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Kids will be kids.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Omg that actually made me laugh OUT LOUD!
The Consumer Electronics Show just banned a sex toy invented by and for women but awarded one made ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 12, 2019:
F- these guys
Chocolate chip mint ice cream.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 12, 2019:
So question for the ladies. Would you ever date/marry down?
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 11, 2019:
I did. But the class thing wasn’t the issue. The selfish, irresponsible, manipulative bully thing was the issue.
I have a question for the women in the group.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 11, 2019:
I’m attracted exclusively to men who are bad for me.
Duck pics. []
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 11, 2019:
That’s awesome!
Just to fuck with myself when my memory starts to fade...
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 10, 2019:
I suspect you’ll be lots of fun when your mind starts to go ?
What is love?
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Great now THAT song is stuck in my head ?
Back home. Now the fun begins.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Oh crap! I was in that situation last year. Good luck in your recovery.
Moved into my apartment and now can see the floor, lol.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 10, 2019:
I’m sorry for his callousness towards you. I’m glad you are out of that situation.
"Blinded by the White", ahahaha! []
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Hmmm from the headline I was expecting a picture of the Republican senate, or republican interns.
Men/Women, Is sex a requirement for an enjoyable romantic relationship?
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Depends on the person. Asexual people can still be in loving, romantic relationships. Some people don’t feel sex is an important part of a relationship. To each their own.
Who spreads fake news? []
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Interesting. In my experience, those are also the people yelling “fake news!” The loudest about anything that doesn’t fit into their belief system.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 9, 2019:
“We still plan to make millions of dollars selling something toxic and addictive, it just won’t burn anymore.”
Computers in the Middle Ages.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Evangelical group wants gays removed from anti-lynching bill
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that you are either against lynching people or you aren’t. Reserving the right to lynch *certain* people means you aren’t.
Pet Peeve! When you leave me a message, whether on my answering machine or thru voicemail, could ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 9, 2019:
My pet peeve was always people who talk SOOO SLOWLY until they get to their phone number and then they spit it out in a mumbled, unintelligible rush.
Most Amazing Revenge Story Ever Told - Steve Hofstetter - YouTube
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 9, 2019:
That was damn funny ?
American Psychological Association links 'masculinity ideology' to homophobia, misogyny
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Feminists call this “toxic masculinity.”
Psst... mr unpresident... you gonna need Bigger Legos.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
You know, sending him down to the border to stack bricks sounds like an excellent use of his “stable genius.”
Fact checking Trump's address
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Oh geez for a second I thought, “wait he doesn’t even live where he says he does?” I need to go to bed ?
Ricky Gervais.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Nope. No fighting over whose imaginary friend is the best.
Do you think that one "chooses" to become an atheist or is it more like they always were but only ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Even though there is no god, Christians are still a thing. And realizing you are not an alien doesn’t preclude the existence of aliens. But I don’t think anyone *decides* to not believe in god when they do.
Heard today from someone out of the blue who ghosted me back in September.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Funny so far everyone thinks that’s a “good” sign. I think it’s a d!ck move. If you can’t be courteous enough to say anything to someone you’ve been dating, it’s not nice to re-appear months later like nothing happened.
I read this article today on dating someone you are not yet attracted to.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I should probably heed that advice if I’m going to date. Since I seem to be exclusively attracted to men who are bad for me!
Reading other posts and other people's reactions.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
The online dating "Scattershot Effect" Years ago i had this friend .
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
That’s why I don’t respond to any man who messages only a greeting. I figure if all he bothers to type is “Hi” or even “Hello, Beautiful” he is most likely sending that to every woman he would be willing to have sex with.
FEAR & UNbalanced: Confessions of a 14-Year Fox News Hitman
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Ugh gross and not all that surprising. The more Fox News my dad watches, the more he rehashes it with his extremely conservative, Catholic friend, the more extreme he gets.
What are your thoughts on a situation where you are in a relationship and your significant other is ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Apparently it works for some. This happened to a friend at Christmas: Dad is religious, Mom is agnostic. Mom agreed to go to church with Dad, as a Christmas gift. Condition was that Dad not tell the kids Mom went to church because they would mock her. Of course, Dad blabbed and Mom was FURIOUS. Awkward times were had by all ?
Please watch cnbc tuesday they are rebroadcasting obamas 2004 speech.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I can’t even listen to the guy - he makes me so angry, the lying, name calling, racism, gaslighting, it’s bad enough to read it.
How as athiest do you determine right from wrong ?
