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BEING ACCEPTABLE! How hard do you try?
273kelvin comments on May 3, 2018:
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw
Can anyone tell me what effect "make private" has on a thread? Just curious.
273kelvin comments on May 2, 2018:
I`m not telling you..... It`s private ;-)
273kelvin comments on May 2, 2018:
You could say "you want to read it or watch it?" Obvious answer, then show them the video with Patrick Stewart in the lead role. It`s got AK47`s in it as well as an x-man
Should we demand/expect for respect?
273kelvin comments on May 2, 2018:
Quarterback Josh Rosen, Now an Arizona Cardinal, Is the NFL’s Only Open Atheist – Friendly ...
273kelvin comments on May 2, 2018:
He wont be the first cardinal that doesn't believe and he wont be the last.
Does anyone have advice for a person that's been an atheist less than 3 months?
273kelvin comments on May 2, 2018:
From what I have gleaned on here, don`t be too quick to mention this to other people. It`s ok here in the UK but in the US you will get all kind of judgemental (with the emphasis on the mental) theisists trying to get you back into the fold. I am not saying lie or try and hide it just don`t bring it up unless asked.
I write dirty parodies of songs.
273kelvin comments on May 2, 2018:
Open mics are good. Here`s one of mine A song for x-factor Making cash for simon (sung to the tune of " making plans for Nigel " ) I`m only making cash for Simon I only do what`s best for him I`d even sell my sisters hymen Simon needs to be wealthier man And if my voice is weak and scrappy With all the strength of papier mache I know the auto-tune will make it fine make it fine I`m only making cash for Simon Simon and I have already signed a deal When Cherryl Cole says "wye eye man" Simon says the outcome is as good as sealed And if my voice is weak and scrappy With all the strength of papier mache I know the auto-tune will make it fine make it fine (like it was me all the time)
How long...?
273kelvin comments on May 2, 2018:
Its getting so long that I`ve forgotten which ones supposed to be tied up lol
Is it wrong for Dinosaur fossils to be sold on the open market for profit?
273kelvin comments on May 1, 2018:
A tongue twister from the jurassic coast. she sells sea shells on the sea shore
I read a lot of novels about war, political intrigue and espionage.
273kelvin comments on May 1, 2018:
I think I have read all of Clavells books. "King Rat" made a great movie. His novels have a running dynasty "Ty Pan" and "Shogun" are excellent. An interesting short story he wrote is "the Children's story" Centering on the indoctrination of education.
Korean Peace I don't think anyone wants to see efforts to calm things down on the Korean ...
273kelvin comments on May 1, 2018:
Everyone (left of center) thinks of Trump as a DH but I am reminded of Mohamed Ali or Clay as he was back then. before his fight with Sonny Liston. The champ was known for his cold stare, a hard man. Ali came at him like a mad man at the weigh in. So much so that his team were worried because his pulse was 180. Asked why he did this Ali said "you don`t know what a mad guy will do." Years of measured responses and sanctions have done nothing to change the situation. Maybe the nutter approach has worked?
I have liked both types of zombie movies / stories.
273kelvin comments on May 1, 2018:
Check out the early "black mirror" set around the big brother house. Good script.
Ok, my wife and I are separated but not divorced yet.
273kelvin comments on May 1, 2018:
Soon after my divorce and I am living at my friends. Bitterness and anger were my drinking companions. The stereo was in loop, as the morning light came though the window this song awoke/helped me move on. That was 25 years, 3 great loves and a beautiful daughter ago. There is light at the end of this tunnel. You just have to open your eyes enough.
Ok, my wife and I are separated but not divorced yet.
273kelvin comments on May 1, 2018:
Been there and its tough. You say she has drifted, okay accept it. It is hard I know but you cannot make someone love you. You want to stay friends but you will have to put some distance in between you and her before that can happen. In the mean time embrace the opportunity for change. Work out, buy some new duds, make your place nice, clean your car or try something new, maybe go on a trip somewhere. First the big rule in any relationship is, how can you expect your partner to fancy you if no one else does. You seem like a nice guy and yes there will be other women out there who will love that. I know its too soon at the moment but call it a work in progress. Alcohol is a good short term emotional anesthetic and good mates to share it with can help but its not a long term solution. Try and make yourself a better man. If nothing else, when you meet your ex, do you want her to see a sad sack still grieving for her or a smart dressed, interesting, fit fellow who has moved on? Which one do you think she would want to talk to?
