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Kings Of Leon: Sex On Fire []
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2019:
"Hello this is 911 please state the nature of your emergency" "Can you call the fire dept. please? I think that my sex is on fire"
Bobby Gentry - Ode to Billy Joe []
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Doing the usual Sunday Chat a bit early today - for those wanting to learn the Chat room interface.
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Ive not come across this before but it does seem an odd time to host it as a large % of active chatroom people will be playing trivia in singles. We would not any whiff biase or gerrymandering to cloud meeting, would we?
No dead cats. No death threats.
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2019:
101 things to do with a dead cat
Control yourself, ladies.
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2019:
A job interview for couples and they ask who makes all the decisions in the relationship. The husband pipes up "I make all the important ones and she makes all the little ones." "How so?" "Well I decide if we should build the wall, legalise pot in our state and whether the UK should leave the EU and she makes all the small stuff like what we eat, where we live and what schools the kids should go to"
What kind of "hidden agenda" do people have when they're searching for somebody to date?
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Mine is the same but opposite. As a smoker I will not date a non. The disapproval, constant mouthwash and exile to my car every hour or so, is somewhere I have been before and have no desire to go again. However this is part of my profile, as it should be on yours. The question was "What do you not put down?" Must not look too old is unspoken with me. Yes I know at 61 its a big ask but you can be old and not look it, Its often a question of how you dress. Also "no plebs" text spk, into footie, and such tend to get swiped left. I want a lady I can converse with.
John Hiatt ft. Ry Cooder on slide - Lipstick Sunset []
273kelvin comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I love this. Is it the one with Nick Lowe on bass
Perfect day. Perfect man. Life is good.
273kelvin comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Day 2 of plenty of fake fish.
273kelvin comments on Feb 23, 2019:
They show you a small pic of who wants to meet you.. Then if you look on "Meet me" or "Whos viewed" and go though all the selections then you can get to see them and msg. Its what I do
This @$%ing guy: It’s impossible to love someone and control them at the same time.
273kelvin comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Sub/dom can by the very most loving relationship.
can we have live chat times shown as GMT ?
273kelvin comments on Feb 23, 2019:
A classic example of right over best. magicwatch is right to ask for this as GMT is the international agreed meridian used in maritime and airline traffic. However as by far the vast majority of our members are stateside, I can acquiesce that EST is the most convenient. I may tease Sassygirl a little about it when hosting trivia night but it does make sense. For myself I think we are all reasonably intelligent on here and have no problem deducting 5 hours
For Nina.
273kelvin comments on Feb 21, 2019:
I got to see about 10 years back. A real diva in the best sense of the word. Most artists worthy of their name will want the audience to like/love them. With her it was the audience that was looking for approval.
Still one of my favorite Super Bowl commercials. Does anyone recognize the song playing?
273kelvin comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Local band. Echo and the bunnymen
Favorite Dylan cover by my favorite guitarist []
273kelvin comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Interesting that you rate this higher than "Watchtower". I like it but its very similar to the treatment he gave "Wild thing"
Oh, I needed to hear this today! "Beautiful" by Carole King: [youtube.
273kelvin comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Hitting the spot for me right now thank you x
Anybody else watching Netflix Umbrella Academy?
273kelvin comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Its been my earworm for days now since I watched this.
Okay today has been a really strange day.
273kelvin comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Good name for it, lol.
273kelvin comments on Feb 21, 2019:
I hate people playing with my name. You know its Kelvin and thats that but the other night I went and got a bottle of red. I triumphantly returned with it and friend announced "Kelvino!"
[] Peope who cry during movies are the strongest people of all?
273kelvin comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Rocky always gets me. I walked into a dockside bar. At the end of the counter was a huge giant of a guy. (By all accounts this man was someone you did not mess with. I heard it can take 6 cops to bring him down when he kicks off). On the TV was "the Champ" the last scene was playing and tears were just rolling down that mans face. Everyone gave him a very respectful distance.
