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Dating advice.
273kelvin comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Okay, you have a guy that fancies you, thinks that you look good together and would obviously like to explore things. Yes, he has been a little forward but you`re not 18 anymore. I can understand you being careful but I think that you might be seeing flags that are not there. In which case it is more about you than him.
There could be worse things than Hell: 🤔
273kelvin comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Bad dog
Talking Heads - Radio Head World's easiest music trivia: What band named themselves after this ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Joint 1st and 2nd possibly 3rd. Same question
Calvin does a woman good.....
273kelvin comments on Sep 17, 2019:
So can this Kelvin
In my head... [] It was an honor to have seen this man in concert years ago.
273kelvin comments on Sep 17, 2019:
A lot of people don't know that when he opened Woodstock. He was finishing his usual set and was told to "carry on". All the roads were blocked and no other artists could get in. So he did a 4 1/2 hours impromptu performance
Good afternoon all.
273kelvin comments on Sep 16, 2019:
You can plan and thats good but oft it is the little or spontaneous things. Like the new years eve outside the bar when she shouted at the top of her lungs "I LOVE KELVIN MATCHETT"
273kelvin comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Famous grammar sins; "To boldly go where no man has been before" - Should read, to go boldly... It is like saying "to quicky run". "To take arms against a sea of troubles" - Is a mixed metaphor. One cannot take arms against a sea, King Canute tried it and was less than successful
Why does the beauty of the world, the order (and chaos) we discovered that underlies the universe, ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 14, 2019:
We naturally look for reasons behind things. (You only have to look at this site of non-believers to find conspiracy theorists). Let me put it another way: Imagine the scene on the Serengeti. You are foraging for food and you hear a rustle in the long grass. Now it could be just the wind or a lion. Do you run or stay? We are descended from the ones that ran
Is your reality mine?
273kelvin comments on Sep 14, 2019:
My ex was from Malawi and told me about an amusing incident that proves that racism is not confined to whites. Robert Mugabe to the tobacco growers of Zimbabwe ; "I must congratulate you on an excellent harvest. This year you have grown 10% more tobacco than last year. This is good for you and this is good for Zimbabwe. Not only will this bring in more much-needed foreign currency into our nation but it will also kill much more white fuckers"
Wow what a night it was.
273kelvin comments on Sep 14, 2019:
You don't want to end up in some nursing home with oatmeal dribbling down your chin thinking "What if..."
Dear English; Why does christian have to be capitalized and atheist doesn't? Naughty, naughty!
273kelvin comments on Sep 13, 2019:
It is a useful argument against the idiots that claim that atheism is a religion
We so often learn far too late than the heroes of history were actually horrible people, and the ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 13, 2019:
NIXON WAS INNOCENT!! Well, maybe not but I remember the great writer Alister Cooke explaining that to the historian it is not what actually happened that is important but what is believed to have happened at the time. This was in the context of the Boston tea party. It matters little that it may well have been just a drunken mob and the British soldiers were merely defending themselves. It was the spin of the event that helped fire up the revolution. Hypothetically, if subsequent papers were to reveal that Nixon was the victim of an elitist plot, it would matter naught. The taint on the republican party that led to the election of Jimmy Carter would still be the historical significance of the event and the use of "gate" to describe political scandals.
We so often learn far too late than the heroes of history were actually horrible people, and the ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 12, 2019:
We make heroes out of high achievers and gods out of heroes. Then we are suddenly surprised when they turn out to have feet of clay. The phrase "He was no saint" is oft-quoted. If you read about the lives of saints you will find that they were not too nice either. For all their faults they leave there mark on history. You have a constitution however much flawed because of Jefferson. Does it really matter if Martin Luther King's wife used to "fall down" a lot? Our own British hero Churchill has his statue in the houses of parliament. Only one of of 3 commoners ever to have received a full state funeral. Yet many on the left would vilify him. He was a racist political dinosaur. If he had had his way it would have been the British that would have 1st dropped chemical weapons on the Kurds in Iraq. Yet his oratory and strength of purpose were exactly what my country required at its moment of need. On balance, the world was much better off for having him around. That's about the best you can say of anyone
Seriously, you want me to make a lasagna now? Seriously?
