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Iran admits shooting down one of our drones but denies attacking a Japanese tanker.
1of5 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Philadelphia pulls 72 cops after watchdog finds thousands of the officers' violent, racist social ...
1of5 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Well isn't that nice. But I think thier behavior while on duty probably erodes public trust in them more than thier online stuff does.
What do you think this means? Iran shooting down an American drone. []
1of5 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
That Iran has the same tolerance for drones with cameras on them (spy planes) buzzing around thier territory that I do. That's if it was actually them that downed it. I don't believe a word this administration utters beyond is, it, and that.
"Harvard Study Reveals Religious Upbringing Better for Kids’ Health, Well-Being" []
1of5 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Good for them. Now to just address all the ills religion fosters upon society...
Do we know what causes solar flares?
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
And You And I in HD by Yes []
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
One of my favorite songs live.
Five Symptoms of Laziness 1.
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Happy Washington Wildflower Wednesday. Trillium from early April.
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Nice pic. I misread it as "Trillian" for half a second, though, and was quite confused. As opposed to my standard mildly confused.
Sooo I was bit aggravated at work when I arrived this morning & couldn't figure out why a few hours ...
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
My first thought was "pics or it never happened". But it would be so wrong of me to actually *say* it. Hope the unbunching went well.
LISTEN ON HEAD PHONES !!!!! The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - 11 - High Coin (by EarpJohn) ...
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
No headphones, but later I'll pump it through the Dahlquists. Should be fine. :)
Joe Biden Promises Rich Donors He Won’t ‘Demonize’ The Wealthy If Elected President ...
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
It's nice to have a moderate Republican running. Too bad it's not as a Republican, but still. *“The truth of the matter is, you all, you all know, you all know in your gut what has to be done. We can disagree in the margins but the truth of the matter is it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished. No one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change,” he said.* Everyone, and I mean everyone in that room knows they could be taxed at 50% and it wouldn't affect thier standard of living one tiny bit. Most Americans think they will, eventually, become wealthy. Its a basic misunderstanding of economics but it's been sold as the American dream and who wants to vote for someone who's going to take that dream from them and/or thier children? We're a nation of idiots and to win you have to know that*. Threatening to "demonize" those who've achieved "The Great American Dream" is a poor strategy, IMO. *See Trump, Donald for the best example of this.
Hey folks.
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Congrats! I meet my wife here, so it even works for us jerks as well as you nice people. :)
To have loved and lost.
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Hope you find it again. Being in love rocks!
Not sure how "Christian" this is... []
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Bullshit pulled out of an ass blaming others for thier problem? Extremely, unfortunatly.
Whilst having a slightly drunken conversation with my daughter, the subject of pedophile priests ...
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Con men. Same profession they have now.
Opinion: Joe Biden Is The White Moderate Dr. King Warned Us About - Essence
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
While his embracing of those relationships is rather disgusting, that's how a democracy is supposed to work - all voices heard, and they *are* the opposition, not the enemy.
If any, which 3 public figures have inspired you to make ANY change in your life that had staying ...
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Carl Sagan. He helped me think on a larger scale, and also to look beyond issues to the root of what's happening.
Is this writer correct? Do we owe Gore an apology? []
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Just because he was right and roundly dismissed because it would cost money? Naaaw.
Yay! I reached level 9 !.
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Hope the surgery goes well.
So I have an uncomfortable suspicion regarding my father.
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
People who use religion to prevent them from doing despicable things is, quite literally, religions only good feature. That they also use it to cover those things actually makes it a wash, though. Doubt you'll get him to say he is, or was. You'd be obliged to call the cops if he did and both of you know it.
Franklin Graham: I Think God Was Behind The Last Election - The Intellectualist
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Hell the bible - the book promoting god - doesn't show god in a good light. His publicist earned every dime, that's for sure. The entire Graham family is a great argument against god.
I wonder, how do you all view jealousy? Personally, i see it as a child-like emotion.
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Fuck, I'm pissed I didn't think of this question. Twice.
Evangelicals Fear That Trump’s China Tariffs Will Raise The Cost Of Bibles - The Intellectualist
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
IMHO the price of bibles is already to high.
Anyone care to join me?