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 7, 2019:
If it doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s not “wrong.” Sometimes it’s inappropriate and we abstain from things because they merely make others uncomfortable (like walking around naked in public). Lawful and moral are only loosely connected. Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s moral, and vice versa. A great book examines this question, “The Righteous Mind” explores how morality evolved. One example was, adult brother and sister secretly have sex, use 2 forms of birth control (to prevent pregnancy leading to genetic anomaly) and never tell anyone. Is it wrong? It’s yucky, but they have eliminated any potential for harm to others. Lots of people say that it’s wrong even if they can’t articulate why, except “it’s gross.” Disgust is a powerful force in what we believe is “wrong.” Also sense of fairness, care for others, loyalty, and a couple of others. All of these have an evolutionary basis.
I was supposed to have a lunch date tomorrow.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I am a survivor.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Thanks for sharing. You’ve been through a lot. Welcome to the group.
Looking for support. Everyone I know is a believer.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 6, 2019:
You’ve come to the right place!
From FB Lmao.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 6, 2019:
45 says he can "relate" to those federal employees who will not be getting a paycheck.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I can smell it from here
Hi there, everyone.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 6, 2019:
“Think my picker is broken” I feel that! ?
What to expect on arrival..
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Kinda don’t blame them.
I'm one year cigarette free! I tried a few times to smoke one and it was so disgusting.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Good for you! I quit in 2005. ONE time, a few years ago, I tried to smoke one more. It was terrible and my mouth tasted like a dirty sock for the rest of the day. Never going back!
How long have you or do you wait to change relationship status on fb?
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 5, 2019:
At least, definitely not until you have had the conversation between the two of you and agreed that you are in a committed relationship. I would not be in any hurry to publicly pronounce a change.
After 10 years of marriage is not easy, to start over or put yourself out there again, but is worth ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 4, 2019:
It’s hard. But single and happy is way better than married and miserable!
I mean... really?
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 4, 2019:
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 3, 2019:
That can only make things worse
Tucker Carlson Claims High-Earning Women Turn Men Into Drug Addicts And Criminals | Crooks and Liars
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Whatever fucked up thing men do, it’s always womens’ fault ?
McDonald's employee fights back after Florida man attacks her over plastic straw
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Yeah that was shocking the way he went over the counter at her. But she came back HARD and he got charged with assault, so hopefully justice will be served.
Just after I moved into my present location (2013) I started dating a gentleman.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 3, 2019:
And that kid in high school lost both parents in less than a year ?
Jimmy Carter...
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Well said!
Daryl Dragon, of Captain & Tennille, dead at 76 - CNN
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Ok, if your real name is “Dragon” WHY would you use a stage name?!?!
Weather in different parts of the country.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Yep that’s about right!
Here's looking at you!
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 2, 2019:
One of those days!
Hey all.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Morals and ethics
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 1, 2019:
That is SO complicated. I would say, use your judgment about who NEEDS so know, and discreetly let them know if you can.
I just turned on the "open to dating " section of my profile.
A2Jennifer comments on Jan 1, 2019:
The percentages here are USELESS. They don’t collect enough information to determine compatibility.
Sometimes a poster will respond to one of my comments with “so you believe the opposite?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 30, 2018:
The classic straw man, “so you think that... [insert ridiculous alternative here]” e.g. “A border wall will harm the environment, cost a fortune, and do little to reduce illegal immigration.” : “so you think we should have open borders?” Um, no.
I have an idea.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Smart to recognize what your areas of expertise are (and aren’t!) ?
Declining birth rates. Is this not something we should be aiming for?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 30, 2018:
The planet can only support so many people. “God” is NOT going to “work everything out” for people who ignore that reality.
If you had to choose between keeping 30 grand or bailing a loved one out of prison with the money, ...
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 30, 2018:
The red one ?
I would like to put something into perspective since I think our minds in general have a hard time ...
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 30, 2018:
I recently saw the converse of this somewhere - what it would take to EARN a billion dollars. Even if you could earn $1000 an hour, 10 hours a day, 6 day’s a week, it would take hundreds of years.
I think Americans are far more likely to die from lack of adequate Healthcare than from a terrorist ...
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Religion based misogyny
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Isn’t pretty much all religion dependent on misogyny? That is certainly ONE thing to criticize about religion.
I'm changing my thinking about dating and relationships.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 30, 2018:
I’m there too.
I'm dismantling my Xmas paraphernalia today.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 30, 2018:
That’s a good plan! I have not done a tree at my house for the last couple of years. I helped my parents decorate theirs and that was enough for me.
I love Harrys friends..
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 29, 2018:
I’m working my way all the HP movies this week, so I JUST saw this... Well, a slight variation of this!
Hi all! Just checking in for a bit.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Hey Happy Birthday. Don’t wait to start saving - through the magic of compound interest, those first dollars saved grow the most - every little bit helps!
Good morning Girls and Boys.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 29, 2018:
That is a VERY SAD story. But hey, if you have to replace your coffee making, I highly encourage switching to a french press!