Hi everyone-some new members were asking for a Singles Group so I started one-SINGLES GROUP.
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
As a twirly hi x
Yesterday someone asked about the reality of the self.
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Empty all the prisons then. For no one is guilty or capable of reform. Ban democracy for no one decides anything. Did Bruce Hood write that guff himself or did it just appear out of nowhere, on the screen with no decisions involved? No I will not abandon god for some other form of scapegoat
Why do people believe in ghosts?
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I dunno about the dead but living people have ghosts. If I work in a house with the occupants out, it is spooky. People give off a vibe that is hard to explain. All I know is I put the radio on to stop it being eerie.
Let's play the "What if.
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Don`t hold yer breath. The end of the world is always nigh. This has been going on since the dark ages. Apocalyptic prophecies are not even confined to religion. It was 50 years ago......
Music speaks to us in different ways at different times of our lives depending on what we are ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
So many but this one sticks out. I was traveling in Israel past the detritus of millenia of conflict, when we passed a sign that said "Armageddon welcomes careful drivers"
Hung a picture like a Viking.
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I had a pair of very tight stars and stripes leggings. That left nothing to the imagination. Unfortunately they had seen better days (easter was threatening to come early) so my ex decided their time had come. So they died like a viking. (literally)
Who is your favorite scientist?
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
My namesake Lord kelvin. Over 200 papers published before he was 21 (some under pseudonyms so as not to embarrass his professors), Last of the great 19th c. scientists.
Easy to say, hard to do sometimes. Is this easier for women more so than men? Is so, why is that...
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Song what I wrote Callouses and scars (or an apology of a commitaphobe) When I look at these old hands as theyre playing my guitar Its hard to tell the difference between the callouses and scars they say that women come from Venus Men they are from mars Now thats something like the difference between callouses and scars Can you get up from the canvas When youve taken all those all those blows And though you cannot see it yet his eyes are nearly halfway closed You might think that hes running scared When hes still behind steel bars And tell me can you tell the difference between callouses and scars You ask him what he wants from life and he just gives you that look Like your some kind a of hustler Who he knows hes just been took But cannot plot course If you dont know where you are Sometimes it`s hard to tell the difference between callouses and scars We all have our scar tissue and it shouldnt be an issue but theyre real and Its no good you complaining cos he`s no use at explaining how he feels Now you might think I am taking this analogy too far But I you are looking closely and I view from afar You come to him with an open heart Whilst his is just ajar Seeing is believing with callouses and scars when I look at these old hands as theyre playing my guitar Though my mind may be in the gutter Im still staring at the stars And even I can`t tell the difference between the callouses and scars
Great responses to my first post.
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Malaria! we have been trying to battle this disease for ages. Every time something works the selfish gene kicks in and it becomes like picking up quicksilver. Mosquitoes become DDT resistant. quinine no longer works etc. The only sure way not to get this is the evolutionary way humans have evolved but you have to have cycle cell anemia.
Science education sucks in OZ and I was once a teacher and a totally boring one.
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Sales is something I would advise most people to try. The skills are eminently transferable. We all have to sell sometimes, whether it be a job interview, 1st date or getting a kid to eat greens.
What It's Really About.
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I suppose you have heard the phrase "You can tell how much contempt god has for money by the people he gives it to." Well god did not like this presumption of his motives so he invented cocaine to redress the balance and take it away from DH`s
Two for one: these must be said everytime you meet a farmer or someone in the botanical world.
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2018:
The second one is by the lady who gave us "One more drink and will be under the host" Dorothy Parker
Cant compare to a real physical exchange of affection ,however, sometimes that's not always ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Cant compare to a real physical exchange of affection ,however, sometimes that's not always ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 29, 2018:
I have had phone sex a couple of times with strangers. I stopped because both women were just too out there. The1st wanted to be "daddies naughty little girl" and the other was fantasizing about her 17 year old son. I understand that these were just fantasies but not mine.