273kelvin comments on Sep 11, 2019:
"Okay how about a fruit salad instead and you can be the plates"
Hmmmmm. Well, it DOES make me wonder: 🤔
273kelvin comments on Sep 10, 2019:
Every morning I have to listen to Trump's latest idiotic tweet on the news....but I don't want to
How would you reply to a theist who says, "You send yourself to hell"?
273kelvin comments on Sep 10, 2019:
According to the book that starts off with a talking snake and ends with the author killing everyone on earth that he does not like? I think that I will stick with Lord of the rings. It is less violent and more believable.
Race for the cure.
273kelvin comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Off too the shops to buy a few essentials, then maybe an open mic tonight.
Being up something I heard on a local radio station this week.
273kelvin comments on Sep 7, 2019:
She might make some powerful enemies
A list of Ten Classic British Films that had Incredibly bad Hollywood remakes Alfie (2004 / 1966)...
273kelvin comments on Sep 6, 2019:
I have to say that I liked the ladykiller's remake. I don't normally like second-hand films but the Coen bros did a great job. Tom Hanks filled Alister Sims' shoes very well and the jokes made me laugh. Which tbh I don't do much at films I watch on my own. All the rest I would agree are crap remakes
Anyone remember Wolfman Jack from Midnight Special and American Graffiti? Memories?
273kelvin comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Yes, that was a great movie. Here in the UK, we had our own icon of music. Much more understated but very influential, John Peel. Anyone involved with the British music scene speaks in reverential terms of this guy. A fellow Liverpudlian who came to the fore by chance as a DJ in the USA when the Beatles hit the town. He suddenly became thrust into the limelight. Quiet spoken but with an overwhelming passion for new music. If any artist sent him a tape or CD he would listen to it and if he thought it worthy would play it on his show. John Peel was at the forefront of every new music genre in his working life. From prog-rock, through punk to acid-house and hip-hop. Yes, he was awarded an OBE but more importantly, he has a stage named after him at Glastonbury. Here is his favorite single
Would Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax proposal tax the wealth of America's super rich pastors like ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 6, 2019:
To be charitable to the myth. I would say that Jesus would be rather like Gandhi. No personal wealth but lots of wealthy supporters. You can find evidence of these in the gospels. I don't know the exact quote but it goes something like "Go unto Jerusalem where you will find a man and take from him an ass". Also, it was a private tomb where he was interred, not the common burial ground. This suggests that he had the backing of at least one person with wealth/property.
Good morning.
273kelvin comments on Sep 5, 2019:
NFL is a derivative of rugby football and holds a similar appeal. In that, it is a boys game played by men. It is relatively harmless to have a bunch of 14-year-old lads crashing into each other. Quite another if they are full-grown athletes. Then it becomes more like a war. Rugby is tougher in that whilst there is no tackling off the ball. Players do not wear helmets and the only protection is a box for your privates and an optional mouth guard. Far from exploitation, this was the last major sport to remain amateur.
This slim and very well proportioned woman was staring at the sea.
273kelvin comments on Sep 3, 2019:
But here are some guys looking out for her
273kelvin comments on Sep 3, 2019:
All guys are competitive. Challenge him to 69 chicken and egg. Bet him that he can't make you cum 1st
Well...It's TRUE!!!!
273kelvin comments on Sep 3, 2019:
It was not my bag either till I dated an opera fan, Got to say that its a great soundtrack to sex. Full of passion. Close your eyes and imagine making love to this
My brain might be working over time on this one.
273kelvin comments on Sep 3, 2019:
At least time is not all Christian. Two days are named after Norse gods and several months after Roman emperors/gods. BTW Augustus was peeved at getting less than the others so he insisted on taking some off of February. Don`t yer just hate those kinds of narcissistic rulers?
There is a woman living with my dad and sister.
273kelvin comments on Sep 3, 2019:
That is one motherfucker of a question. (Sorry, but someone had to say it.) Dad no, I think the age difference would be too great. I did date 2 of my brother's exes in my youth though.
Latest on my dating entertainment sites.
