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One of those great movie moments and a great tune covering it, []
273kelvin comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Two brothers in "Hayseed Dixie" said their dad was co-writer on that tune. Not the best portrayal of "the South"
Meaning of existence
273kelvin comments on Jun 7, 2018:
The reward for living a good life is........Living a good life.
Did you know that donuts were first made in Greece
273kelvin comments on Jun 7, 2018:
What kind of vehicle were they driving?
My "baby" boy is turning 7 years old today and I'm feeling like an old lady.
273kelvin comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Wait till you get to the stage when you fancy someone their age.
A husband with little English struggled to explain that his wife could not have children, saying ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 7, 2018:
A scene from a flapper movie "Why I am so popular....I cannot conceive"
Here’s an easy quiz: if a theist told you “I believe in god because my faith provides me with an...
273kelvin comments on Jun 7, 2018:
I am glad that you feel "anchored" but what happens if you loose your faith, as many do? Will you "drift" and end up on the rocks?
The purpose of this site, I thought was scientific ,discussion []
273kelvin comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Wrong, Einstein did not say that gravity bends light. He said it curves the spacetime that it travels though.
Favourie Bond & Favourite Bond Movie Theme
273kelvin comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Themes; I watched an interview with Jimmy Page. At 19 he was in a session band called "the wrecking crew." When asked what tracks he remembered from this time. There were so many I don't remember most of them but Shirly Bassey on "Goldfinger" sticks in the mind because she fainted at the end of singing it."
Do you believe life exists outside of our planet?
273kelvin comments on Jun 7, 2018:
It is a mathematical certainty that life will exist somewhere in the galaxy. However the chances of us finding it is very small indeed. The distances involved are far to great.
You've been cryogenically frozen...
273kelvin comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Can you get me some Stones tickets?
Had a date tonight with my daughter — an outdoor concert by Alison Krauss and David Crosby.
273kelvin comments on Jun 7, 2018:
I watched a doc on African music and thought "My ex would love this" So I texted her. Which is something I vowed never to do again. I miss having someone so much
I watched “Casablanca” tonight.
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Did you catch the continuity error near the end?
Fact is nobody is illegal on a stolen land. I'm right?
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Squatters rights
This is somewhat of a controversial question but can any theists or anyone offer a reasonable ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
"There good and there are bad people in this world. Good people do good things bad do bad but for good people to do bad things. God or needs to be involved." Not sure I totally agree with that but god and has been used on so many occasions to mask evil. Theists use an external morality rather than an internal one. If the program is flawed then its a gigo system. Plus all these religions or cults value the group or organisation over the individual. Read "The power and the glory" by Graham Greene. Theists will argue free will and that without the ability to be evil, man cannot be good. This leaves us with an impotent rather than an omniscient god. In which case what good is he/she/it? I will repeat the best joke I have read here (forgive me if you already know it). An old Jew dies and goes to heaven. He meets god and tells him a holocaust joke. God does not laugh. So the old Jew says "I guess you would have had to have been there."
So.....what is the BIG deal with the chat rooms?
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
The singles one is well attended but then again your a minority and maybe not many of us want to talk to gun lovers.
Looks like I'm in good company, has anyone else tried magic mushrooms or LSD? []
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Every couple of years
Can a person sue their church for damages caused when they are kicked out of their religion?
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Firstly, I have at least 2 regular customers who are JWs and know that I am an atheist. Secondly the guy was kicked out for being a drunk who verbally abused his wife. Now Im not defending the JWs here but the decision not to do business with this guy might be one that any of us might take.
Young Tom Petty
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Even younger Jimmy Page ://
Here's the intro to a fictional piece I just started: INTRODUCTION Tears mixed with salty ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
A headstone that soon???
Is it just me, or does anybody else feel a little stalky when hitting the "Follow Posts" feature on ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Yes of course you can follow mine
Dating Could Be Easier if....
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Guys kinda do have one lol
Appeal to Ignorance
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
There was once thought to be a substance called the either. It was what light was thought to travel though in the vacuum of space. Upon further investigation we found that no such substance was needed. Light has it own very small amount of mass and the either was made redundant. A non-idea, not needed on journey because even if it did exist. It held no mass or energy and served no purpose. God falls into that criteria. There is no proof and he/she/it is inert. Just the either may actually exist, the chances of it or god existing are less than that of sea-monsters.