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
I'll skip it ti piks ll'I Thanks for the invite, though.
My conversion from being a catholic to an atheist wasnt an immediate change.
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
I was an evangelical and wanted to get closer to god, so decided to read the bible cover to cover because bible study just focused on small sections and there was the whole word of god to explore! Read it, was shocked, read it again and haven't touched one since.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Wants You to Know She Was Not Impressed
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
The search for her replacement has hit a snag.
I have to say, anyone out there that is going to try and defend AOC after her 'Concentration Camp' ...
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
*....needs to get a grip on their warped sense of reality.* This is so fucking funny coming from you. Thanks for the laugh, its appreciated. :)
A question I have pondering upon for some time.
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
It should be thier life that's celebrated but the finality of death is impossible to overlook, so its rather impossible to ignore and gets addressed. Sucks. Sorry for your loss. How long has she been (jezus I'm trying to find some other word besides "dead" to ask this) gone?
A Breakthrough in the Mystery of Why Women Get More Autoimmune Diseases []
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Interesting, to say the least.
More women are choosing not to have kids, and society can't cope - ABC Life
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
It's definetly a good thing.
What is your daily menu?
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Fat, protein, and as few carbs as possible.
"Thoughts and Prayers" is a digusting reponse to gun violence.
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
It's a response? I thought it was a dodge to make it look like they gave a fuck.
Should we all become alcoholics because there are tea-totallers?
1of5 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Well its not, so it wont.
Do you suspect there is an evangelical arm of atheism that wants to convert religious practitioners ...
1of5 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Suspect? Naw. Know? You bet.
Sometimes strange things happen in nature that make you wonder.
1of5 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Poor spider. :(
1of5 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Of course it's a conspiracy against him - what the fuck isn't, in his world?
Should we all become teetotalers because there are alcoholics?
1of5 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
*We should fight toxic varieties of religion...* Who decides where or when a religion becomes toxic? Of all the things you list only one of them is forced down people's throats - religion.
Standoff with Iran exposes Trump’s credibility issue as some allies seek more proof of tanker ...
1of5 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
If any government takes the word of the Trump administration without independent confirmation they should be removed from power immediately.
Are their any normal functioning, real guys out their! having been on tinder, my hopes are fading.
1of5 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
What in the world is a "normal functioning, real guy"?
Does anyone else think the depth and breadth of discourse about religious detriment on this site has...
1of5 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
No. I think it shows the depth and breadth of religions superficial nature.
Lawyers: Alex Jones sent child porn to Sandy Hook families - Houston Chronicle
1of5 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
What a fucked up person.
How closely tied are pride and confidence, in your opinion?
1of5 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
Confidence is more closely tied to ineptitude than pride in most people, although one could argue that pride doesn't allow them to see thier own ineptitude. It would vary from person to person. All individuals, all unique, blah blah blah - except where we're the same, of course.
Trump says supporters could 'demand' he not leave after two terms
1of5 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
Trump says lots of stupid shit. That he thinks he's right is the scary part. That others think he's right is the terrifying part.
Thought I knew what a caterpillar is. New definition.
1of5 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
The way language evolves can be fascinating.
"You shouldn't do that" is a challenge. Is "Watch me" your response?
1of5 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
Nope. I worked construction, as an electrician, and operated commercial buildings. When someone says " You shouldn't do that" to me I take it to heart - way to many bad things have happened just after those words were uttered in my experience. BTW, boot or not you should never stand on a chair. Get a step stool, it actually works better than a chair.
The US military is not briefing the US president on major cyber warfare operations against a hostile...
1of5 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
I thought it was because they refused to print the briefings in crayon, so POTUS would pay attention to it. Learn something new every day.
How did you come to be atheist, agnostic, etc.?
1of5 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
Read the bible cover to cover. Was so shocked i read it again, and haven't touched one since.
Anyone have examples of a song that seemed to be one thing, but on closer examination was actually ...
1of5 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
Anything by *Creed*. They claim they're all songs, but upon closer examination it's all crap.
Surprise, surprise. Man who fights against womens' rights turns out to be an abuser.
1of5 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
Well, duh.
Madonna says 'Instagram is designed to make people feel bad'
1of5 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
Weird, every time I think of Madonna I feel bad.