273kelvin comments on Sep 3, 2019:
From my experiences, if you do give her your email address. You will get some very racy pics with a cut-n-paste resume, of how she works with children or animals in a 3rd world country atm but is coming back soon. This will also inc. how her last bf hurt her and she is looking for "A trustworthy man". At some point, you will be asked for airfare but till then you can milk the glam pics if you want.
Have you known many believers who can't seem to grasp the omniscient god thing?
273kelvin comments on Sep 3, 2019:
An odd bit of trivia around the number 7. There are 7 colours in a rainbow, right? Wrong, take another look. (bring out your old Pink Floyd album if you need to). There are only 6, Indigo and violet are just shades of purple but Newton thought that 6 was the devil's number and so he made it 7 colours.
I am officially taking myself out of the singles category.
273kelvin comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Hope to see you in trivia tomorrow night then x
I wish this was for real....
273kelvin comments on Aug 31, 2019:
This reminds me of a question that was asked in a physics test. Q, How could you find the height of a tall building using a barometer? One student answered thus There are several ways to ascertain the height of a building using a barometer. 1, You could drop the barometer from the top of the building and time its decent. Then calculate the height using 10M per second squared. 2. You could tie a string to the barometer and lower it to the bottom. The length of the string + barometer would give you the height of the building. 3, (This is the answer I suspect you want) You could take a barometric reading at the bottom of the building and one at the top. Then deduct the latter from the former and use the difference to calculate the height of the building. 4, (This is how I would actually find out the height using a barometer.) Find the janitor of the building and say to him "If you tell me the height of this building. I will give you a barometer"
I wish this was for real....
273kelvin comments on Aug 30, 2019:
It's not that good as it does not give you the height of the impact point. The velocity would be directly proportional to the amount of drop squared. So it would be smaller on the shoulders than the shins
273kelvin comments on Aug 30, 2019:
In the UK you only need to renew it when you hit 70 and then it's only a form
Has anyone watched the Netflix mini series The Family based on the book by Jeff Sharlet?
273kelvin comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Yes, I made a post about it last week or so ago, In general, and hellos. You might like to join some of the threads.
Have you ever had anyone try to guilt you into something?
273kelvin comments on Aug 29, 2019:
A barman starts to find a puddle of urine every Wednesday night by the bar when he locks up. This happens for a few weeks so he takes Wednesday night off and comes in as a customer to see who does it. Sure enough at 10 o'clock a guy quietly unzips his fly and pees on the bar. Furious, the barman grabs the guy and says "You dirty sick bastard! Get out! seek professional help and don't come back until you are better". A few months go by and the urine man returns. The barman tells him to leave but the guy says "No, I did as you asked and now I am better". "Okay, I suppose you can stay if you are better." That night at 10 o'clock the guy steps back, unzips his fly and spays the whole bar with his piss. The barman leaps over the bar and grabs him,.Shouting "I thought you said that you were better now?" "I am," said the guy "I don't feel guilty about it at all now"
Question: Is sex better when you are a senior?
273kelvin comments on Aug 29, 2019:
I am not sure about better, it is certainly different. I would compare it to a rock concert vs a symphony. Each have to delights and attractions
Goodness gracious it's been awhile everyone! Hi! So my friend goes to a private christian college...
273kelvin comments on Aug 29, 2019:
It is also the rejection of authority. I think I read somewhere that you are more likely to believe in god if you had a strong grandparental influence in your childhood. That makes sense as your parents would have a higher power too. Someone like myself who hates being told what to do would automatically balk at a book of rules that tried to govern my actions and thoughts.
What exactly was the reason for Europeans toaccept a god from the desert over the local gods who ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 28, 2019:
Rome was the big cheese culture. So even if you were not occupied like Ireland. It must have been very influential. Just as Hollywood and rock-n-roll have been exported from the USA.
Nothing says "respect my religion" like child murder...
273kelvin comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Once upon a time, I went to Jerusalem. An odd place for an atheist to be but as I looked around. It was the overwhelming impression that just as in Chicago you are nobody until you have had someone "rubbed out". That in that town, you were nobody until you put a kid on an altar
I was wondering how much money Michael Jackson has earned since his death in 2009 so I googled it --...
