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Named after a scientist (lord Kelvin)
Failed sandpit at school (sightly dyslexic)
Well read musician/writer, Joiner and wit
Former county chess player
Love festivals, weed and sex (not necessarily in that order).


My atheist family was appalled when I converted to Catholicism – but it’s given me great peace |...
273kelvin comments on Jan 8, 2020:
One of my favorite authors was Graham Greene. He came from an agnostic family but converted to Catholicism at Cambridge in the 1930s, It seems odd when many of his contemporaries were becoming communists. It kind of gave him a questioning attitude. Books like "The power and the Glory" "Heart of the Matter" and "Monsieur Quixote" Did not find much favor with the Vatican.
Buttons and bows.. any one ever heard of it? My grandfather sang it to me. I loved it muchly!
273kelvin comments on Jan 8, 2020:
There was a whole Frasier episode around it if I recall.
If you've passed elementary school English classes, you should know how to spell.
273kelvin comments on Jan 8, 2020:
You would think so but I only discovered late in life that I must be slightly dyslexic. Only with the use of spellcheck and Grammarly etc. Is it at all possible for me to write with any coherence? I am not stupid nor do I have a bad memory. I could recall the 20 moves of the Ruy Lopez plus common variations. Yet I would have to look up the spelling of "curious" 3 times in one day.
So this was all just a show so the Ayatollah could tell the people 'look, I'm a strong leader that ...
273kelvin comments on Jan 8, 2020:
"So this was all just a show so the orange one could tell the people 'look, I'm a strong leader that can beat the Iranian rag head dogs'... How pathetic can you get.. Edit: And now I hear we didn't have any casualties, but I hear Ayatollah is telling his people they killed 80 Americans. Soo typical.." Trump says 0 Iran says 80 Can I have a 3rd opinion, please?
Question for the menfolk: we’ve been discussing the outrageous messages women get from men ...
273kelvin comments on Jan 7, 2020:
Us guys rarely get unsolicited msgs, except from scammers. If a reasonably decent looking woman just wanted sex. Then a simple "Hello" would more than suffice
A close friend of mine goes back and forth between extreme antithiesm and Pascal's Wager.
273kelvin comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Pascal's wager is a deeply flawed concept. Many comments here will explain why? in that is it far from a two-horse race and that you cannot pretend to bet. You either have belief and worship or you lose. So short of playing a lucky dip lottery and picking one out of a hat. (That way it will be God's fault if you joined ISIS or became a Southcottian*) You could reject all religions and worship God in your own way? Many choose this path but even then the bet is rigged. If you reject all religions then you pretty much have to reject most of the bible too. For all the reasons mentioned in your post. Plus what version/combination of them? Just the OT like the Jews? OT+ NT like most Christians? OT+ NT + Book of Morman? OT + NT + Koran? Okay, so you can cherry-pick bits out that you like and use them like memes but that is effect calling God a liar. Let us look at the returns. If I believe it? (most say that it is okay to have doubts but faith is a must) then you get to spend eternity with an entity that would torture or anyone else for not believing. Even though he/she/it makes that very hard, to say the least. Better to walk away from the table and just live a good life. If you wrong then play the forgiveness card. If that is not valid then fuck it. Who would want an afterlife with a twat like that? *
I live in a religious area, Alabama.
273kelvin comments on Jan 4, 2020:
My ex had one and was a maternity nurse before I met her. So she if not assisted then at least nursed women who had them. She told me early but it did not bother me. A woman's body is her choice.
any singles mingling today?
273kelvin comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Navigate as in a raft or navigate as in building a canal? Seems to me that women want to know all the time where they are, where they are going and what for. (This holds true for relationships but not, sadly for shopping malls.) The best relationships flow naturally. Whatever planning ahead is needed can be done when the time feels right, for both parties. The talk? Whilst it should not ruin a partnership. it is often not much fun for the guy. When a man hears "Let's talk about us"? He thinks is "What have I done now?" Men tend to be less verbal about their feelings. It does not mean that we don't have them. Just that we prefer to communicate non-verbally. A guy can have a bigger vocabulary in grunts than Eskimo words for snow. If you really want to talk to a guy? Then you would be better off reading Jane Goodall than Cosmopolitan.
I just want to be cuddled and spooned for a few hours. To feel safe and cared for.
273kelvin comments on Jan 3, 2020:
I've been watching 'Messiah' on netflix recently and it is a surprisingly good show.
273kelvin comments on Jan 3, 2020:
I enjoyed the series. A lot of it was "What if", on the lines of Peter Gabriel's "Salisbury Hill" or a recent UK version of Noah that used the UK version of "Shameless" actor David Threlfall. What would we require for belief? How much would such a person be discredited/used by the media and others? As long as you look at it as entertainment. Then there is no problem. After all, you do not have to believe in dragons to watch Game of Thrones.
