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What decade do you think put out the best music? You can break it up genre if you want
273kelvin comments on Aug 1, 2018:
1971 was the very best year ever
I wanted to share an update on my "Romantic Situation" here at agnostic since it is This Site that ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Made up for you Sadoi xx
I am curious to know hous much religion has impacted your journey.
273kelvin comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Dad was atheist mum was raised catholic but for some reason became C of E. Never really indoctrinated. Packed off to Sunday school but that was to please mum and give them both some peace at the weekend. Atheism is not such a big deal in the UK
FLASH FICTION -- Tell a story in 101 words or less.
273kelvin comments on Aug 1, 2018:
The local legend Snell did not think twice. It stood outside the shop unsecured. A quick glance and into the alley with the small sized rug. He did not see it coming as he limped off. No sirens or lights, just two bizzies hands on hips in front of a squad car, blocking escape. Shit, fuck, piss-flaps, bastard, cunt. Nothing could adequately express his crushing disappointment. Then came the glorious inspirational idea that secured his fame for generations to come. With one deft move he opened the rug out and knelt upon it. Crying out the immortal phase "Fly yer bastard, fly!"
FLASH FICTION -- Tell a story in 101 words or less.
273kelvin comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Hemingway famously did it in less than 10 "For sale, babys shoes. Never worn"
I'm Your Man/Leonard I want a man to sing this to me every day!!! []
273kelvin comments on Jul 31, 2018:
I would.
When others question their faith...
273kelvin comments on Jul 31, 2018:
In a situation like this I tend to tell the tale of a Zen Buddhist priest who was a friend to a family. They asked him to write a blessing. He wrote ; Grandfather dies Father dies Son dies. Rather perturbed at this "blessing" They asked him to explain himself. He said "Take a closer look.; Grandfather dies Father dies Son dies. All in the right order no tragedies just the natural way it should be. There can be no greater blessing than that".
Think about this now. How long do you think you could go without judging someone?
273kelvin comments on Jul 31, 2018:
Im not answering you nosy bastard
WHERE DO IDEAS COME FROM -- I am often asked this question, not only by friends but other writers.
273kelvin comments on Jul 30, 2018:
Did you hear about the stag party that went to Amsterdam. They all got so stoned when they arrived that they woke up with only 1 1/2 hours before they had to leave. They ended up paintballing prostitutes whilst riding go-karts
Guys Are Never Single? What Do You Think?
273kelvin comments on Jul 30, 2018:
Tell that to my tissue bill
What's the most romantic gesture someone's carried out on your behalf?
273kelvin comments on Jul 30, 2018:
I gave blood on my gfs birthday because she couldnt.
Question for the ladies but it may pertain to the guys as well.
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2018:
I dont know if this is just a US thing but my friend lived in NY for a spell. He said that dating was like job interview. ie. What car do you drive, how much do you earn etc? We put too much emphasis on external things. politics, income. Who cares about that? If their great in the sack, want and respect you.
Let Singles Know Who You Are By Answering These Questions
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Feed the cat Rats Find a lady Being a great lover or my music Elbow My Music Admin Making love all day then playing music all night then making love again
In you opinion and in your experience, what is important to you when you are intimate with your ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Respect and acceptance. We all fart and she would have to respect that. (not just farts)
What a crock! I am looking to replace my crockpot that somehow vanished from my kitchen.
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Love em or loath em. The loathers give them to charity shops. I picked up my Morphy-Richards for peanuts. Too big for a single chap I suppose. Holds about 2 gals
The three biggest lies there are (in no particular order).
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Okay maybe Pierce or Benny does not float your boat or make you laugh. So choose your fav hunk and funniest guy. Which one gets to drive you home?
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Cyber relationships, be that online or texting can be strenuous. Every word has to be thought out because you can revue it over and over again. Unlike a real conversation where it just flows. Maybe he wanted time to absorb things. Go out with his mates etc.
Can anyone in the group help me?
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Given the disagreements about time. May I suggest "Longitude". Jeremy Irons and Micheal Gambon. Two stories, one of invention another of restoration, intertwined.
There was some discussion earlier about dating sites, which reminded me of a cautionary tale that ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Im not sure that politics would be a deal breaker for me. Unlike religion, it can be reasoned with, unless they were racist.