273kelvin comments on Aug 27, 2019:
When the national trust bought Paul McCartney's family home (well the last one as they moved around a bit). They were looking for doors that fit with the original design. Only to find that a guy had bought the old ones years ago and had them stored in his garage.
I've been reading a series of books about the demons that had been held in Pandora's Box, and what ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Liverpool joke "I thought that there was a light at the end of the tunnel but it was only Birkenhead" PS you could move it to NY and say New Jersey
I will admit this might be a pick too finicky, but I really do not want to date a man who is smaller...
273kelvin comments on Aug 26, 2019:
You should put these things in your profile. I have seen lots of women who do.
No one can tell me why I am here in this mystery.
273kelvin comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I did come across a solution to your ponderings once and it goes like this. If you are truly troubled by the meaning of your existence? Then I suggest that tonight you vacate your comfortable bed and sleep rough. If after a few nights of kipping outdoors you are still troubled? Then renounce all your possessions, home, car, family, etc. and take to permanently sleeping outside. Taking in only what sustenance that you can beg, steal or forage. If after several weeks of this life you are still troubled? Then, my friend, that says you have been secretly sneaking back to your home to eat and sleep.
Good late morning all.
273kelvin comments on Aug 22, 2019:
In my experience, the best food in the world is mom's food. Be it Jewish chicken soup, Pakistani curry or Irish stew, you name it. I have eaten in some really fancy places, including Michelin star restaurants but good as they are they cannot compare to home-cooked food with recipes honed over generations and made with love.
273kelvin comments on Aug 22, 2019:
That's why I don't use cocaine and I don't buy Nescafe
My religions professor is very adamant about convincing us atheists are just as religious as ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 21, 2019:
So many times I come across "The elephant and the Polish problem." * Where people (especially religious ones) view everything else from their own perspective and cannot conceive a view outside of it. They have faith and it is part of their world. The fact that all their bs is about as much concern to us as the 27 Eskimo words for snow, does not compute. They think that faith in fantasy is the default position and "One must believe in something" We atheists look at all the conflicting views and see that our position is the factory setting and all the rest is simply the imprint of culture. * I have told the elephant and the Polish problem joke so often before, that I will only type it out again if requested.
This post is for fun and philosophical thought: If you could change lives with ONE person in the ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 20, 2019:
There is a guy called Arther who does the open mic I do. He sings acapella. no great voice but just tremendous enthusiasm. It is difficult to describe but he sings stuff like H.A.P.P.Y. or old MacDonald's farm with such infectious joy that you cannot help but be swept along. This is not an act on Arther's part, he is simply genuinely always happy. As a consiquence, he has gotten some gigs. A couple of weddings and recently a funeral.
Mountain Meadows Massacre 9) Mormonism's repressive ideas about human sexuality, including strict ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 17, 2019:
You missed out the 10% of his income... for life. But that`s okay because he cannot spend it on beer or coffee.
Question: Talk about women squirting. How does that happen or not?
273kelvin comments on Aug 17, 2019:
The last time I had good sex my gf squirted 6 times. Some of it is urine but not all. Don't go by what you see in porn. I think most of that is a full bladder for the cameras. When it happens, you will know that it is an orgasm of earthquake proportions.
Just a passing thought.
273kelvin comments on Aug 16, 2019:
And here is a song about it Probably one of the best all encompassing protest songs ever
Why would anyone wear these?
273kelvin comments on Aug 16, 2019:
I have to admit that I did wear something like those after my divorce (mid-life crissis). I still have some pairs left for very special date nights.
Please let me know if you would say something in this situation.
273kelvin comments on Aug 16, 2019:
He knows already. If he chooses to say that the kids his then he is doing right by the child. I got married after my 1st kid was born. At the time there was a legitimize form (LA) that I could fill in, to de-bastardize him. (No longer required under UK law) But I looked into the history of the laws in this respect. At the end of WW2, a guy could not disown any child born in wedlock. Even if he had been a POW at the time of conception. It was felt that there were so many cuckoos due to.... well there was a war on, that it would upset society too much if they all did.
