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Am I the only who is proud of my early ancestors from millions of years ago?
273kelvin comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Ah but they gave us our suspicious and superstitious nature, You`re feeding on the savanna and you hear a noise in the rushes. It could be a lion or just the wind. Do you stay and feed or do you run? We are descended from those that ran!
Couterapologetics: what's your favorite angle of approach?
273kelvin comments on Jan 14, 2018:
It is also a good argument against Pascal`s wager. Briefly the bet goes like this, you bet your life on the existence or not of god a or b, yes or no,Y or N. If aY then you get eternal life. If aN you don`t get eternity. If bY then all you have lost a few pleasures. If bN then all you have gained is those aforementioned pleasures. Where this logic breaks down is the list of just 2 choices a or b. Whereas the choice of a (there is a god) is like saying "I shall buy a tin of food". What tin? Which food? What make? Choose the wrong one and it is as bad as not buying one at all. BTW if you go agnostic you lose 100% of the time.
What do you tell very young children when they ask if you believe in God?
273kelvin comments on Jan 14, 2018:
I heard the story of Issac in Sunday school and when I came home I asked my dad if he believed in god. I was so relieved when he said no. Later on he explained why but that`s another story. With my kids I was just honest. This is what I think but it does not have to be what you think.
Forgive and forget?
273kelvin comments on Jan 14, 2018:
I dont believe in turning the other cheek. as it gives rights to people who should not have them. That said, it depends on the hurt given to you. I tend to go with Kipling on this. "....being lied about dont deal in lies. Or Being hated don`t give way to hating. Nor look too good or talk too wise". PS. it was if not written by the Romans they were it`s demographic.
Here is the example that helped me to realize my beliefs on confederate monuments.
273kelvin comments on Jan 13, 2018:
Considering quite a few are saying that the US civil war was about secession and a battle of federal vs states. Might we see one over pot?
Serious Dilemma
273kelvin comments on Jan 13, 2018:
Whenever your in doubt, do the right thing and you know what that is. I agree with pretty much what everyone else said here (especially not being alone with him). Get upset, ask him how he could even think of dating you at a time like this. Tell him you will stay friendly for his sons sake but that`s it.
The old testament, are we guilty of throwing the baby out with the bathwater?
273kelvin comments on Jan 13, 2018:
I do not maintain it is accurate or rules to live by ffs would I be here if I was? What I am asking is it worth looking at for information of those times? I doubt if any historical records are particularly accurate or without bios even about more recent events such as the Alamo or Boston tea party. Imagine if the only record future historians had to go on was Fox news?
What are some of the best books?
273kelvin comments on Jan 13, 2018:
Douglas Addams "Dirk Gently holistic detective" Worth it for the electronic monk
273kelvin comments on Jan 13, 2018:
Onanism helps
A Mind-Bending Translation of the New Testament
273kelvin comments on Jan 13, 2018:
An old and a young native American were found trespassing near a NASA installation. When questioned the young man explains "This is my grandfather, he was showing me our old hunting grounds. I am sorry but I will have to speak for him as he does not speak English". They invite the two men into the installation and explain that they are sending out a space probe that will explore the solar system, then go on into deep space. "Would your grandfather like to record something for other beings that might be out there?" The old man nods and says something into the microphone. The young man laughs. "What did he say" they ask. "It does not translate". So they take the recording to a bar where they ask another native American what it says. He laughs too but says "It does not translate". Eventually they take it to a professor of native American studies at Princeton to translate and he tells them it says "Watch out they`re after your land".
Religion and school
273kelvin comments on Jan 13, 2018:
In the UK the only subject inscribed by law is RE. Although core subjects like the 3 R`s are part of the core curriculum. In the 60`s, we would have to attend morning assembly. A sermon and hymns were delivered and led by a member of staff. It was an inoculation against religion and a good argument against antidisestablishmentarianism.
Worst movie ever made?