Religion in the workplace
273kelvin comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Keep mute about it. Whatever your religious views are? it has nothing to do with the workplace. Friends and family are different. If asked plead the 5th or 1st amendments and change the subject. I have only ever encountered this when working for customers. I am always honest with them but I have never had this from a boss. If he does bring it up and penalize you because of it? Then you may have a legal case
Anti-Vax For Jesus: Conservative Christian Lawmaker Calls Vaccines ‘Sorcery’ | Michael Stone
273kelvin comments on Jan 2, 2020:
They is always some religious dickhead "Pope condemns street lights"
I'm sure many people on here have religious friends and family members that get on your nerves.
273kelvin comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Bearing false witness is a biggie, one of the top 10. It is right up there with killing, coveting your neighbors (or his wives) ass, and way above being gay. So being truthful with your relatives, is exactly what their imaginary friend would want you to do.
Happy New years to all and Happy birthday to me woohoo! I'm 30 years old, an official adult ...
273kelvin comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Happy birthday and guess what? you share it with every thoroughbred racehorse in the world. I knew you were classy
273kelvin comments on Jan 2, 2020:
What a coincidence. I heard this great cover on radio OZ New Orleans at my early hours (their 11.30) new years eve/night. I was/am going to post it but...
I'm not officially single yet.
273kelvin comments on Jan 1, 2020:
Been single for a number of years now and at first, it is tough. Good routines are essential. mealtimes, bedtimes, laundry, and food shopping days, etc. Find shops that sell loose veg, Those family packs will rot before you use them all. There are some fun things like walking around naked with just your socks on (a sexy look on women but the kiss of death to a guys sex life) and if the meal is good you can lick the plate. The TV choices are all yours, as is the music. It is a good idea to get a pet. The place is a lot less empty when you come home if something is there to greet you. Plus they don't nag if you are a little late. Your social life will I guess center around the ministry and it is probably a good idea to emotionally de-tox for a while. But be open to having female friends. I have found that they can be the most supportive when really needed. Above all remember that there is a huge difference between lonely and alone. The former is awful the latter can be good fun.
I'm gonna tell y'all a few things about myself as I sit here, alone again, on NYE.
273kelvin comments on Jan 1, 2020:
Happy new year from "the pool of life" (Jung)
Everybody wants something different.
273kelvin comments on Dec 30, 2019:
The situation in the UK is closer to that post than the US I think. Three years ago we had a referendum on Brexit. The results were 52% - 48% to leave. In poker terms that would be a coin flip. Whilst it committed the govt to do this, it left the 48% screaming what a bad idea it was. They have supported everything they could to stop or delay it. It has led to the break up of old friends and families and 3 years of chaotic govt. Now we have a govt with a strong majority and it will happen anyway. Those of us that disagreed with both the referendum and the results of the election can only look on the bright side (if any) and try to make the best of it. The US situation is rather different. A pilot would have to passed as competent to fly. Okay, that was like the election. If he consequently then broke the law by smuggling, he failed a drug or alcohol test or was in breach of the airline regulations say by asking a rival airline to dig up some dirt on his coworker or boss? Then he would be subject to disciplinary action or worse. Pilots are subject to periodic review. These now include psychiatric tests to avoid the situation that occurred when the Lufthansa guy killed himself, crew and all his passengers. Judging by the way your POTUS now speaks. I really think that he has become unhinged. Whilst this is sad, he cannot be left alone to reap whatever destruction he wants to.
Better dancer: Elvis or Jesus
273kelvin comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Ask Kieth Richard, he was around to see both
Are you a proponent of New Year's Resolutions?
273kelvin comments on Dec 28, 2019:
The only one that I have ever kept was a positive. It was to get a paid gig playing harmonica. Most are negative in that they require you to give up something. So if you say I'm going to lose weight or stop smoking. Then each time you lapse then it disheartens you. But if you say something like I am going to see the ocean, get published, or change jobs. Then any small thing that puts you closer to it, is reinforcing. Even if a month or two goes by and you may have not done anything about it? You can pick it up and dust it off.
How many here have ever heard of a film titled "Medicine Man" starring Sean Connery?
273kelvin comments on Dec 28, 2019:
I vaguely remember it. The message is more about how we are destroying the rainforest than cancer cures. But so many things do come from nature. Contraceptive pills, aspirin, to name just 2 off the top of my head. If you are looking for a great Connery film? I heartily recommend a couple of his early ones. "The Hill" and "A strange kind of madness". The former is set in a middle eastern British Army stockade. He plays a busted RSM who refused to send his men to their deaths. The latter a crazy poet who fucks a lot of women.
Just left a disappointing date with a woman I’ve corresponded with online for a few weeks.
273kelvin comments on Dec 27, 2019:
This is another good reason for early IRL meetings. It saves time in all that correspondence only to find out stuff like this. Do not feel guilty about not wanting to date a woman who is disabled,.It is your life and you are the only person responsible for it.
If you think it is the right thing to "respect other's beliefs", please tell me why?
273kelvin comments on Dec 27, 2019:
"knock-knock" "Hello" "Hello, we are Jehovahs burglars and we are persecuted by the state because of our beliefs" "What do you believe?" "We believe that you have valuables in this house" You can respect the person, their right to believe what they want and you should have the good manors not to challenge those beliefs unless they challenge yours. When someone tries to impose their view on you or anyone else, then all bets are off.
