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Lazy day ?☕???
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Oh man I need one of those. Was supposed to be today but I ended up doing some work, cleaning the kitchen, mopping the floors and having dinner with friends. Oops ?
A light chuckle I saw today probably old and lame. I lost my phone number. Can I have yours. ?
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 4, 2018:
No worse than most pick up lines
To the ladies. How do i tell if a woman is actually interested in me vs. just being nice?
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 4, 2018:
If a woman is nice to you in the context of *her job is to be nice to you*, assume nothing! Make sure any invitation you make leaves her an easy out. E.g. let her know you are interested in getting to know her, and ask her to let you know if she would too.
Ugh emergancy vets are so expensive.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Geez I’m sorry - I know how it is. We love them so much and trying to digure out how much to spend on them is heartbreaking.
Inspiration needed
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 3, 2018:
You might need to be more specific!!
I am not perfect but I'm always myself
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 3, 2018:
That’s my philosophy now. I spent my marriage trying to be what he wanted me to be, and constantly being told that I deserved abuse and mistreatment because I was “not perfect either.” Now I know I will only be myself, and anyone who doesn’t think I’m awesome is not someone I need in my life.
More Trump administration discriminatory tactics, with Jeff Sessions leading the charge.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Ugh that is awful.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Is that good news or a wake-up call?
Self-care is very important to recovery.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 2, 2018:
I would argue those are far more important than bubble baths!
This, folks, is potentially huge... Bioengineered lung transplants! []
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Thanks science!
Impossible relationship
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Personally, my world-view is grounded in facts, evidence, and critical thinking. I couldn’t be with someone who didn’t share that with me. I also think it’s different for agnostics, who don’t feel committed one way or the other, than it is atheists, who believe actively that there is not a god, to be compatible with a religious person.
"Religious Freedom" has become code for religious privilege.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 1, 2018:
100% agree. If you call it a “religious conviction” you can be a bigot, discriminate against customers, impose your religious beliefs on others. I have noticed that oppressors are quick to co-opt the language of the oppressed and claim victim status. Like people who claim that championing gay rights is “hate speech” toward religion.
Show of hands. Who would rather go to the mountains than the beach? Anyone else?
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 1, 2018:
For my whole life, I would’ve said beach. But this spring I visited Alaska and it was AMAZING. I have a new appreciation for mountains!
Why doesn't the heat and humidity bother my dog? He's wearing a frickin fur coat!!!
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Haha I wonder that about my cat too!
I have a question :) just wondering about the percentages and algorithms.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 1, 2018:
They don’t seem to have a very good rating system
So I agreed to visit my ex’s family tomorrow.
A2Jennifer comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Update: I visited the family. Everyone was warm and welcoming (ok a couple people were never that way ?). But my sister-in-law, who invited me, was great, and I had fun with my nephews. My father-in-law and I caught up and it turns out that, yeah, they liked me more than my ex ?. Interesting to hear his family members comment that he only visited “when he wanted something” - which is exactly how he has been with everyone I know - He only sustains relationships that benefit him. And that they also saw him as a full-grown angry teenager. I did find out that while we were still married, he drove over an hour to “drop in” on family WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND, who he has NEVER admitted to me he was involved with. The whole time we were separated he was living with her but tellling me he wanted to get back together. It is still kind of infuriating that he was OPENLY carrying on another relationship, living with her, posting about it on Facebook, introducing her to family, etc while he was telling me he wanted to fix things with me and gaslighting me about it. So, I am glad I got to see my nephews and my only sister-in-law. And part of me appreciated hearing that others saw some of the signs that I did. But it definitely poked at some not-fully-healed wounds.
Tell us about an experience you have had climbing a tree.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 31, 2018:
Are you kidding? I fall down on flat ground! ?
I just want to reach what is like the holy grail to me....indiffernce
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 31, 2018:
The true opposite of love is not hate but indifference. Also something I am still working on.
