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Anyone else hate being the only one who doesn’t bow their heads and/or close their eyes when some ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Anyone who catches you must not have been closing their eyes either!!
Mad In America
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Oh I just thought you were stating your current condition, in which case you would be in good company!
Atheist Bingo
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Thinking back on my recent ex and his behavior(he did everything on the meme).
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I lived with this for, well most of my life. My father is a borderline NPD - not the worst of all of these but treats others as either an extension of himself, or as beneath him. He truly believes that the only right way to do anything is the way he would do it, even if he has never actually done that thing. He is very controlling and often lacking in empathy. When challenged he explodes and will punish family members with silence until they apologize. I set out to find a man who was nothing like my father. So I picked a man who was immature, irresponsible and did not value intelligence or education. And it didn’t seem unusual or unacceptable to me when he was dismissive of my needs and feelings, responded to perceived slights with fury, and punished me for not doing what he wanted. He ultimately did all of the things listed here - lied chronically, bullied and guilt-tripped to control me, used me, stole from me and willingly traded my needs and well-being for his whims. I could describe many, many interactions like the ones you describe. The worst thing I could do was ask for what I needed, ever, no matter how small or easy it would be to give me. To do so was “mean, selfish, controlling, terrible,” an attack on him, and meant that I didn’t love him enough. the best thing he ever did for me was leave.
What is an ideal body weight for a woman 5'3"?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Whatever weight at which she feels happy and healthy.
I'll have to do this. Yes I am that
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Just make sure you’re clear of the building before they find the “body!”
I guess we're all going to hell. ;)
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
That’s ok. All the interesting people will be there.
Tell us how your toddlers would pronouce certain words,
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
My son had trouble with the word “fire truck.” We were in public and he kept exclaiming “fuck! Fuck!” My friend called the pacifier “sucky.” Which also sounded pretty funny with a her tot hollering it!
Are people who are separated welcome here? Or do I have to wait for a divorce to be finalized?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Nobody’s checking your creds. As long as you don’t misrepresent yourself, no one will mind.
Many people live, or have lived, in small towns and that really limits the dating pool.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Not me, but my mom grew up in a town so small, that when I visited as a kid, strangers would stop me when I was by myself and ask me whether I was Carol’s daughter or Judy’s (my mom or her sister).
Asking for courage... tomorrow I have two appointments that may be life-changing. Or maybe not.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Good luck!
I had yet another discouraging evening last night.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Ugh I’m sorry. What a jerk. Socialization on both sides - for you, feeling like you have to “be nice,” cater to his ego, apologizing for having your own needs or feelings, and feeling obligated to a man because he still expects it after putting you off, all things women deal with in various ways. Recognizing those internal messages will help you to put them in their place.
Religious Freedom
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 20, 2018:
Which neighbor is Indiana opposed to loving? I’m from Michigan, and here it’s Ohio!
Been a rough day. My mom passed away this morning after battling health issues for many years.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Oh I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I think we never really get over the loss of our parents. But it will get easier as you learn how to live in the world without her. Please take care of yourself and your family.
Never take your abuser to therapy with you.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I was lucky. My ex wanted us to try therapy because he thought he could convince the therapist of the same crap he gaslighted me into believing. We had been in therapy for a couple of months when he didn’t show up for a session. The therapist told me that day that she could not see us as a couple anymore because it was “not a healthy situation” for me. She asked me to continue working with her. The same week, my teenage son asked me why I was still trying to make things work with his dad. “It’s not good for you, Mom.” He said. That was the push I needed to file for divorce.
Whom do you trust the most in the world?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 23, 2018:
CONFESSION: Yes, it's my fault for trying to date in a stupidly religious state but after the ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Well, that probably won’t accomplish anything ?. I sometimes get a match labeled “95%” - and the other 5% is Catholic. NOPE. I get the idea of respecting someone else’s opinions, but when their basic beliefs about the world are in total conflict with mine, that’s not something I want to avoid talking about with a partner.
Lets talk about kissing... (K) (K) (K)
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 26, 2018:
I haven’t had a really good kiss in a really long time.
How many people are still experiencing blistering heat?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Washington DC was miserably hot and humid last week, but Michigan is finally comfortably cool!
How do you feel about offering to pay on the second or third date as a woman?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 30, 2018:
I prefer first dates to be coffee, and I pay for myself. After that, it’s always tricky to figure out.
I just want to reach what is like the holy grail to me....indiffernce
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 31, 2018:
The true opposite of love is not hate but indifference. Also something I am still working on.
Self-care is very important to recovery.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 2, 2018:
I would argue those are far more important than bubble baths!