UPDATE if you read my post about my major Dilemma.
273kelvin comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Sorry to hear about this but you always kinda knew that you were on a hiding to nothing. The distance would have had a good chance of killing it even if all other things were equal. On the bright side, you are just in time for one of the best nights to meet someone else. These are imho, Xmas eve, Valentine night and new Year eve. On each of these occasions if you are fortunate to meet someone, then you can at least know for sure that they are single and unattached. For anyone who was not would certainly be with their partner at that time. My advice to you is to get suitably drunk with your friends for the next couple of days. Then put on your best duds and go out on the 31 Dec. "Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind"
For Christmas Eve, I replaced shut off valves and faucet in the kitchen all by myself. I feel proud.
273kelvin comments on Dec 25, 2019:
That's a tricky job. I fit kitchens and I would normally prefer to fit the faucet with the worktop off rather than in situ. Tightening the long hex-nut in such a confined space is a job best left to gynecologists
Married to a JW
273kelvin comments on Dec 25, 2019:
My best friend at school`s mom was a JW, was dad was not. He spent a lot of time down the pub.
I’m in the process of moving my 94 year old mom in with me.
273kelvin comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Dark blue, furniture should reflect its custodians.
Your in-person community?
273kelvin comments on Dec 23, 2019:
The pub
Good morning all.
273kelvin comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Hows this for socially responsibility?
Do you approve capital punishment?
273kelvin comments on Dec 23, 2019:
It depends on where. If you lived in somewhere like Rwanda that suffered terrible genocide and had little resources to keep people in jail forever? then yes. However, we do not live in such a place and we do not need it. Let us be thankful for that
I have quite a dilemma.
273kelvin comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Ask her to join the church of England. She will soon get bored with the whole idea.
No one teaches a newborn human to breath.
273kelvin comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Every man is a god to his dog* Just because something is not innate does not make it not true. We learn that 2+2=4. People surmise the existence of higher powers through teaching and often through emotional experiences. We on here reject the illogical idea of a deity, others do not. Who are we to say that they do not feel that it is innate? *Cats take a more cynical view on this. Having once been a deity themselves and still holding considerable powers (Look at the way they have taken over the internet). They are if not agnostic, then at least adolescent in their disregard for such blind obedience
Afterlife thoughts... Do you believe in an afterlife?
273kelvin comments on Dec 22, 2019:
I do not know about dead people but the living have ghosts. Often I work in strangers' homes, They trust me and go out, then leave me too it. On these occasions, I find that a radio is invaluable. People give off vibes and when you are not around it is spooky to be there in your home. A radio seems to dispel these feelings. Just having another voice around seems to make it alright. I know this is all explainable by psychology and science but the feelings seem real. Maybe this is part of what people feel when they see ghosts. Has anybody else ever been this situation? (For legitimate reasons only please)
Beware of Viagra congestion, my fellow Old Farts... 😂😂💀💀😂😂
273kelvin comments on Dec 22, 2019:
With me, it is indigestion/heartburn. Especially if I have had a drink and who doesn`t if sex is booked?
Bernie Sanders is Losing Steam.
273kelvin comments on Dec 20, 2019:
It is your politics and your choices. However, I feel that I must put the events on this side of the pond out for some perspective. We have/had a far-left leader and candidate in the shape of Corbyn. There are some differences in regards to Brexit but the similarities are also very striking. The left saying that it is all down to the media bias. "Its big money trying to silence him". Even his previous results a similar. Corbyn came a close second when nobody expected it against May. Bernie almost won the nomination last time. But almost and second is still losing. Especially when in both cases they were against women of very low political caliber and popularity. That was then, this is now. Who knows if Bernie would have beaten Trump in 2016? If results on this side are any indication he will not beat him in 2020. Corbyn suffered the worst defeat for his party for 35 years. Yes, Trump has the Impeachment, etc. but we have had austerity and a Tory party in tatters, so there are parallels. As I said at the start, it's up to you guys but please bere in mind that the left here has just handed the next 5-10 years over to the right and all they have to show for it is the cry of "We was robbed".
I’m confused about my beliefs on afterlife.
273kelvin comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Actually, I do think about sleeping and never waking up. It is a zen technique to deal with insomnia. "Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished" well perhaps not but if used properly it can help you sleep. The afterlife seems like a very nice idea but think about this. Would anyone have flown into the twin towers on 9/11 if the concept had never existed? Nietzche had a good idea about life and after. Imagine that when you die, something makes you have to repeat your life again. No take-backs, all exactly the same. Would that entity be an angel or a demon? Or it could all just be the big rock candy mountain that the crow promises in "Animal farm". Like winning the lottery, its a fantasy designed to keep you docile
The Argumentative Theory
273kelvin comments on Dec 19, 2019:
I disagree, part of reason is the dialectic. On which our political and judicial systems are based. For example, The prosecutor will put forward a thesis, in which he states the prisoner is guilty of murder, The defence will argue an antithesis, that he was innocent due to insanity. The jury might synthesis these two opposing arguments and find him guilty of manslaughter. A similar thing is supposed to work in politics. A bill is proposed, debated, and often opposed but at best amended until a majority will agree on its merits. In these very polarized times, it can be hard to remember that we should be open to compromise. And that not all discussions are "My way or highway"
I’m new to this site and I find it interesting that people who are religious are here.