As a responsible world leader, you have been given the task of finally bringing to a halt the ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Overpopulation is not the problem. It is 1st world nations with low birth rates that consume, pollute and fuck the world more than counties with high birth rates.
Don't Cry for Person whoHurt you
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Its not them you cry for. Its grief for the lost love.
Here's what makes me sick and angry today.
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I learnt not to judge. 40 years ago I worked in a pub. The head barmaids brother was dying. He had contracted a disease of parrots and it was a slow death. Every night after work Janet would be telling us all about it. At first we were at sympathetic but after a while grew less so. The work was hard and we just wanted to turn off and have beer. Then he died and we were all sympathetic again but it was not the end of it. His widow drank in the same pub. Next we got how her former sister-in-law was sleeping around. Which seemed to be true as I could not collect glasses at her table without getting groped. For weeks Janet went on and on about how little respect she must have had for her brother as her bedroom door was becoming a turnstile. Then we leaned that his widow had attempted suicide. Goodness knows what that poor woman had suffered, that drove her to seek comfort in the arms of so many men but I never judged anyone again in that way.
So, my religious neighbour asked me out to lunch last week and I went, with the stipulation that we ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
What religion do you view as most threatening to democracy and why?
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I would have to say Islam. Dont get me wrong, I live in a multi-cultural community. Many of my customers are muslim and they have done wonders in cleaning up my area of the city but just look outside of the USA (I know thats hard for some you). Center of Islam is Saudi, a kingdom. Most of the arab world is not democratic. Its extreme is most anti-democracy. FFS the muslims enjoy more democratic rights in Israel than surrounding countries. Even in Pakistan, the corruption makes a mockery of the voting system. There is no muslim country where democracy flourishes, not even Turkey. Now some of you will say that this is because of western interference and there is a point to that but hey you had UK interference in 1776. The difference is you had the will and leadership to fight for your rights. Not just read the old book and do what your told.
How would u respond if someone put this statement to u.
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
This is why I have a problem with the term atheism. Without god or religion we would be just people. No labels just folks living our lives.
What are some favorite television shows either on regular networks or streaming networks like ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Watching Episodes brilliant
What are some favorite television shows either on regular networks or streaming networks like ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Norsemen The good place Designated survivor
What are some favorite television shows either on regular networks or streaming networks like ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 5, 2018:
FYI I note that "Peaky Blinders" is on a lot of lists. This was filmed around the corner from my home. The houses (which included Ringos birthplace) were due for renovation but they painted them black and added the overhead stuff with CGI
Lefties, how have you adapted to the right-handed world?
273kelvin comments on Jun 5, 2018:
US cars a better for southpaws. I think thats why you prefer automatics. In the UK (and several other counties) we change gear with our left hand. Keeping the right hand on the wheel
Ruin a first date in 4 words
273kelvin comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Im really an alien Its your round sugartits I have 24 cats Choose our wedding date Can you clean house? I like them younger
I hope this is okay to post.
273kelvin comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Lovely voice I liked it but..... This song has power. The original led to the other side of the Darwin awards. It led to Screaming Jay Hawkins. Fathering over 170 kids (conservative est.). I got the love you had but not the power over someone else. I noticed that you did not emphasize the second syllable of "be-CAUSE your mine". Have you never felt this? Not advocating control but this is what the song is about. "I put a spell on you CAUSE YOUR MINE"
L. Cohen-Dance me to the end of love. With a little of scent of a woman []
273kelvin comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Cohen is full of double meanings. There is sex and religion and symbolism and this song which was inspired by bands they forced to play , for the people on the way to the "showers"
George Harrison - When We Was Fab Thank you George for bringing back the Beatles sound in the 80's.
273kelvin comments on Jun 4, 2018:
The place is still FAB
[] Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles on a cold rainy day we need it
273kelvin comments on Jun 4, 2018: Liverpool throwing back at you :-)
The Mamas & The Papas - Monday Monday []
273kelvin comments on Jun 4, 2018:
If Mama Cass and Karen Carpenter had shared a sandwich. They might both be alive today.
Would you rather be with somebody who has a better macro or micro view of life?