273kelvin comments on Jan 13, 2018:
"The Fugitive" 1947 I choose this film not so much for its awfulness (although its pretty bad) but for it being made at all. Let me explain. In 1940 the English writer Graham Greene published a novel called "The Power and the Glory". It centers around Mexicos persecution of Catholicism in the 1930s. In it, the state makes it compulsory for all priests to marry or leave the country. It provides a good pension for those that stay, so there would no difficulty in them finding a wife. One priest decides to go underground. He is not a likable character, a whiskey priest with no faith left and a child to boot. He is pursued by a very likable policeman, who even gives the priest some money when he thinks he`a just a drunk. The book was banned by the church and Greene (a convert to Catholicism) hauled over the coals. Anyway back to the film in 1947 John Ford directs this blatant piece of propaganda (a word coined by Jesuits "for the propagation of the faith" ) With Henry Fonda as priest and a villainesque policeman. It is one of the worst things to come out of Hollywood.
Can anybody on here get my most obscure joke?
273kelvin comments on Jan 12, 2018:
273kelvin comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Give a man a fish and will fed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and will create a shiftless workshy lump, who will never do another honest days work in his lifetime
273kelvin comments on Jan 12, 2018:
"Do you remember the great potato famine in Ireland?" ffs it was 1835
273kelvin comments on Jan 12, 2018:
How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?.....none Sorry is that a bit to soon
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
273kelvin comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Much as I love a good fight, it would like throwing them to the lions
Guns: Love them or leave them?
273kelvin comments on Jan 12, 2018:
I do not live in the US so I`ve no dog in this fight but it does seem bizarre that can own a gun but not play online poker. Some of the most rabid pro gun people I have come across online (not here). Are the very same type of idiots that would not trust with a knife and fork without close supervision. They seem to lack any form of compassion for the victims and are only concerned about "their" rights. I suppose it is a case of my favorite political/governmental joke. A man stops his car in rural Ireland and asks an old guy "Can you tell me how to get to Cork?" "Well if I were you , I would not have started from here".
Sexiest British Accent - YouTube
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
I should really go to America
What song would you want played for your funeral?
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
As people go in "the ying tong song" by the goons" as the box goes in the flames "smoke gets in your eyes"
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Here is ten of mine 1, Tho shalt not make any decision whilst wanting to take a piss. 2, Tho shalt not play poker with any man who has a first name of a town. 3, Tho shalt not date any woman with a dagger tattoo. 4, Tho shalt not play pool for money with any man who owns his own table 5, Tho shalt always say yes to a party. 6, Tho shalt not denigrate any art unless one can do better. 7, Tho shalt strive to try everything at least once, with the exception of incest and line dancing. 8,Tho shalt not make any reference to a woman's weight. However obliquely, it is simply the elephant in the room. 9,Tho shalt not listen to Christian rock. For it is an abomination 10, Tho shalt not do any deed illegal or immoral for a sum less than £5
Happy birthday to the man who by the age of 30 had transformed the world.. Isaac Newton :-) ????????
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Very religious man, to the extent that we have an extra colour in the rainbow. If you look, i mean really look at the spectrum there are just 6 colours (use your dark side of the moon LP if you want). But 6 being the devils number, he split purple into indigo and violet
This could go for either gender. :) Just a great one liner, had to share
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
One that differs with gender. That was an awesome movie. I went though a whole box of tissues
Why does it seam cultural believers get a free pass?
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
You presuppose that they are not all cultural believers. Take a look at the map of religions. If you are born into a Presbyterian family then it`s 99% certain that if you are religious then that`s the one it will be. The same as Baptist, Catholic, Mormon or Muslim. Yes some do convert but how many ex Lutheran`s do you know that have become Coptic or Greek orthodox? It is just as cultural as which sports team you support. I heard Richard Dawkins explain this in a TV Christmas lecture (I sh*t you not it was brilliant) to a whole load of kids. Religion is a mind virus because of it`s geographical clusters. Unlike science which although there may be differences of opinion amongst scientists does not adhere to cultural or geographical bios.