How do you feel about offering to pay on the second or third date as a woman?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 30, 2018:
I prefer first dates to be coffee, and I pay for myself. After that, it’s always tricky to figure out.
Have you ever talked to or discussed with a professional about the negative impact tRump is having ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 30, 2018:
I haven’t but my best friend definitely has. Also, I work in suicide prevention, and after the election we noticed a spike in depression and suicide risk. People are stressed, people are scared, America has become a more threatening place and it definitely impacts people.
So, after chatting with someone I met here, we finally got the opportunity to meet in person.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 30, 2018:
Off to a great start! Lucky you!
Guys Are Never Single? What Do You Think?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 30, 2018:
Yeah been there
I Want Someone Who Knows What Songs Not to Talk Over
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 30, 2018:
In my car, we do not turn down Led Zeppelin.
First Date Question: "How aware are you of your traumas and suppressed emotions and how are you ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Yeah you might want to hold that one for the third date or so.
Catholic Church: Women are to Blame for Pedophile Priests
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 29, 2018:
The Catholic Church blames women for everything, going all the way back in their history to Eve.
People don't need RELIGION, religion needs people.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Is our nation under god or is this country supposed to be secular............incongruency?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 29, 2018:
It is SUPPOSED to be secular, according to the founding principles and the constitution. But the religious majority are working hard to keep it under Christian control.
Do "strong and independent women, not need a man"?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 29, 2018:
There is a difference between wanting and needing. Women have long been told that we NEED a man to take care of us, to be complete, to be real women. Personally I was in a bad marriage for a long time. My ex worked hard to keep me convinced that I needed him while actually doing nothing at all for me. My life got much easier and happier when he left, so I know that I don’t need a man. That said, I don’t see anything wrong with WANTING a partner or person to share your life with.
How many people are still experiencing blistering heat?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Washington DC was miserably hot and humid last week, but Michigan is finally comfortably cool!
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Yes people do use those as excuses. But partly because they are real things that sometimes happen. I say you leave it up to him to pursue or not - don’t write him off yet if he makes an effort to keep seeing you. But also keep your expectations in check and maybe do a little research to see if there are indications he’s actually in a relationship. And ONLY IF he makes the effort to keep seeing you, else don’t waste your time.
I was chatting with a gentleman last night.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 28, 2018:
I would pretty much always have the tv on while chatting with someone on-line. But I wouldn’t go out of my way to say that I was prioritizing my attention to it.
Do you have a rule when meeting someone online on how long you will talk/text before you meet.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 28, 2018:
I don’t want to chat on-line for too long because it’s too easy to cover the “get-to-know-you” topics that you can learn a lot from on a first date. But I do try to exchange at least a dozen messages because I find a lot of guys will somehow eliminate themselves in the first 6 messages or so.
This co-worker of mine who drives a forklift has a habit of driving his forks straight into ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Have you tried, “Gee Jim, how about you stop fucking things up so I don’t have to spend my life cleaning up your messes?”
I recommend listening to Terry Gross's interview with Steven King in which Mr King refers to Church ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Hmm I should check that out!
Way better...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Do you have a minute to talk about Dracula?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 27, 2018:
I saw that today - that’s awesome. I’ll remember that next time someone tries to share the good news” with me!
Conservatives are hypocrites. Discuss.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 27, 2018:
We can start with the “pro-life” movement that is actually o my pro-BIRTH, seeing as they don’t support birth control, not health insurance, welfare, education, or anything else that children need for life.
Why does CNN insist on putting Jason Miller on their panels?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Balance? If everyone just spouts the same party line it’s just... well, it’s Fox News.
What car would you own if . . . .?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Ooh that is pretty!
Just heard a good line. I don't pray, I wish
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 27, 2018:
And they are equally effective!
Anyone have any real luck with finding someone on this site?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Facebook just reminded me that today would have been my 21st anniversary.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 26, 2018:
Don’t you love Facebook reminding you about dead pets and no-longer anniversaries? Good for you for being over it!
