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Real Love is not about letting it go....
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
But real orgasms are.
Good People Don't Defend A Bad Man
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Here is an interesting take on the subject.
All I want for xmas.
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Ten years ago there was a joke going around Pakistan. A lady calls a TV engineer to fix her TV. He looks at it and says "Sorry lady I cannot find anything wrong with it. What seems to be the trouble?" "Every time I switch it on theres a mullah on it"
Who thinks asking inane questions is a good way to get points?
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Like this one?
Good guy with a gun killed by cops. []
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
I think the key to this story is this bit. "The department said the Illinois State Police Public Integrity Task Force would investigate the shooting in order to “ensure transparency and maintain public trust."" Not, we are investigating the shooting to find out if it was legitimate. Just to "ensure transparency and maintain public trust". In other words a white wash.
I want to fall in love and be loved. I wonder why that is so hard
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
There are thousands of guys playing video games right now that would dream of meeting you. Let alone fall in love with you and you them. Your a sci-fi fan. Thats a buyer market for gals. Just be open to the possibilities
A cold case of beer, some YouTube videos of Christopher Hitchens Hitchslaping bible humpers, and ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
I recently watched a bio doc on George Harrison. A very spiritual guy but he quoted an Indian philosophy that goes like this. "If there is a god? then you must be able to see him. If there is a soul? then you must be able to perceive it. If you cannot? Then there is no point lying to yourself and the rest of the world"
Is it safe to drink and post here?
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
There are programs you can install that try and stop you using social media when drunk. It works like a password but will ask you to solve an arithmetic problem or something easily done when sober but harder when inebriated. As for religion? it is a form of social control. For example sexual morality is there to try and ensure the guys will be bringing up there own kids not unwittingly someone else's
This 35-year-old Japanese man spent $17,600 on his wedding to the hologram of a virtual reality pop ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
A fool and his money....
Does anyone know any dirty limericks?
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
There was a young man from Devizes Who had bollocks of different sizes The first was quite small Scarcely no ball at all But the other was large and won prizes There was a young man from Aberystwyth Who took a girl home to play whist with The game was a fable Because under the table They played with the things they that they pissed with
Thank You All For Playing Trivia Last Night. What Do You Think of Moving Time to 8:00 PM EST USA?
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
That makes 1am for me mmm Okay
Are You An American? I Am the Grandchild of Immigrants
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Hi Im Mork from Ork
Ashton Gardner & Dyke - Resurrection shuffle []
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Jeez that one takes me back. When this hit the charts they had been booked to play a week ai the local club near me. However they must have been pissed off because the money they got was less than they could get elsewhere. So they kept turning the amps up till they got payed off. I thought that was a bit much seeing as Gardners dad was part of the resident band there and got them the gig in the 1st place.
Five Weeks for a Can of Peaches There was a man that was arrested for stealing a can of peaches.
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
I know a guy who threw toilet cleaner over a fruit stall. He was charged with bleach of the peach
The finance company will never know how bloody hard we have worked to get this months car payment ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Buy a cheap 2nd hand one outright. Thats what I do
The Best of All Possible Worlds Let's assume for the here and now that the traditional ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Maybe he is an abstract impressionist Not a pre-raphaelite
Political Bovine Fertilizer: Congressman Louie Gohmert on President Obama.
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
And you guys voted him in? I despair for you really. This man would not have made it past the 1st term here. Even in the conservative heartland.
I served in the British RAF in my youth not conscripted but volunteered to go there and had lots of...
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Dad joined up in !940 when he was 15. I asked why and he said "It was an adventure and anyway there were bombs dropping all over the place. What was I supposed to do? Stay working at the factory and do nothing to stop it?" It is not just that they served. So many went beyond the call and gave their all. Why? So that we can talk freely and enjoy the world that they gave us.
So I have separate from my wife after being together for over twenty years.
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
This song helped me through mine. I hope it might help you too.
Give Peace A Chance (1969) John & Yoko's Honeymoon Anti-War Protest. []
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Tried to convince my daughter (we had just seen Bohemian rhapsody) that "We will rock you" was a rip off of this
What do you think?
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Golf is still a cult religion. Consider this: It separates families. It is practiced mostly on the sabbath and a disportionate number of its practitioners are struck by lightning
Frank Turek (supremo Christian apologist) finally got it right about atheists.
