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Because it's a ponzi scheme.
Communistbitch comments on Jan 2, 2024:
China has the most emissions, they burn coal, etc. China makes the gargantuan of emissions. Canada just wants to tax its citizens like a boa constrictor
1patriot replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@Flyingsaucesir yes your right but these are not the answer to cleaning up our planet. the biggest problem i see it dumping of raw sewage into our Oceans and water ways. most cities in our world are on the shore lines they don't clean their sewage here in Albert we draw water off the north and south saskatchewan rivers and it comes at 95% Pure water refine it to drinking water and dump back into the river at 98% so cleaner than we draw it off. the solid are hauled away to land fill we do not use them at spread on to farm land as fertilizers. many USA cities farms around the city use this sewage water to grow organic food which is not good. these foods brought into the labs are tested and show bad results for many different chemicals in those foods you think are health.....
Because it's a ponzi scheme.
snytiger6 comments on Jan 2, 2024:
I don't believe you understand just what a Ponzi scheme really is. The numbers in the meme are dubious at best. Your premise is that scientists who spend their live studying actual science are to be less trusted that a meme that can be generated by virtually anyone who has the software. I'll ...
1patriot replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@Leetx the parasites that own the world banks, food industry, the pharmaceutical industries and that's just a few. what fuck you haven't been paying attention everyone knows that..
Yea that would confuse a democrat.
nogod4me comments on Jan 2, 2024:
In contrast to fascist Republicans who wear too many clothes to hide their tiny dicks.
1patriot replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@nogod4me likely all democrats
Yea that would confuse a democrat.
nogod4me comments on Jan 2, 2024:
In contrast to fascist Republicans who wear too many clothes to hide their tiny dicks.
1patriot replies on Jan 2, 2024:
now that picture a democrat would understand, their likely walking along with no cloths on underneath lol
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Julian Assange is a self-serving, reckless, attention-seeking sensationalist. Fuck him and the sway-backed nag he rode in on.
1patriot replies on Jan 2, 2024:
Julian Assange is hero just like Snowden is hero they exposed the corruption in the USA of which is now out of control....just like many today are exposing the corruption around the world. 2.5 million people are run through the human trafficking each year world wide. you don't think that a problem. Julian Assange was never in the USA when he exposed the corruption and he did not expose his sources either. have you seen his list read any of freedom of information received from the government.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 1, 2024:
Let's hope we do a lot better in 2024!
1patriot replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@Flyingsaucesir i agree with your statement they are forcing it on us which caused a bunch of scientist to speak out which cause the people to investigate more.....and that's where we are at!
What's the difference between man made climate change and Bullshit?
Dhiltong comments on Dec 31, 2023:
I do sometimes learn something from your posts. I now know who Patrick Moore is and he ain’t a climate scientist………
1patriot replies on Jan 1, 2024:
@Dhiltong keep your mind open and watch what happening turn MSM off (Main stream media ) Anyone remember electing this clown🤡 to dictate what kind of agriculture and diets are permissible? Nope, me neither. WHO head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declares war on meat and traditional agriculture, in the name of fighting "climate change": this same guy killed how many people in Ethiopia....
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 1, 2024:
Let's hope we do a lot better in 2024!
1patriot replies on Jan 1, 2024:
depends on who's side your on the davo's group out Sweden or the people of this planet.....2023 was win for the people. we have a long ways to go the WHO is already calling for the stopping of eating meat etc. it's insanity Anyone remember electing this clown🤡 to dictate what kind of agriculture and diets are permissible? Nope, me neither. WHO head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declares war on meat and traditional agriculture, in the name of fighting "climate change":
What's the difference between man made climate change and Bullshit?
Dhiltong comments on Dec 31, 2023:
I do sometimes learn something from your posts. I now know who Patrick Moore is and he ain’t a climate scientist………
1patriot replies on Jan 1, 2024:
@Dhiltong our temp has dropped in the last 25 years....not speculation our CO2 has risen to 370 ppm not speculation. the long term graph i showed was from ice cores that show there is no correlation to global warming and CO2 not speculation either....IPPC is not a trusted site as they are paid to to tell us bullshit just like the UN, WHO, WEF and many others under the davo's group....they are trying to control the people of this planet through the 2030 agenda....and it will be because of climate catastrophe hopefully you see can see it. it's all bullshit.
What's the difference between man made climate change and Bullshit?
Dhiltong comments on Dec 31, 2023:
I do sometimes learn something from your posts. I now know who Patrick Moore is and he ain’t a climate scientist………
1patriot replies on Jan 1, 2024:
@Dhiltong Carbon dioxide (CO2) has also increased over the last 100 years-- from about 300 ppm to 370 ppm. Interestingly, the majority of these additions have occurred in the last 50 years, when temperature increases have been slowest. Independent data from orbiting satelites have been continuosly measuring global temperatures since the 1970's and indicate that over the last 25 years there has actually been a slight decrease in overall global temperatures. we are now at some of the lowest levels of CO2 in the history of our earth and we have had big warm and and cold history's all taken from ice cores. this graph show who's graph it is and correlation of temp has no relation ship to hot or cold with regards to CO2.... your parroting the MSN bullshit story.