Just wondering
273kelvin comments on Apr 29, 2018:
No and who gives a flying f--- I would be dead
Hopefully this site isnt anti christianity.
273kelvin comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Southcottians are the funniest I have come across. Well worth a laugh checking them out.
Announcement! Musicians have a new group.
273kelvin comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Sounds good (pardon the pun)
Environmental Action
273kelvin comments on Apr 29, 2018:
We did have a problem with the ozone layer. After banning cfc`s etc. it has been solved. So yes we can make a difference.
Appropriating from scripture.
273kelvin comments on Apr 29, 2018:
" Jesus wept"
Inside looking out or outside looking in?
273kelvin comments on Apr 28, 2018:
My first thought was to be flippant and ask " why do women have to hold a gun to your head whist making love? " but that would be shallow. My second thoughts are this is why I do pot and alcohol. It frees the mind from constraints. Most of my creative writing has come from times like this. If not in the moment , then in the moment or the place remembered. I cast my mind back to a table tennis game over 40 years ago. The ball had hit the edge of the table, near the net. Without any form of conscious thought I returned a perfect cross court backhand from bellow the table level. It may not sound too wonderful as I relate it but I was in what athletes call " the zone. " Where there is no thought, only perfect action. A zen experience. I lived with a lady for 15 years who seemed to have no filter on what she said. especially when in drink. Some form of ozmosis must have occured because I can now enjoy the moment more and though I still second guess myself sometimes. I can just be and dance as if no one is watching. Which is why I included my first thought.
What are your favorite COMEDY movies of all time?
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
" The italian job " (original) has two of England's finest comic talents from opposite ends of the spectrum. Noel Coward and Benny hill
What are your favorite movie franchises, and which do you think should be retired?
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Indiana Jones character is totally irrelevant in the arc of the covenant. The same out come would arise if he wasn't there
What are your favorite movie franchises, and which do you think should be retired?
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Rocky I suppose number 6 was a waste of time but the last one was worth watching especially as the fight was in my home town against a real Liverpool boxer
Is anyone else getting this in msgs or just me? 2 separate msgs. I know I'm not blocked.
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
yep me
What movie comes to mind that you can watch over and over and it still makes you cry every time you ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Rocky the yearling Saving private Ryan The Champ
Does anyone else find it bizarre how countries like The US and the UK try and call the shots on ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
This gets less funny as the years go by
Does anyone else find it bizarre how countries like The US and the UK try and call the shots on ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
There is as any parent knows a lot to be said for hypocrisy. If you take a NRA logic to its enth, then all nations should be entitled to arm themselves anyway they want. Just as individuals can. However we can all see how that goes and it`s not good. Do we want more nukes or less? Simple question. We have managed not to blow ourselves into oblivion for over 70 years so far. This has been achieved by keeping the club exclusive. It may not be morally right or fair but wtf life is not right or fair and life is what we are concerned in preserving here.
The Truth About Sex After 40: Survey Reveals How Our Preferences Change With Age
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
The data is misleading. It is gathered by Superdrug online. For reasons that are obvious sexualy active men are more likely to buy drugs online. This will account for the discrepancies in the % of men and women having sex. 71% - 63% and 75% -59% If this was accurate it would mean that some women are having a lot more partners than men.
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Does " Silence of the lambs " count? It technically being a sequel to " Manhunter " with Brian cox playing the Hannibal role
What's the most recent movie you have watched where you felt the director should return your money ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
The remake of " Ben Hur " Do not waste your time with this movie !!!
What is your silliest or quirkiest romantic first date?