273kelvin comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Unlike most here, I quite enjoy it when a Christian pokes their head over our parapet. The sniper fire and marksmanship give me a deliciously sadistic sense of freudenschade. Payback for all those religious lessons as a child. As mentioned in other comments, we don't get many of them and when we do, they don't last very long. Some are "witnessing" but others I think are curious and maybe having doubts.
@Admin, I have a recommendation of change for blocking as it applies to personal profiles vs groups.
273kelvin comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Good idea
273kelvin comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Why not just live a good life and take yer chances on the whole worship thing? If, (big if) there`s a god that wont accept that? Then fuck him/her/it, who would want to spend an eternity under an entity that requires constant adoration? It would be akin to living in N. Korea. "Better to be a freeman in hell than a slave in heaven"
Can someone be intellectually honest about religion without being agnostic?
273kelvin comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Not just scientific method but reason as well. Science is after all a branch of philosophy. I think the big difference between atheists and agnostics is one of probability. Both agree that there is a possibility of a god. It is just that the former view that the odds of it are so huge that it does not bear reasonable discussion.
Hello alll... I just bought a two peep carriage? Woohoo! I told sassy awhile ago..
273kelvin comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Congratulations - One for each boob lol
Okay, ladies, a question. How many of you on the online dating scene actually make the first move?
273kelvin comments on Dec 15, 2019:
I have had one or two. They have been (how can I put this without being ungallant) not the type I would have contacted myself. My friend seems to get loads of unsolicited msgs. In fact, he does not send any himself now as he has about 4-5 women on the go at the same time. Then again he has always had that kind of appeal/luck with women.
So I had a second date Friday evening with someone I connected with before I left the dating sites.
273kelvin comments on Dec 15, 2019:
I used to be on a hook-up site but I gave up on telephone sex. (I only tried it twice) Because the 1st was "Daddy I have been a naughty girl" and the second was far worse. It involved fantasies around her son. The truth is that there are some right weirdos out there of both sexes but we should not let that cloud our judgment too much
This week brought us some interesting new reporting on the whole "people be stupid" front.
273kelvin comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Yes, I have sent a dick pic but only when asked to do so.
Madison’s reasons for Church State Separation, 1785.
273kelvin comments on Dec 14, 2019:
A couple of points. It was Britain, not England that you gained independence from. (The Scots, Welsh and Irish take great exception to this kind of laziness from yanks) "History Lesson: the quickest way to destroy a peaceful society is to give its rulers the authority of God." We have had the monarch as de facto pope for hundreds of years and with a few blips along the way it has been without blood on the streets for 250 or so. We are different counties with different systems. So I am not calling for the US to lose its separation of church and state. Just saying that it can work if tolerance is there too.
Why is there no live chat on this site ?
273kelvin comments on Dec 14, 2019:
There is and I will go there now if you want to chat
I pray that my first post on this website is a success and that it helps me level up to eventually ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 14, 2019:
A little tip. If I were you and wanted to get points? I would not start a post with "I pray"
The kinks - Come Dancing. []
273kelvin comments on Dec 14, 2019:
An interesting back story about what led to this song. Ray was part of a big family with 8 elder sisters. One of whom went off to get married and live in Canada. She came back when diagnosed with a terminal heart condition. She loved dancing and one night she went out and died on the dance floor. He talks about the front parlor that was such a scene of parties and merriment, now containing his sisters' coffin.
I found these research results, although interesting, also a bit disconcerting: U.
273kelvin comments on Dec 14, 2019:
it could be that it is so hard for women to obtain an abortion? I heard that there was a survey that Regan instigated. (Sorry but I only heard so I cannot post any links). It seems there was one small town that had a significantly low crime rate and he sent a team there to find out why. Could it be a great police force, high church attendance, or fantastic schools? No, the real reason was a bunch of activists set up an abortion-on-demand service in the early 70s. The results were that there were fewer unwanted kids that went on to be anti-social in their adulthood. The results of this survey were buried as it did not fit in with the Christian values of the administration.
I figured that I would share my favorite questions that melt brains and/or just end conversation ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 12, 2019:
"PRESIDENT TRUMP FATALLY STRUCK BY LIGHTNING WHILST PLAYING GOLF! Reports say that he may have been cheating at the time"
Gotta love Mrs. Brown.. []
273kelvin comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Odd piece of trivia. The guy who plays Mrs Brown was once Margret Thatchers butler
What album had the biggest impact on you as a teenager?
273kelvin comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Pete Atkin and Clive James - Driving through mythical America I am glad you asked this question as I have been thinking about this all week. This was the first album that I ever bought. It is not a classic. My elder brother bought all of those. So we had "Transformer" "Hunky Dory" "Sticky Fingers" "Velvet Underground" etc. This is a quirky one that no one has heard of. I was 14 and this album was far too sophisticated for me. There are lots of references to things that I could not possibly know anything about then, Macbeth, Garcia Lorca, Inca gold. Far from leaving me cold, it pushed me to find out more about them. Clive James died last week and we lost one of those great writers who can be funny and bring people into the more intellectual world, without being patronizing.