13 arrested in record welfare fraud sweep
1of5 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
Wow. A whopping 3 of them broke 5 digits, with only 1 of those going over 20 grand. More than 1 was under 2 grand. There's so much wrong with this I don't even know where to start.
1of5 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
God didn't do much to protect the house to begin with.
Today I'm making scratch dinner rolls.
1of5 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
That sucks. Not the rolls, I'm sure thier tasty. The cancer part. Fuck cancer.
Does anyone else struggle with hating religion?
1of5 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I dont hate religion, just the assholes who use it to fuck up other people's lives.
Sorry I was just a tad aggravated last night.
1of5 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
Found the emergency stash of Nyquil, I take it. :)
Oh FFS, if this relationship goes south it will be because of one of the following: 1.
1of5 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
It'll be 2. This is why athiests eat babies, to avoid dealing with other people's grandkids. Well, that and they're delicious.
Only 996 points until I’m halfway to level 8 ✊🏽🌈😂🤙🏽👊🏽🤪 Even less after I...
1of5 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Woot! Points whoring! Have a few more.
1of5 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Be happy to, just shoot me over a credit card number and I'll get right on it. Now you need to understand my methods - although time consuming - are guaranteed to eventually, someday, in the future, provide you with someone that could possibly become your wife.
Catholic Priest Claims Autistic Children Are ‘Like Animals’ Caused By Porn, Masturbation, ...
1of5 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
So does this mean vaccines are off the hook?
So, I recently received a diagnosis of CLL.
1of5 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
No experience with it personally, but good luck.
So this is my first post, first time on site.
1of5 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Just read, post, and participate. If it's for you you'll find how the site works best. I meet my wife here if you're looking for success stories.
This is fucking hilarious.
1of5 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Her wish really should be to be forgotten, instead of as a student of Goebbels.
Christian Activist Warns Straight Men: Masturbation Is Gay Because ‘You’re Having Sex With ...
1of5 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
To bad for me I'm such a good lay, I just can't quit me.
Meghan McCain needs to get out more. []
1of5 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Maybe just not be on tv? That would work, too.
Profile pictures
1of5 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
There's an algorithm the site uses that blurs profile pics based on thier ability to use logic. The fuzzier the logic they use, the more their pic gets blurred. It's a very useful feature.
Bob Dylan was a great songwriter. Can't stand his singing voice.
1of5 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Can't stand listening to him. At all.
There are now parody porn sites for the Miley Cyrus Black Mirror Episode and Game of Thrones.
1of5 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Who says art in cinema is dead?
Can anyone tell me where the notion that life begins at conception actually came from?
1of5 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
<said while standing on a soapbox pounding my chest> both egg and sperm were already alive at the moment of conception. Life did not start then, it took on a different form.
Should it be illegal or legal to burn the American flag?
1of5 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Burning a flag = not ok. But statues, pictures, and stained glass depicting a guy nailed to a cross is perfectly acceptable. And we wonder why this place is so fucked up.
Seven Reasons To Be Highly Skeptical Of The Gulf Of Oman Incident – Caitlin Johnstone
1of5 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
If you just assume this administration is lying and manipulating for thier own ends...well then you've been paying attention.
When it comes to ethical consuming, how idealistic or picky are you?
1of5 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
I'm fairly picky about who gets my money. Yes, it is a result of being able too, but as far as I see it that's part of my responsibility, too, for the luxuries I enjoy.
I have in my street: a Christian Heritage Church at the main corner, a chaplain neighbor, a pastor ...
1of5 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Definetly need to do something. Maybe project *Life of Brian* on the garage door, or get a *Buddy Jesus* statue for the yard.
The more I hear about the attacks on those tanker ships in the Straights of Hormuz, why does the ...
1of5 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
I'm sure it's all fine and above board. No reason to think otherwise, at all. Nope.
I have a reasonable level of confidence that the nature of the tension caused as a result of ...
1of5 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Religion is just codified culture. Politics is how you want those who you don't know treated.
It's endlessly interesting (and frustrating AF) how this "administration" will accept the reports of...
1of5 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Is the intelligence community saying who did what, or just John Bolton? Cause there's a wiiiiide gulf in creadability between the 2.