Have you been touched?
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Racist commercial! Popeyes chicken commercial is racial.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 5, 2018:
Dude no. What you have described is not remotely racist. People being dorks is part of the human experience. No one is targeting white people to make them look bad in advertising or reinforcing harmful stereotypes against white people. And the media is not “pushing” interracial relationships. You thinking 90% of anything shows interracial relationships only says that you are hyper-aware of those examples.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 5, 2018:
Spider fish? Slap monster?
How many days do you wait for a message before accepting the fact that "their just not that into ...
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 6, 2018:
If you mean on-line, once I send a message, I don’t worry about it - I do not get that invested in the interest of someone I haven’t even met. After meeting, if you don’t hear from someone for 3-4 days you probably won’t.
If members within this group find a conflict between them, how can we as a community help put it to ...
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Most people bully and badger until someone blocks them or quietly disappears. Not *recommending* that just saying.
I've been curious about the men in my area on this site who are interested in meeting women, and so ...
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I am listed as “open to meeting men” but have definitely not used the site in a way that helps with that. I am enjoying the community and definitely reveal personal stuff I would not tell anyone on a dating site.
I entered counseling.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Hopefully you have a skilled therapist who you can feel comfortable with, and this will start the process of working through shit. Good for you for taking care of yourself.
Baby Trump.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 9, 2018:
I was just thinking that the White House seems to have become a day care center for one giant, unpredictable and incorrigible toddler.
This twit was, I am sorry to say, from my town.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Few people have the gall to actually demand white privileged out loud
"Morons, unite! Almost Half Of Republicans Want To Give Trump The Power To Shut Down The Media ...
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Wow that is deeply terrifying
Christians relentlessly overstepping
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 11, 2018:
Yep. It’s definitely not my biggest concern about religious fanatics, but it is the slow chipping away of the wall between church and state.
Nice sentiments!
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Does anyone have a strong opinion on Alex Jones recently being de-platformed on Youtube, Spotify and...
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Free speech means free from censorship or punishment by the government, so not technically that. But I’m not sure I want Mark Zuckerberg’s employees deciding who gets a platform and who doesn’t. I have seen posts from admins of atheist FB groups indicating that their groups were suspended due to content that violates community standards. But they don’t tell you what content they have deemed inappropriate. And you only get one chance to remove the offending content, or the group would be shut-down.
My adorable gentlemen, When a lady doesn't answer your private message it doesn't necessarily ...
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Gee I always thought the second, angry message was to confirm your excellent judgment ?
is everyone in this group because of a toxic relationship with a mate?
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 17, 2018:
There are definitely people who talk about childhood abuse. And many of us ended up in toxic relationships because of toxic parents, so, no. You are welcome here.
Ok so life has flipped in the last week.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Congrats on the new job and I’m glad you’ve found an ally. I can’t even imagine living in a place where prayer was imposed like that.
What's with guys lying about their age to get older women to look at them?
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Yeah gross, and I’ve seen it the other way too (I know my profile says 35 but I’m really 50 but “young at heart.”) and I’m sure women often shave a few years off too.
So, i just spent about 45 minutes with a guy that was trying to tell me about his.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Holy batshit crazy! Like, I co-opted the Christian deity and made up a whole new batch of super nutty shit about him batshit crazy! I would avoid him like any other religious nut/conspiracy theorist/wackado.
How do you or did you handle it when you’re texting someone and they abruptly disappear out of the...
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Nothing. That’s how texting goes.
Don't you hate those "feel free to send me a message" messages?
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Especially when it’s the only content of a profile!
Where there is no talk going on about the most concerning aspects of a relationship.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 20, 2018:
I mean, if there ARE concerning things about the relationship and no one is talking about them, there isn’t much of a relationship. Certainly not a healthy one.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Huh is that all?
Long story, here.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Oh crap. That is a terrible situation to be in. And it’s definitely bullying - “hand over your legal rights or you’re out on the street.” I wonder if such a decision made out of coersion would even be legal. I’m not sure if you are looking for advice but I’m going to offer some in case you are. First, unfortunately, I suggest you make every effort to find other living arrangements. Second, I would suggest that you approach this alone with whichever of your children is more compassionate and sympathetic to you. And approach it by asking questions - especially, what decisions and why do they think you are not capable of making for yourself? Maybe also, why did they feel it was appropriate to involve your brother in discussions about you when they know that his judgment is based mostly on your lack of religion? I’m really sorry you are going through this.