What's the difference between man made climate change and Bullshit?
Dhiltong comments on Dec 31, 2023:
I do sometimes learn something from your posts. I now know who Patrick Moore is and he ain’t a climate scientist………
1patriot replies on Jan 1, 2024:
@Dhiltong this doesn't even show who's graph it is looks like fucking al gore's hockey stick graph that's so full of shit everyone laughs at it!
Jaco writes: This is no surprise to me, here's a variation on the quote that gave me a heads up on ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2024:
There were corporations in the 18th century?
1patriot replies on Jan 1, 2024:
and before that, not sure what your point is....
What's the difference between man made climate change and Bullshit?
Dhiltong comments on Dec 31, 2023:
I do sometimes learn something from your posts. I now know who Patrick Moore is and he ain’t a climate scientist………
1patriot replies on Jan 1, 2024:
@Dhiltong is this the one
What's the difference between man made climate change and Bullshit?
Dhiltong comments on Dec 31, 2023:
I do sometimes learn something from your posts. I now know who Patrick Moore is and he ain’t a climate scientist………
1patriot replies on Jan 1, 2024:
@Dhiltong you will have to post which graph your speaking of? to just generalize your reply does not show what graphs as i have not looked at every post with in this post! It is generally accepted that CO2 is lagging temperature in Antarctic graphs. To dig further into this subject therefore might seem a waste of time. But the reality is, that these graphs are still widely used as an argument for the global warming hypothesis. But can the CO2-hypothesis be supported in any way using the data of Antarctic ice cores? At first glance, the CO2 lagging temperature would mean that it’s the temperature that controls CO2 and not vice versa.
AtheistInNC comments on Jan 1, 2024:
Just because a few scientists say otherwise (because they are trying to get likes and subscribes from the illiterate crowd) doesn't mean climate change is false. Apparently, you have no idea of how science works, and you are uneducated. -Side notes- If you have to tell people you are a ...
1patriot replies on Jan 1, 2024:
so if you have to tell people your an atheist your not that how much fucking sense you make LOL your just a government sheep and obvious you haven't studied climate change as the stupid fuckers think CO2 is pollution.
What's the difference between man made climate change and Bullshit?
bragadm comments on Dec 31, 2023:
The problem with this is the politicization of the fact of anthropogenic climate change. It's a shame really because if everyone would take a beat then we could transition away from fossil fuels at a pace no one would panic over. The future is clean and abundant renewable energy through things like ...
1patriot replies on Jan 1, 2024:
there are better technologies now than electric hydrogen vehicles and their is ammonia to power you fuel vehicles i am not sure that electric will ever be the the way as the heavy cost of the battery. the cost of charging them. yes hemp batteries maybe but i i have doubts
What's the difference between man made climate change and Bullshit?
Dhiltong comments on Dec 31, 2023:
I do sometimes learn something from your posts. I now know who Patrick Moore is and he ain’t a climate scientist………
1patriot replies on Jan 1, 2024:
he's a scientist, to this day no one in greenpeace is a scientist you should know that too! you should also know that CO2 is not a pollutant, even the EPA declared it in 2015 which is lie and it has no relationship to climate warming
Every prime minister had their part to do.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 31, 2023:
Trudeau has to Go.
1patriot replies on Dec 31, 2023:
you mean off the face of this earth....
Easy enough to figure out.
Drank_Spear comments on Dec 30, 2023:
EVs can be made super eco friendly and a lot safer very simply and cost effectively. Use hemp batteries. If you don't know, look it up.
1patriot replies on Dec 31, 2023: we currently don't have an oil crisis, as this article says and i don't think we really ever will. very interesting article, one thing i think about is the EMF that's emitted in the electric vehicles they say is very high. so that another problem. plus we can sure use the extra CO2 from vehicle exhaust. as CO2 is at low on this planet today.
How to make homemade herbal cough syrup  By Daisy Luther I’ve been making my own cough syrup...
1patriot comments on Oct 30, 2023:
Mike Adams has great video on" prep with mike" where he uses rose mary herb seed and he runs it through and ultra sonic cleaner strains it off mixes in about 4-5 oz of vodka and adds about 1/2 a liter of ionic silver to it. he calls it ditch medicine. i have made his recipe and used it.
1patriot replies on Dec 31, 2023:
@vocaloldfart thank you!
How to make homemade herbal cough syrup  By Daisy Luther I’ve been making my own cough syrup...
1patriot comments on Oct 30, 2023:
Mike Adams has great video on" prep with mike" where he uses rose mary herb seed and he runs it through and ultra sonic cleaner strains it off mixes in about 4-5 oz of vodka and adds about 1/2 a liter of ionic silver to it. he calls it ditch medicine. i have made his recipe and used it.