GOP lawmaker claims women are inferior: ‘a lesser cut of meat’ | Michael Stone
273kelvin comments on Feb 20, 2019:
This guy proves himself wrong by simply saying that crap. With a single stoke he has alienated half the voters. His only saving grace is that (from what I gleen) the US electorate is thicker than two short planks and more dense than a black hole. (You elected a double bankrupt as president ffs). As for "Just avoiding deadbeats" nice try. I can only assume that Jerry Hall must have found Rupert Murdoch to have a gsoh
Is dating again after marriage like dating your mom or dad?
273kelvin comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Sounds all very freudian to me. Ask yourself this "How much is that person in the mirror a stranger?" By this I mean do you feel your age or are you still that younger self inside? Now you can date younger guys, there loads of them wanting to hook up with older women for experience. Dont knock it till.... We have a wealth of sex under our belts and its a shame not to pass it on. If you do go this route it can be a lot of fun, they have great bods and lovely skin but after a while you miss having someone who knows the tunes. From this and other posts you have put up I guess youre a little ambivalent about dating per se. Thats ok, it can take time to get back into it. What I would recommend is maybe loosen up a little. Take precautions and dont settle of course but try and remember what it was like all those years ago before you met your ex and dont overthink or read too much into things. Have some fun ffs, life is too short not to.
Upcoming dates.
273kelvin comments on Feb 20, 2019:
The 1st date faux pas is not unforgivable. To my mind its up to the lady to choose the general location. Obviously Maxines in Paris is a bit ott but neutral is understandable. Given what he does for a living though he may just have wanted you to see his flat and all the tasteful objet d`art therein. He does not sound fake and anything better than his pic is a bonus so good luck.
How important is honesty to you?
273kelvin comments on Feb 20, 2019:
It s as important to me as my private jets, string of race horses, chain of hotels and collection of sports cars. Dont you agree ladies? ;-)
I think i am at the point where i just want to find a dance partner.
273kelvin comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Just show up at the dance school. Women will outnumber men anyway.
Whelp, guess that rules all of us out...
273kelvin comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Why waste a perfectly good tongue and breath control guy?
Question: Have you dated someone who was outside your comfort zone in terms of things like age, ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 19, 2019:
It depends on what you mean by comfort zone. I have dated outside my race, age and income but I am more fascinated by differences than discomforted.
This wont get me to visit anytime soon, but who knew? []
273kelvin comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Our Weird World I've been visiting the local Unitarian Universalist fellowship on occasion, and ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 19, 2019:
If it was me I would have rode my bike up to him, stopped and just revved it up every time he spoke.
“Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 19, 2019:
"Revolution is the opium of the intellectuals"
Hey everyone! I'm a new member here, and I'm looking for some guidance from someone who has been ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Go for it. You should not live in fear of condemnation. Who knows there may be a soul mate in the audience that you would never have met if you had not.... However as "host" you should not be expressing your opinions at all
For some reason when I browse through members here, I often find myself drawn to men from the UK.
273kelvin comments on Feb 18, 2019:
I am not complaining x
How about "Hit Me with Your Best Shot?"
273kelvin comments on Feb 18, 2019:
The only unspoken forbidden subject....time.
This is currently relevant to the UK but could affect any western countries.
273kelvin comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Lets first look at the facts. She is a UK subject, she has the absolute right to return. She joined an organisation which is at war with the UK. ISIS has killed british people. Now lets look at some mitigating factors. She is/was very young. She has already lost 2 babies. However would she be wanting to comeback if she had somewhere else to go? All things considered she should of course be allowed back but must take responsibility for her actions (to the degree that the law thinks a minor should). She is potentially guilty of treason and should be charged with such, unless she fully co-operates with the intelligence services.
President's day?
273kelvin comments on Feb 18, 2019:
A suggestion
Good morning all.
273kelvin comments on Feb 18, 2019:
They were something else on screen. Shame you didnt get to see it all even if it was not their best work. Others they did together must see are; "Whos afraid of Virginia Woolf" and "The taming of the shrew"
273kelvin comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Heres a tip when buying white goods. They always try and get you to buy a warranty. So string them along and ask if theres a discount if you do? Most shops will knock something off the purchase price for getting their unnecessary overpriced care package. Soon as you get home with the goods, cancel the warranty. The discount will still stand.