This made me laugh a little harder than I’d like to admit.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 26, 2018:
Ba-dum tss
Georgia officers terminated after caught on camera using coin-toss app to determine arrest
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 26, 2018:
I’m surprised anyone would monitor the footage without a complaint being made.
Lets talk about kissing... (K) (K) (K)
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 26, 2018:
I haven’t had a really good kiss in a really long time.
Is gaslighting abuse?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Gaslighting is abuse on its own or may be used to conceal other abuse. It is a tool used to control and to undermine. My ex lied to me CONSTANTLY even while I was literally holding the proof in my hands, “this statement shows you spent $400 on the credit card last month.” “I did not. You’re a f-ing liar.” literally every single time he said he would pay a bill, he insisted that he totally paid it even though the dentist/city/mechanic says it has not been paid and they “didn’t give him a receipt.” He once went 2 months telling me that he “hadn’t gotten paid yet” at his new job, and then that they paid him for this week but not any of the non-existent back pay. this is just the tip of the iceberg. Eventually I didn’t know what was true about ANYTHING. And that was the point - that I doubt my own perception so that HE could shape the “facts” to suit his needs. That said, it’s not clear from your description whether you are actually describing gaslighting or just two vastly different sets of perceptions. Is it possible that HER memory was bad? Was she intentionally misrepresenting? Did she use your “failing memory” to blame you for things, avoid responsibility for her actions or accuse you of things you didn’t do? Was it a reason why you “needed” her or did she enjoy messing with your head? That is, if it served some purpose or she had something to gain from it, it was probably gaslighting.
I think I'm failing at parenting. My kid just turned off Tom Petty to put on Billy Idol. ?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 24, 2018:
No if your kid turns off Led Zeppelin for Justin Bieber THEN you have failed at parenting!
CONFESSION: Yes, it's my fault for trying to date in a stupidly religious state but after the ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Well, that probably won’t accomplish anything ?. I sometimes get a match labeled “95%” - and the other 5% is Catholic. NOPE. I get the idea of respecting someone else’s opinions, but when their basic beliefs about the world are in total conflict with mine, that’s not something I want to avoid talking about with a partner.
Almost like it was just made up. Hmm... atheist gods secular
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Made up... by people who happened to live in that region
I am so lonely.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Did you feel not lonely when you were with your abuser? I was terribly lonely in my marriage, unable to be myself, or to have friends. I have been single for 3 years and I have never felt lonely in that time. I don’t think the solution to loneliness is in someone who mistreated you - I think it’s in being comfortable with your own company.
Finish this sentence: Everyone who knows me, knows I love _______.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 23, 2018:
Cats. Coffee. My kid.
Whom do you trust the most in the world?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 23, 2018:
A racist scrotum dipped in cheeto dust! -Patton Oswalt
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 23, 2018:
No doubt who that refers to!
Money is power? True or false?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 23, 2018:
Money certainly is influence
So i'm a member of another dating website, and with the religion question, you can choose whether ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Maybe for agnostics or people who are wishy-washy about their religious beliefs. that is, if it’s not something you feel strongly about maybe agreeing on it is not important.
Biggest disappointment about this site.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Huh that’s unfortunate. I would guess that they are the minority here. But, I also am afflicted with being physically attracted to terrible people, so I get it!
Never take your abuser to therapy with you.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I was lucky. My ex wanted us to try therapy because he thought he could convince the therapist of the same crap he gaslighted me into believing. We had been in therapy for a couple of months when he didn’t show up for a session. The therapist told me that day that she could not see us as a couple anymore because it was “not a healthy situation” for me. She asked me to continue working with her. The same week, my teenage son asked me why I was still trying to make things work with his dad. “It’s not good for you, Mom.” He said. That was the push I needed to file for divorce.
On a recent trip to my local library I found out that there is such thing as " Christian fiction ".
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 21, 2018:
I’d say it’s ALL fiction!