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I joined a dating site a few years ago and not long after I get a lady from Glasgow making me a favorite. Now she is very nice. About my age. slim and fit, nice looker, Lithuanian. We chat a bit (not much but a bit) and I have to tell her as I live in Liverpool (about 230 miles away) " thanks but no thanks. Glasgow is a bit far to walk you home hun, So sorry ". But she won't leave my thoughts. All the time I`m thinking " what if.. What if SHE IS THE ONE. Are you prepared to end up in some home with porridge dribbling down your chin and you let this slip away ". It keeps nagging at me, won't leave me alone, invades my thoughts all the time. Meanwhile I need to buy a tent. I only had a small fessie one and needed a VWE thing for people to sit in at night/rain. Its November, so now is the winter of our discount tents. (sorry) Im on ebay and theres a 6 man tent, brand new, I bid £25. Then to my dismay see that it is " collection only " from Edinburgh Ahhh oh never mind theres 2 weeks left to run Im bound to be outbid. You guessed it.." only bid " Well that settled it "this is fate" says I. Fill the old Volvo 440 with petrol and point it north. We arrange to meet outside a catholic church. Took some finding after a 230 mile drive so Im a bit late and shes there, dressed all in black looking like a middle aged Morticia Addams. 10 yrs older than her profile. Takes one look at my old banger of a motor (got a better one now) and I can see she is NOT impressed. Anyway we go for a drink in town talk a bit and I ask about the church? " I am not a catholic. I am a vitch. (I did say she was Lithuanian) I only go there to steal their pow-ver. " " Oh that`s interesting " I say and about that time I realized that she had a prosthetic finger, made of silver (great looking nail on it though. Well if you`ve got a false finger you might as well have a great looking long nail). We do not hit it off. She makes her excuses and I walk her to her bus stop. I end up in a B n B having a great night out in Glasgow. Do a round trip to pick up said tent and chalk it up to experience. The thing is (and it don't come easy to me this, as Im a " What you see is what you get " type of guy where religion etc. is concerned) What if she put a spell on me? It kinda makes sense. The thoughts, my error on ebay, it not being outbid etc. They could all be a " bring him to me spell ". Which so I`m told is one of the common ones. Anyway I still have the tent, lived to tell the tale and yes I have traveled for meets since that have been fantastic. The only regret is I never got to hear about her finger.
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2018:
" Short circuit " definitely " Rambo " I suppose and some of my friends think " Rocky 2 " because of the higher production values Oh and " Return to the valley of the dolls "
Name songs, either ones with your own name, or ones you're particularly fond of (or even ones you ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
I can give you a song with any name you care to choose...
Deep thought for the day
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Only if its an apocalyptic fit
Name songs, either ones with your own name, or ones you're particularly fond of (or even ones you ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Here`s one you ,might not know. Translation goes roughly " Julia when you find love don`t let it go"
Name songs, either ones with your own name, or ones you're particularly fond of (or even ones you ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
I didn`t know where my daughter and her mum was more many years so....
This site, the members - all of us - outwardly deny the existence of deity.
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Religion does not play any significant part of my life. However I live in a largely secular society (UK). So many of this site come from the bible belt and or theist families. They need someone to discuss this with. Also how can you keep religion out of your govt unless you band together. If this is not your cup of tea fair enough. There is music, movies, pets, politics jokes and all kinds of groups to talk in, welcome
Life of Brian deserves its own thread.
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
I saw it when it premiered in London (within a week or so). Anyway at the start you heard the disembodied voice of John Cleese over the cinema PA. " Ladies and gentlemen, The management of of the Plaza Leicester Square would like to apologize for the state of the theater this evening. This is entirely due to the person sitting next to you.... Have you seen the amount of crap you people leave. God knows what your fucking homes are like. I shudder to think what kind of shithole you live in, considering how you leave this place when you finally fuck off minus all your sweet packets and popcorn buckets....." and then we got Venice and more gondolas.
Since the previous post starred Peter Sellers I’ll piggy back with another one of his.
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
I adore that movie especially "mad about the boy" Are you into "the Goons?" written by Spike Milligan (he was the traffic warden in Christian) Here is Peter and Spike in the radio show. Sellers asks the question....
Why do we all overthink dating?
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Hell show up first and then we can see if we piss each other off.
Name a product or service you love so much that you’d happily be that company’s spokesperson.
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
WD40 I have even heard it used for rheumatism.
Is science & religion compatible?
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Many great scientists have been religious but it can interfere with their work. Darwin studied for the clergy. Einstein rejected quantum theory "I refuse to believe that god plays dice with the universe". My own namesake lord Kelvin was a bit of a religious nutter. Though this is priceless, how many colours are there in the spectrum of light? Seven you answer as you go though "Richard of York gained battles in vain" Wrong, take a look again (dig out your dark side of the moon album). There really are six but Newton thought 6 was the devil's number so he split purple into indigo and violet to make it 7.