The latest presidential portrait.
273kelvin comments on Dec 8, 2019:
I cannot believe that he is publicly talking about how it takes 10-15 flushes at a time, to get rid of all the shit that comes out of him. Seriously though, it is getting very close to a "Cain Mutiny" type of situation. The guy is becoming more unhinged every day.
Happy Saturday Everyone! After aggravation yesterday with Bob's I bought a new bed today -0.
273kelvin comments on Dec 7, 2019:
The paid-for dinner is what is known as "Plan A". Now you have what is by what you infer a better offer for an earlier drink so you can do that and go on to the dinner. This is known as "Plan B". What will probably happen is you will ditch both plans A & B and go with "Plan C" where you stop and have a great time drinking with your new friend but do not feel guilty because you kinda knew plan C was the one to go with all the time. At least the chances of ending up with "Plan Z" are slim. (That's the one where you end up in the morning with Yuri. On a freighter bound for Murmansk)
Declining invitation to church,
273kelvin comments on Dec 7, 2019:
I do not know you or what kind of relationship you have with our dad. So I can only speak for myself as a father of a lovely daughter. The one thing that I and lots of dads cherish amongst all others is honesty. Whatever you do or think? We want you to be able to tell us. We may not approve, we may certainly disagree but we want to be there for you no matter what and we can't do that unless you tell us. This might be the time to bite the bullet and tell him of your non-beliefs. If not now, then when? The alternative would be you making up excuses either to not go to church or worst still not seeing him at all / seldom. You are a grown woman of 30 and if things go well you will have decades of time left with your dad. After the dust settles on this you can go forward as adults. Remind him that he helped make you who you are. I am sure that upon reflection, however disappointed he may be with your choice? He will be glad that you could tell him about it. If you do "come out"? Respect his beliefs, laugh at his dad-jokes and let him pick the alternative trips out (that includes letting him pick the movie). Happy holidays.
In Israel, some Ultra-Orthodox Jews, known as Haredim, trade tradition for modernity - The ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Israel used to have its own kosha clone of McDonald's - McDavids
In Israel, religious and secular Jews fight over Sabbath shopping on Saturdays - The Washington Post
273kelvin comments on Dec 6, 2019:
I heard that there is an enclave of ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel that take their kids out to throw stones at drivers who dare to violate the sabbath. - Now if one of those stones made a spark....?
Happened upon a newer version of H.
273kelvin comments on Dec 5, 2019:
There is a new version of "War of the worlds" that has just been aired on the BBC. It is far closer to the book as it's set in Edwardian England. It is darker than most versions and also most of it is shot in my city of Liverpool. You should be getting it in the US sometime soon.
I haven't had luck in any dating site.
273kelvin comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Dating at a later age is difficult at best. I looked at your profile and if I may say, you look very good for 72. The problem I have with online dating is that so many of the women of my age are either beige or appear to be beige. It is not so much physical attraction (although that is a factor) more a question of personality. When I write my profile I think "What are my quantities that might attract a lady who I will enjoy being around?" And I look at theirs in the same way. Sadly so many are "I love spending time with my kids/grandkids/dogs and the occasional weekend away". The thing is I do not want to date someone's kids or dogs (would you want a guy that does?). And weekends away doing what? Fossil hunting, antique collecting, following some aged rock-band on their final come-back tour, what? It is no longer as easy as just being out there to get a good date. Here is a sample profile that would get me (and I am sure many other guys) to look twice. Not walking into the sunset. Just looking for new horizons. Can we give each other butterflies along the way? Interests include a craft (eg photography or cake baking) an activity (Eg. local history or bridge) Gentlemen only, please. No need to say that you don't want cheaters, who does?
Now that we have the impeachment hearings going on in the US, I'm curious to know how citizens ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 5, 2019:
No better evidence can be shown than the NATO summit being held in London ATM. Boris is in the midst of an election and it's like two guys at a party where one of them is so unpopular that his friend says "Yo bro, I know we are friends and all that but man just stay away and don't cock block me here". Apart from the mandatory photo ops the two of them are hardly seen together.
How is everyone doing tonight?
273kelvin comments on Dec 3, 2019:
It is tough I know coz I have been there. Remember the good times but remember the bad as well and you already did the maths on that. Missing someone is natural but it has to be better than wishing they were out of your life. If you were a guy I would say find a bar but maybe you could call a friend over for a drink? All I can say is that it does get easier with time
I spoke with a friend of mine once about her ability to orgasm, and she told me that when she's ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 3, 2019:
My ex would only cum if her clitoris was rubbed/licked clockwise
A history lesson : : the consequences of immigration and the self destruction of culture : : : and ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 3, 2019:
I remember that speech by Enoch Powell. I remember what he said "That the black man will have the whip hand over the white man" and that "England will run in rivers of blood". I also remember him being kicked out of the Conservative party. (If only the GOP was as moral in its decisions?) I remember him going to join the Ulster Unionists (another bunch of bigots if ever there was one). I remember his death in failure and false prophecies. I also remember the race riots of the 80s. When my part of the city erupted in violent conflict against a racist police force. Fueled by high unemployment and a govt that used the underclass as fodder. I remember seeing black kids being joined by white kids from the other side of town. And when the black kids asked why they were there? Them being answered with "You think that you are the only guys who have been beaten up by the bizzies?" History has proven that he was full of shit then and you are full of shit now.