There are no words horrendous
273kelvin comments on Aug 15, 2019:
And on the other side of the pond we have... Bus driver suspended for refusing to drive bus with rainbow number
Create a caption....
273kelvin comments on Aug 15, 2019:
"Are you sure that you still want to watch the football game?"
What would you do?
273kelvin comments on Aug 15, 2019:
I grew up in a similar situation. Dad was an atheist, mom was not. My best friend's family was JWs. I went to Sunday school and all that but when I asked dad he told me straight. However, he did add that this was his view and it did not have to be mine. She is six and at that age, we are willing to believe all kinds of things. Wait until Santa is blown off and then use it to explain why you think the way you do. A talking snake is something that she can see as a fairy story and not a fact. Then talk about Abraham and Issac. How Abraham was willing to kill his son because he was told to and tell her that nothing or nobody could ever make you hurt her. Also, I think that avron`s idea of planning ahead for next year might be a good plan. You can add to the pressure by inviting her friend too.
I guess there's not much hitchhiking going on anymore, but back in the old days it was pretty ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 14, 2019:
I had occasion to hitch 2 weeks ago. It was such a novelty that the guys that picked me up took selfies.
273kelvin comments on Aug 13, 2019:
That makes sense, as I have brought quite a few ladies close to heaven with my muffin.
So, here is my personal argument against free will: I did not choose to become an atheist.
273kelvin comments on Aug 12, 2019:
The problem with no free will is that it takes away any thoughts of responsibility. Like the cheating partner that says "It just happened". No it fucking didn't! Unless you were raped you made lots of conscious decisions to end up having sex with someone else. Yes, there may have been umpteen amounts of emotional forces at work but you chose to get your kit off and to have sex. I used to have a big problem with gambling. I stopped betting but that does not mean that its not still a problem, just a smaller one. It would have been easy for me to stay the way I was but "chose" to change my lifestyle. Personally, I to look at it this way. There are lots of things we cannot do anything about,.nature/nurture they are the cards that we are dealt. How we chose to play them is in part, up to us.
Doing a crossword puzzle.
273kelvin comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Next clue - Tired postman "How many letters?" "Bloody loads of em"
Every member of Agnostic.
273kelvin comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Just to give you all a chance. I will be hosting and not competing in tonights trivia
Who in History would you have liked to have had a love affair with? My choice for today is Voltaire
273kelvin comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Isadora Duncan or Dorothy Parker I cannot decide between mind and body
A shocking horror movie for 1973, that exposes Christianity for the hypocritical lie that it is.
273kelvin comments on Aug 10, 2019:
A classic
No, you make dinner!!
273kelvin comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Can I have a little bit to eat before dinner?
Question: For both guys and gals - Do you prefer a circumcised penis or uncircumcised penis?
273kelvin comments on Aug 8, 2019:
It's not the norm here in the UK. From what I hear cut ones need oil to wank, is that true?
There is a surge of scientific denial in America.
273kelvin comments on Aug 7, 2019:
It makes me despair for the future of the US. If anything highlights evolution, It is the fight against malaria. Throughout man's battle with this disease, it has been like trying to pick up quicksilver. Every time we think we have it, it slips through our fingers. At first, we tried quinine but the disease adapted. Then we tried DTD but the flies became immune and it goes on. The only way to guarantee that you won't get it is to be born with sickle cell anemia. Evolutions way of ensuring that not all of the population is wiped out. Not many people know that one of the biggest players in this field is the US military. They contribute about 10% of the worldwide research. What will happen if most of their intake is taught that species were created and are immutable?
Ethics is the attempt to rationally establish morality and to distinguish moral rules that can be ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 7, 2019:
A young Jewish boy asks his dad "What is business ethics?" "I'm glad you asked me that son. Let me try and explain. Say a lady comes into my shop and buys something for $20 but when I get to the till I find there are 2 x $20 notes stuck together. This leaves me with a business ethics problem" "You mean do you chase after the lady before she leaves the shop?" "No son, do I tell my partner"
Let’s group write Pepe’s and Lolita’s story.