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Not quite true because there is no evidence for gods existence, only belief. Take away that belief and god ceases to exist
Not telling mine... What's your sign? Tell da truth now! Cept me.
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Libra but if I charged it would be priceless
Rodeo Style? What a ride!
273kelvin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Its 8 seconds
I could get more dates if I change my name to Ms. Dyson.
273kelvin comments on Nov 11, 2018:
See even in a dirty cartoon. US women have sex with their top still on!
I would like to ask the group what they do to let their partners know they are desirable and ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 11, 2018:
I tell them
Whats the best chat up line that you have used or used on you that works?
273kelvin comments on Nov 11, 2018:
In the supermarket. "Excuse me but can you pick me out the 2nd best cabbage?" This says 3 things. a, I am single. b, I eat vegetables and c, I can and do defer to a lady when out of my depth
What is your greatest talent? Remember, this is the sexual deviants group... specifics are requested
273kelvin comments on Nov 10, 2018:
To make some women squirt (not all can) or at least have aftershocks.
Who Can Name More Than 5 Characters?
273kelvin comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Nearly all bar about 10
Have a listen - You'll need vinyl to try this yourself but if you play Springsteen's 'I'm on fire' ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 10, 2018:
And if you play it backwards it says "My lead guitarist works for the Sopranos"
I just had to share this, i was arguing religion with my mother and she said i'm not a very good ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 10, 2018:
I no longer gamble but I can tell you how much you will get back from your 5 race "Canadian" accumulator. (10 doubles, 10 trebles, 4 four-fold and 1 five-fold)
Pets in the bedroom. Yes, No?
273kelvin comments on Nov 10, 2018:
"Yes, Theo, what is it?
273kelvin comments on Nov 10, 2018:
When my eldest nephew was at school a long time ago. They tried to stop him from bringing in his asthma inhaler. On the grounds that other kids might use it to get high. His dad (my brother) was called in to the headmasters office to have the situation explained. To his credit this was his reply. "I understand your reasons for this and accept your position. However I would like you to hear mine. If my son has to spend any time in hospital due to your decision. Know that you too will spend an equal if not greater time there as well" They relented.
273kelvin comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Theres a difference between "set in your ways" and "being yourself". Small stuff like toilet seats, what side of the bed, meal times and tidiness/slobishness. Can be changed without any compromise to who you are. Bigger stuff like interests, hobbies, friends, family and core beliefs should not be sacrificed in order to fit in. If someone wants you? They should want YOU. That does not mean they should like everything about you, up to and including the smell of your farts. But the real you that attracts them should be sacred. I would not expect someone to like all the things that I like, that would be boring. I recently started dating someone who loves opera. I have never liked this but hey ho it was a pleasant change to listen with an enthusiast explaining what the plot was. Moreover even better to make love to such powerful music. Being set in your ways can mean that you miss out on new things.
I know there's a story in this pic... if only I had more clues.
273kelvin comments on Nov 9, 2018:
A trip to the bathroom for them both seems the likely answer
What are the biggest challenges you face as an atheist?
273kelvin comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Getting into heaven
Dumped, hard.I tried my best. It wasn't good enough for her. Oh well.
273kelvin comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Get good and drunk with a mate and try and move on
Guys, Am not sure about you, but for me, my GF seems insatiable at times and this leaves me ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 9, 2018:
A nice problem to have some might think but not all partners share the same sex drive. If it is a question of performance then the blue pill can go a long, long way to alleviate that. Even if not needed for the initial bout, it does make you stay hard for hours. Failing that you always have a tongue in your head. All that said and the only sure fire way that I know of to curb insatiable sexual demands is a thing called marriage
If a god was real, which god would you consider worshiping? Answer: Me.
273kelvin comments on Nov 9, 2018:
I'm confused! As non believers, why are people talking about celebrating Christmas? Hmmm
273kelvin comments on Nov 9, 2018:
I have said this before but here I go again..... All christian holidays are usurped. Rather like a large brand will sponsor a sporting event. Christmas or yultite existed long before the council of Nicaea co-opted and adopted it for the birth of christ. If you live in an agricultural community? Then at some point, you have to decide which livestock gets slaughtered and what you can afford to keep though winter. This decision was traditionally made at the solstice. As there is only so much meat that you can preserve. It follows that a feast will ensue. I celebrate xmas as a throw back to less industrial times.