1patriot replies on Dec 30, 2023:
@vocaloldfart i only took it for about a month it never hurt m. but i have taken ivermectin and fenbenazole for 3 months now and i believe i have beaten my prostrate cancer....i go for PSA test Jan 7th and meet with my cancer doctor Jan 22nd. my cousin has a girl friend that they sent home with stage 4 breast cancer and her result look promising. she still has it but there is improvements.
Well, that truth right there!
nogod4me comments on Dec 29, 2023:
It's interesting that it matters to you.
1patriot replies on Dec 29, 2023:
@nogod4me your self admitted mental case great! admitting it is your first step!
And you all know who patrick Moore is if not look him up oh yea Google will likely lie about him!
Heraclitus comments on Dec 29, 2023:
And humans did not live, nor could have survived in the Cambrian period. So...?
1patriot replies on Dec 29, 2023:
so who reduced the the CO2 at that time CO2 is not pollution as Obama declared it in 2015
Well, that truth right there!
nogod4me comments on Dec 29, 2023:
It's interesting that it matters to you.
1patriot replies on Dec 29, 2023:
@nogod4me well go send your grand children for their adjustment....remember your the liberal in the crowd.... with the mental problem!
Well, that truth right there!
nogod4me comments on Dec 29, 2023:
It's interesting that it matters to you.
1patriot replies on Dec 29, 2023:
guess it matters to you as you had to post
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2023:
This is from 2019, so not only is it old, it never occurred.
1patriot replies on Dec 27, 2023: sorry here's the newer version.
Liberalism is a mental illness!! The 'enviro CULT' is real, and dangerous!
Leetx comments on Dec 27, 2023:
1patriot <--- poor thing deserves pity. very sick
1patriot replies on Dec 27, 2023:
Liberalism is a mental illness!! The 'enviro CULT' is real, and dangerous!
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2023:
What makes you think she is a liberal? Do you have to make political comments about everything?
1patriot replies on Dec 27, 2023:
ecoterrorism is liberal ideology
[] Soros-Backed District Attorney Prosecutes Illinois Boy For Terrorizing Burglars
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2023:
You do know that is a satire site?
1patriot replies on Dec 26, 2023:
it's under jokes and humor
Don't post on face book!
BD66 comments on Dec 26, 2023:
They burned the bodies.
1patriot replies on Dec 26, 2023:
they looked for any sign of excavation to rid the ashes and there was none? they history says they gassed them than excavated the a site and burned them they never found ashes or signs of excavation
annewimsey1 comments on Dec 24, 2023:
Anybody who promotes Ivermectin for anything other than de-worming animals, in Very carefully calibrated doses tied to bodyweight, is Dangerous!!!!!! He fails to mention all the human Ivermectin enthusiasts who died of enlarged hearts, for just one example!!!!!
1patriot replies on Dec 25, 2023:
@annewimsey1 well what ever you do let the medical mafia work on yea cause they need your business. My cancer doctor does nothing except wait for me to get worse.....your cancer doctor wouldn't be any different
jlynn37 comments on Dec 25, 2023:
Why does anyone respond to this person?
1patriot replies on Dec 25, 2023:
what are you some kinda doctor or just big fucking mouth piece
annewimsey1 comments on Dec 24, 2023:
Anybody who promotes Ivermectin for anything other than de-worming animals, in Very carefully calibrated doses tied to bodyweight, is Dangerous!!!!!! He fails to mention all the human Ivermectin enthusiasts who died of enlarged hearts, for just one example!!!!!
1patriot replies on Dec 25, 2023:
@annewimsey1 and google hides most of the information one looks for so they direct your thoughts your welcome on the google lesson of hidden information!
annewimsey1 comments on Dec 24, 2023:
Anybody who promotes Ivermectin for anything other than de-worming animals, in Very carefully calibrated doses tied to bodyweight, is Dangerous!!!!!! He fails to mention all the human Ivermectin enthusiasts who died of enlarged hearts, for just one example!!!!!
1patriot replies on Dec 24, 2023:
@annewimsey1 oh, so you do need to get laid!
annewimsey1 comments on Dec 24, 2023:
Anybody who promotes Ivermectin for anything other than de-worming animals, in Very carefully calibrated doses tied to bodyweight, is Dangerous!!!!!! He fails to mention all the human Ivermectin enthusiasts who died of enlarged hearts, for just one example!!!!!
1patriot replies on Dec 24, 2023:
@annewimsey1 sorry forgot you don't know how to read between the lines lol don't choke on your whiskey i didn't get 355,000 hits i got 5-6 hits all your favorite mayo clinic, web MD etc.
annewimsey1 comments on Dec 24, 2023:
Anybody who promotes Ivermectin for anything other than de-worming animals, in Very carefully calibrated doses tied to bodyweight, is Dangerous!!!!!! He fails to mention all the human Ivermectin enthusiasts who died of enlarged hearts, for just one example!!!!!