King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man (2015) []
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Ive noticed it being sampled on a lot of tracks now. Like Kanye West.
BULLITT -- Arguably one of the best pure car chases in cinematic history.
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2018:
I love that chase scene. It marks the beginning of the car chase in movies. Nowadays we have become blase with movies like "Fast and furious" but "Bullitt" "The French connection" and "The Italian job" (the joys of a compact car). Is like listening to early blues or 50s rock-n-roll.
BULLITT -- Arguably one of the best pure car chases in cinematic history.
273kelvin comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Possibly topped by "the French connection". The same stunt coordinator as "Bullitt". The director asked him to outdo himself, so he said "So you really want that" to which of course he said "Yes". He then proceeded to so it for real, in traffic!
I had one of those days that was the kind where I would have been better off staying in bed.
273kelvin comments on Jul 28, 2018:
If you all don’t mind, I’ll keep posting my short tales that I share with friends.
273kelvin comments on Jul 27, 2018:
I have already posted about my shopping for food routine. Briefly this consists of hanging around till the super reduced comes out at my local Tescos. There then ensues a cross between a refugee drop and the start of a jumble sale. Bottom line is it forces me to eat unusual things (for a single guy that is) like kale but only because its 6p a bag
It's got to be the going, not the getting there that's good.
273kelvin comments on Jul 27, 2018:
One of the good guys
[] Everybody knows Cohen
273kelvin comments on Jul 27, 2018:
"Everybody knows the deal is rotten. Old black Joes still picking cotton for your ribbons and bows. Everybody knows"
Yep, this is me.
273kelvin comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Worse than that I will restart the song if someone did not pay attention to it. Not so I can hear it but so they will.
How did your neigbors vote?
273kelvin comments on Jul 27, 2018:
The UK is different. We only get to vote for MPs, who make up the commons and the biggest party's leader is the PM. MPs represent about 60-70 thousand and the results of the vote are announced just after. I grew up in the safest Labor seat in the UK then moved to the 2nd safest. Irrespective of your personal politics, whether red or blue (the colours are reversed here) I think you are not best served by govt if you area is too partisan. Best to live in a marginal area where the lying bastards have to do something for you to get your vote.
A woman changing her surname 2 her husband's after marriage; is it constitutional, religious, ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 27, 2018:
My two friends Jane and Steve got together about 20 years ago. They are still together and have a fantastic son. Jane had been married before and would never do that again. However she did not want her son to suffer at school, so she changed her name by deed poll to Steve's.
What are some examples of small changes that can be made that really improve the lives of a ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Neuter shopping trolleys, so they don`t breed in alleyways.
Why sexual desire is objectifying – and hence morally wrong | Aeon Ideas
273kelvin comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Sounds like he`s over intellectualizing but it is a great way to get out of "Does my bum look big in this?"
If you don't like Sade or Thin Lizzy, I don't think we can be friends.
273kelvin comments on Jul 26, 2018:
I dont know if you have heard of Black star riders. They are the remains of Thin Lizy. Not wanting to cash in on the old band without Phil, like bands such as the Wailers or Blockheads have done. The guys formed this band instead but its Thin Lizy in all but name.
I got an alert that SaucyCheryl is following me.
273kelvin comments on Jul 26, 2018:
She seemed ok with me. I sent her a msg and so far so good.
If it’s this hot in Paradise, I don’t wanna know what the alternative is like!
273kelvin comments on Jul 26, 2018:
Still quite warm in Hell but the bad news is its metric .
The hidden meaning.
273kelvin comments on Jul 25, 2018:
And "somewhere over the rainbow" is an immigrant song
My fascination and sheer joy of soaking in all things Marc Bolan continues.
273kelvin comments on Jul 25, 2018:
November 11th 1971, Liverpool stadium (I was 14)
That was then. This is now. The Law of Unintended Consequences.