Putting this post in this group because I know people here have been very supportive.
273kelvin comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Do you have any photographs of your time together? It might be nice to bring them and reminisce. Maybe have a few laughs?
Hyothetically: Would you move to a place that you find too cold to live close to someone you love?
273kelvin comments on Nov 9, 2018:
I do hope this is really just hypothetical. If not ARE YOU NUTS ffs! Its one thing to move somewhere nice, for work or if youre getting together because you love each other etc. but on the off chance that they MIGHT settle down with you is just plain stupid
Communication is key.
273kelvin comments on Nov 9, 2018:
A gf once asked me "What are you thinking about". I replied "Could 4 strong guys each holding a leg lift a giraffe straight up?" She never asked again
My ascending to level 8 passed without much notice... ah well only 148,842 to level 9 :-)
273kelvin comments on Nov 9, 2018:
CongratsI doubt if I will make it before xmas. I wonder what Im doing wrong, always on here comment a lot and post the odd thing hey ho.
What does everyone think are the sexiest and least sexy terms for male and female genitalia?
273kelvin comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Having occasionally written erotica. One is always looking for different terms regarding "the sporran areas". Whilst sex itself is far from boring. On the page it can come over as reparticious. (Lets face it good sex is about doing the same thing for quite some time). As for synonyms, I like to use terns like "manhood and "wet cave". "She took hold of his throbbing member" or "he washed her secret button" sound so much better than "she grabbed his hard dick" or "he licked her clit".
How many scammers have you met on this site? I would like to hear your stories.
273kelvin comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Only one that contacted me but a few I have seen. One was even (allegedly) from the UK
What is the sexiest song you have ever heard?
273kelvin comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Billy Joel did a great cover of this but I think the original with Cohens deep voice is still the best She stands before you naked You can see it, you can taste it, And she comes to you light as the breeze. Now you can drink it or you can nurse it, It don't matter how you worship As long as you're Down on your knees. So I knelt there at the delta, At the alpha and the omega, At the cradle of the river and the seas. And like a blessing come from heaven For something like a second I was healed and my heart Was at ease. O baby I waited So long for your kiss For something to happen, Oh something like this. And you're weak and you're harmless And you're sleeping in your harness And the wind going wild In the trees, And it ain't exactly prison But you'll never be forgiven For whatever you've done With the keys.
Is anyone else not getting notifications of posts and comments?
273kelvin comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Getting comment and things come up on the big screen but no alerts to general or groups
Trying to find people to date is stressful.
273kelvin comments on Nov 8, 2018:
I'm not quite sure what to say here.
273kelvin comments on Nov 7, 2018:
I recently did some work for a church. I just made my views be known and then shut up. All went well.
What are your intellectual turn ons?
273kelvin comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Harry James learnt to read braille so he could read in bad without hurting his eyes.
OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS so after work I stopped by the local Burger King to get my mom something ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 6, 2018:
That kid has made his own bed. In that the only job he can get is working at Burger King. This reminds me of a post I read on here about a year ago when I first joined. I will try and recall it best that I can with apologies to the original poster. It was an obituary for a biker friend. The guy was a big man who had a swastika tattooed onto the back of his neck. However in all the years she had known him he had never uttered a racist word. When asked about the tattoo he would simply say "I was a young dumb fuck". When the LA earthquake stuck there was an old jewish lady trapped on the 9th floor of her high rise apartment. This man climbed up and put her over his shoulders and carried her to safety. Before doing so he took the bandana off his head and tied it around her, making a blindfold. Of course full praise was not only given to him for the rescue but for the blindfold. Assuming that he had done so to alleviate the distress of the decent. "No it was not the climb down that I did not want her to see but my stupid ass tattoo".
Open Mic tonight at Liberty Station.
273kelvin comments on Nov 5, 2018:
I will be at my own in Liverpool :-)
Liverpool makes a stand and runs far-right marchers out of town | UK news | The Guardian
273kelvin comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Dont you just love our city :-)
I like stripes
273kelvin comments on Nov 5, 2018:
After quoting trump's comment "Go ahead and rough them up.