What's the one thing you misplace the most?
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
My pipe knife, I think I must have bought about 10 so far.
Political Songs!
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2018:
So many it is difficult to pick just one but here is South Africa by Roy Harper. Written at the time of aparthite its odd because it doubles up as a love song. Once I was anothers lover Now I am my own Trying to call myself a brother Living here alone Maybe if you came to see me Wishing I wasn't so blind Sitting here thinking to be free Maybe we'd all change our mind She is kind and beautiful I am young and strong We have never met each other But it can't be long Oft' I have slept by her window Often I whisper her name And wonder that words in the wind blow Happy that hers are the same (english)
Are you aware of the baby Alfie case currently in the UK?
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
An eminent professor, a priest, and a boy scout were flying in a plane, when the pilot announces the...
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
I thought that was going to be. Priest " save the boy scout" Professor "fuck the boy scout" Priest "do we have time?"
Question of individual vs. group rights?
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Knotty one this. Maybe that`s why we have democracies. In the US you can have guns but not gambling (broadly speaking). You deal with the fallout from gun violence and accidental shootings which cannot be good for society but its your choice. In the UK we don`t do guns but do have gambling. Sure it means that even as kids we can gather as a family and bet on the grand national or the derby but inside those betting offices are fixed odds machines. These will allow you to gamble up to £1,000 per minute on the high st. They have been described as crack for gambling addicts. We deal with the social consequences of this. Yer pays yer money and takes yer choice.
Is anybody curious about how members came up with their online names?
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Easy for me as Kelvin is my name and 273 is freezing point ie. iceman
I am on a dating site and I contacted a gentleman and we spoke on the phone last night.
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
The PM no longer picks bishops but this explains anglican standpoints well.
How can I overcome my introvert?
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
I used to have same problem. I was shy and introverted. Now people find me the life and soul of the party. How did I do this? Well 1st I realized that I had a problem that had to be dealt with. I was definitely not happy with the status quo. Then I thought about the most extroverted guy that I knew. This chap was outrageous and would often piss people off but he did not care. So when I felt shy or backward I would say to myself "what would x do here?" Then I would tone it down by half (I didn't want to cause trouble) and act like him. After a while it became natural and part of who I am.
Genius: Picasso Learning his story by the interpretation on national geographic ?
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
My homage to the man hanging on my wall
Is anyone else sick and tired of all the Superhero movies?
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Conservation of energy
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
It goes to the same place it was before it was electrical energy. Organic matter and heat.
Hello all, I'm quite new here, but am going through some really awful experiences with my family ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Say to them this; " What do you want me to do, believe? You cannot force yourself or anyone else to believe in anything. Lie, pretend to believe? That would be an insult to me, you and your god (tho shalt not bear false witness). You have your faith, it is yours not mine. Much as I respect your choices and the code you live by. I cannot make that leap of faith. I am stony ground. Do not cast pearls before swine. The fact that I am here is proof of the love I have for my family. Now prove your love and let us agree to disagree. You may silently pray for me if you wish and if your god is real he may intervene as he did with Saul. Until such time arises, please leave me be on this matter as I will do for you. " As for your mum, ask her if she loves you and wants you to be happy? She will answer yes of course. "Then let me make my own decisions. I am not the 1st person to leave a marriage and I will not be the last. Two presidents and the future king of England are divorced. Was Reagan a bad man? Should Tina Turner have stayed with Ike? You did not raise a fool. Please don`t treat me like one"
What is your response when you ask a christian to physically show you god as to believe in him and ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
I have lived my life quite happily without god, as have many others. Now as I place my hands around your throat, live without air.
Friend to Zep and floyd.
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
A couple of other atheist songs by this guy "and to say that god is dead presupposes that he was at some time alive"
What are your top three war movies?
273kelvin comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Some great choices here but with an obvious modern american slant. May suggest some that you might not have seen. All quiet on the western front (1930 not 1979) Das Boot (on netflix and best submarine movie ever) The cruel sea Ice cold in Alex The battle of the river plate A bridge too far The longest day 633 squadron (great soundtrack) Dambusters (--------#----------) Stalingrad In which we serve The battle of Britain (-------#--------) For all muzoes out there, the tune is in 6/3 time
Does anyone print photos anymore?