The Rolling Stones: Stray Cat Blues []
273kelvin comments on Feb 16, 2019:
Definitely a child of its time. Listen to the lyrics and see if they would not be charged with statutory rape nowadays.
How much does your ego get in the way of you meeting others? Asking for a friend
273kelvin comments on Feb 16, 2019:
I am prejudiced I admit it. I have no problem with any ethnicity or sexual orientation but I don`t find stupid sexy. Dont get me wrong, some of my best friends are thick as pig shit but I would not let my daughter marry one.
I'm a horrible flirt! There is this cashier I find funny and attractive.
273kelvin comments on Feb 16, 2019:
This is one of the true purposes of the valentine card. You could ask all those questions and drop it at her checkout. Here is a little ditty I wrote for a friend who had the same problem. It is sung acapella. The last syllables of "bargain" are the ding-dong of the isle free bell. Im in love with the lady who works In.... "Home and Bar-gain....." I wish I could walk up to her and say "Oh I beg your par-don..... But while your sitting at your checkout chair.... Im dreaming of your underwear" Im in love, Im in love, Im in love With the lady who works.... In "Home and Bar-gain"
As I previously stated, I've written off Mr.
273kelvin comments on Feb 16, 2019:
Alone In freindzone The tiny peck that says goodnight As the door closes off your light A shoulder that you cry on The nice guy you rely on But the shoulder that I cry for is so cold No pitch required, already sold Packaged and all yours to own On a dusty shelf in freindzone Just an easy touch Never asking much I`m just a place to be But do ever think of me Sitting here until dawns light On the whisper of a maybe or a might Hanging on to the off-off chances Outsider bet of your romances Waiting by the phone Stuck in freindzone Do you ever even see The love that hides so deep in me Do you ever hear The cry that is so quiet yet so near The yearning to be yours both day and night Says my chaste forehead kiss goodnight The passion that`s condensed to quips As you wander off to other lips And when your lips a cracked and broken Sucker punched by words he`s spoken I am ready for your call The safety net to break the fall Answering the phone In freindzone Do I serve your purpose As I wait and stand At your service Your command A toy soldier left to waste Not discarded just incased Answering the call Ready for the fall Alone In freindzone
A artist thankfully removing her stuff from here was telling me that Michelle Obama was a man and ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 16, 2019:
If she is a man then I gonna be gay (just for her/him).
Hard of Hearing?
273kelvin comments on Feb 13, 2019:
The dog fell asleep waiting for the honey to call and say goodnight.
273kelvin comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Every time I get on plenty of catfish, I immediately get messages from random women looking to ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I have had a few that I have wound up. They generally want you to go on another outlet like email. You will get some glamour pics. The last one lived in Turkey. She (??) was ready to come to me but needed £400 for the ticket but said she could not pay it all. I asked her (??) if she could do £250 and got the predictable response of "Yes yes". So I said "Great here is an online link to tickets for £230".
Every time I get on plenty of catfish, I immediately get messages from random women looking to ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Not too many on the UK site. Thats.maybe one of the benefits of brexit. Looks like the UK is going down in the " I wanna live there" stakes.
(L)The power of pink
273kelvin comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I would love to get closer to the real pink
Hey friends, having a rough day at the moment.
273kelvin comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Okay but I would have to see the exchange
Can You Cuddle Naked Without Having Sex?
273kelvin comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Yes I can. My last partner and I used sleep naked. We were together for 15 years and not every night was a sex night (sometimes we had afternoons instead lol). Add to that we still slept together for six months before I moved out. It was not a big deal to just cuddle. She gets drunk with me now and again and we just cuddle. 15 years of great sex has left us just very good friends.
Being told how sexy you are in the first few messages. What do people think about this?
273kelvin comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I never say sexy. There are some adjectives I use where appropriate "lovely, stunning, gorgeous or wonderful". I dont regard these as OTT and there is nothing wrong in saying that you look good
1 I send emails to my lover, letting him know how he makes me feel when we meet.
273kelvin comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Happy Valentine
It’s not that I hate growing old, we all know the alternative.