I would like some feedback.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Just today I heard the comment that as men get more successful, their dating pool expands, but as women get more successful, their pool shrinks. I figure any man who is intimidated or put-off by my intelligence and education is not the guy for me.
Yay!!! Level Seven!! I really want a tee shirt. Level 8 seems soooo far though.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 22, 2018:
It is - I have been level 7 FOREVER!
This could a good perplexing question for a religious type.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Don’t go confusing my dogma with logic! ?
So question of course.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 24, 2018:
I’m a non-drinker. I would be fine with someone who drinks socially. I would not be comfortable with a partner who regularly drinks to intoxication. But that’s me. I think as adults, you are willing to compromise some things for the right relationship and not others, and those things are different for everyone.
My abusive ex's friend is apparently a regular in my local watering hole.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 24, 2018:
He’s not just friends of an abuser. A man who would call you a name without even knowing you is also abusive. Birds of a feather... I guess.
Elizabeth Warren is introducing a bill to mandate worker representation on boards of directors, etc.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 25, 2018:
Interesting! I work in connection with a Native health center and an associated system of care - both include customer/client/patient participation in boards and decision making as key goals.
Hello y’all.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Well, for one thing this site hasn’t really reached the “critical mass” of users that it takes to work as a dating site. Non-religious belief is high on my list but definitely not the ONLY thing on my list. I have probably looked at a couple hundred people nearby me on other sites, and there are just not that many people within a reasonable distance on this site yet. And I live in a very educated & liberal mid-sized city, with a major city close enough. So presumable other area had much fewer users. So, don’t worry if this site isn’t working as a dating site for you yet.
Regarding age, how much younger or older are you willing to go in order to date someone?
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 28, 2018:
I tend to look up to 10 years older than myself. But if someone was a really good fit but a bit older than that, I would give it a chance.
Wow, we have a 41% compatibility. So, you’re saying there’s a chance? LMAO.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 28, 2018:
Don’t put to much stock in the percentages on this site - they don’t ask enough questions to be valid measures of anything!
Indulging the inner snark safely
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Haha this reminds me of when I was so aggravated trying to get into an account that I change a pe to include the letters PITA!
“I’m not looking for a serious relationship.
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 1, 2018:
I appreciate when people are upfront about what they are looking for. This isn’t quite as direct as “I just want to bang you” but it makes the point.
[] Interesting reading. Take it as a grain of salt.
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I agree with this core message of this even though I don’t buy the “soulmates” or “meant to be” thing. I stayed in a bad relationship for a long time with someone who treated me very badly, and convinced me that I did not deserve better. Nothing makes single look better than being in a painful, draining relationship.
Has anyone here had to deal with a Covert Narcissist?
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 3, 2018:
My ex was not an obvious narc - could be described as covert, toxic or sociopathic. It didn’t come across in his appearance, but in how he expected to be treated - like only his needs and feelings should matter to him or anyone else. Like others exist merely to meet his needs. He literally could not understand why I expected him to care about my needs or feelings - while expecting me to attend to his every whim at the expense of everything and everyone else. Totally different standards for how I should treat him and how he treated me. No matter what I did or gave or sacrificed it could never be enough.
Come on guys, you know we have all been there .. I have hours of my life that I will never get back
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Hey I got ALL the boxes! ?
Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future!..
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Predicting the past is a bit easier ?
Do you decorate your home for Xmas or any other winter holiday?
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Not extensively and not at all last year, but I usually put up a Christmas tree.
For all of my fellow language nerds out there ☺
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Should we be concerned that it only gets LESS intelligible as it gets more educated?
Often I "hover" by accident..."visit" is always intentional...
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 9, 2018:
And visit does not necessarily indicate screening for potential partners
Often I "hover" by accident..."visit" is always intentional...
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 9, 2018:
And visit does not necessarily indicate screening for potential partners
Isn't the weather crazy?
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 10, 2018:
I saw this week’s weather in Michigan referred to as “Fool’s Fall.”
Has anyone ever caused you hurt by taking away your pet?
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Yeah once COULD be a mistake. 3 times is a pattern. I’m sorry. Good call not letting her babysit!
I think using my depression against me was the best weapon used against me.
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Whatever your weakness is, they find and exploit it.
Does anyone know anything about Scientology.
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 13, 2018:
It is a business masquerading as a religion. They sell people “happiness” and self-actualization in the form of books and classes that they must continue to buy - they bully people into taking out loans to do so, for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. and when it doesn’t fix you, it’s because you didn’t try hard enough.
I can usually maintain a positive attitude by reflecting on worse places I've been or jobs I've ...