273kelvin comments on Apr 24, 2018:
My brother is still into analogue photography. I am giving him a lift to pick up an enlarger on saturday
Do you have a secret life?
273kelvin comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Telling women not to do things because "it's not safe" is a big pet peeve of mine.
273kelvin comments on Apr 24, 2018:
My ex was fond of a frozen fish called tilapia. She would attack these things with a sharp knife even when she had had a drink or 3. The way she cut into them looked like an accident just waiting to happen, knife going towards hand. It took a while but I learnt to just leave her to it. If and when we had to go to A&E I would say " I told you so " but it never happened. I do not think of this as sexist as I have cautioned guys as well when they were doing dumb things.
What are your favorite courtroom movies of all time?
273kelvin comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Not all of it is courtroom but " The caine mutiny " springs to mind. Boggie losing it with the steal balls and strawberries.
You know it is a bad movie when.
273kelvin comments on Apr 24, 2018:
You know....when. The opening credits have a bunch of actors you never heard of and then you get " and introducing "
Substitute the word "Bacon" in the title of one of your favorite movies.
273kelvin comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Not as funny as knob karaoke. Substitute the word knob for love in almost any song. " To know, know, know him is to knob, knob, him and I do" "All you need is knob " You get the picture?
How often, or when do you feel like you need to exercise the old "suspension of disbelief"?
273kelvin comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Most american movies. If your not looking at superheros or undead. Then its the " good guys " getting shot at right, left but never center because the " Bad guys " always miss. Incidentally why are bad guys always played by brits nowadays? Then you have chase scenes. I just watched mission impossible. Cruse and the girl steal motorbikes and take off, (well the girl steals one 1st). The baddies chase her, then Cruse overtakes all of them, on the same make of bike ffs. When a car mounts the sidewalk, all the pedestrians get out of the way except the fruit stall. Oh and while we are at it. Why do all american women make love with their bra on? This stuff makes bollywood look real.
What are your favorite COMEDY movies of all time?
273kelvin comments on Apr 23, 2018:
The last one that made me laugh out loud was the Cohn brothers re-make of " The lady killers "
Atheist perspective: I do not claim my atheist views are based on evidence – Lauren Ell Talk
273kelvin comments on Apr 23, 2018:
There once was thought to be a substance called the ether or aether. This was considered necessary to transmit things like gravity and electromagnetic waves. As special relativity came along this mythic substance was found to be redundant. Evidence no longer supported its existence and it was dropped from the scientific mainstream. It is difficult to prove a negative but not impossible. All empirical proofs of gods existence fall down. All religious dogma is racial, geographic and faith based. Just as the ether no longer exists there is no proof or need for god. The universe can work without it. I use the ether as not just a non-substance but to say yes science sometimes gets it wrong. Even great guys like Newton. Wegener did suffer ridicule and prejudice but he was not burnt at the steak, no fatwas were issued. Eventually science wised up, ok it took while but it did and no holy wars were needed.
What are 10 albums that made an impact on you that you still listen to?
273kelvin comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Oh if you like " Hair " bleurowz then check this one out
What are 10 albums that made an impact on you that you still listen to?
273kelvin comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Stones - sticky fingers Velvet undergound - velvet underground L Cohen - songs of L. Cohen Robert Johnson - King of the delta blues Pete Atkin - A king at nightfall Roy Harper - Stormcock Don McLean - American pie Billie Holiday - lady in satin Ry Cooder- paradise and lunch Harry Chapin - Short Stories
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
273kelvin comments on Apr 23, 2018:
For many years I played competitive chess. I was never that good at sports but in my 30`s up to my 50`s I turned out for my chess team. In the end I gave it up because I was into the winning more than the game. Winning is a drug and is addictive. However it is a drug I recommend that everyone tries at least once.
Why do we fall in love?
273kelvin comments on Apr 23, 2018:
" My brother thinks he is a chicken " " Why don`t you take him to a doctor and have him cured? " " I would do but I need the eggs "
It seems to me that atheism has to be a belief.