273kelvin comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Yeah but think back, how naive were you then? how many times did you not go for it when you should have and how many times did you go for it when it when you know now it was a big mistake. Okay hindsight is everyone being a poker champion but I bet you are a far better sexual being now then when you think that you looked so good. The things that you have learnt along lifes travels has made you into a fine wine. Questions; If you could go back in time and meet yourself. What would you tell them? Would you have a threesome with your younger self and if so who would be the lover that would be favoured?
REMINDER: Tonight, February 10th is TRIVIA NITE.
273kelvin comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I may not make it tonight as Ive been invited out to an open mic. However I may join you later if a little late xx
A little Placebo to help you feel better in this terrible ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I think I saw them do this last year...or was it a tribute band?
Preying Mantis.
273kelvin comments on Feb 9, 2019:
The best fight I ever read about was by Gerald Durrell "my family and other animals". Between his mantis and his gecko. The action was intense as the fought to the death all over his bedroom.
Someone take over, I need my needles back.
273kelvin comments on Feb 9, 2019:
When Margaret Thatcher was in office. She had surgery on her hand using acupuncture. Legend has it that when this happened all over the country wax dolls writhed in agony
After a thought-process-altering experience with a man with whom I became embroiled on an online ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I think if anyone is serious then yes they introduce you to their friends at least. Dinner with the parents is another matter.
What is your favorite massage oil base?
273kelvin comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I tend to go with baby oil.
One for the American, British and European people to read.
273kelvin comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I dont do RT
I can't believe this! A woman that I have gone out with on approximately 6 or seven dates in the the...
273kelvin comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Maybe she thinks its only dating if you have sex? I tell you one thing though, if you had been on similar "outings" with someone else at the same time. Then they certainly would be dates
Hi, I have a few self published books on Amazon.
273kelvin comments on Feb 9, 2019:
One of the best short stories ever written, Somerset Maugham "Rain". Set in the pacific islands it tells of a bar girl and a missionary. The story is the reverse of yours as she finds religion and ends up being betrayed.
I was at the bar for my grandmas retirement slash birthday party.
273kelvin comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Stronger than the love of a sister for her brother Stronger than the love of a son for a mother Is love felt by one drunken man for another
Pretty faces .... That's this weeks scavenger hunt.... Just the face....
273kelvin comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Scavenger hunt plus my crush. Victoria Coren. A classic English rose face but also witty, sassy and intelligent. The only two times winner of the european poker tour and smart mouthed TV quiz mistress
Are you a conspiracy theorist?
273kelvin comments on Feb 8, 2019:
What gets me about conspiracy theories is I have never come across any organisation that efficient. Really can you think of any time a secret could be kept by more than 10 people, for ever?
Oh, the humanity!
273kelvin comments on Feb 8, 2019:
He can if you always have your bible with you.
I keep thinking this has to have a punch line. Any takers?
273kelvin comments on Feb 8, 2019:
"Did you get my letter?"
Monty Python
273kelvin comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Before Python there was beyond the fringe. You may notice a young Dudley Moore and Alan Bennett (of lady in a van fame) Before that was The Goon Show (the opening voice here is Peter Sellers)
I had a female friend tell me about the stages of dating many years ago.
273kelvin comments on Feb 7, 2019:
And what stage are you?
Only 5 Weeks until St Patrick's Day! What is your town/city doing to prepare for this Irish ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Liverpool has been a city racked with sectarian divide. In consequence on st Patrick's night 60% of the drinkers will be out celebrating. Then a few months later the other 60% will be celebrating the 12th of July
I've been anti-Valentine's day for about 10 years now.
273kelvin comments on Feb 7, 2019:
In the UK we have a "just eat" app that you can order fast food and get it delivered to your or someone else's door. Perhaps you could get the same meal for you both and then eat it together but apart. Via video call of course.