273kelvin comments on Nov 5, 2018:
If they go to prison, will he go too as a co-conspirator?
So I felt like a right wally on my first day having been inspired to write about something I read ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2018:
From what I understand. Ofsted can withdraw funding if the standards and education do not come up to scratch or if religious teaching like creation as a viable alternative to evolution is taught
Original STAR WARS cast: Han Solo, Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker and R2D2.
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Everybody forgets about Peter Cushing
Don't Forget To Turn Your Clocks Back an Hour
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2018:
We are a week before you but then we are used to being 1st in the UK lol
"At 17" by Janis Ian -- this song came on the radio a little earlier and I started to cry.
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2018:
I love this song. It was like an awakening for me as I was the male equivalent. Then it gave me hope because if there were girls out there that felt the same. Then I might always be alone.
So I just listened to some new music on previous posts and whilst most didn’t appeal to me, I’ve...
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2018:
I must admit that I do not play all that it posted and only infrequently delve. However when I do it adds to my music appreciation and repertoire.
Question goes for men or women
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Thats a knotty one. I have recently dated younger women and previously older ones. My last long term relationship was for 15 years with someone 7 years my senior. It ended because she got old on me. I am not being crass here. It was not a question of looks more of attitude. There is still a party animal alive in these old bones and hers crashed out and went to sleep. At 61 it would have to be some kind of woman that would turn my head aged 71. Unfortunately we do not all age as well as Jane Fonda or for that matter Robert Redford. Heath issues would be a large factor too. Despite all the adds that I get bombarded with, incontinent pants are not sexy at all. All that said, I tend to put my parameters at 15 younger and 5 older. Selfish perhaps but I have been accepting and made a lot of allowances in my previous relationships and I think I deserve a little of what I want. Nov 4, 2018
Men: What are some of the most endearing or thoughtful birthday gifts you’ve received?
273kelvin comments on Nov 3, 2018:
My gf at the time, was unable to give blood due to an earlier medical condition. So for her birthday I gave blood in her stead.
What do you do when you’re in a good marriage but you’re 68 and you’re wife is no longer ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Who do you want to have sex with? Your wife or ANother? If its your wife then try and imagine this? What advice would you give the 18 year old version of you if his gf would not come across? then follow it. Court her ffs! Buy her flowers, take her out dancing. When was you last time you danced together? If you have tried all this and not turned her on? Then go online and get a FWB in a similar situation but thats a last resort, as it could cost you your marriage. Hopefully you spouse will see this and make an effort to see you that way again. Basic rule of relationships 101. = How do you expect them to fancy you if no one else does? Look good, be good and others will want you. There is nothing like someone wanting your toy to make you want it suddenly, coz its yours.
Hi all, anyone local to watford Hertforshire?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Theres a few in London I think. (It`s at the other end of the tube.)
@pepperjones With her permission.. Comments? I love it ?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2018:
You can join my band anytime .... Helllloooo
Meeting someone can be difficult if you live in a rural area.
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Wow you live a only a fkn hour away from N.O. I am jealous and I live in one of the coolest cities on the planet.. My yard is the equivalent of the Treme. If I were you I would either look up some old buddies in the city or go there alone and make some new ones. Then occasionally drag em back to the sticks for a sesh. (Us city folk sometimes love to leave it for a bit) In no time at all you will have a reputation in the local community. Nurture this, for its your lure for any and all that do not adhere to the norm. Build it and they will come.
How Do You Say It? Keep adding to the list...
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Btw Syrup - seer'up and Pecan - pee'can are how us English say then too.
How Do You Say It? Keep adding to the list...
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2018:
We are as Churchill said divided by a common language. Whilst most american pronunciations make sense* some do not. For example "pleasure" pronounced please-ure to which I reply at your lees-ure. *I am reminded of an Alastair Cooke essay on George Bernard Shaw. He was on the BBC committee for correct pronunciations of words when the subject of canine as in teeth came up. Most of the BBC guys wanted it as can -nine but Shaw said that his dentist pronounced it as cay-nine. When questioned they asked "Is your dentist American?" To which he replied "Yes he his. Thats why I have such good teeth". Shaw held the day.