273kelvin comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Tender love Pepe was a lonely boat. His owners hardly ever had use for him and so he would sit on his trailer all through the winter months. Hoping for a trip out to the seaside. Even if it meant being tied to the mother yacht and buffeted by the waves. Then one day he saw her and it was love at first sight. Lolita, as beautiful as her name suggests. Long slim lines and tanned. The two of them had rowed together when their owners went out to their moorings. It was a time that Pepe would never forget. Oh if only he could lay beside her, his joy would be complete. He was not looking forward to next week. A trip to the repair yard was not his favorite way to pass the time. The young man who worked on him was rough. The sander itched and scratched but at least he would be looking better just in case he did bump into Lolita again. Imagine his wondrous rapture to find her there also. Not only could he be beside her but if she got sanded first, then he might get to see her naked.
Has anyone had sex in Dr. office?
273kelvin comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Medical students have one acronym that most don't know, TUBE Totally Unnecessary Breast Examination
Tarantino steals, but in a great way.
273kelvin comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Idiots plagiarize, artists steal. Woody Allen spent almost all his career trying to steal from Igmar Bergman and make it funny. He came close with "Don't you wish life was like this" but "Family Guy" did it funnier. And then "Bill and Ted's bogus journey" did it so well.
Tell me, what's your best argument against a Christian?
273kelvin comments on Aug 4, 2019:
It depends on if I like them or not. If I like them I point out that their "truth" is based on faith and is geographical/tribal. Whereas mine is not. If I don't like them? Then I tell them that Christianity does not work and they know it. When they argue I give em a slap and wait for them to retaliate, rather than turning the other cheek
What are your honest thoughts on astrology?
273kelvin comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Astrology vs History In one corner we have Adolf Hitler, a man obsessed with astrology and convinced that he had a destiny to rule Europe. In the other corner, we have Winston Churchill. A historian with a particular interest in his ancestor the Duke of Marlborough who defeated Louis xiv. A man that also thought he had a destiny to rule Europe. WHO WON?
What are your honest thoughts on astrology?
273kelvin comments on Aug 3, 2019:
Along with some people's need to believe, we have subject validation. Subjective Validation and the Forer Effect “Subjective validation” occurs when two unrelated or random events are perceived to be related because a belief, expectancy, or hypothesis demands a relationship. Thus, people find a connection between the perception of their personality and the contents of their horoscope. The concept of subjective validation was put to the test in 1948 by psychologist Bertram R. Forer. Forer gave a personality test to each of his students. Afterward, he told his students they were each receiving a unique personality analysis that was based on the test’s results, and to rate their analysis on a scale of 0 (very poor) to 5 (excellent) on how well it applied to themselves. The analysis presented to the students was as follows: You have a great need for other people to like and admire you. You have a tendency to be critical of yourself. You have a great deal of unused capacity which you have not turned to your advantage. While you have some personality weaknesses, you are generally able to compensate for them. Disciplined and self-controlled outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure inside. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. You pride yourself as an independent thinker and do not accept others’ statements without satisfactory proof. You have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others. At times you are extroverted, affable, sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, reserved. Some of your aspirations tend to be pretty unrealistic. Security is one of your major goals in life. The trick? In reality, each student received the exact same analysis: On average, the rating was 4.26/5 (that is, the students found their “personal” analysis to be 85% accurate). It was only after the ratings were turned in was it revealed that each student had received identical copies assembled by Forer from various horoscopes. As can be seen from the profile analysis, there are a number of statements that are vague and could apply equally to anyone. These statements later became known as Barnum statements, after P.T. Barnum, who used them in his performances, allegedly stating “there’s a sucker born every minute.” Guaquelin’s Horoscope Experiment In another experiment, the famous French Astrologer, Michael Gauquelin, offered free horoscopes to any reader of Ici Paris, if they would give feedback on the accuracy of his supposedly “individual” analysis. He wanted to scientifically test the profession of ...
Recent events prompted me to produce the following just now.
273kelvin comments on Aug 3, 2019:
When I learned my profession it was "A man who never made a mistake, never made anything"
Dutch ban on burqas and niqabs takes effect | News | Al Jazeera
273kelvin comments on Aug 2, 2019:
They say it is religious but here's the thing. I live in a multi-cultural area. There are lots of Muslims and we all get along. Nearly all of the small convenience stores are owned and run by Muslims. I have never once gone into a store where the lady at the counter is in a full burqa. Headscarf, yes but not a full face covering. I see burqas on the street but when it might reduce business they seem not so concerned.