1patriot replies on Dec 24, 2023:
@annewimsey1 been on it for 4 months haven't any of this shit but it is the mayo clinic which is bought by the American medical association of which is rockerfella and rosthchild creation and isn't here for your health. live well dear and you don't have to believe all there crap there lots of doctor out there spreading the truth. both my doctor are fighting withe the college of physicians and surgeons here in alberta which is wrapped around the WHO (world Health organization) and believe me these guys are criminal. i may never convince you and that's ok with me. if i ain't posting in a year i guess it never worked! Merry Christmas i am an athesist but many family and friends aren't and i like the feeling of family around!
annewimsey1 comments on Dec 24, 2023:
Anybody who promotes Ivermectin for anything other than de-worming animals, in Very carefully calibrated doses tied to bodyweight, is Dangerous!!!!!! He fails to mention all the human Ivermectin enthusiasts who died of enlarged hearts, for just one example!!!!!
1patriot replies on Dec 24, 2023:
@annewimsey1 so you get your info from google that's an untrusted web site are any of them peer reviewed
annewimsey1 comments on Dec 24, 2023:
Anybody who promotes Ivermectin for anything other than de-worming animals, in Very carefully calibrated doses tied to bodyweight, is Dangerous!!!!!! He fails to mention all the human Ivermectin enthusiasts who died of enlarged hearts, for just one example!!!!!
1patriot replies on Dec 24, 2023:
do you have that study handy as i have studied this stuff for the last 4 years and i am treating myself with it....and positives results so far! you know it won the nobel prize in 2015 no one has ever died from it so no known lethal dose so have taken up to 1.5 litres of it in a day with no side effects.... so yes i would really like to see that study.
with out a doubt
nogod4me comments on Dec 23, 2023:
You are a believer, and therefore a waste of time. "John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Republican President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, was affiliated with the anti-immigrant Know-Nothing Party and was a supporter of slavery and the Confederacy. Social media posts claim without evidence that Booth ...
1patriot replies on Dec 23, 2023:
@nogod4me and you are an asshole so a waste of a human kind! your so stupid you believe climate change
with out a doubt
nogod4me comments on Dec 23, 2023:
You are a believer, and therefore a waste of time. "John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Republican President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, was affiliated with the anti-immigrant Know-Nothing Party and was a supporter of slavery and the Confederacy. Social media posts claim without evidence that Booth ...
1patriot replies on Dec 23, 2023:
HA HA fact checkers are fucking some ass holes opinion....didn't mean to to get you all lit up LOL
New York Governor Makes Changes So She Can Round Up Any Groups Of People & Put Them In Detention ...
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 12, 2023:
1patriot replies on Dec 21, 2023:
@Redneckliberal redneck that can understand.....your right you are stupid
Yes, some of you homemade scientist have a few things to learn CO2 is not pollution like the corrupt...
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 21, 2023:
1patriot replies on Dec 21, 2023:
@Redneckliberal you your stupid to figure out that CO2 is not problem and that's not my problem that's your problem. listen to your main stream media that lies to you daily
New York Governor Makes Changes So She Can Round Up Any Groups Of People & Put Them In Detention ...
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 12, 2023:
1patriot replies on Dec 21, 2023:
@Redneckliberal i can see your illiterate....are proud of it all?
Yes, some of you homemade scientist have a few things to learn CO2 is not pollution like the corrupt...
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 21, 2023:
1patriot replies on Dec 21, 2023:
@Redneckliberal your to stupid to figure it out i guess
Yes they will cheat it again!
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 21, 2023:
1patriot replies on Dec 21, 2023:
where do you want to meet stupid.....your a redneck so your are stupid! and liberal so double stupid!
Yes, some of you homemade scientist have a few things to learn CO2 is not pollution like the corrupt...
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 21, 2023:
1patriot replies on Dec 21, 2023:
yes your sicken is alive, you really are that stupid. we are at an all time low in CO2 and your to stupid to study it, you will believe the people that pay the scientist to baffle you with bullshit. why are you so stupid....oh your moma raised you that way. your liberal stupidity is classic likely can't be fixed!
New York Governor Makes Changes So She Can Round Up Any Groups Of People & Put Them In Detention ...
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 12, 2023:
1patriot replies on Dec 21, 2023:
@Redneckliberal yes you showing signs of liberalism mental dis order thanks for confirming
Get this shit out of your life if can!
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 21, 2023:
I would include STEVIA in the list of dangerous sugar replacements. Stevia was cultivated for it's primary function of bringing on abortions. That fact (easily verified) is never mentioned on any Stevia packet. In Australia Stevia is commonly found mixed with aspartame and phenylalanine, At least ...
1patriot replies on Dec 21, 2023:
yes your absolutely right. i use honey for everything as i get 40 pounds a year of it.