News in from the UK identifying disturbing societal behaviour: []
273kelvin comments on Feb 7, 2019:
It was November 5th two years ago. She got very drunk and was up till 6am. I stayed sober and should have gone to bed but the noise would have kept me up anyway. In the end we argued and she started throwing things around my flat. Then she picked up one of my guitars with both hands and looked as if she was going to smash it. I managed to wrestle it off her and told her to leave. She refused and I tried to push her out of the door then she slapped me. I slapped her back. I am not proud of it but it was just a knee jerk reaction. Upshot was she called the cops. What I should have done in hindsight is disappear but I had not done anything wrong so I stayed and they took us both in seperate cars to the station.I was asked if I had been drinking to which I truthfully replied not for several hours and not a great amount at that. Had I slept that night? No so they told me I had to wait in the cell until I had rested. Sixteen hours later!! I was questioned and released with no charges for either of us. If any of you find yourself in a similar situation. Then walk around the block. Do not be there when the cops come. You can go the the station later to answer any accusations but if you are Johnny on the spot you will be sitting in a police cell all day.
The Pope admitting to the "sexual slavery" of nuns brings up serious horror regarding an egregious ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 7, 2019:
The problem is not confined to religion although it is shown at its most pronounced there. No the problem stems from when the organization (be that church, military, political cause etc.) is deemed to be more important than the individual.
Yesterday @BeeHappy shared this video in the Love & Relationships category.
273kelvin comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I think that your last point is very important. So many of us expect too much from our dates. We are looking for "the one" and that is a big ask from anyone.To be the perfect key to your lock is huge improbability. Not that romance and great partners are not out there and I dont mean settling for creeps, stalkers, weirdos or bullies but think on. When you first started dating were you looking for a life partner or just someone to go to the prom with? Of course as time went on and we look to start a family then the long haul becomes a major factor but lets face it by now we live alone, are a little more set in our ways and may be looking for something a bit more part-time. Sure I want butterflies but I also want my own space. When I am with someone I want to be 100% there and them the same. I feel I can only do this if we have time off from each other. Does that make me a bad prospective bf? We are all not getting any younger. Perhaps its time to lower our expectations a little and just enjoy the ride.
Why would someone not have a profile picture on a dating site?
273kelvin comments on Feb 6, 2019:
There can be many reasons. A poor self image, being afraid if getting stalked, working with the public like the bar trade and not wanting anyone at work seeing you, a little ashamed that you have to resort to the internet to get a date (yes there are some people who still think like this), Those are good reasons but of course there are bad ones too.
First the Devil brought us lettuce.
273kelvin comments on Feb 6, 2019:
I'm pretty ignorant about squirters. Is that lubricating fluid or is that from an orgasm?
273kelvin comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Interesting question, I too have read the science but I can only talk from personal experience. Not all women do this at least not for me and some only very occasionally. It takes time and patience to bring this about. The method I use is dual, fingers massage her g-spot and tongue or fingers on her clit. A vibrator may be substituted for either but the important thing is to keep both areas stimulated at the same time. A little concurrent anal play works too if thats what she likes. The main point is thats its not foreplay, it is the the main attraction. We are not talking 10 minutes to get her in the mood but at least a good half hour of concentrated pussy work. She may cum a few times before the squirt but you keep going. As for the liquid, yes there is urine in there but not as we know it Jim. Perhaps this is the thin end of the wedge to get into water sports. All I know is it tastes great and love it.
A Christian Bible Camp Brought in a Fake “Atheist” So Kids Could Stump Him | Hemant Mehta | ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 5, 2019:
The use of a foil is quite common. Plato and Galileo both used them in a phoney debate to promote their ideas. The difference here is the deception involved. Of course they could not have invited a real atheist, the risks would been too great. Although some of the guys from the conservative group on here might have been dumb enough to get their arses kicked by kids.
Here is something musically political, sort of.
273kelvin comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Nothing new under the sun. Taking the piss in 1941
Historic music Do you have some musics that talks about historic events or characters?