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 13, 2018:
I worked in a dry cleaner. It was gross - handling people’s dirty clothes all day. It was 100 degrees in the summer. And a segment of the customers treated you like a piece of shit because you’re just the peon who cleans their clothes. Also - “dry clean” - is neither dry NOR clean!
Can you love someone that does not love themselves?
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I loved someone who was not capable of loving anyone, including himself. He was a terrible partner and, though I was in denial, a pretty terrible person. So yes, you can love them, but it will probably be terrible for you.
Things Men Do To Upset Women? What Do You Think?
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Yes, those things in specific contexts, not because women are irrational/unreasonable: Lying - ever Telling the truth - just to be hurtful Not talking - when you have something to say Talking too much - when you have nothing to say Not showing emotion - when you’re trying to be tough Being too emotional - when you fail to control your anger
When you are out and about and come across someone you find attractive.
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 17, 2018:
1) Imagine that they are the ideal partner 2) watch them weirdly until they make eye contact 3) say something weird and awkward or drop something/trip and fall 4) run away
If you're a reader or someone who thinks too much, is that a requirement for dates?
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 18, 2018:
Everyone has different areas of knowledge and most of us have some “blind spots.” Someone who describes them self as “not a reader” is off-putting to me, but it is probably fine if they consume knowledge in other ways.
Rolling Stones, best "rock n roll" band ever?
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 19, 2018:
Led Zeppelin all the way!!! ?
A tip for conversation on a date.
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Also - ask her a question now and then
So...are you really impressed by what car a person society seems to believe...ladies?
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Ok maybe “impressed” a little bit if it’s a REALLY nice car - I like to admire pretty things too. But it is definitely not a factor in dating.
Made the kids dinner My son is picky so I cooked a salmon filet for him.
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 22, 2018:
I always had a choice for dinner growing up. The choice was “eat what I made or make yourself something else.” ?
If you see the % of a match with a member what do you think?
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 24, 2018:
Not much on this site. I have no idea how that get that number. They haven’t asked enough questions to determine anything.
Do you think a boy really knows how to act with a girl and how does he learn that?
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 28, 2018:
I think a boy learns how to treat a girl. There are a lot of behaviors that have been accepted, encouraged by society that objectify and diminish women and that does not make them ok. We are working toward a culture shift. But no matter what the culture, no one thinks it’s ok to pin down a crying girl and muffle her screams while you... well, anything.
I've asked this question in a different forum, and the answers were interesting.
A2Jennifer comments on Sep 28, 2018:
I didn’t really date before I was married for a long time, so I was a dating newbie after my divorce. Luckily my best friend taught me some basic safety rules. First meeting always in a public place - do not give him your address nor get into his car on first meet. Before date, give best friend time, location and info on date (name, phone number, etc) Friend checks in at a pre-determined time to make sure you are ok. As for guys - there is really nothing to be “worried” about if you treat women like human beings. Then, Make sure she’s into you before touching her. Make sure she is enthusiastically consenting to sex rather than “giving in” to persistence.
new mental heath support group with a 24 hr chatroom.
A2Jennifer comments on Oct 2, 2018:
That’s awesome!
did you loose faith, or gain a sense of reality?
A2Jennifer comments on Oct 23, 2017:
I remember going to church with my grandparents when I was a kid and thinking “this is all very weird!” I never really had faith and felt more comfortable with logic and reason.
Is life meaningful without religion?
A2Jennifer comments on Oct 26, 2017:
Of course! Instead of meaning manufactured to please some imaginary being and gain entrance into an imaginary afterlife, we can find meaning in real things. I find meaning in Relationships, in activities that bring me joy, in doing work to make the world a better place.
Pastor Greg Laurie: “There’s No Such Thing” as an Atheist Relief Organization We've ...
A2Jennifer comments on Nov 3, 2017:
We are a tough bunch to organize, a bit like wrangling cats, but apparently it can be done!
Boyfriend is agnostic, I'm an atheist. How to cope with disagreements?
A2Jennifer comments on Nov 10, 2017:
It sounds to me like he is currently a theist with doubts, rather than an agnostic. I think the key in this situation is to ask questions and listen to the answers, in particular, “why do you believe that?” Why do you think the Bible is a good guide for living life? Are those things exclusively tied to religion? the goal between you should be to understand each other, not necessarily to persuade, but maybe through your conversations he will become more comfortable with letting go of faith in things that aren’t logical.
Why the hatred?