273kelvin comments on Apr 22, 2018:
Non-belief is not a belief. A belief is something that is at best a guess. For example you can believe that O J killed his wife or you can believe that he didn`t. If you have no opinion whatsoever on the matter and express no belief, then that cannot be described as such. A belief in god is faith based. All empirical proofs fall down. Just as someone who will not walk under a ladder can be described as superstitious. Someone who does cannot be be said to have any belief in this. Would you describe someone who walks on the cracks in the pavement as having a " belief ? "
What does Kosher certified food mean to you?
273kelvin comments on Apr 22, 2018:
Sign on a butchers shop ." Halal is it meat your looking for? "
Can a guy have a female best friend and sex never enter the frame?
273kelvin comments on Apr 22, 2018:
I have a female friend for over 20 years now. We only snogged once and that was because she had just been dumped for her best friend. I thought she needed an uplift in her self esteem. So I did it as a friend.
Straight Women Get The Fewest Orgasms, Study Finds
273kelvin comments on Apr 22, 2018:
Not guilty, just ask the lesbian I met last year.
Bob Dylan. Discuss
273kelvin comments on Apr 22, 2018:
I have a problem with Dylan being called a poet. Not because he is not great but he is a songwriter not a poet. To call him the latter is to denigrate the wonderful art of songwriting by somehow elivating him to poetry. Just as elieteist snobs will say that film is higher than TV and theater is higher than film. Secondly, they are two very distinct genres. Although many artists write both, a song is more than a poem with music. Many poets have had unsuccsessful bashs at songwriting. Ogden Nash and Dorithy Parker spring to mind, can anyone remember any of their songs? I think Woody Allen said it all in Annie Hall where the hippie chic he is dating recites " just like a woman " as poetry.
What are some of the things you've mastered that were worth it, but that took real time and effort ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 22, 2018:
The guitar. I paid for my own lessons with a satuday job at 14. Although after nearly 4 decades I cannot say I am a master of the instument. It has fed me on occasion, provided me with good friends and the odd romance. Now I write my own songs.
[] Ry Cooder and Ali Farka Toure
273kelvin comments on Apr 22, 2018:
I watched this documentary about Robert Plant. He was flying over the sahara on the way to a festival. Suddenly as they get near, miles of sand gave way to a green oasis. He explained that was only there because Ali Farka Toure had built it from the money he got from that album.
Are we becoming the "get off my lawn" group?
273kelvin comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Not seen any anti-newbie posts myself but I welcome all comers
An odd time of year to post this but hay ho.
273kelvin comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Just watched it again and noticed a cameo by Elvis Costello as the crap magician
Should Religion Be Taught in Schools?
273kelvin comments on Apr 21, 2018:
It is compulsory in the UK. I used to think this was wrong but so much of our society and history is based on this that some rudimentary knowledge is essential
Interviewer: how long were you employed in your last job?
273kelvin comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Describe yourself in as few words as possible; Concise
What are your favorite Clint Eastwood movies?
273kelvin comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Bronco Billy and the Grand Torino favorites Where Eagles dare least
Capitalism or Separation of Church and State
273kelvin comments on Apr 20, 2018:
In the UK we have the church embeded in our state. Often it is bishops who rail against austerity policies. From what I see it is the nature of your democracy that is at the route of you problem. You allow unlimited campaign funding. So surprise surprise big money buys votes. Plus your mid term elections mean that no matter who is in the west wing they have to think about campaigning most of their 4 year term
Another Mars & Venus posting.
273kelvin comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Ah but how does that impact on the great toilet seat war?
Regarding my post about "normal" ([agnostic.
273kelvin comments on Apr 20, 2018:
There is a vein in you leg called the " normal. " It is so named because it is never where its supposed to be. If you look at a medical text book then your normal vein will be 1/2 " up/down left/right of the diagram.
If you’re from a Jewish background, tell how you Bat/Bar Mitzvah was.
273kelvin comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I`m not Jewish but my daughter is. She had her bat mitzvah 8 years ago. By that time she already had told me she didn't believe in god. I said that if she wanted to call it off I would back her 100%. However the party and all the presents outweighed any ethical considerations


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