273kelvin comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Lots of them. Discontent among sailors at the Nore, a Royal Navy anchorage in the Thames Estuary, overflowed in riotous mutiny in May 1797. The sailors, led by Richard Parker, a former officer who had been voted president of the fleet by the mutineers, wanted an end to impressment, unequal pay, poor quality rations, and better leave entitlements. They also wanted to remove cruel or unpopular officers from ships and have them banned from serving on them again. Worst of all - at least in the authorities' eyes - the fleet blockaded London and stopped trade in and out of the port. Despite a reasonable start the mutiny was hijacked by radical delegates to the unofficial Fleet Parliament whose intransigence and bid for a mini social revolution hardened the stance of the Government and Lords of the Admiralty. Cut off from food and racked by internal dissent, the mutiny eventually dissolved with ships slipping their cables and deserting the cause. Parker, along with many leading co-conspirators, faced swift justice from the vengeful Admiralty and after a brief trial was hanged for treason and piracy. Several other leading mutineers also swung from the yardarm, while other key offenders were either jailed or flogged. ry cooder the chieftains san patricio album It tells the story of the San Patricio battalion—a group of mainly Irish immigrant volunteer soldiers who deserted the U.S. Army in 1846 to fight on the Mexican side in the Mexican–American War (1846–1848 ). A story that I very much doubt that hollywood will ever get round to telling. Finally a great party remembered - Nick Harper - Field of the cloth of gold. The Field of the Cloth of Gold (French: Camp du Drap d'Or) was a site in Balinghem – equidistant between Ardres in France and Guînes in the then-English Pale of Calais – that hosted a tournament field as part of a summit from 7 to 24 June 1520, between King Henry VIII of England and King Francis I of France.
Update on my Dublin/Liverpool/Manchester vaction.
273kelvin comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Message me and we can you for a pint
The weather is interesting where I am. How do you feel about ice?
273kelvin comments on Feb 4, 2019:
My handle 273kelvin. A play on my name the 273 part is the freezing point of water on the kelvin scale. so its another way to say ice man.
273kelvin comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Hatred of sports teams seem to follow a pattern. The closer you are in area and rivalry, the more vitriol involved. Kinda like the bird feeder I had. Great tits would be fine with nut hatches and robins but not common tits. Same goes for religions. Sunni - shia, catholic - protestant there is even a cave in scotland where presbyterians burnt over 200 baptists to death. It is a shame that you yanks dont do international sports that much. Getting behind your national team goes a long way to heal rifts. PS. Liverpool fan so it has to be Manchester united
After hearing about how bad the dating scene is after 50, I want to hear from you single people out ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I have been a serial monogamist for most of my life. Married 11 years divorced, another child by a 3 year relationship then 15 years with someone else. After all that I decided to detox, no more women for me until I was ready. So at 56 I put myself out there 1st on a hook up site because quite frankly thats all I thought that I wanted. That was very interesting. It led me down paths that I never would have thought about, one of which was writing. The site had a dating diary and members could view what the opposite sex put there. I have no illusions about my attractiveness but being able to turn a phrase or construct a sentence gave me an edge. I also found that I had a talent for erotica which got published. I did have quite a few encounters there and I do not regret them but I also fell in love. It seems harder somehow to get over it this late in life, not that much time left to move on I suppose? I have left that site now and am on a more legit one. I have met 2 women off there one was not for me and the other lived too far away for her. The upshot is looking back on the past 5 years, if I tally them up (and I have). I have known as many women in this part of my life than the previous 40 years. So folks there is life after 50. It can be very exiting. I am still looking for a great romance but someone to cook dinner for next week is a goal too and who knows where that will lead?
Dances with Dicks
273kelvin comments on Feb 2, 2019:
"Big dicks theory" "Saturday night dicks""have dicks will travel"
Trump wants to create "state run news media"
273kelvin comments on Feb 2, 2019:
So its market forces until it doesnt suit? He is jealous of Putin and RT. If the world wanted a news channel that licked his arse we would watch Fox but we dont. What would come after? would he ban CNN and only allow USTV?
When you’re way off! ?