A hypothetical moral dilemma: Dan melody are dating, Dan ask Melody" are you on birth control?
1of5 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
*snort* Like 2 people that dishonest with each other would last 5 years together.
I just want to be foolishly in love because love is all there is for me.
1of5 comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Hope you find it.
Looking for a nice lady in East Texas.
1of5 comments on Jun 13, 2019:
You'll probably get more responses if you post your social security number as well.
Regarding online dating: What would be a "must" demanded in your profile?
1of5 comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Speaks english.
Imagine a vegan world .
1of5 comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Fantasy? The world would be overun with herbivors, the planet would be stripped of vegetation in short order and everything would die of starvation. Carnivores and omnivores are an integral part of our worldwide ecosystem. :)
FOX News and FOX Network Advertising Binge Has anyone else noticed that Fox has ramped ...
1of5 comments on Jun 12, 2019:
*Are they gearing up for political propaganda as we near 2020?* Gearing up? When did they stop?
Is Ted Cruz hitting on AOC?
1of5 comments on Jun 12, 2019:
They aren't behind it because it isn't about babies, it's about controlling women's sexuality.
In a marriage/relationship, are traditional gender roles wrong, if you both are happy and prefer it ...
1of5 comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Traditional gender roles are just that - traditional. Right for some, wrong for some. Why single out how a feminist would view it?
Assume there were a technological breakthrough that would allow people to travel easily and cheaply ...
1of5 comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Sounds at least as safe as cars. Isn't there around 40,000 deaths in the USA alone from autos? I'm assuming your 100,000 would be world wide.
How do I meet that blond in shorts on the main page when you sign in?
1of5 comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Just contact any local escort agency.
As a Group Owner I can still not DOUBLE POST. With the new setup I still cannot DOUBLEPOST.
1of5 comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Maybe your not SUPPOSED to?
Why do so many men think sarcastic humor is positive?
1of5 comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Both my wife and I are very sarcastic, but we don't aim it at each other - we use it to make fun of others. Its a bonding thing between us. But it is negative humor, and we don't ever think it's anything but.
I don't understand why people lie about themselves on their profiles.
1of5 comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Profiles are how people see themselves, and the easiest person to lie to is yourself.
When are Trump supporters going to realize that he does not have a clue -- not a single real idea-- ...
1of5 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Pretty sure at this point he knows it's either win reelection or be indicted. That's probably all that's driving him.
If lawmakers ban abortion, laws must demand more of fathers, too
1of5 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
I can't wait to see him apply this logic to guns.
Were there any problems in this world BEFORE Trump was president or did ALL of the world issues ...
1of5 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Yes. Hope that isn't too complex of an analysis for you. Also, there will be more of them when he's out of office. Some will be his fault, others won't.
I've been catching up on posts this afternoon after sleeping my way through Monday.
1of5 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
If there's 1 thing that'll screw up a relationship, it's over thinking it. Relax, you got this.
Iowa voter: Trump’s lies don’t change my vote for him Now what else we democrats need to ...
1of5 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
A doer? What's he actually done?
Time to ramble on.
1of5 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
I sometimes feel sorry for coffee addicts when they don't get they're fix - until they complaine about not getting thier fix - then I feel sorry for everyone that has to deal with them that day. :)
"That's really nice, especially coming from you."
1of5 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
He was expecting you to play happy birthday to him on the flute instead of singing it, and I suspect you just caught him off guard. He was probably a touch dissapointed, is all. :) You're overreacting, typical female (sorry, couldn't resist) reading too much into a Neanderthals simple compliment - a compliment that shows he "gets" you. Teasing does get to go both ways. :)
Subaru Impreza or Legacy?
1of5 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
My 85 y/o folks love thier Legacy, if that helps. :)
Are you a Biden supporter? []
1of5 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Justin Bieber; "I wanna challenge Tom Cruise to fight in the octagon.
1of5 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Can't believe I'd be rooting for Cruise were this to happen. And i want it to happen, now. Dammit.
Helpful hint: Try responding to store clerks who ask if they can help you find something with, ...
1of5 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
I usually tell them I'm looking for a $100.00 bill I just dropped.
Getting the most out of
1of5 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Just participate and have fun.


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