The treasonous communists want UNCONSTITUTIONAL 'gun control' and eventual confiscation.
Tejas comments on Dec 20, 2023:
Move to America, we actually fight for our civil rights here.
1patriot replies on Dec 20, 2023:
Well you better fight a little harder as they are tearing up your rights just as fast as in canada
Leetx comments on Dec 16, 2023:
1patriot7 <---- HAHAHAHA !!! WOW !!
1patriot replies on Dec 20, 2023:
so AI has made up false statements about robbie and recommended death to him....he questioned AI and apologized for some of it and you stupid fucker just laugh at it the government is programing AI to run the government. just be a good sheep and shut the fuck up!
[] Yes. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
annewimsey1 comments on Dec 16, 2023:
This is Performance Art.......... you really, really need to get out more.
1patriot replies on Dec 20, 2023:
that's not what i fucking call it!
How many voters in the USA
Dhiltong comments on Dec 19, 2023:
According to this site there were 168.31 mil registered voters in 2020.
1patriot replies on Dec 19, 2023:
@Dhiltong thank you!
How many voters in the USA
Dhiltong comments on Dec 19, 2023:
According to this site there were 168.31 mil registered voters in 2020.
1patriot replies on Dec 19, 2023:
@Dhiltong i tried to find the US government site and couldn't can you supply that web page to me?
How many voters in the USA
Dhiltong comments on Dec 19, 2023:
According to this site there were 168.31 mil registered voters in 2020.
1patriot replies on Dec 19, 2023:
a European web site you got any American government web site that shows what they say? and don't use them fact checker as they are just opinions
theMoriarty comments on Dec 14, 2023:
@1patriot - if there was no gravity on earth we'd all be floating off to the nether parts of the universe allong with our atmosphere. Incidentally there is a punctuation mark ? Following the word gravity that is offered as an answer to your post's question.
1patriot replies on Dec 19, 2023:
@theMoriarty this science has it been proved if you show me shit from NASA than i would say not.... as nasa has lost all of it's moon landing footage so the lying bastards say and they are not a trusted source.
the climate and your health are the same lie! They don't know how to tell the truth - its a ...
Mcfluwster comments on Dec 18, 2023:
Cut to the quick .. Go straight to science.
1patriot replies on Dec 18, 2023:
and who scientific papers will you look at is the question all of those writings of monsanto say the Glyphosate is so safe you could drink it? when i post post articles of 1600 scientist say there is not climate emergency 90% on this site laugh and call me names. same thing with the covid shot..... i know who's science i use. i use independent scientist of which many of papers that discredit them on one thing or another. i am farmer i 50 years of my own science and test against the independent science.
puff comments on Dec 17, 2023:
Only god botherers believe in Satan. Same shit different wrapper. My understanding anyway was that Lucifer got in the shit because he defended free will against a psychopathic, vengeful boss. I'd have a beer with "him".
1patriot replies on Dec 17, 2023:
@puff millions follow these satanist and they kill millions per year....the Davao's group located in Switzerland are the shit disturbers on this planet if you would take the time to watch i wouldn't need to explain it to you it's the 13 families with all families being named.
Oh am sure many will be happy to see this!
FrayedBear comments on Dec 17, 2023:
1patriot replies on Dec 17, 2023:
good job!
puff comments on Dec 17, 2023:
Only god botherers believe in Satan. Same shit different wrapper. My understanding anyway was that Lucifer got in the shit because he defended free will against a psychopathic, vengeful boss. I'd have a beer with "him".
1patriot replies on Dec 17, 2023:
this explains are the murdering around the planet and who's doing it in the of him! i doubt you would want a beer with any of these ass holes!
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 16, 2023:
Yes we exhale CO2, yes we fart methane, but it has zero effect on climate. Greenhouse gases from living organisms are not the problem; that carbon was recently removed from the atmosphere (by plants, or phytoplankton) and is simply returning to the atmosphere. Living is a carbon-neutral activity....
1patriot replies on Dec 17, 2023:
@Flyingsaucesir so you have been indoctrinated you should know IPCC has been lying information they been posting the IPCC say what the billionaire pay them to say. same thing with the CDC and NIH. i know that will be hard for you to believe. i know your no dummy so apply some of that to your critical thinking. CO2 is not a pollutant
noworry28 comments on Dec 17, 2023:
You're one of the dumbass trolls in here aren't you 🙄
1patriot replies on Dec 17, 2023:
better than blind's happening all over Canada keep the lamb eyes shut until slaughter. they are programing AI to run government. but if you feel better calling me names go ahead fucker!
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 16, 2023:
Yes we exhale CO2, yes we fart methane, but it has zero effect on climate. Greenhouse gases from living organisms are not the problem; that carbon was recently removed from the atmosphere (by plants, or phytoplankton) and is simply returning to the atmosphere. Living is a carbon-neutral activity....