Where is your stance on tattoos?
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
I have none. My dad put me off, He was a sailor and had an anchor with the name Joyce underneath. My mums name was Eileen.
The Introspective Illusion & how accurate are we in regards to ourselves?
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
“O, wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as others see us! It wad frae monie a blunder free us, An' foolish notion.” Robert Burns
What's the atheist equivalent of 'OMG'?
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
FMS F*** Me Sideways
A New York rabbi boards a plane bound for Jerusalem, where he's due to attend a large multifaith ...
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
A priest, a minister and a rabbi were disusing when life begins. The priest say "at conception" the minister "at or sometime before birth" and the rabbi says "Your both wrong. Life begins when the last kid goes off to collage and the dog dies".
Any one found love here?
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Early days and you live so far away. I`m not quite ready to go to hell yet Sadoi lol
Boyfriend is agnostic, I'm an atheist. How to cope with disagreements?
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
I think that a lot of you may have missed something fundamental here. Some people will argue about anything! I am reminded of a bit in a Woody Allen film where his parents are arguing "What do you mean, the Atlantic is a better ocean than the Pacific". You say you live in the bible belt, so I suppose all his family, friends and work colleagues are Christian and if I know those guys they are on his case all the time. You are the only person he can discuss his non-belief with. I will bet you better than even money that when he talks to them, he uses your arguments against them. You could try this if it gets too much. "There either is a god or there is not a god? If you pick one or the other you have a chance of being right or wrong. If you pick neither you have a 100% chance of being wrong. This is not Schrödinger's cat, now I am bored so lets have sex" (or any other activity you would rather the both of you were doing).
Do you feel it is necessary to be anti religious groups of people to be agnostic or atheist?
273kelvin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
I personally hold nothing against anyone who practices a faith. I work as a carpenter and visit homes of all different people. Christians , Muslims priests, vicars and I even put a swastika up the other day (it was Hindu). I do have a problem with faith schools that deny evolution, high street bible thumpers who call me (and everyone else) evil because we are not them and religious groups who try and influence laws to suit their own doctrinal agenda.
Facial hair: What do you think of it? Do you have it? Like it?
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
This is why I like Jeremy Corbyn, He had made grey beards heroic (well him and Gandalf).
Who Are Better Drivers Men or Women?
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Two guys arguing at a bar. "Why is it that a woman can thread a whole real of cotton through a needle but cannot back an average sized car onto a driveway"? Now the poor hardworking lady behind the bar has heard enough of this BS, so she tells them, "You see that drinks mat that barely covers the bottom of your glass? Well all our lives we are told that that`s 9 inches!"
Who Are Better Drivers Men or Women?
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
It hurts to say this but I have to go with the numbers. According to people who really know, ie the ones who make book on it, It`s women. There was an insurance company in the UK offering lower rates for women called Sheila`s wheels. Unfortunately it was told that this was discriminatory. As I told my daughter and her friends "the biggest killer of young women between 18 and 21 is their boyfriends driving",
America’s 100 Largest Churches Are All Anti-Gay and Mostly Led By White Men – Friendly Atheist
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
I always ask them "Does your god love all his children or just the straight ones"?
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
I smoke a pipe myself. Yes it is irrational and destructive but it is the social circle that is most compelling. I counted it up once that I have 3 times more gay friends than non-smokers. It is even worse now we (in the UK) have to smoke outside as that`s where I meet everyone. As for addiction tales. My favorite is from "South with Shackleton". If you don`t know the story Shackleton and his crew were trapped in the ice in the Antarctic in 1914. It took 3 months before Shackleton could effect a rescue. Here (as best as I can recall) is his account.."It was the smokers felt most sorry for. They had already broken up all their pipes but one to smoke in the remaining pipe and they were reduced to smoking seal skins. As I approached I threw a pouch onto the shore. They dived upon it as if they were street urchins, diving for pennies".
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Most of them say that errors from the old testament don`t count. So I ask them "did the last supper happen before or after the Passover"? Mathew says one thing Luke says another.