273kelvin comments on Jun 4, 2018:
A couple were asked "who makes all the decisions in the household?" The guy buts in and "I do, I make all of the important decisions and she makes all of the minor ones" "Such as?" asked the questioner "Well I decide if the US should leave the Pacific rim trade agreement. If it was a good idea to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and whether or not we should legalizes pot in our state and she makes all of the little ones. Like What house to buy, where the kids go to school and what we eat."
I am leaving this group because I think I have met my perfect hippie partner.
273kelvin comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Congratulations and all without gods help lol
To Whom it may concern: I am attempting a post of my latest story and I am concerned about font ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 4, 2018:
This site is awful when it comes to punctuation and fonts. Best thing is to get it published on something like "" and the post a link
Just arrived in Honolulu.
273kelvin comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Cant we appease them by some human sacrifices, like D-list celebs?
I was never really a 'front' man, l usually stay in the background and sing a little harmony, if l ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I never use prompts. In fact I wrote a satirical song about them "but the pages got wet. When I went out for a... (stops song and peels away 2 pieces of wet paper)...cigarette" Then again I learnt the words old style off vinyl. Heres how it`s done. Play the song all the way though, writing down what you can (leave blanks for what you miss). Then play it again all the way though filling in any banks. Repeat till you have written the whole thing out by hand. Already you are half way there. Now play the song on your guitar (or other). Repeat till you don't have to look at the pages. Then do it in front of a mirror and make artistic changes you think is right like emphasizing words or phrases, when to take a breath etc. Repeat till you think that people would pay money to see you do it. The voice is an instrument just as any other. More so when your up front. You need to practice and rehearse Hope this helps.
Should there be a social statute of limitations for misbehavior?
273kelvin comments on Jun 3, 2018:
John Aubrey, the diarist, tells a story about the Earl of Oxford. When the Earl made a low obeisance to the Queen (Elizabeth i), he happened to let go a fart, at which he was so ashamed that he left the country for 7 years. At his return the Queen welcomed him and said, “My lord, I had forgot the fart”!
Hypothetical: what r ur thoughts if atheists rule the world, would it b a utopia, would wars ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 3, 2018:
USSR and now Russia are atheist.
Please be honest when you answer this question.
273kelvin comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Hope not but its a strong possibility
You're out on a date having a meal with someone.
273kelvin comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Being English it would go "Ehm er sorry but" and then make a sign pointing at my own teeth. Then if that works I would say " Its just that you have such a lovely smile and it was a little distracting"
Like Woody Guthrie?
273kelvin comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Of course I do but this group is for what I call his children. like Dylan or Country Joe even rap if its relevant
273kelvin comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Best of luck arguing with the faithful. IMHO you would be better off consulting the 2nd amendment guys because its faith based. All it will come down to is like when a 6 year old argues with their mum "because I SAID SO." What might make interesting reading though is the agreements that they put forward. Record your conversations and collate them. StudsTerkel did this very successfully in "the Good War" and other books.
273kelvin comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Check out this cover.
Really love discovering obscure music I've never heard of.
273kelvin comments on Jun 2, 2018:
This guy is one of my favorite quirky artists. This song has to have the best second line of any song.
Just what does everyone think about this dating word?
273kelvin comments on Jun 2, 2018:
That would be friends Betty. A date offers is expectation of romance and/or hanky-panky if not then the possibility of it. Just as the model-T rang the death knell for the village idiot. The internet offers the chance of a widening of potential suitors.
Is it a comedians job to be vulgar sometimes?
273kelvin comments on Jun 2, 2018:
There was a great come back by a UK comic called Frank Skinner. After a gig a young woman approached him and said "Excuse me but I think that some of your material was verging on the offensive" He replied "Sorry love but I think that the only virgin on the offensive here is you"
Are we heading into a mure puritanical time?