Watching now (just because) Bull Durham. What are some of your favorite baseball movies?
273kelvin comments on Aug 2, 2019:
"The Natural" mostly because of the great Randy Newman soundtrack. That fanfare at the end is something else. Being English means that I don't really get baseball. I just watched a very old one on cricket. "The Final test". The plot is a young writers (Reggie Palmer) dad is playing in his last game. The lads' hero is a writer (Alexander Whithead played by Robert Morley) who loves cricket and persuades him to go watch his dad play. Here is the best quotes on our archetypal game. "Alexander Whitehead : Why don't you like cricket? Reggie Palmer : Well the fact of the matter is I find it so frightfully dull. Alexander Whitehead : Frightfully dull? Well of course it's frightfully dull - that's the whole point. Any game can be exciting - football, dirt-track racing, roulette. The measure of the vast superiority of cricket over any other game is that it steadfastly refuses to cater to this boorish craving for excitement. Alexander Whitehead : Chekhov and cricket - great similarity you know. Same sense of shape and pattern, form and design. Each done with that superbly satisfying art which conceals art. The same passion for the beautifully inconclusive."
Not movies, but ahead of its time.
273kelvin comments on Aug 2, 2019:
One of my favorites was the old lady who shuts herself off to keep death out. Then is conned into letting a wounded policeman in. You got to see two great actors at both ends of their respective careers work together. A very young Robert Redford and Lilian Gish.
@Admin 1.
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Glad to see you back, in part at least. If this kind of thing happens again you can find me on FB Kelvin - Liverpool
This announcement may bring delight or dismay.
273kelvin comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I will miss him. There are much worse trolls than him on here
Harley the Hog Found a hedgehog in the middle of the road in a housing estate today, so brought him...
273kelvin comments on Jul 27, 2019:
You ain't nothin but a hedgehog Foraging all the time You ain't nothin but a hedgehog Foraging all the time You may be kind of prickly But you ain't no porcupine
Nick Lowe on CBS This Morning. Nice little treat!
273kelvin comments on Jul 27, 2019:
When I saw him, he was playing bass for Ry Cooder. Normally he would be 1/3 of "Little Village" with John Hyatt
Did anyone else lose their virginity to a fellow virgin?
273kelvin comments on Jul 26, 2019:
It depends on your definition of losing virginity. I penetrated my 16yro gf at 14 but it hurt her too much so I stopped.
I've been doing it all wrong!
273kelvin comments on Jul 25, 2019:
That's why I only smoke cigarettes that cause premature births
273kelvin comments on Jul 25, 2019:
I had heard that version before and I love it but I still prefer Lady Days
Generally, as perhaps too often said before, I'm a broad church skeptic, and have little interest in...
273kelvin comments on Jul 25, 2019:
From what I recall that argument is even pooh-poohed by the Vatican. Russell summed it up by saying that the same thing can be used in support of Father Christmas
I've had this story in my head for a couple days without the energy to write it.
273kelvin comments on Jul 23, 2019:
If you don't write it, it may come back to haunt you?
I guess even the seemingly perfect relationship is really wrought with problems.
273kelvin comments on Jul 22, 2019:
"Divorce.... I don't deserve that"
Has the (football) world gone mad?
273kelvin comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Tribes will always try and out-do each other. Look at it this way, they reckon that a fighter pilot is worth about 6 times more than his plane. Given that the euro-fighter casts £50,000,000. That makes a pilot worth about £300,000,000. What would you rather have tribes spend their money on? Fighter pilots or ballplayers?
I have a question for the people that are 100% certain that no gods exist. How are you THAT certain?
273kelvin comments on Jul 22, 2019:
There used to be thought that there was a substance called the ether. This was what light was believed to travel through in the vacuum of space. Later on, we found out that light has a very small amount of mass and the ether was no longer needed to explain how light travels. Suddenly poof, no either wanted on the journey. It does not exist anymore. Why? because there is no evidence of it and it serves no purpose. Just like Thor or Poseidon, no one will be arguing for its existence. Why then argue for any other god/gods, even their possibilities?
