can be misinterpreted.

@Admin No surprises there, WillowWisp has in the past wrongly accused you of being an "anti American conservative". Centrist and hardline conservative are two different things, and even I'm closer to the center than the far-right.


I am white, my ancestors are British. Yes I am proud of William Shakespear, Shirley Bassey, Lewis Hamilton, Linford Christie, Marcus Rashford, Paul McCartney, Phil Lynott, Lenox Lewis, John Barnes,
David Oyelowo, Isaac Newton, Jane Austin, Charles Dickens.

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