273kelvin comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Sex is much more compartmentalized. Back in the day, a good grown up movie (I say grown up rather than adult) would include a sex scene, probably with nudity. I am thinking of films like "the postman always ring twice" or "don't look now." With the advent of AIDS in the 80s things got a lot more cautious. Sure you got movies like "8 1/2 weeks" but they were sex movies. The video age brought porn into the equation and those films started to look tame. Why pay to see simulated sex when you can watch the real thing? Move on to the internet and sex is almost impossible to avoid. Adverts for porn and hook-up sites abound, showing things that would only be found in gents magazines a few decades before. The truth is sex in the media has become boring. Not only that but its becoming boring in porn too. There was a great Benny Hill sketch where a tall good looking woman is walking down the street, wearing a red, low cut maxi dress with a slit up to her thighs. She is being hassled by two young guys as she walks. They follow her to the beach where she takes off her dress, revealing a one piece bathing suit. The guys start yawning and walk off. Thats what sex is like now. If its not taboo its not edgy or funny.
What are your dating dealbreakers?
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Probably the reason why Im still single (well one of them) non-smokers. I live my life however shortened it may be and I don't need any disapproval.
Have you ever had a weird argument while naked with someone?
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Does the security guy in my local supermarket count lol
The link below is to a simple 10 question science test on the Mother Nature Network website that I ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
To think you guys can vote and carry guns ffs
Guys: is there a double standard?
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I lived for 15 years with a woman 7 years older than me
What is your favorite musical instrument that you play ?
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Ive been playing guitar for so long I would have to say that but Ive been playing harmonica 6 years now and I love that too. Then I just met a guy who plays a hand wood saw so I kinda keen to learn that
Why Am I Single?
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Because you don't live in my city (or even 75 miles away). I would date you in a New York minute
This Reads Both Ways - Check it Out Is It a Good Day?/Is it a Bad Day?
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
"Even damnation is poisoned with rainbows" L. Cohen
Well, I'm not dumb but I can't understand Why she walks like a woman and talk like a man ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
The bbc made them change the lyrics. They were ok withe the trans gender thing but coca-cola was advertising so Ray had to come back and change it to cherry-cola lol
When I hear this song, I can't help but wonder 'why do men like this only live in song or on the ...
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I am that guy. I want a love affair that gives me butterflies. A woman I will sack work off for the day for and dance naked in the living room
Does a dog have a consciousness?
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Dogs are pack animals. They have an innate sense of how to fit in. Not only that but they can bring members of the pack together. This is a great way to bond with your daughter. Walking the dog is a cheap trip out to parks etc. and you both can share a love.
Does a dog have a consciousness?
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
If you read Jack Londons "White fang" dogs look at us as gods.
Ever been accused of hogging the sheets?
273kelvin comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Only when I was escaping from the asylum
What song was 1 on your 14th birthday?
273kelvin comments on May 31, 2018:
Rod Stewart Magie May / Reason to believe
What’s the thing you hate most about dating websites?
273kelvin comments on May 31, 2018:
Its the scatter-gun approach you have to do just to get a response. Let alone a date. Most dating sites don't have an open forum like this. So its a question of pics, a minimal profile and endless msgs with the same returns as a mail shot. This would be a great site if it had more UK women on it.
Has Your Ex Come Back Around?
273kelvin comments on May 31, 2018:
Irritating yes stupid never
What is the quickest easiest meal that you make yourself and love?
273kelvin comments on May 31, 2018:
Garlic mushrooms on toast. Use brown capped mushrooms chopped roughly lots of butter and just smash garlic cloves and add to pan. separate the garlic when serving and pour any left over butter onto the toast.
Casual relationship
273kelvin comments on May 31, 2018:
Going steady, Your not living together, married, engaged or committed in any way except monogamy. If you decide to see someone else you end it. I spent 15 years with a partner but we still described it as casual. No kids or bits of paper just a hand shake. When it ended we still stayed friends.
Just in time for Thanksgiving a blockbuster movie about sweet potatoes, 'The Silence of the Yams'.
273kelvin comments on May 31, 2018:
Or "Babes" tragic end. Silence of the hams
How about Ireland voting to change their constitution over abortion?
273kelvin comments on May 31, 2018:
The reason Ireland has to change its constitution for this to become law, is that it was formed with the catholic church embedded in it. This was altered for the good friday agreement to take place but much of it remains. This a great step forward but lets not forget how many women have suffered in Ireland because of its laws and attitude. Back street abortions, traveling to the UK alone at what is a very stressful time or the farming out of babies like my ex`s mum who was brought up by someone she thought was her mum but really her aunt on her her dads side
Good morning!
273kelvin comments on May 31, 2018:
Good morning
Does background noise help any of you?