Do people who hate religion do it because of their Atheism or Agnosticism or because of their ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 2, 2019:
There was a special script for a UK comedy called "Black Adder" for a telethon. In it, our hero travels through time to the reign of Elizabeth I where he meets Shakespeare. The then proceeds to cold conk him with a right hand. "What's that for?" asks the bard rubbing his face. "That's for every schoolchild that was ever forced to sit for (expletive deleted) hours studying your (expletive deleted) boring plays" They say that the Church of England is an inoculation against religion. For me, it started at school. All of us packed into the hall where we had to sing hymns and join in prayers. God's love was enforced by watching teachers that would hit you if you were too rebellious. Then there were Sundays. It was the 1960`s and the church held sway over what could and what could not go on. The Sunday trading act meant pubs were shut from 2 pm till 7 pm. So dad was forced to stay at home all day. If he wanted to take us out? There were no cinemas, shops, malls, ball games open and very little public transport running. Add to this the TV showed nothing until 5 pm and then for the 1st hour only religious programs. This left the only public entertainment, the radio. At the time this consisted of 3 BBC channels (Commercial radio was not here then. I really can't blame religion for that). In consequence, Sundays for me were like a whole day of algebra and Shakespeare. I was not raped by priests or anything that dramatic. I don't want any harm to Christians in person. I don't want to ban their practices. I want to save kids from having to sit as I did in the school hall. I want to stop anyone from inflicting their religious morality on everyone else. And yes if I ever meet god? He had better duck!
"So Long Frank Lloyd Wright" by Simon and Garfunkel []
273kelvin comments on Dec 2, 2019:
I heard that the song is less about architecture and more about the break-up of the duo. Art Garfunkel was an architect major in college and if you listen very closely and the end of the track? You can hear Paul saying "Goodbye Art". The whole album "Bridge over troubled waters" is essentially a break-up album like "Rumors"
What is your favorite xmas movie?
273kelvin comments on Dec 1, 2019:
"A wonderful life" has to be top of the list Next has to be "A Christmas carol" close call between the George C Scot version and Alister Sim. With the edge going to the latter. His sneer when saying "Bah humbug" has it. "Naughty or Nice" TV film 2004. A Chicago sports shock-jock is transformed into being kinder and it rubs off on the whole city. Last but not least "Hector". British, gritty realism. A homeless man travels down from Scotland to London for his annual stay in a shelter at Christmas. No miracles, schmaltzy music, or cute kids but it does have a happy ending.
Friendships with former lovers.
273kelvin comments on Dec 1, 2019:
I am still friends with two of my exes. One is the mother of my daughter and we did try and rekindle a few years back but it did not work out. The other is someone I lived with for 15 years. We occasionally get drunk together and sometimes end up in bed. No sex happens as we played that scene out but she knows that she can get legless and be safe. In some ways, we get on better now than before. Without the sex and jealousy and the pressure of living together. Plus we don't see each other that often.
Tomorrow is moving day.
273kelvin comments on Nov 29, 2019:
I had a friend Gary whose whole world of possessions consisted of 2 back-packs. One contained his clothes etc. The other photographs and songs he had written. This was pre-internet and he kept the latter in a bank vault. (it was quite cheap as he did not use a safe-deposit box). The point is that every time I have moved home I have envied him.
A boss said to his secretary, "I want to have SEX with you I will make it very fast.
273kelvin comments on Nov 29, 2019:
I thought it was going to be the one where he interviews a potential new secretary but says "The job pays $600 an hour but I get to have sex with you". She thinks about it and says "yes". They get their kits off and have sex. Then he looks at the clock and it only took ten minutes. So he says "Here is $100 You're fired"
I reviewed the pilot episode of "Nancy Drew Mysteries.
273kelvin comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Sometimes getting lost is the best thing to do. I remember going back to Malta for my birthday. I was born there but we left when I was a baby. My ex and I had drunk too much the night before and she was recovering in the hotel bed. So I caught the bus into Valetta on my own. I wandered up and down the narrow streets until I stopped by a small cafe. This was not a tourist trap but a local "greasy spoon". I ordered an iced coffee but the lady must have heard "nice coffee". What I got was the local brew of Nescafe and evaporated milk served in a 1/2 pint glass. Being English I did not complain. Instead, I sat quietly in the corner and people watched. As customers came in and talked they nodded to me and me back. The coffee had me marked down as non-tourist so they just chatted amongst themselves. Maltese is even more of a mongrel language than English. It is composed of part Italian, Arabic and English with a few of their own words thrown in. So with a little bit of concentration, I could make out a fair bit of the lingo. It was one of the highlights of the trip just sitting there absorbing the culture. So much so that I had another glass of the god awful coffee. PS. I look forward to the Nancy Drew episode when she finds out that the president did it!