1patriot replies on Dec 17, 2023:
we are the carbon they want to eliminate don't kid yourself!
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 16, 2023:
Yes we exhale CO2, yes we fart methane, but it has zero effect on climate. Greenhouse gases from living organisms are not the problem; that carbon was recently removed from the atmosphere (by plants, or phytoplankton) and is simply returning to the atmosphere. Living is a carbon-neutral activity....
1patriot replies on Dec 17, 2023: CO2: The Greatest Scientific Scandal Of Our Time you would something if you take the to read but doubt that you will ice cores are the best way to read CO2 the Davo's group are behind all the shit going on
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 16, 2023:
Yes we exhale CO2, yes we fart methane, but it has zero effect on climate. Greenhouse gases from living organisms are not the problem; that carbon was recently removed from the atmosphere (by plants, or phytoplankton) and is simply returning to the atmosphere. Living is a carbon-neutral activity....
1patriot replies on Dec 16, 2023:
you bought to their lie! Statement written for the Hearing before the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Climate Change: Incorrect information on pre-industrial CO2
theMoriarty comments on Dec 14, 2023:
@1patriot - if there was no gravity on earth we'd all be floating off to the nether parts of the universe allong with our atmosphere. Incidentally there is a punctuation mark ? Following the word gravity that is offered as an answer to your post's question.
1patriot replies on Dec 16, 2023:
@theMoriarty maybe space isn't a vacuum
Under the heading of' "Once you see this; there is no going back.
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 15, 2023:
When the leading cause of death in the world is doctors error and prescription drugs. It forces me to do my own research and bet my life on it. Just trying to discuss the differences from being unvaxxed and to vaccinated and on this forum. Created a one sided downing of many calling me the ultimate ...
1patriot replies on Dec 15, 2023:
yes i don't trust hospitals any more. and always look for the natural cure!
[] Yes. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
SpikeTalon comments on Dec 15, 2023:
The agreed upon definition of liberalism is as follows- Liberalism is a political and economic doctrine that emphasizes individual autonomy, equality of opportunity, and the protection of individual rights (primarily to life, liberty, and property), originally against the state and later against ...
1patriot replies on Dec 15, 2023:
these days they push that shit to the extreme so i push back!
Shaggy2018 comments on Dec 14, 2023:
Well it depends on who is doing the breathing. The planet would be better off if some people would just stop breathing. I'm just saying, they might be on to something.
1patriot replies on Dec 14, 2023:
it's the globalist science putting this shit out and some mental disorder believes it!
annewimsey1 comments on Dec 14, 2023:
So why not be the first to stop?
1patriot replies on Dec 14, 2023:
you can been practicing's ever time you have a hissy fit. if you don't stop your going to drop lol
theMoriarty comments on Dec 14, 2023:
@1patriot - if there was no gravity on earth we'd all be floating off to the nether parts of the universe allong with our atmosphere. Incidentally there is a punctuation mark ? Following the word gravity that is offered as an answer to your post's question.
1patriot replies on Dec 14, 2023:
but the question is outerspace a vacuum
Trajan61 comments on Dec 14, 2023:
If the crazy democraps get their way it will wreck the US economy.
1patriot replies on Dec 14, 2023:
from what have researched it's 13 black family of nobility and the are all located in Switzerland they control blackrock etc. king chucky in with them biden's in with them....
richiegtt comments on Dec 14, 2023:
Probably the annoying nitwit Greta Thunberg is their advisor for environmental issues LOL
1patriot replies on Dec 14, 2023:
yea i wouldn't doubt that
[] Yes. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2023:
Says the mentally deranged ultra right wing nazi.
1patriot replies on Dec 12, 2023:
@annewimsey1 oh, so you were there i did recognize you, were you in the front or back?
With out a doubt
Mooolah comments on Dec 12, 2023:
all 8 billion?
1patriot replies on Dec 12, 2023:
so you were one of them that started it?
[] Yes. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2023:
Says the mentally deranged ultra right wing nazi.
1patriot replies on Dec 12, 2023:
is that your bio?
Is there any privacy concern for dead people?
Mooolah comments on Dec 11, 2023:
I am relieved you are in Canada. We have too many ah....hmmm....nut cases in the USA as it is. Your wacky sources require me to ignore you from now on. If only I could.
1patriot replies on Dec 12, 2023:
@Mooolah like i say there a 1000 peer review that you you failed to look at
Is there any privacy concern for dead people?
Mooolah comments on Dec 11, 2023:
I am relieved you are in Canada. We have too many ah....hmmm....nut cases in the USA as it is. Your wacky sources require me to ignore you from now on. If only I could.
1patriot replies on Dec 12, 2023:
@Mooolah you never hear of the lancet i have 999 more of these peer reviewed you look up the site that you call fake but fail to look up the 1000 peer review what that say about you. why don't you type this site into your fact checker and see what it says.