Here are 8 ways the religious right wins converts – to atheism
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Most of them say that errors from the old testament don`t count. So I ask them "did the last supper happen before or after the Passover"? Mathew says one thing Luke says another.
What if you are wrong and there IS a god
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Trumps first year
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
It is easy to turn around the economy when you max out your credit cards with tax breaks deregulation etc. All you are doing is passing the buck to the next administration. Sorry folks in the US of A but you have 13 trillion dollars of debt and rising. What happens when the rest of the world calls in your markers?
Anyone find themselves angry at both political parties?
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Whoever you vote for. The government always gets in.
Anyone find themselves angry at both political parties?
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
One of my favorite atheist authors Douglas Addams. Has the president of the galaxy as someone who does not want the job. Because anyone who does would not be suitable.
I just became aware of a brilliant experiment that some 4chan users did one time.
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
White is okay but ginger?? lol
Christian women throwing a fit after atheist post a bible scripture on the back of his vehicle.
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
I actually quoted this to a high street bible thumper. They really piss me off. She never came back to that spot
So many posts asking about Atheist music (I object to the term atheist but I digress).
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
May I also recommend Randy Newman's "Faust" at least the opening. Bear with James Taylor as god at the start because Randy as the devil is worth it "We`re a figment of their imagination".
How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
I too have a problem with term, for all the reasons mentioned. However it does seem to be the handle we are stuck all with. Just as many of you would hate to be called "Yanks" especially if you come from the south. It`s just easier to type.
Atheism and pot
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Jeff Sessions said that "Good people do not smoke marijuana" I suppose that makes George Washington and Thomas Jefferson bad people?
What are your favorite Atheist songs?
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Roy Harper is my favorite atheist songwriter. It is difficult to choose just one as there are so many. "the same old rock" has Jimmy Page on acoustic lead and musically recreates an orgasm. "the Game" contains the great line "and to say that god is dead presupposes that he was at some time alive". But I will go with this one "Where`s the love your all talking of. If we can`t stand man to man"
My dads entire life he was an Atheist.
273kelvin comments on Jan 10, 2018:
A Buddhist monk and novice were walking by a river when they came upon a young woman in distress. "Please help me" she asked. "My mother is sick and needs a doctor but I cannot get across this river to fetch him". The monk put the lady on his back and fords the river. He returns to the novice and they continue on their journey. After a few hours have passed, the novice talks to the monk and says "I am troubled". "What is troubling you?" the monk asks. "Well we are forbidden all contact with women and yet you carried that young lady across the river". "Yes I did" said the monk "but I put her down. You have been carrying her for the past 3 hours". Whatever differences you have with your stepmom, you both do have one thing in common. You both loved your dad and presumably he loved her, despite of their different beliefs. We only get one innings and when your out, your out. The anger that you feel is very justified but it only hurts you. If you could bring yourself to forgive her then it might go some way to show that Christians do not have a monopoly on forgiveness. It may also go some way to help you deal with your loss. I ask you to try, for you and your dads sake if not hers.
When Is It Time For Sex?
273kelvin comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I have had 4 long term relationships and in 3 of them we had sex on the 1st date. Not that I made it a prerequisite it just went that way.
Flat Earthers
273kelvin comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Winning a argument against a flatty, is like winning a boxing match with Stephen Hawking
Who wrote thIs book called bIble?
273kelvin comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Allegedly Moses wrote the first chunk of it. Even the bits after he died. I wish Gore Vidal had his literary agent, I would love to hear him on Trump. It is an odd piece of trivia that the old testament was written after the new. It was collated around 100 AD
The Missing Piece Meets the Big O: Shel Silverstein’s Sweet Allegory for the Simple Secret of Love...
273kelvin comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Never read him but I love his songs
Are you eclectic?
273kelvin comments on Jan 9, 2018:
If you like history the may I recommend "Wolf Hall". It`s the Anne Boleyn story from Thomas Cromwell`s perspective.