So imagine you've talked to someone a bit and now meeting her/him for the first time.
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Firstly there is their appearance. Does it match their profile pics? If so, then a compliment on how good they look would not be out of order. Secondly, their voice, if you have not talked on the phone then how nice they sound IRL is good, also accents and where they have lived. The venue is worth talking about. This can lead to other dates and where they went with them. Plus if they might like to go someplace else? The rest is mostly up to any chemistry between you.
Is there a difference between a fundamentalist theist and a fundamentalist atheist?
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Fundamental atheist? Do they condemn agnostics with curses like "You will live in a purgatory of indecision" What tosh
Is it kohser to post a link to my not-for-profit music podcast?
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2019:
I think so. The only restrictions (apart from the obvious) is on political comment
Regarding "Deviants" post - I don't think "deviants" are less human or engaged in "disgusting​ ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I thought it was a bit knee jerk at the time. Glad to hear that you do not tar us all with one brush
Oooh, Level 5. No more reviewing before going live! Who are the other level 5's out there?
273kelvin comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Meeting and talking to new people. Even if they may hold differing views or interests than myself
What positive things have you taken away from your past relationships?
273kelvin comments on Nov 26, 2019:
My cat
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
273kelvin comments on Nov 25, 2019:
America should not let ANY fundamentalist religious nutjobs into their country! Now if only those natives had thought about this when the Mayflower landed? Happy thanksgiving
Hello I just joined today.
273kelvin comments on Nov 24, 2019:
There quite a few people who have met irl on here and some romances. If you click on "members" that will show you. I believe there are some near Dallas. You are not alone in hating religion and I am sure that you will find some cyber friends at least on here
273kelvin comments on Nov 24, 2019:
It depends on the odds. For example: if you are the type of agnostic that reads your astrology column, is disenchanted with organized religion but "feels" that there might be something out there, then NO. If however, you take the view that you cannot rule out the possibility but the odds are so slight that it does not bere thinking about then YES. A few years ago a guy made a £5 bet with William Hill bookmakers that Elvis would ride through London on Shergar and beat Lord Lucan in the Wimbledon men's singles final. They gave him odds of 10,000,000 -1. Then they had to contact him to reduce his bet to 5p as it would mean that they had to keep the possible winnings in reserve until after the final. My thoughts on the chances of god existing are way larger than that but I suppose that technically makes me an agnostic
Now that we have the impeachment hearings going on in the US, I'm curious to know how citizens ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 23, 2019:
He makes me not want to watch the news. His voice just goes right through me like chalk on a black-board. He is by far the worst advert for your country ever. That said it throws into perspective all that is wrong with US politics. Over here we think that the only thing easier to buy in the states than a gun is a politician (on both sides). Who did the dems choose to run against him? The (until 45) most hated politician in America. Why? because she raised more money. His campaign was "Make America great again" hers was "It's my turn". This gave you your very own Mussolini. The parallels are uncanny. Constant rallies, posturing, arrogance and even the non-acceptance of his salary. But what of all the rest? At the impeachment hearings, we heard from ambassador Sondland. Much was made of the fact that he was a Trump appointee but only after donating $1 million. This would be viewed as gross corruption in the UK and most counties. Yet you do not bat an eye and accept it as normal. So far Trump has raised $308 million for his 2020 campaign. We look at that and think "That's 2 new hospitals". We too are in the throes of an election. The Torys who have by far the most money have raised £5 million. Okay, we are 1/10 the population but the difference is staggering. Just goes to show that you yanks will buy any kind of shit so long as you advertise it enough.
A Shot in the Dark - Henry Mancini []
273kelvin comments on Nov 23, 2019:
Sellers was very into seeing a medium and would not make a move without consulting him. His agent knew that Blake Edwards would be a great move for Sellers so he went to the medium and bribed him to tell Sellers to be susceptible. The medium told him that he would soon meet someone with the initials B E and that he should go with them. Unfortunately that week he met Britt Ekland and she totally fucked up his life.
Any chance someone can get a bottle to me by tomorrow evening's party?
273kelvin comments on Nov 22, 2019:
I once infused vodka with green by just putting in the bottle and leaving it. The odd thing was it was like Pastis or Pernod. in that it discoloured and went cloudy when you added any mixer.
There is a guy on Match that I'm not really interested in meeting, maybe because I am 99.
273kelvin comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Have you tried checking out his FB page or any other social media? That will tell you his politics. If he is a rep. but not vocal about it, would that be a deal-breaker too?
Usually the first line is "hey there.
273kelvin comments on Nov 21, 2019:
Hey, anyone with that much honey may be a keeper
As the daughter of a classical musician I grew up listening to some of the great composers, Edvard ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Yorkshire guy called his dog Grieg. Asked why he said "Every time he comes in all he does is pee aginst suite"
Feel alone?