273kelvin comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Everyone kicks the can down the hall. The law of unforeseen consequences is well known. The town floods, you build a levy. spring tide comes an you don't get flooded but the next town downstream does. Capitalism is cyclical, economics 101 yet everyone seems to forget this when planning for our future. The USA has been on an economic war footing since 1942. Couple that with a consumer boom and you have a spiraling debt thats too astronomical to imagine. Okay lets say that a shovel of dirt costs a dollar. Well you could fill the grand canyon 3 times over with the money you owe. What we are dealing with now is some of the fallout from 9/11. The economy was due for a dip but post 9/11 and Bush could not let the US slump so he pumped, as any politician would. Well whats the odd trillion dollars between fiends. Then you have to service this debt. Not pay back obviously but just roll it over. That costs more than all the pork barreled bills combined. (plus you have the pork barrels as well). You also have some of the most inefficient forms of finance on the planet. The money you spend on health care per capita is staggering and for what? A higher infant mortality rate than Cuba? Look guys its your country and no one wants to see it go down but wtf. Your like someones car stuck in sand and yet they keep on gunning the engine and spinning the wheels, hoping to get a different result.
The La's - Timeless Melody [youtu.
273kelvin comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Do you know scouse La?
Safe sex?
273kelvin comments on Jul 24, 2018:
"Ive got 8 kids how many have you got mate?" "None" "Why is that?" "Well I use the safe period" "When is that then?" "When your working the night shift"
Festival food
273kelvin comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Did you not go veggie towards the end of the fest when refrigeration is not at its best?
What do you call butt sex when it's casual? Shooting the shit
273kelvin comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Only Brits will get this but 3 guys are discussing who made a vagina. 1st guy says it was an artist because its so beautiful 2nd says it was an engineer because its so perfectly built ie self lubricating etc. 3rd guy says it was Blackpool city council. The other 2 look at him and ask why? Because who else would put a pleasure beach next to a shit pipe?
The La's There she goes []
273kelvin comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Those guys are friends of mine
Does it drive anybody else crazy when there is a sink full of dishes that hasn’t been cleaned for ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Im with Quentin Crisp (an Englishman in New York guy) "After three years (of no housework) it does not get any worse"
Do you like me?
273kelvin comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I voted no because anyone who asks a dumb ass question like that. Is just looking for validation.
Who thinks this quote has true meaning in reality?
273kelvin comments on Jul 21, 2018:
There is the loss of desperate aura but it could be that guys have not been dressed properly before. "Darling dont go to work in that old thing. Wear that nice new sweater we bought last Tuesday."
Well, that’s one option.
273kelvin comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Never stopped me lol
Love Mr. Cohen... []
273kelvin comments on Jul 21, 2018:
The song was inspired by the orchestra that the nazis got together to play for the people going towards what they thought were the showers
What things did people have in the 70’s that we don’t have now?
273kelvin comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Great music. Not being an old fart here but music was THE genre of the time. Bear in mind it was just 7 years from Woodstock to the 1st Sex Pistols album and thats before Queen, The Clash The Jam and the Police etc.
Yesterday sadly I had to go home after spending a week with Dan at his home in Albany, NY.
273kelvin comments on Jul 20, 2018:
I still get drunk with my ex sometimes. We went to a festival with another friend. Its a celibate relationship we shagged each other out over 15 years and theres no passion left. She trusts me when she gets drunk which is not often. What are friends for?
Not sure if Spotify links work here, but let’s give it a try.
273kelvin comments on Jul 20, 2018:
Your better off using youtube. BTW I saw this guy live a few months back.
Addressing the Problem of American Food Deserts -
273kelvin comments on Jul 20, 2018:
The poor part of my yard. People go on about immigrants and Muslims but gee they know how to eat.
Interesting article about a sex researcher who just wrote a book on sexual fantasies. []
273kelvin comments on Jul 20, 2018:
There is a long way between a fantasy and acting on it. Many women have rape fantasies, many men have schoolgirl ones. This does not mean they want to act on these. I came across a full on bull lesbian whos fantasies were always about men. Mostly from the gas company (it must be the boiler suits).
So recently I put effort into looking at profiles and discovered that there was someone close by ish...
273kelvin comments on Jul 20, 2018:
As a believer in feminism (I have 2 daughters). I have to say "whats sauce for the goose". The amount of rejection that guys go though in a lifetime would leave most women in trauma. As we move toward a more equal society, then this will happen more often to women. Yes it sucks, no you did nothing wrong unless it stops you from reaching out again. If all guys went into their shell after a rejection then the human race would only be populated by the Brad Pits of this world and arranged marriages. Personally mine have ranged from polite "no thank yous" to "I would rather amputate my own foot". Yet here I am still asking - you dancing?