Are you eclectic?
273kelvin comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Funny you should ask that. I help run an open mic night called "eclectic acoustic"
Does rank have its privileges?
273kelvin comments on Jan 9, 2018:
If it is deserved though merit them privilege is one thing. Unfortunately in the UK it is not. A prime example of this was an interview with Jamie Lee Curtis. As you may or may not know she is married to Christopher Guest or Lord Haden-Guest (Spinal tap "this goes up to 11" fame) to give him full title. Now she finds it easier to book a restaurant table in England as Lady Haden-Guest than as Jamie lee Curtis.
Does rank have its privileges?
273kelvin comments on Jan 9, 2018:
The socialist anthem in the UK is called "the red flag". It is the same tune as "Oh Christmas tree". A comic parody uses the lines "The working class can kiss my ass. I`ve got the foreman`s job at last".lol
Joe Scarborough Reports trump has Early Dementia
273kelvin comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Apparently just after he was elected. There were dozens of mentally unstable people who were committed to institutions, claiming they had been sent back in time to kill him and save the world.
Moral question
273kelvin comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Lots of responses to this one so I try and discuss them here. Firstly my question was not whether the Sioux WOULD have used such a weapon but would they have been justified to do so? Although it is ironic that many of you invest more morals in a people that (at that point in time) the US did not even class as human. If as most say no, even when faced with the destruction of your nation and population then when would it be justified? If the answer is still never then why have them? Secondly I used the question of nukes to take the question of "collateral damage" to the extreme. If it wrong to drop a nuke then what about a cluster bomb or cruise missile? How many innocent civilians deaths constitute an immoral act? When you kill 70 people it is murder, when you kill 100,000 or more it becomes a statistic. Before we get on our moral high pedestals on this, lets remember that we live in a democracy. Even if we did not vote for the button pushers, we support the system that put them there and as such are morally culpable.
How much of a skeptic are you?
273kelvin comments on Jan 8, 2018:
knock knock "Yes". " Hello we are Jehovah`s burglars and we are persecuted by the government because of our beliefs". "What do you believe"? "We believe that you have valuables in this house"
For those from a religious background, what is one positive thing you have taken away from your ...
273kelvin comments on Jan 8, 2018:
In my youth I dabbled with the Jehovah's witnesses. This gave me lots of ammunition against all the other religions.
Would you raise your children religious just to fit in?
273kelvin comments on Jan 8, 2018:
The state school system in the UK is such that many couples have to feign religious belief in order to get their kids into a better church school. My ex`s grandchildren being an example. As I was one of the only few of the circle that had actually been baptized. It fell on me to be a godfather in this charade. The priest asked of me to renounce the devil and all his works and I acquiesced. After the ceremony I was jokingly asked if that included his music (I love playing the blues). I replied "If he comes to claim copyright".
Would you run for office as a non believer?
273kelvin comments on Jan 7, 2018:
In the UK it would be a knotty constitutional issue, as we do not separate church and state. The Queen is both head of state and head of the church of England. Before Tony Blair it was the prime ministers job to pick COE archbishops but he delegated the task (permanently) as he was a closet Catholic. We did have an agnostic run for office, Neil Kinnock (he did not win).
273kelvin comments on Jan 7, 2018:
A few years ago I watched the Faraday Christmas lecture. Where Richard Dawkins explained to all those middle class kids that religion was a "mind virus". Truly priceless.
Boycotting: Do you avoid spending money for some products/services?
273kelvin comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I live in a city where we all do.
Best Friend Defends Islam, Bashes Christianity.
273kelvin comments on Jan 7, 2018:
My daughter is Jewish. This is not a question of belief but of race. The mum is Jewish and that`s how it goes. She 21 and an atheist. Whilst she respects her culture and history, she rejects the religious part of it. This is mostly due to it`s subjugation of women. You could explain to her that whist you respect her roots and insights into Islam. It is historically at the same age as Christianity was in the 16th century. With all it`s inherent sectarianism and violence and that you totally reject any doctrine that automatically makes you (as a woman) a 2nd class citizen.