273kelvin comments on Nov 17, 2019:
"No, I'm not, a talking snake told me so!"
Yes [] More Cyndi Lauper - Time After of her best!
273kelvin comments on Nov 17, 2019:
So good that Miles played it.
Who do you think of when you vote?
273kelvin comments on Nov 16, 2019:
We have an election on the 12th December. I have not voted Labour in the recent past because I did not like my incumbent MP but she is not standing now and I am not only voting Labour but urging others to do so on FB. We have had too many years of Tory austerity. Our once proud NHS, welfare and public sector have been so striped that they are almost unrecognisable. Add to that the prospect of Brexit with Boris in charge would mean the NHS sold off to US pharma and US crap foods allowed in. Sorry but chlorinated chicken, rat hairs in pasta, and pus in milk are not wanted in the UK.
Don't the scammers know that it is a holiday today?
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2019:
I got one a few days ago and I used a trick that someone put one here. I answered and said "This call is being recorded and monitored. Is that okay?" They hung up in record time and I don't expect any more from that one.
What is your favorite Christmas song.
273kelvin comments on Nov 9, 2019:
There is only really one But because it is Christmas and we all like to believe
Can you post a song with short or sweet in the title?
273kelvin comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Two by the same band
Baby it's cold outside! 33 degrees.
273kelvin comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Yesterday was dreich (A Scottish word, used to describe cold, wet, windy and miserable weather. That only the Scots could coin). However, today in sunshiny and looks quite nice. I may go out later?
I hate change but life is all about change.
273kelvin comments on Nov 7, 2019:
I don`t know about that old chap. Q: How many Englishmen does it take to change a light bulb? A: We quite like the old one actually
So what do you call the feeling you get when you see someone's pics and profile and you are ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 6, 2019:
One for the w@nk bank
V For Vendetta (memorable, a recurring internet meme) []
273kelvin comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Quite appropriate for today as it is a GUY Fawkes mask that he wears. NB. November 5th is our fireworks night (I can hear them outside atm). The night Guy Fawkes was caught trying to blow up parliament with gunpowder 1605. (Many think that he was the last man to enter there with honest intentions.) He was hung drawn and quartered and his effigy is burnt on bonfires. (Hence the masks.) So next time you feel a bit bad about 4th July remember that we blow fireworks to celebrate torturing and executing a terrorist
Randomly decided to look-up the "latest/newest religion on earth" and was directed to this: ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 5, 2019:
"Knock-knock" "Yes" "We are Jehovahs burglars and we a persecuted by the state because of our beliefs" "What do you believe?" "We believe that you have valuables in this house" Jokes aside, you get a lot of rights as a religion. For example, many Rastas can claim religious persecution for pot busts. As they view weed as a sacrament, like Catholics communion wine. If you get done for file-sharing then it might be a defence to say it was a religious act?
Criticizing the doctrine of Islam does not mean the person doing so is a xenophobe,Islamophobe, or ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2019:
If it really is on doctrine and practice then no. However, I have seen a lot of FB campaigns to ban halal meat. They`re ostensibly arguing against the methods of slaughter but you notice no other animal welfare issues that they are concerned with and they never say halal/kosher. Even though the slaughter method is the same. Add to that, although it looks awful the halal/kosher method is quite humane. It cuts off the carotid arteries and starves the brain of blood till you blackout. If I were to be executed? It is a method I might choose.
I just watched The King on Netflix.
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2019:
I enjoyed the film too but they did brush over the fact that by both today and the standards of his time, he was a war criminal
I am curious as to whether other women find the following passages (taken verbatim from a message to...
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Okay, this guy is an arseshole and if a woman posted that I would swipe left too. However, there are some small grains of truth there. I have pretty much stopped online dating atm because you see the same faces month in and month out. Some of them have been there for years. Now I would say this to either gender. "Why are you single?" This is not a blame game but a genuine self-examination. You look at your break-ups and point fingers often quite rightly at the other party but how many of us ever say "Yeah it was my fault? (mostly/maybe/perhaps)" So we all go back into the pond with the same baggage we had before and maybe some more. Then we look online. You would think that of all of the stories in this naked city there would be plenty of fish for us but it does not work like that. Then it is a percentage game. Like a cop show where at first all they know about the suspect is that he is a white male 6 foot between 30-40 years of age. Then he drives a black Ford SUV, is left-handed, and travels a lot. The numbers grow smaller. The same thing happens with online dating. Age, smoker-non. politics/religion, interests, location, attractiveness and most importantly on the same dating site as you, all whittle down our choices. Some are just not worth it. People that talk all the time or never learned to chew with their mouth closed, you`ve met them. Then you have the others that are so fucked up that they need to date a psychiatric nurse. Then you have the ones that really are not able to date through no fault of their own. One lady, I had a date with last year and all went well but she kept canceling the second date due to family stuff. Okay, family comes first but if it is always going to be that way then be honest with yourself and others. You just don't have time for another person in your life. (I see she is back online now). The point is, whatever sex you are. There may seem like thousands of potential mates out there but once you get down to it. You are lucky if you find 2-3


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