Youtube Creators

This a Think tank for Athiest/Agnostic YouTube creators to discuss content and help each other improve competive world of YouTube.

This a Think tank for Athiest/Agnostic YouTube creators to discuss content and help each other improve competive world of YouTube.

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Posts Tagged "videos" By DavidLaDeau (15) Posts by members only

Youtube Creators
Feb 6, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by WeaZ
After I drop my Introduction video on my channel in 3/23/19 (coming out Atheist day)... I am trying to decide what route I am going to take to tell my deconversion story... A lot of stories are from child to youth to adult. So do I 1. Do you the ...
Youtube Creators
Aug 24, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Lordblaze11
Guys since you all make YouTube videos pls help me with something.Some people here countered my stance against existence of God by saying you haven't seen,heard or touched your great grandfather then how do you know he's real.
Youtube Creators
Jun 16, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by DavidLaDeau
Welcome kunleyg89 ! What type of videos do you make? Please post one! Waht is your channel name and what is its focus?
Youtube Creators
May 25, 2018May 2018

Posted by DavidLaDeau
Welcome Jared! What type of videos do you make and what is your channel? Please post a sample!
1 comment
Youtube Creators
May 14, 2018May 2018

Posted by DavidLaDeau
I Would like to know what you think of the Mic/Bible drop at the end of my videos. How does it come off? I wnat to convey that the Bible is just a book and be just a little shocking yet I wonder if it might be too insulting to the audience I wish to ...
1 comment
Youtube Creators
May 14, 2018May 2018

Posted by slayer1am
Hey guys, thanks for the invite to the group. I've made two videos so far, looking forward to learning how to improve and get better recognition.
Youtube Creators
May 8, 2018May 2018

Posted by DavidLaDeau
Welcome to YouTube creators! This Is a private group for creators to disscuss content, tricks, whatever! I hope we can put our heads together to help each other to help others with our videos! Our discussions remain only in this group and are not ...


Posted by WeaZAfter I drop my Introduction video on my channel in 3/23/19 (coming out Atheist day).

  • Top tags#video #videos #youtube #Atheist #agnostic #religious #atheism #community #created #reason #einstein #writers #book #deconversion #friends #god #existence #freethinker #Skeptic #Humanist #world #medicine #guncontrol #guns #vote #consent #sex #parents #military #clubs #teach #religion #magic #quantum #technology #QuantumPhysics #physics #Europe #films #movies #Present #80s #evidence #beliefs #genetic #truth #religions #humor #belief #spam ...

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