What are your thoughts.
273kelvin comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Joke; Patrick was dying, he had been a good Catholic for all his long life and as he lay on his death bed he asked to join the orange lodge. Quite taken aback by this request and also unsure how to proceed, his family called in the priest. Father John spoke to Patrick asking "now I know that you have been a good Catholic all your life. What is this nonsense about joining the orange lodge"? "You`re quite right father, I have been a good Catholic but now I am not long for this world and when I go I want there to be one less of the bastards"
I was at a bar tonight for a New Year's Eve celebration, though I rarely drink, and I started ...
273kelvin comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Done with great aplomb by this guy
Boycotting: Do you avoid spending money for some products/services?
273kelvin comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Nestle. I have not bought Nescafe for decades. I stopped buying it after the companies aggressive marketing of formula milk in Africa. Now it a has similar corporate mindset to water and what it pays for chocolate/coffee beans.
Just how far do you take you non-belief?
273kelvin comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Wow lots of comments here. Too many to reply to individually so I will do so here; From what I know of the artist, this was a genuine heartfelt response to an event which shocked him. Not a call to arms. However the line "and you can put a lead bullet clean through this guitar, coz I`m not overjoyed with the story so far" may be okay for the individual but what about others? When I looked this track up, this was the only post I could find. I suspect that Roy himself may have pulled the youtube posts in light of subsequent events (9/11, Iraq war etc.). Not wanting to condone violence or racism. I am also reminded of a west coast radio station that cancelled a Richard Dawkins interview last year because they discovered his rails against Islam. Although they were well aware of his published views on Christianity. This begs the question; When does cultural identity become racial prejudice? And when does fear of being perceived as racist lead to censorship (self or imposed) of ideas?
Homophobic atheists?
273kelvin comments on Jan 7, 2018:
It could be conditioning. I also had a friend with a similar outlook. So I asked him how much he resented people trying to tell him,how he should live his life 1 - 10. Not surprisingly he answered 11. "Well then what gives you the right then?" Also mathematically the more gay guys there are then the more women for straights. As for lesbians, well you can`t blame someone for fancying women, they`re lovely.
Never played out..
273kelvin comments on Jan 7, 2018:
If you put me against a wall and said "choose one", then it would probably be "Paradise and lunch" by a Californian guy called Ry Cooder. Then again I don`t play it much now because I have over listened to it. I am more likely to play "Ten new songs by L. Cohen. Maybe "Stormcock" by Roy Harper as it has a great atheist take on sex vs religion "Same old rock". Where he and Jimmy Page (under a pseudonym) recreate an orgasm musically.
Do have friends to keep you entertained, or do you entertain yourself?
273kelvin comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I am an introvert who exudes an extroverted persona. As a part time musician and song writer I do open mics regularly. Which leads to lots of friends coming round and socializing. After they have gone it`s just me and my cat. I have female friends coming out of my ears. Sometimes it would be nice to have one cuming out of my ears. You could try social events such as one in my city "Philosophy in pubs". Intellectual discussion groups. You would not necessarily have to say much (if you did not want to), as these things tend to attract talkers.
Sexual relationship or relationship with sex?
273kelvin comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Okay You say he has been a friend for quite a while. So you know you get on...yeah. Your looking for something more but he says sex is as far as he wants to go...yeah So a FWB or FB is a goer...yeah Where do you imagine the romance will come from? You did not fall in love from the get go? He did not make a move on you? Men want to be loved, if you end up having sex do think he can curb any emotional ties with you? Men arent that good at emotions. To be crude ,suck it and see. I have had 3 long term relationships and 2 of them started off as one night stands. Love requires a leap of faith. Men say we just want sex like women say they just want a GSOH. Its a lie used to cover up our real wants.
Are there any creative writers in the group?