Pink floyd -dark side of the moon highest grossing album in N.Z. 16 times platinum
273kelvin comments on Jul 20, 2018:
Have you heard this cover of the whole album?
Not to offend Americans but i don't like it when they call football Soccer and their own NFL real ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
I wrote this as a comment on another post in this group and though it was a good enough to be a post...
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
I have had four great loves in my life (so far). Three of those four started out as casual sex. In that we had sex on the first date or the morning after. One lasted 15 years and though we ended up living together she always insisted it was casual (not only guys that are commitaphobes). My point is that if its right its right and you just know.
I had yet another discouraging evening last night.
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Last night a female friend called round. We listened to Stevie Wonders "songs in the key of life" and looked up the date of its release, 1976. Ah the legendary long hot summer of 76. 110 on the center court of Wimbledon and I was in London. A shy naive 18 year old virgin, looking for work. It may have been too hot to move during the day time but at 4.30 am on Victoria embankment gardens it was freezing. Especially if all you had to keep warm was a leather bomber jacket. I met a guy who said he would help me. Took me back to his place and fed me. I knew he was gay but figured I could stave him off if it got too heavy. He had a lovely place, said he could set me up and everything. His hands were something else though. Always trying to cop a feel. End of, I left the next day (my virginity still intact). The morals of this story are. As I thought about it, I thought about all the times I had been a jerk with girls. Those hands were not that different than mine had been in the past. From then on I have tried to be a gentleman. Never pushed someone into having sex unless it was their idea. Sure I tell a lady that I want it but then leave it to them to either take me up on it or not. Secondly I knew for sure that I was straight. It may certainly have cost me in sex over the years. Other guys more pushy than me get laid more often (at least they seem to) but I will stay the way I am, even if thats in friendzone most of the time.
Split by Ute Lemper & Neil Hannon []
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Neil Hannon of The Divine Comedy and Thomas Walsh of Pugwash. A whole album about cricket. btw Bix Beiderbecke sample
Women (and men if you choose to answer), when does a compliment go too far?
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Whats worse than a wolf whistle? When you dont get one
Hey Woody-ites! Well iffin ya like Woody, ya probably like Bobby Dylan! C'mon over to my group Fans ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Kinda misnamed this group. It was supposed to be for political songs and such. With discussions around said same but people have taken it too literally.
What are your thoughts about religious waivers for complying with public health or safety policies?
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
The helmet exemption for Sikhs has been in force in the UK since the law was introduced in the early 70s. Fair enough its their life and small accommodations are the price of a free and multi-cultural society. The more recent example was the first Sikh to be a guardsman. All the rest have bearskin hats. The Hindu vaccination thing however is a crock. How do you think they eradicated small pox in India? My friend takes exception to being told to take off her helmet when she pays for petrol. No one asks for a burka to be removed
Rambling's of a mad woman (warning, LONG)
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Why not, your whole continent both north and south was claimed in the name of Jesus
Very first concert you attended?
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
The Stones 1971 - just before Sticky Fingers came out (I was 13)
They say that we all have a mate somewhere.
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Dire Straits - "Sultans of Swing" []
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
the guy called "Guitar George Borowski" (with his daughter)
Bandits, Money Pit, Hangover, Blind Date.
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Robert Plant | 'Ship of Fools' []
273kelvin comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I saw him live this year. If you get the chance, do so.
T.Rex - Monolith []
273kelvin comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I saw them live when I was 14
Which came first, the Chicken or the Egg?
273kelvin comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I have ordered both off Amazon and await results
What's the best excuse for being late you've ever used or heard?
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
The British rail network has some the best reasons for delays; Leaves on the line The wrong type of snow The the prize goes to an Indian airline We apologize for your delayed flight. This is due to the pilot being eaten by a tiger
What's the best excuse for being late you've ever used or heard?
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I was looking after my friends sons hamster, whilst they were all away on holiday. The hamster got loose and chewed though the wire of my alarm clock and electrocuted itself. I then had to go to a pet shop and find a lookalike replacement for the hamster.
Tommy Castro - Can't Keep A Good Man Down Can't Keep A Good Man Down [youtube.
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
OR The devil sings
Live Your Life and Fuck Everybody Else
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
And we all looked as attractive as her. We wouldn`t give a shit either
If you all haven't checked it out, Radio Paradise is a great internet radio site.