273kelvin comments on May 31, 2018:
TV, American cops shows such as CSI or NCIS work for me.
Where do you go when you need a break from everyone?
273kelvin comments on May 31, 2018:
I live alone so thats easy. When I was married with kids the bathroom was a haven.
The Bible - I find the lack of respect people in this room give to the Bible disturbing.
273kelvin comments on May 31, 2018:
Not saying there are not some good bits there bud (song of songs is one of mine) but so has the Odyssey. That doesnt mean we can't enjoy "Oh brother where art tho" Plus the most important love that book teaches is love of god. Its the 1st commandment and the 1st golden rule. Now given that most people here think that there is no god to love. Thats not gonna be a place to find respect. Secondly if there was hypothetically a god to love. Most people here would sign a petition to put him before the courts in the Hague for crimes against humanity. Not to mention all the talking snakes, burning bushes, water into wine magic show bunkum and that old respect glass is looking quite empty. Then you have the treatment of women in both the OT and NT. plus gays. Then the killer is that Christianity is BS. Nice idea but like communism, its unworkable. You turn the other cheek ( how many believers would actually do this?) and your giving rights to someone who does not deserve them. You love your neighbor as yourself and your gonna get stomped on, give away all your possessions leaving you destitute and/or be an emotional wreck within short order.
Has anyone single here, or at least, living alone, wonder about what type material things really ...
273kelvin comments on May 30, 2018:
Original art his always a good one. plus most women don't have good sound systems. I went on a very hot date where we spent most of the time in the garden but when we came in all she could find was the TV. Not very romantic
Machine guns have never worked in ANY Godzilla movie. Ever. Why do the keep trying?
273kelvin comments on May 30, 2018:
But they remembered how they worked against King Kong and they have to try something.
"Capitalism vs.
273kelvin comments on May 30, 2018:
I read this and not all of it is true. Firstly the free market has no morals. In fact the average drug dealer has more morals than the free market. The latter would not sell his grandmother, the former would depend on the market price of grandmothers. As for solving social problems. He does not mention the vast amounts of homelessness in cities like LA. The shear wastefulness of you private health system on so many levels. As for gripes against business vs govt. bodies. No mention of Standing Rock or any Gas company pollution. If what he said was true, all those major corporations could fire their teams of expensive lawyers because no-one would have a problem with them. It is true that the market will out. If you try to buck it, it will come back and bite your ass but you can steer it in the right direction. Socialism can and does work in conjunction with capitalism in many counties (inc. yours) very successfully. Its like the joke about the vicar walking past a lovely garden. He says to the gardener "Isnt it wonderful how god can make something so beautiful" To which the gardener replies "Yeah but he makes a sodding shambles if you leave him to it"
"Capitalism vs.
273kelvin comments on May 30, 2018:
There are no pure versions of either systems. Hong Kong before 1997 was the closest to free market capitalism yet it still had subsidized transport and a few other things. The USSR got 60% of its food from the 20% of land in private ownership. We all live in mixed systems, the question is in the mix.
World's fastest car 135,000 horsepower []
273kelvin comments on May 30, 2018:
It uses a Ford Cosworth a fuel pump
I walked into a supermarket and bought : 1 bar of soap, 1 toothbrush, 1 tube toothpaste, 1 loaf of ...
273kelvin comments on May 30, 2018:
That pushes the cause of self-checkout tills
Would you date someone that said they had a government job that was so classified they couldn't even...
273kelvin comments on May 29, 2018:
An old couple were doing a tour of Bletchley Park in England. Where they decoded the German enigma machine in WW2. As the tour guide mentioned something the Husband says "Well I was here at the time and thats not strictly true." To which his wife of 40 or more years looked at him in astonishment and says "You too?" They were told not to tell anyone and they both kept it secret for nearly all their married life.
Hello folks I have just come back from Bearded theory festival.