Because I am a glutton for punishment, I signed back up on POF today.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 21, 2018:
POF was terrible, in my experience.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 21, 2018:
What a jerk!
Been a rough day. My mom passed away this morning after battling health issues for many years.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Oh I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I think we never really get over the loss of our parents. But it will get easier as you learn how to live in the world without her. Please take care of yourself and your family.
This likely would have avoided the shit storm we're in.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 20, 2018:
I like it!
This afternoon I’ll say goodbye to my beloved collie-husky, Fred.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 20, 2018:
The worst thing about pets is that they don’t live as long as people. In order to have the joy of knowing them, we mostly have to eventually lose them. I’m sorry for your loss, but glad that your family got to share life with Fred, and that he was so loved.
Religious Freedom
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 20, 2018:
Which neighbor is Indiana opposed to loving? I’m from Michigan, and here it’s Ohio!
I’m always annoyed by the amount of time and money that was spent on the Transgender bathroom ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 20, 2018:
Yeah that seems like a huge waste of time and energy to me, based on fear-mongering and bigotry. And what, exactly, should be checked? What’s in their pants? On their drivers license? Should everyone submit a DNA test for correct bathroom usage? ?
So recently I put effort into looking at profiles and discovered that there was someone close by ish...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Yes, this happens all the time. Not responding to an opening message is not “ghosting.” If you have had no previous interaction than a non-response simply indicates non-interest. There is no need to actually say it. But don’t take it personally. If they aren’t interested than they aren’t the right person.
I had yet another discouraging evening last night.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Ugh I’m sorry. What a jerk. Socialization on both sides - for you, feeling like you have to “be nice,” cater to his ego, apologizing for having your own needs or feelings, and feeling obligated to a man because he still expects it after putting you off, all things women deal with in various ways. Recognizing those internal messages will help you to put them in their place.
The most crazymaking of them all: the silent treatment.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Yep. He could always ignore me long enough for me to give up even the most basic expectations.
I am a straight, agnostic atheist who vigorously supports freedom of speech.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Not sure what’s confusing about this.
Theist means believer in God and Atheist means not a believer in God.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Nice try!
When someone texts me this <3 I think they mean it to be a heart, but I always think it looks ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Well I will NOW ?
So today's odd thought.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 16, 2018:
It’s a multi-purpose word - that’s the beauty of it!
My daughter is 16 years old you're living in my house attending High School making good grades she ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Only you and your family can decide what is right for you and your family. But teenagers typically act based on feelings and impulse and it’s your job to help her make good decisions. I was a mom at 18 - but nobody really talked openly with me about good decision making and safe sex. My one suggestion is that you condition it on a sit down conversation with both teens, either together or separately, where you discuss all of the potential consequences, physical and emotional, how they plan to reduce those risks, and how they will handle it if those safeguards fail.
That offends me.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Yeah it’s so weird. I googled a phrase on my phone then later the same thing on my desktop computer, and got different information! WTF?
Sitting on my back deck watching a MAJOR storm coming. Anyone else get pumped for storms???
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Finally just hit. Hopefully it brings a bit of cool air!
Asking for courage... tomorrow I have two appointments that may be life-changing. Or maybe not.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Good luck!
Recovery begins with knowledge.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Completely agree. It has taken a lot of research for me to understand what really happened to me and how messed up it was. After all, the nature of those kinds of abuse is to convince you that it is normal, that you are at fault, that you are always wrong, that you deserve it, that you cannot trust your own judgment or perception. The hard part is UNlearning those things.