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
On my tool bar for years. When I 1st listened thought "How did these guy get hold of my record collection? and then they added more
How do you guys combat loneliness?
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Try open mic nights. Once you`ve established yourself as a patron. You can easily go alone and sit with people you met there previously.
What's the best breakup song ever?
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
So long Marianne- L. Cohen. It is a testimony to his love that he wrote this letter to her just before she died ‘Well Marianne it’s come to this time when we are really so old and our bodies are falling apart and I think I will follow you very soon. Know that I am so close behind you that if you stretch out your hand, I think you can reach mine and you know that I’ve always loved you for your beauty and your wisdom, but I don’t need to say anything more about that because you know all about that. But now, I just want to wish you a very good journey. Goodbye old friend. Endless love, see you down the road.'”
What's the best breakup song ever?
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
The two best break up albums IMHO "Bridge over troubled waters" and "Rumours". The latter being very obvious with songs like "Go your own way". The former less so with "So long Frank Lloyd Wright" (Art was an architect major in collage). If you listen very carefully you can hear Paul saying "Goodbye Art" at the end of it.
Dress Code for atheists: I remember watching a very old video taken in a bar where if memory ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I dont do badges of any description and the only bumper sticker that I ever had was from Port Merion saying "#6 I am not a number. I am a free man"
When did you tell your parents?
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Coming out lol
Where do you think most of the Agnostic/Atheist type of non-believers live in the civilized world?
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
The UK has a state embedded religion. A high multi-cultural mix (ie. lots of muslims). We do have prays at school and one compulsory lesson a week of RE but as we are a cultural mix this will be on all religions, so as not to offend.Yet it is the home of Richard Dawkins and atheists are the norm here. The CofE is like an inoculation against religion. Anyone who watched the royal wedding can see just how boring it is. I have never encountered a god botherer at work unless it was the persons home or church. It is a subject that just never comes up. To do so would thought of as impolite. In fact Dawkins took a lot of flack for tweeting on a muslim twitter site at Ramadan. Ones personal beliefs or lack of are ones own business and as such are rarely discussed in public. I like this site because it gives me the opportunity to talk about religion. A subject that is dead parrot in my yard. PS. We speak English as well (better than you do) lol
I don't know about that. But I do prefer women with more teeth than tattoos.
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I have scars (the tattoos money cant buy)
What are some great movies with philosophical meanings behind them??
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Clockwork orange If One flew over the cuckoos nest and TV The good place
Rules of life :) boys are dumb and girls are crazy you don't know someone until you live with ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Always pack an emotional parachute.
Fox News Op-Ed: Atheists Are ‘Bullies’ Who Try To Force Their Beliefs On Others - The ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 15, 2018:
The second largest number of theists in the world are muslim. Many of which would quite happily sever his head from his body because of his beliefs. Just as many Christians would have done in days of yore. I wonder if he was faced with the choice which one would he choose?
I love this! [youtube.]
273kelvin comments on Jul 15, 2018:
OR Discontent among sailors at the Nore, a Royal Navy anchorage in the Thames Estuary, overflowed in riotous mutiny in May 1797. The sailors, led by Richard Parker, a former officer who had been voted president of the fleet by the mutineers, wanted an end to impressment, unequal pay, poor quality rations, and better leave entitlements. They also wanted to remove cruel or unpopular officers from ships and have them banned from serving on them again. Worst of all - at least in the authorities' eyes - the fleet blockaded London and stopped trade in and out of the port. Despite a reasonable start the mutiny was hijacked by radical delegates to the unofficial Fleet Parliament whose intransigence and bid for a mini social revolution hardened the stance of the Government and Lords of the Admiralty. Cut off from food and racked by internal dissent, the mutiny eventually dissolved with ships slipping their cables and deserting the cause. Parker, along with many leading co-conspirators, faced swift justice from the vengeful Admiralty and after a brief trial was hanged for treason and piracy. Several other leading mutineers also swung from the yardarm, while other key offenders were either jailed or flogged.
Today's question was inspired by MissKathleen.
273kelvin comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I used to write erotica. One of the challenges was avoiding repetition. Sex is in practice, quite repetitive by nature. It involves does the same thing for quite some time. Added to this there are a limited number names for "naughty bits", so you look for synonyms such as member, manhood, shaft or even weapon.