Morning All.
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2018:
At least you good friends on here and a good man xx
Who is into foot stuff and what do you like most?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2018:
I have been known to suck the odd toe. Some women hate it, some love it. It can often send a lady over the edge when heading towards a climax. Also just a touch can work wonders
Sound reasonable to me!!! LOL
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2018:
If she is taller than me (unlikely)? Then its easier for me to "go downstairs" and make some noise.
Any fans of Charles Laughton here?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2018:
You omitted his one time as a director but boy was it good. "Night of the hunter"
What is the most underrated movie in your opinion?
273kelvin comments on Nov 1, 2018: Also "The Magic Christian" Peter Sellers and Ring Star "Bedazzled" The original Peter Cook and Dudley Moore version
I've been dating women from various dating sites since my divorce 4 years ago.
273kelvin comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Reading through your comments it seems you might be deliberately shooting yourself in the foot. Fear of success is very common. Questions: Are you truly over your ex? How often do you think about her? How interested are you in the women you date? Given the choice, would you rather be talking about yourself or hearing them talk about themselves? If the answers are Yes, Not often, Very and The latter, then go to the next section. SHUT THE FUCK UP! Not trying to be rude here but if youre ballsing it up by too much information, then zip it. Ask about the lady, then listen.......a lot. Before you venture to talk about yourself make a conscious effort to just look at her mouth and count to ten. The chances are she will have started talking again be now so bullet dodged. If she does let you speak after a whole ten second of silence, then you will at least have had time to choose your words more carefully. People of any gender love to talk about themselves. If you only ask questions and utter just ten sentences an hour. I guarantee she will think you a great conversationalist
Do you celebrate Christmas after realizing you don't believe in the reason for it?
273kelvin comments on Nov 1, 2018:
"The reason behind it". Christmas or yuletide well predates christianity. In an agricultural community, there comes a time in the year when you have to decide what livestock you keep though winter and what goes to slaughter. Traditionally this was done at the equinox. There is only so much meat that can be preserved so a feast is in order, hence the holiday. I celebrate "Christmas" as a throw back to more ancient times.
Hmmmmm, so she texted me and said she was wondering if I wanted to get together for a couple drinks ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 1, 2018:
SHE MESSAGED YOU !! So she is interested. No need to play it too cool. Arrange the meet and wait till 2-3 drinks n then tell her how much you always fancied her.
Just had a very interesting exchange on Meetup.
273kelvin comments on Nov 1, 2018:
It reminds me of when the late great English comic writer and actor Peter Cook* tried to join the Greenwich village lesbian karate club. It was just when equal opportunities legislation had been introduced, so they had to admit him. Asked what happened next he said in his most drole English voice "Oh they beat the crap out of me" *His often comic partner was Dudley Moore. Whose performance of "Arthur" was in fact an impression of his friend Pete when pissed. A very frequent event.
Come on ladies... You know this is true. I witness it all the time! L m f a o.
273kelvin comments on Nov 1, 2018:
It depends if its a supermarket or a hardware store. Then you can reverse the roles.
Continuing to look for a terrifying movie.
273kelvin comments on Nov 1, 2018:
The original "Wickerman" with Edward Woodward and Christopher lee. Not too scary till the end but great sexy scenes from Brit Ekland. PS the hollywood remake is crap
Do any of you write songs?
273kelvin comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Yes I write songs. I am mostly lyric based. Some idea will appeal to me, a line or rhyme and a song will (if I persevere) come out of it.
You Want it Darker? - Leonard Cohen As he was dying... []
273kelvin comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Hineni - hineni is taken from the kadish. The Jewish funeral prayer. News is that his son is finishing up another album. To be released next year
I need some help, please.
273kelvin comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Get one on your wives to do it for you.
not exactly my brand
273kelvin comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Do you get cottage cheese with that?
This morning I'm on the commuter bus and horny AF.
273kelvin comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Can you identify that movie- Part 7?
273kelvin comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Shaun of the dead
Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?
273kelvin comments on Oct 30, 2018:
I walked into a dockland bar. On the TV was the movie "The Champ", it was the end scene. At the edge of the bar was a huge guy with tears running unabashed down his face. Nobody dared say a word, for when the man kicked off, it took 6 policemen to restrain him. I cry at Rocky movies.