This song will be played at my memorial whatev! Men Without Hats-Safety Dance []
273kelvin comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Unless you are killed by falling masonry.
Do you hear it?
273kelvin comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Sounds like this to me
I'm actually kind of surprised today; I thought the generation before mine in my family at least ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2019:
Families, what can you do? Yer can't kill em. You never know when you might need a kidney My big brother used to argue with my racist dad all the time. Now I listen to him and my nephew, It sounds like the same record, only that my bro now sounds like my dad.
The following is a piece I recently wrote to an old friend turned right-wing and religious: Jim, ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2019:
A well-written post. - May I boil the end game to a real and almost unbelievable absurdity that even your friend can recognize. I have a friend who grew up in East Germany. As you know everything was heavily state-controlled. Only when the wall came down did she get to read "Winnie the Pooh" in its complete form. Before that Tigger had been removed, as the character was thought to be too subversive. They did this because they were convinced that it was for everyone's good and that they were in the right.
Wanted to gather advice on the following dilemma: I have a problem with men and their facial hair...
273kelvin comments on Jul 18, 2019:
A cartoon I once saw had a vagrant at the side of the road. Complete with long straggly hair and beard and holding a sign saying "Will shave for sex". Guys kinda like fussy women. Put it in your profile but say it's not necessary on the 1st date. Also if you widen up other criteria like age etc. it should not reduce your pool too much. You are an attractive intelligent lady. If we were in the same vicinity? I would gladly ditch my beard if you would date a 61year old like me.
Crowd chants 'send her back' as Trump escalates attacks on Ilhan Omar and 'The Squad' - CNNPolitics
273kelvin comments on Jul 18, 2019:
From what I understand of this, it is not a gaff. It is calculated and deliberate. Trump's thinking goes like this. If he concentrates on his core support, then it will force the Democrats to do the same. In that event, he is a favorite to win. What the opposition needs to do, is not to be baited and to chose a MOR candidate.
This post is about the funeral service.
273kelvin comments on Jul 18, 2019:
No more creepy than the pledge of allegiance or a Maori haka
Free Expression
273kelvin comments on Jul 18, 2019:
In the UK there is an embedded state religion. The church of England (C of E) and the church of Scotland. As well as having representatives in the house of lords the C of E & C of S also have ecclesiastic courts, as enshrined in Magna Carta. Where miscreants in the clergy may be tried for such crimes as adultery. Some provision has been made in law for other religions. An exception for Sikhs in wearing motorcycle helmets etc. Also, there is a provision to defer to Judaic courts in some property cases. But an attempt to the same in regard to sharia law created such a media backlash that it was dropped. In regard to freedom of speech, the UK was forced to repeal its blasphemous libel laws. These had not been used for centuries until a case was successfully brought against a magazine "Gay news" in the 1980s. It published a poem about Christ fantasizing about gay sex on the cross. The subsequent case drove the publication out of business. However, religious leaders did not look so smug when the Salmond Rushdie "Satanic Verses" affair broke out. Muslim clerics put forward the case that what was sauce for the goose... and that the law should be even-handed. In regard to discrimination on religious grounds eg. refusal to make a gay wedding cake or let a room. The courts have sided against religious beliefs If it means discriminating against someone due to their sexual orientation. This may be because they fear being overturned in the Europian court of human rights.
The Beatles - Apple Rooftop Concert (1969) Full Video This video is hard to find on YouTube.
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2019:
The latest conspiracy theory is that it was faked
My squirrel and alligators are on meth so they will attack the cops. []
273kelvin comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Squirrels are always rolling joints, just watch them.
Thanks for all the responses re eye-glasses! New question - it's OK to ask?
273kelvin comments on Jul 16, 2019:
If you are anywhere near Liverpool, you`re welcome to contact me
Boots are sexy... I think so, do you?
273kelvin comments on Jul 15, 2019:
The only article of women's clothing that is sexier the more flesh they cover


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