Hello All, It is taking incredible courage to actually write and post for the first time three years...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Wow I actually could’ve written this. I am 3+ years out from an almost 20 year relationship/marriage, which was defined by emotional and verbal abuse that escalated in the last 4-5 years. The nature of emotional abuse is to be insidious, to control without the victim realizing that’s what is happening, and it is only in hindsight, after escaping his control, that I can see it, and him, for what it really was. My ex quickly moved on to a new family, and I am still struggling with the trauma of abuse, doubting my own judgment and worthiness, unsure if I could or even want to find a relationship. Also like you, I have decided to get a graduate degree, something I never could’ve done while in my marriage, but I am just starting that process. Your strength in completing that huge goal while making your way through the divorce process is amazing, and so inspiring to me. I’m sure that finding yourself in transition again is scary, but you have shown a great will to survive and thrive and you will be ok, better than you have ever been. You will be better than you ever thought you could be.
Communicating in a relationship: Do you lean towards being open and willing to work things through ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Sweeping things under the rug means ignoring problems, ignoring someone’s needs, leaving hurts forever unresolved and needs forever unmet. Even things that would be easily fixed. It seems like a way to guarantee unhappiness.
When will the men in politics realize they do not have the right to dictate rights and then to take ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 14, 2018:
When women have the power to stop them
My abuse was physical and emotional from the time I was a baby until I left home at age 15.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Good for you!
Many people live, or have lived, in small towns and that really limits the dating pool.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Not me, but my mom grew up in a town so small, that when I visited as a kid, strangers would stop me when I was by myself and ask me whether I was Carol’s daughter or Judy’s (my mom or her sister).
Maybe a li'l too real?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Yep I’ve lived with that
Are people who are separated welcome here? Or do I have to wait for a divorce to be finalized?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Nobody’s checking your creds. As long as you don’t misrepresent yourself, no one will mind.
My dojo has been asked to do a two hour personal defense class for between 40 - 50 girl scouts ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 13, 2018:
But it’s really important. If it’s better, request that they divide into two smaller classes.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 13, 2018:
“Catching” a yawn is also an indicator of empathy demonstrated by other species!
What is Trump doing?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 13, 2018:
He is brazenly serving his own self-interest without concern for anyone else, and without considering the long- term consequences.
Is this just me but when I go to a cafe or bar with a woman, I like to sit where I can see the door.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 13, 2018:
The gun fighter’s seat!
I've been divorced for 5 years.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I find I have a high bar now that I am happy on my own.
Does anyone believe the `Noah's Ark` story to be a real event in earth's history?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
There was probably a flood in the region of the people who wrote the Bible. Clearly wasn’t a worldwide flood since none of the other societies from that time have any record of it.
I do not use these, how many of you do?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
I do. I hate how anyone else bags my groceries and I feel like a jerk shooing away the bagger, so I do it myself. Probably people once said the same thing about ATMs.
Do you worry that all members of the opposite sex are going to be your ex?
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Well my ex was an irresponsible, abusive asshat so I am careful to avoid anyone else like that.
Sexy Time.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Make sure to include the word heathen and maybe a good baby recipe!
Tell us how your toddlers would pronouce certain words,
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
My son had trouble with the word “fire truck.” We were in public and he kept exclaiming “fuck! Fuck!” My friend called the pacifier “sucky.” Which also sounded pretty funny with a her tot hollering it!
I just found I'm pregnant.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Wow it sounds like you are feeling ambivalent, unsure of what you should do and how you will handle this. You are young and have been through a lot, but your experiences give you strength. If you through with the pregnancy, you will need a solid support system and to know what resources are available. Hopefully your therapist can help you work through things. Good luck and take care!
I guess we're all going to hell. ;)
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
That’s ok. All the interesting people will be there.
I don’t think I can take another season of The Handmaids Tale,” or as I call it, 2020 America.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Yeah I was working on season 2 but when the spot opened on the Supreme Court it all got a little too real.
I'll have to do this. Yes I am that
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Just make sure you’re clear of the building before they find the “body!”
As if she needs to ask.
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 11, 2018:
No kidding
"I cannot believe in God when there is no scientific evidence for the existence of a supreme being ...
A2Jennifer comments on Jul 11, 2018:


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting men
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  • Joined Sep 28th, 2017
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