New York Governor Makes Changes So She Can Round Up Any Groups Of People & Put Them In Detention ...
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 12, 2023:
1patriot replies on Dec 12, 2023:
look like you have that disease, your failure to look into the topic ain't my problem, i am just the messenger!
Is there any privacy concern for dead people?
Mooolah comments on Dec 11, 2023:
I am relieved you are in Canada. We have too many ah....hmmm....nut cases in the USA as it is. Your wacky sources require me to ignore you from now on. If only I could.
1patriot replies on Dec 11, 2023:
i see this is way over you learning ability i guess you won't believe this either
puff comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Is Canada like Australia as in our Head of State is wing nut Charlie boy now? The reason I ask is if so, just wait until you become a Republic. Then you change the rules. I've thought about Australia. No foreign ownership or military of or on our soil #1. You really want a piece of it? Become ...
1patriot replies on Dec 11, 2023:
@puff yes the mob is running our world in every country!
puff comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Is Canada like Australia as in our Head of State is wing nut Charlie boy now? The reason I ask is if so, just wait until you become a Republic. Then you change the rules. I've thought about Australia. No foreign ownership or military of or on our soil #1. You really want a piece of it? Become ...
1patriot replies on Dec 11, 2023:
@puff The deep ties between the Plandemic and the Black Nobility. There are bigger profiteers than Pfizer if you get time watch this PPP= public/private/partnership/ and they are intwined into everything
puff comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Is Canada like Australia as in our Head of State is wing nut Charlie boy now? The reason I ask is if so, just wait until you become a Republic. Then you change the rules. I've thought about Australia. No foreign ownership or military of or on our soil #1. You really want a piece of it? Become ...
1patriot replies on Dec 10, 2023:
@puff yep those criminals there was no shortage of them world wide! she need to be reported to the Nuremberg 2 this time around we will have millions on this list!
puff comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Is Canada like Australia as in our Head of State is wing nut Charlie boy now? The reason I ask is if so, just wait until you become a Republic. Then you change the rules. I've thought about Australia. No foreign ownership or military of or on our soil #1. You really want a piece of it? Become ...
1patriot replies on Dec 10, 2023:
@puff that would be a very tuff sell as many only have a house in the city. is this true The last of Australia's loathed lockdown 'tyrants' steps down Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk calls it quits after a contentious reign during the COVID-19 pandemic.
puff comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Is Canada like Australia as in our Head of State is wing nut Charlie boy now? The reason I ask is if so, just wait until you become a Republic. Then you change the rules. I've thought about Australia. No foreign ownership or military of or on our soil #1. You really want a piece of it? Become ...
1patriot replies on Dec 10, 2023:
@vocaloldfart we would need recall legislation as independence candidates can be easily bought off. just because these guys have all the money doesn't give them the right to kill any one but they have hidden themselves quite well.
puff comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Is Canada like Australia as in our Head of State is wing nut Charlie boy now? The reason I ask is if so, just wait until you become a Republic. Then you change the rules. I've thought about Australia. No foreign ownership or military of or on our soil #1. You really want a piece of it? Become ...
1patriot replies on Dec 10, 2023:
@vocaloldfart yes your right club of rome..... world economic form, the 13 families that are the club of rome. to me they are all the mafia they own the world banks like the bank of international settlements. they have their fingers in Black rock, Vanguard they have made there money out of thin air it's rigged system. and they want to kill religion and bring in satanism. they own hollywood and they own the actors, they stage shootings own the main stream news, the CIA, the FBI......the best thing we can do is not be apart of their program throw the phone away and start raising cattle and growing crops...yes it a long way back. the are Zionist they hide behind the Jewish religion but aren't religionous at all. they started NGO (non governmental organizations)
puff comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Is Canada like Australia as in our Head of State is wing nut Charlie boy now? The reason I ask is if so, just wait until you become a Republic. Then you change the rules. I've thought about Australia. No foreign ownership or military of or on our soil #1. You really want a piece of it? Become ...
1patriot replies on Dec 10, 2023:
Canada and Australia are both related to the King. Canada was said to become a country in 1867 but in fact we did not become a country we become a corporation as did the USA and i would guess the same thing all common wealth countries. we have been lead to believe the politicians work for the people when in fact they work for the corporation. the NWO is about tear down human rights in all western nations. and are pushing communism well tell the kids you don't need to work we will give you money.... what joke the robot thing is for the benefit of the people they are planning a mass extermination. all political parties answer to the banksters, just like when you play monopoly when you have all the land and all the money the game is over. do you not have organization in Australia like we have in Canada call constitutional convention the WEF started at the bottom the corrupted the mayors and municipalities and convinced to pass bylaw to restrict rate payers it going to be a long road back to get all the pricks out and they need to serve jail time they places people in high positions with in our police and armies and many of it has been in the name of let minority's have the right, to run for office and than they can order them well paying them money to pull this shit. here one episode
Is there any privacy concern for dead people?