273kelvin comments on Jan 5, 2018:
Its the joke called ;the elephant and the Polish problem. A classroom of different nationality kids are attending class. The new teacher asks them all to write a story about an elephant. Which they all do except for the Polish kid who writes a story called the elephant and the Polish problem. We all bring our own agendas to our writing. One of my favorite authors is Graham Greene. Hardly any of his works do not contain some reference to Catholicism but then he was a convert in his 20s. To be fair he also maintained that there was very little reference to it in most other literature of his day.
Ever have a blah day?
273kelvin comments on Jan 5, 2018:
Try singing it to the tune of "house of the rising sun". If you don`t know it then your about the only guitarist that doesn`t. It works.
The Zionist Story an independent film by Ronan Berelovich, an Israeli and ex reserve soldier.
273kelvin comments on Jan 5, 2018:
I will take the time to watch this very soon. In the meantime reflect on this. Simon Sharma once said "As a Jew you would have to be an idiot not to be Zionist". There are many great Jewish songwriters of of them is Yip Harburg, an immigrant from E, Europe. Wrote the lyrics to "buddy can you spare a dime" and "paper moon" among many others. Then he gets a gig for an MGM musical in 1942. As he picks up his Oscar for "Somewhere over the rainbow" What was happening in his former homeland?
Definition of an Insomniac, agnostic dyslexic Someone who lies awake at night wondering if there ...
273kelvin comments on Jan 5, 2018:
“The last refuge of the insomniac is a sense of superiority to the sleeping world.” L, Cohen A fellow urban lighthouse keeper.
How do you feel about people saying "I'm proud of my heritage", "I'm proud of being British", etc.
273kelvin comments on Jan 5, 2018:
I think you can be proud of your culture and its achievements, Whether that be Jewish, English or US or anything. Most of all you can by proud if your community does something good in the world. Even if you only played a small part. The last time I felt this was at a festival and I heard this song. Coming from and living in Liverpool, tears rolled down my eyes as I listened. It being only a few weeks after the Hillsborough verdict. For those unacquainted with the story, 96 Liverpool fans were crushed to death at a soccer match. Tabloid newspapers (most noticeably the Sun) tried to vilify the supporters themselves, blaming them for the tragedy and printed lies including robbing and urinating on the dead. This led to a campaign not only for justice but also against the Sun newspaper itself. To this day it is almost impossible to buy the most popular UK newspaper (Murdoch owned) in my city. A fact of which I feel rightly proud as it stands a shining example of how people can effect change if we stand together.
How do you feel about people saying "I'm proud of my heritage", "I'm proud of being British", etc.
273kelvin comments on Jan 5, 2018:
The best example that sprigs to mind is during Churchill`s second term. He was awakened early by his aid with "We have grave news prime minister". "Are we at war"? "No prime minister. A junior minister was arrested last night after being found with a young guardsman on Clapham common". "It was very cold last night". "Yes prime minister, the coldest night of the year so far" "Makes yer proud to be British".
If you came out of religion to agnosticism or atheism, is there religious music you still find ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Good question. I am a fan of Leonard Cohen and his lyrics are rife with religious symbolism. Also I love gospel music. I think that you can still enjoy an art form without buying into the whole package. Whether that be the Sistine Chapel or Wagner.
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
273kelvin comments on Oct 28, 2017:
For the most part I shoe them away. What gets me is the high street bible thumpers. Shouting at everyone that they are wrong and bad people. Now even though I am an atheist, I do know quite a lot about the bible and religion (a bit like lord of the rings). So I pull them up on doctrine. One woman was going at like nobodies business and I quoted "let your women be silent in the temple". Not I think that of women but she should if she really believes ALL the stuff in that book. FYI the one to kill any fundamentalist christian argument is "was the last supper before or after the Passover"? Luke and Mathew say the opposite of each other.
273kelvin comments on Oct 28, 2017:
It was a relief when I came home from Sunday school after hearing the story of Isaac. I asked my dad if he believed in god an he said no. Ever since I`ve been on highway 61


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