A2Jennifer comments on Nov 27, 2017:
Faith leaders like to pronounce that atheists hate Christians and want to destroy their “Christian ways” but it’s not really like that. In my experience, most atheists/agnostics don’t hate religion or religious people. Those people who express animosity toward religion are often those who were personally harmed by religion - abused or ostracized or forced to think and act in ways that felt wrong to them. No one opposes the charitable acts of religious groups. Many oppose and are frustrated or angered by the hatred and judgment that people justify with religion, acts of violence done in the name of religion. Personally I am frustrated and a bit afraid of the willful ignorance that often goes hand-in-hand with religion - such as science deniers and the dismissal of facts and evidence that conflict with their faith..
10 fallacies about atheists - have I missed any?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 15, 2017:
“Atheists hate god.” Or that atheists worship/love Satan. We don’t hate god, we don’t believe one exists. It’s like saying that you hate leprechauns or the Easter bunny. No, I don’t hate god. Or leprechauns. Or the Easter Bunny. Or Satan. Because they are all imaginary.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 17, 2017:
The bottom line is pro-choice. I would hope to prevent most abortions through affordable, accessible birth control. But $h!t happens and no woman should be forced to carry a child she doesn’t want or can’t care for, and no child should grow up unwanted because legislators think they have the right to dictate family and medical decisions for women.
I recently posted about losing one of my cat family,and,got very little response.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 23, 2017:
Sorry, man, I didn’t see it either. probably timing of the post - don’t take it personally. My dad’s piece of wisdom is that, the worst thing about cats is they don’t live as long as people. It really sucks to lose a pet. I’m very sorry for your loss.
As an atheist, I think Homosexuality should not come into mainstream. What's your take ?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 23, 2017:
Whether or not homosexuality is considered “mainstream” (e.g. Acceptable to the majority of a society) is cultural. Many societies in history have recognized/ accepted same sex activity as being on the spectrum of normal. Behaviors/personality traits are the result of a combination of nature and nurture. Most behaviors and characteristics do fall on a spectrum, with people being more or less of different qualities. That includes sexuality.
This site is very exciting.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 31, 2017:
The problem is that “non-religious” does not have a unified set of beliefs. Many of those are people who believe in a god but don’t ascribe to any particular set of religious beliefs. And by nature of being people who question and challenge what we are told to believe, this group is not going to simply accept a unified set of beliefs. The one thing I would expect is common to most (probably not all) people who identify as non-religious is the desire to not have religion used as the basis of law or otherwise imposed on us.
Half a wing? []
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Bummer I was hoping for a good trex joke
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 11, 2018:
I just finished a book “The righteous mind” that discussed the origins of morality and used this example: an adult brother and sister decide to have sex, use double protection and never tell anyone. Is this immoral? Lots of people said yes, but couldn’t explain why. It doesn’t hurt anyone, they are adults, there is practically no chance of reproducing. It’s just yucky. There’s an evolutionary basis for our finding it yucky, that no longer applies, but we still have the same emotional reaction to it. We would prefer to have a rational explanation for why it’s wrong, but many people will go with their gut feeling even if they know it doesn’t make rational sense.
I sometimes asked to speak at various organizations.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Pretty good!
Is the bible the basis of morality?
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 15, 2018:
My statement has always been, “I don’t need god to tell me to be a good person.”
“I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 15, 2018:
I completely agree!
Discussion about the latest site footer It reads "Agnostic.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I would not expect an agnostic site to present a “balanced” view of belief/non-belief. I would expect it to be a supportive community for non-believers. Really, you don’t need to look hard to get a religious perspective, this is the other side of the coin. I assume “” was selected because you need something brief and memorable to name website, but it would be nice if the tag line could be inclusive of all non-believers.
When should anatomy/health/sex education be introduced into a child’s life?
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 20, 2018:
With your own kids, Age appropriate information at all ages! If they are old enough to ask they are old enough to know. Conversations about privacy and private parts, that boys and girls have different parts, may start when they are leaving the diaper stage. Talks about respecting your own body and how you don’t touch people who don’t want to be touched. There are “where do babies come from” talks and talks about feelings. Conversations about physical and emotional consequences of sexual activity. As kids get older the conversations are more specific. And at every stage you remind them to “make good choices!”
What commercials have permanently burned themselves into your mind?
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 23, 2018:
The Burger King scares the living crap out of me! Literally haunts my dreams! Oha s remember the Pepto Bismol song? “Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea.”
Are you Bilingual/Trilingual/Etc.?
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 23, 2018:
I only speak English. Not sure if I just didn’t get the language gene, or if I never had a chance because I got the first semester of French in a 1-week review. I have been thinking about learning ASL (sign language) but I broke my wrist so I am in a hand cast for 3 months!


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting men
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