273kelvin comments on May 29, 2018:
Well folks it does not seem that you enjoyed my little piece of humorous rant. I did expect some backlash from feminists who think that people should only encourage boobs being out at feeding time but come on guys. Dont tell me that you have never been behind someone doing this and thought " Well thanks a bunch. You can see great but what about the rest of us stuck behind you? " The most extreme incident of this was last year. The lady in question was not young (mid to late 40`s) or slim. Presumably motherhood had added quite a few pounds. I watched in awe as this guy carried her for what was a very long song. When it was done and she dismounted, my curiosity knew no bounds to see what kind of Hercules had been her beast of burden. Expecting a body builder of Arnie proportions but no. It was a big middle aged guy with a large beer gut. My heart went out (as his was threatening to so) to this hero as he collapsed to the floor. I think the paramedics are still looking after him.
Just got back from a weekend away at a music festival, anyone else like going to music festivals?
273kelvin comments on May 29, 2018:
Just back from Bearded theory myself
Pink Floyd- Shine On You Crazy Diamond Heard this yesterday.
273kelvin comments on May 28, 2018:
Check out this cover. If the guy looks familiar? He was on the album sleave. He was the young kid sucking on a lollipop.
What's the one thing that should be taught in high school that isn't?
273kelvin comments on May 24, 2018:
How to handle a pool or snooker cue. The manual dexterity, correct stance is all good. Once mastered you can make friends anywhere
Parenting advice.
273kelvin comments on May 23, 2018:
You shouldn`t hit your kids. That`s why they`re giving teachers guns for lol
I just checked my hidden messages on FB.
273kelvin comments on May 22, 2018:
Answer him in German lol
(For the lesbian song challenge) Here's Ferron-White Wing Mercy []
273kelvin comments on May 22, 2018:
Back when it was underground. This was a lesbian icon.
How many of you watch the whole series of "Downton Abbey" or is it just me?
273kelvin comments on May 22, 2018:
Used to watch it when I had a woman.
OK babyboomers, how many of you are like me and thinks todays chart topping music really sucks ...
273kelvin comments on May 22, 2018:
Since Edison invented recorded sound music has got cheaper and more transitory. Before him you had to listen live to Beethovens 5th now you can listen for free whist jogging. Each new technological innovation has lessened the depth of music. The reason why it is crap now is because we don`t pay for it. In the 60`s-70`s an album would cost you all your spare cash. You played that sucker out. Now we just youtube and flick to another track. The Beatles stopped gigging in 66. No new band could do that now. They would starve.
What happens when we die?
273kelvin comments on May 22, 2018:
Your body rots
Daves Unite! I made a group for people called Dave, or David.
273kelvin comments on May 22, 2018:
If a woman wants an abortion should the father have a right to keep the child?
273kelvin comments on May 22, 2018:
You are wrong in the point that a woman can`t have a child without a man. There are sperm banks and technology is moving toward female-female reproduction. However I will agree that men should be consulted about the decision. The final choice would be the womans of course but there are factors that might affect the womans choice. He may have a terminal disease, it may be hereditary. This would affect child support. He may be the sole heir to a fortune or the last of his tribe. It is unfair that a man has no say but life is not fair.
I love western movies, so which one is your favorite?
273kelvin comments on May 22, 2018:
The western is so often a moralist tale. I love "The man who shot Liberty Valance". "Shane", "The Shootist", "True Grit" "Unforgiven" "The Searchers"
For all of you bitching about paying for the security for his wedding this weekend remember he has ...
273kelvin comments on May 22, 2018:
The royal family is an old fashioned anachronism. It is a throwback to earlier times. If you were starting up a new country it`s not something you would readily consider. However it works well for us and it reminds us of other seemingly outdated ideas like duty.
Saw this picture and wanted to share and ask for your thoughts.
273kelvin comments on May 21, 2018:
I read somewhere that 97% of US citizens would not sell their citizenship.* The protestant work ethic is strong in this one Obe Wan. We in the UK and Europe have a more balanced or bi-polar (depending on your perspective) political arena. With real socialists Ne-Marxists and landed gentry, plus all the shades in between. The left say they are working for the poor but so does the right. They both have vested interests. The former to keep their power base ie. downtrodden underclass. The latter to protect theirs ie. wealth. Pays yer money and... *tried to google it but no luck
Would you date an old friends former partner? For someone you seriously think may be the one
273kelvin comments on May 21, 2018:
Not somewhere I would like to go. My daughters mums friend is someone I really dig and she digs me but I couldn`t do it and neither could she. That being said, if she was "THE ONE" I would fight a horde of berserk vikings for her and damn the consequences.


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