I am curious if anyone ever wonders how can this really smart person believe in God?
273kelvin comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I think one of the oddest was the author Graham Greene. He came from an Anglican-agnostic background but converted to Catholicism at Cambridge in the 1930s. When his contemporaries like Philby, Burgess, McLean and Blunt were embracing Communism. Often described as the best English writer never to win the Nobel prize. He never was unquestioning of his faith or the absurdities of Catholicism. It was the mystery that drew him in. Novels like "The power and the glory" and "Heart of the matter". Pushed the boundaries of faith to the limits and often brought him into conflict with the Vatican. He did throw light on a subject that many of us would dismiss.
First Aid Kit - My Silver Lining []
273kelvin comments on Jul 14, 2018:
I heard them on the radio but never really got into them till this tribute concert to L. Cohen.
Please don't get me wrong, I am proud to being an american.
273kelvin comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Not sure how indicative this is. We had a local radio quiz show that specialized in dumb people. One woman was asked what Hitlers 1st name was. After lots of head scratching and clues she finally managed to come up with "heil" Other stumping questions included "What ship did the mutiny on the Bounty take place on?"
Question for the single people...
273kelvin comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Loads of people saying "Oh when I was younger". Well I didnt and I kind of missed out. No hedonistic youth for me, just wife and kids. Then a series monogamous relationships. So at the age of 57 I joined a hook up site. It was good fun for while and I met some lovely ladies. It encouraged me to write (erotica is a good start especially if it can get you laid). The sex was sometimes great but ended up just okay. eventually the whole "Hi nice to meet you, lets go to bed" got just too shallow. I dont regret my last fling but now I need more than physical. However if i do find that someone, I have picked up some great techniques.
The other day I saw 2 birds on a wire and one was smoking a joint.
273kelvin comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Its the squirrels that I blame. They are always skinning up.
I have seen several times lately, where people are discussing some topic and they have a ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 13, 2018:
English is a living language. Definitions are changed or added to all the time. As for personal quirks I differentiate between a film and a movie. In my view something like "On the waterfront" is a film and "Independence day" is a movie. I am not totally alone in this way of speaking but it has as yet not made it to the OED.
Guy who says God sends natural disasters to punish gays has his home destroyed in a natural disaster...
273kelvin comments on Jul 13, 2018:
This is because he reads from the king James bible. Btw king James was the biggest faggot in royal history. lol
U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For []
273kelvin comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Dedicated to all of us who have ever walked into a room making a motion of scissors with our fingers and wearing a puzzled look.
As I am trying to let people know about community, I always get the question/comment of how theists ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I dont have a problem with them personally. However some members have expressed that they come here to escape theist talk and find their presence annoying. As for their reasons? Some feel it is their duty to give witness, some are having doubts or are in the closet. For the most part they dont last long. It is difficult to defend yourself against lions with brains, when all you have is faith and a stupid book.
Gil Scott-Heron, New York Is Killing Me []
273kelvin comments on Jul 13, 2018:
The oddest piece of music trivia I know is, Gil Scott Herons father was the first black footballer is the Scottish league.
How do you drop cult thinking?
273kelvin comments on Jul 11, 2018:
If you go straight on all you will get is resistance. May I suggest you talk about sales as a career. Then give a book or show her videos on sales techniques. If she does not want to listen? Say your thinking of sales and what she thinks about the techniques? When she sees the way simple physiological tricks can alter someones thinking. She may put things together and sort her self out.
The leading cause of divorce is marriage.
273kelvin comments on Jul 11, 2018:
I got a life sentence but a judge gave me a reprieve
From the mundane to the truly spectacular, numerous American inventions have changed the world.
273kelvin comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Britain is such a small country compared to the USA but lets compare inventions anyway and who got there 1st. Here is just 50 From the railway to TV and even the toothbrush. Oh and this does not even include mass production, the assembly goes to Olds but Whitworth did mass production in 1812
Dating if we were more like birds
273kelvin comments on Jul 11, 2018:
If dating were more like lions; Sexy huntress WLTM large hairy male. With a view to him killing and eating my youngest children. Shagging me, my daughters, sisters and friends. Then lay around all day whilst we bring him food. PS. Must have GSOH


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