273kelvin comments on Feb 2, 2019:
With music and lyrics
Its cuddling weather! []
273kelvin comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Two errors in the article. Firstly the birthday paradox is 23 not 20 according to scientific american. Secondly planned parenthood, couples who can co-ordinate these things prefer to have a child born just after the start of the school year. This according to the experts gives the child a slight edge in the educational stakes. Being that much older than their contemporaries in each year.
At what age does a baby develope a personality?
273kelvin comments on Feb 2, 2019:
It is amazing how this happens. They are born as little bundle of living flesh and from nowhere comes a person. In my experience (3) about 6 weeks or less. Of course it becomes more pronounced as they grow but I slightly envy you your discoveries.
Well it IS funny...
273kelvin comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Jesus hands the bill to Peter, who hands it to Luke, then Mathew etc, (btw James his brother knows what he is like and is on his way to the bathroom). Eventually the bill makes its way to the end of the line and Judas looks horrified at the amount saying "Where the fuck am I gonna find 30 pieces of silver at this time of night?"
Just curious. Does anyone believe in spontaneous human combustion?
273kelvin comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Only for spinal tap drummers
Does anyone have any experience juggling more than one possible partner?
273kelvin comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I had this problem once. I can only tell what I did and we spent the next 15 years together. I chose the one that I had the best sex with.
273kelvin comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Real binge try "Reign" 4 seasons of 22 hour long episodes. Took me through all of xmas
Your bladder is about to blow a gasket, you get to the restroom; full house.
273kelvin comments on Jan 30, 2019:
It is a recognized medical phenomenon, paruresis. There is also a cure. What you do is in your head go through the 17 times table. This takes your mind off peeing and then it should flow.
How about sharing some love with me today? I want to hit Level 7. Yes, today I'm a points whore.
273kelvin comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I am all yours
Please define porn? To me porn is in the eyes of the beholder.
273kelvin comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Interesting question. One that was a hoot when the obscenity where much more in force in the UK. The legal definition was "Liable to deprave or corrupt". The barrister and author John Mortimer (far more laughs than John Grisham) used to reminisce about cases where they would produce a witness for the prosecution to testify to its depravity. Thus the archbishop of Durham would stand in the court and testify that "This publication has depraved and corrupted me". Its one of those things that we know but cannot really define. Any attempt makes a mockery of us. "Something with no artistic value designed to stimulate sexualy." Well thats most advertising right there. Perhaps the best was "If its in focus its porn. If its not then its art"
I often see people posting critical comments about various religious or political groups, "pushing" ...
273kelvin comments on Jan 29, 2019:
I live in the UK. We have a state religion. Its ok now but when I grew up Sundays were the pits. TV went off in the afternoon (I mean off air) and did not come on till religious shows at 5 pm. Everywhere was shut, cinemas, pubs, shops you name it,anywhere you could have fun was not open. This was because it was the lords day. You say live and let live but be warned. If you let those god botherers take over then thats what you will get
Christians are destroyed by hilarious British Atheists! - YouTube
273kelvin comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Incidentally the host is Charlie Brooker. Writer of "Black Mirror"
Give to every human being every right you give to yourself. Do you agree/disagree?
273kelvin comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Not universally, for example respect. Everyone is deserved respect until they disrespect others and then they are fair game. Freedom of religion, it should be everyones right to practice their own beliefs and bring their children up in that faith but not if that is at odds with the society by proposing violence and hatred. Similarly if it just plain wrong like creationism then society has a duty to teach the truth. To do otherwise is to condone abuse.
Oh, here is something neat.
273kelvin comments on Jan 29, 2019:
How could I have missed a Liverpool lass on here (kicks himself hard). If you do come over we can go for a pint.
I’m an asshole, and I’m proud of it. ?? Dennis Leary, Asshole Song: []
273kelvin comments on Jan 28, 2019:
This was used in an anti drink driving advert in the UK
Celibacy vs.
273kelvin comments on Jan 28, 2019:
What the post does not recognize is the sociological aspect of celibacy in the catholic church. Like it or not the organization has continued for a milenia and a half partly due to a lack of nepotism. The absence of children to follow into the family business leaves it as the longest surviving meritocracy in history. No G. W, Bush or his ilk as pope.


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