I don't know if it is every state, but come Jan.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 29, 2018:
This is actually really important. People have no idea how much things cost. People who will bear part of the cost of their care literally CAN’T get a cost estimate. And the cost for the same services can be different depending on who will pay it (Medicare, private insurance, individual). Hopefully this will move toward more transparency.
I want my house back!!!
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 28, 2018:
It’s their house now. You are permitted to reside there as long as you provide food.
How important to you is it that your partner has the same religious beliefs as you?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Actually I would say VERY important that they have the same OR SIMILAR beliefs.
Oh, yes he did.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 28, 2018:
This is awesome!
Look what was in the drive-in lane at my bank in Shawnee, Ok.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Is anyone else most surprised that these are on a pickup truck?
I have a brand new granddaughter and want to make sure her parents get the totality of the parenting...
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Not as soon as they can learn the drums!
Epiphany Cat -wise
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Seems like at least one would bring a barf
Categories for relationship goals on OKC, does anyone else read them as follows: "Hookup" = Fuck, ...
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Yeah when I see “open to non-monogamy” I always wonder if they mean they are open to ME being non-monogamous or they are seeking people who are ok with THEIR non-monogamy ?
Does anyone out there parent Bengals too? So wonderful, so beautiful.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 26, 2018:
They are SO CUTE!
A veteran friend of mine sent me this along with the message of “ It doesn’t matter who’s in ...
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 26, 2018:
What a beautiful and poignant photo
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 26, 2018:
This is appalling, sad, infuriating. Who DOES this stuff?
Can anyone help me with this new members posting problem?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 26, 2018:
@admin can you help this new poster?
Interesting observation: today TV ads seemed to have flipped from gift deals and ways to bring ...
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 25, 2018:
No surprise. And by March you can score a great deal on a used-once treadmill on Craig’s list!
Color changing octopus!
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 24, 2018:
That is SO COOL!!!
This is delicious!
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 24, 2018:
Nailed it!
Trump Biographer: President’s Entire Campaign Was Likely a ‘Criminal Conspiracy’
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 23, 2018:
This is my surprised face ?
When theists try to tell you why you should believe in god.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 23, 2018:
A sister from the LDS approached me at a gas station tonight. I said, “ I am not someone you want to waste your time talking to.”
LIGHT starter ideas for Christmas Day?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 22, 2018:
Smoked salmon with cream cheese on... well pretty much anything - mini bagels, rye squares, cardboard...
Is touch important?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 22, 2018:
Yeah I miss touch. The ONLY thing I miss about being married.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Like drug testing for welfare recipients, sure to be another “cost-saving measure” that costs more to administer than it saves and serves primarily to stigmatize the poor,
Merry X-Mas!
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 21, 2018:
At least it wasn’t under the tree!
If It Took You Time to Rebuild Your Life Would You Be Careful Who You Let In It?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 21, 2018:
I don’t think I’ve put anything up about me.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Toxic people seek out kind, empathic, trusting people. And you shouldn’t give up this qualities to keep them away.
Apparently, Words With Friends is another place to meet people.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 21, 2018:
I am 30, and am just now considering using my GI Bill to attend university.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 20, 2018:
Nursing will continue to be in high demand. Also anything in STEM. Thank you for your service!
WHY do SO MANY MEN visit other mens profiles? SMH
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 20, 2018:
Giant bierocks! 🍴
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 20, 2018:
Looks like a cousin of the pasty!
Season's Greetings from kitty city.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 20, 2018:
Mine used to steal my fur-lined gloves and climb the tree to nestle them lovingly in the branches!
My youngest daughter thinks Santa Claus is a short, middle aged, Italian/Puerto Rican lady.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 20, 2018:
People usually imagine fictional characters as being similar to themselves. Is SHE a short, middle-aged Italian/Puerto lady, by any chance?
What is love?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 20, 2018:
Baby don’t hurt me. Don’t hurt me, no more.
Tesla's new Solar Roof is actually cheaper than a normal roof | Inhabitat - Green Design, ...
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 19, 2018:
That’s awesome!
I knew people got testy during the last-minute shopping, but l never imagined they'd need to buy ...
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 19, 2018:
That’s pretty steep!
Do you ask or let them tell?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Good advice so far! Don’t assume, don’t push, don’t ask. He’ll let you know when he’s ready. Or he’ll just bring someone home to introduce to you.
Neither the Democrats or Republicans are nearly as far left as Fox News portrays them.
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Hardly a surprise that everything looks far to the left from the perspective of Fox News.
Does rereading a book count?
A2Jennifer comments on Dec 19, 2018:
I would say, it depends on your goal. Was it to read 100 books *this year?* or is this your lifetime tally? I think, you can’t count the same book twice under, say, this year’s goal. But having read a book long ago shouldn’t count against you.


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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