What Would You Tell Your 18-Year-Old Self?
273kelvin comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Look after your teeth. Dont be afraid of women even if they are good looking, there are loads of guys not talking to them because theyre afraid too. Dont throw good money after bad and that counts for relationships too.
hay guys.
273kelvin comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Seen that. Its the 1st scam in the UK off this site. Means that we a getting big whoopee
They call me Mr long slong
273kelvin comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Excused shorts at school nuf sed
In my view, the epitome of class and sexy Audrey Hepburn
273kelvin comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Why you should never put vodka in the freezer
273kelvin comments on Oct 29, 2018:
All drinks lose flavour when chilled. Thats why scotch on the rocks is an anathema to the Scottish. One trick to improving the taste of cheap drinks is to filter them. A simple coffee filter is enough to take away much of the bad taste. FYI do you know why JD is filtered 7 times? Because it is undrinkable if only filtered 6.
Is This Taboo?
273kelvin comments on Oct 29, 2018:
I personally would not even consider marring someone I had not had sex with first. Although sex is not the be all and end all of a relationship, it is a very big part of it. How do you know if you are compatible? and if you can keep your hands (and other bits) away from each other till the wedding day? What does that say about your desire for each other?
There is a nail on your wall that has a brass wire connected to the wire is attached to oak picture ...
273kelvin comments on Oct 28, 2018:
A painting I bought from the artist a long time ago.
Are relationships really harder now?
273kelvin comments on Oct 28, 2018:
They are different now because we are 24/7 couples. Even if you live apart, your always contactable. Not only that but some of your conversations past and present are on view. ie FB etc. So if youre mad at your partner (and we all fall out sometimes). The phone is at your finger tips to vent your spleen. Saying things that you not only dont really mean but should have been said out of earshot. Thus every spat is a potential breakup. Lets assume no evil texts when mad/drunk or both. We document so much too. Even if its not selfies we call, text or msg all the things that go on in our lives. So when we meet in person there s less news to convey. If you live together then you are still hardly ever alone together or truly apart. A consequence of the inter-connectivity in the modern age. The phone bleeps and though we may not answer, we look. This puts different strains on a relationship. "Why didnt you call?" or "Who are talking to?" are both legitimate questions that we hitherto did not have to face so frequently. "Darling there were no payphones" does not wash nowadays. Not that you might be doing anything wrong? You might have gone for a drive, walk or just sat in the park reading but the partner is always there. True "Me" time is less, as is true "Together" time.
Autoblow, anyone? Now, with extra AI smarts! []
273kelvin comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Vote for Hoover
I don't hate very much, waste of energy, but I was just watching a TOTP (Top Of The Pops - UK music ...
273kelvin comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I remember him on an afternoon talk show with Norman Wisdom. I think that Wisdom (no mean songwriter himself) shared your view too because all he did for the entire show was take the piss out if him. I think de Burgh was on the verge of hitting him except that Norman was an old man by then. Great TV.
Top 10 Songs That Has Been Over Used For Covers?
273kelvin comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I was going to say Hallelujah myself. To the point I even made up some Weird Al lyrics "I was in this bar and I met this girl. She asked if I like war of the worlds. Especially that bit that just goes oo ya" Anyway Wonderwall - by any busker Stairway to heaven - in any guitar shop Rumours - any song off that album by anyone
Bryan Sutton w.Tim O'Brien band - Gentle On My Mind []
273kelvin comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I always liked this song. This is a damned fine cover
My social skills aren't exactly finely honed, so i'm wondering if I can get a few takes on this.
273kelvin comments on Oct 25, 2018:
I personally detest the over use of that word. It should be used to describe things like the birth of a child, the Taj Mahal, Grand canyon or the milky way on a cloudless night. Not a friggin pizza! To wit I even wrote a satirical song about it using rhymes such as Nigella Lawson, sore thumbs and foursome with your mum. This is not to belittle your success at work or your good self but perhaps you could find some other words less all encompassing to describe them. Such as outstanding, vibrant, remarkable, lovely, victorious, virtuous, diligent, tenacious, brilliant or even orwellian newspeak double-plus-good.


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