Korneliaa comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Such a problem really exists
1patriot replies on Dec 10, 2023:
it's fake problem so the government does have to show you the real deaths from the Jab
Following the historic release of the National Citizens Inquiry Final Report two weeks ago (all ...
FrayedBear comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Pity that he believes that "his god is witness" - you have to be deluded to believe that there is a god to witness. Was he watching during the last 4 years of the pandemic?
1patriot replies on Dec 10, 2023:
except god is wrapped around all our law and all of it was law....
Is there any privacy concern for dead people?
skado comments on Dec 9, 2023:
Because they are the family members of living people.
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023:
@skado sorry i guess i wasn't very clear in my post
Is there any privacy concern for dead people?
skado comments on Dec 9, 2023:
Because they are the family members of living people.
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023:
@skado they are not asking for medical records the asking for peoples names that died from the vaccinations as some people say i want proof what's their name. they were able to fake a pandemic and kill a bunch of people and now they are hiding it. these are the tactic they are using Steve Kirsch 4th December 2023 -UK Parliament Steve Kirsch to Parliament:
Is there any privacy concern for dead people?
skado comments on Dec 9, 2023:
Because they are the family members of living people.
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023:
they aren't giving that information out! they list there death names
The agent for the rottenchildren is in the news every day somewhere around this planet ...
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2023: Now a days any one can claim to be a news source when they are actually opinion. Just report the facts which a free press will find.
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023: Soros nonprofit donated over $1M to group that previously bailed out suspect charged in deadly Texas shootings it's getting louder Mooolah..... fox is now a liberal news out let as they are now owned by the major news corporations
Well yesterday i was told it was a far right group that caused the riot in Ireland.
Marionville comments on Dec 6, 2023:
Factual report of Dublin rioting…cause and effect….
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023:
@Marionville well that's great to hear, in Canada a country of 35 million with vast land base the government is allowing and promoting mast immigration. they are paying them more money than what the seniors are getting so the housing becomes a problem in many cities. some people are unemployed in the big cities and are living on the street without any support from the government and these people are Canadians. we have many ethnicities here. but it defiantly is not s strength as Liberal like to parrot. many create there communities and gangs are created making it dangerous at time in the cities of Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto all have these problems. our country has high unemployment. housing is big problem. and our Liberal government is out of control 1 trillion debut added to this country in the last 5 years. they shut down our oil and gas we are the 4th largest exporter of oil gas in the world all for so call green energy....of which can't even come close to supplying power for our needs. they want to put 3 wind mills on my land.... western Canada is pushing to separate from Canada. and i agree as eastern Canada has treated western Canada like shit for the 165 years. the province i live in has given to confederation over 700 billion in transfer payments since 1998....we are now asking for this money back.
SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - Men ages 20-29: Sudden deaths from June to Oct 2023 - 76 Tragic deaths - ...
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2023:
Dude! One can find all kinds of quirky sites out there. You tend to post many of them. I tend not to respond to them. So should you receive zero attention, you will know why. Just saying.
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023:
this is Dr Makis my cancer doctor.... and very highly rated doctor he's a nuclear medical doctor. so dude open your eyes!
Of course they did.
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2023:
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023:
yes the Liberals favorite tool to pull out the fact checkers where the billionaires donated billions to. of which the USA supreme court has rules they are just opinions
The whole country should be doing
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2023:
Electric planes
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023:
and what about electric planes if the country bans geo engineering doesn't matter how you spray it. crop dusting might even be out lawed...
The agent for the rottenchildren is in the news every day somewhere around this planet ...
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2023: Now a days any one can claim to be a news source when they are actually opinion. Just report the facts which a free press will find.
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023:
this is truth call it what you will....liberals new out lets won't have this in their news, as they own the news of the liberals.... so liberal news out lets will discredit this news. or liberals will discredit it as it not on any of their favorite news sources....
[] Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2023:
A questionable source.
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023:
well you can believe god or not. same thing here he pointed out many things to discredit it on being the shadows casted by light which is suppose to be the sun light how bright is the sun where you live unless they where on the far side of the earth and the feathery edge of artificial light. why do space rock rocks burn up as they enter earth atmosphere we call them meteorites.
New York Governor Makes Changes So She Can Round Up Any Groups Of People & Put Them In Detention ...
Apunzelle comments on Dec 9, 2023:
Woo boy. I haven’t really been on this site in months and see the crazymakers haven’t left. 🤣
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023:
well if you don't care, than you don't care about them kids your leaving behind....
Well yesterday i was told it was a far right group that caused the riot in Ireland.
Marionville comments on Dec 6, 2023:
Factual report of Dublin rioting…cause and effect….
1patriot replies on Dec 9, 2023:
@Marionville have you been out in the public or you just believe the media when they say everyone there are far right.....the lie to me is the term far right as than bullshit Liberal seem to think your far right if i don't agree with them and their silly stuff like 52 different genders