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I cut the lawn this morning.
Amisja comments on Apr 27, 2019:
Its freezing cold here in North of England, we were in sweltering sunshine Easter weekend.
According to Amazon, I'm worth $500M.
Amisja comments on Apr 29, 2019:
Do you want to get married? ;)
4-28-19, male curve-billed thrasher singing in tree cholla cactus, desert strip near Albuquerque, ...
Amisja comments on Apr 29, 2019:
Beautiful chap
What does everyone think about the movie Breakthrough?
Amisja comments on May 1, 2019:
Frozen bodies often come round. Its amazing.
Who walks? you know because the doctor said so.
Amisja comments on May 4, 2019:
I walk around campus most days. I tend to never drive in my little town, no point. We walk to the pub too ;)
I need to hear some good news. Tell me something positive in your life right now.
Amisja comments on May 4, 2019:
I just said hello to you 😃
So what is up with THESE STUPID pictures everyone has these days with the dumb noses and cat ears.
Amisja comments on May 6, 2019:
A bit of fun.
Today I turn the cornor and finally get past the three-quarter century mark.
Amisja comments on May 11, 2019:
Many happy returns around the small blue dot xxx
My ex is ugly, and so are her children... except mine
Amisja comments on May 11, 2019:
I used to tell my ex his kids were annoying and smelly but mine are practically perfect in every way ;)
In the past six years I have lost a daughter, my son, my wife and most recently my right leg.
Amisja comments on May 13, 2019:
Oh my dear, so much loss. You are amongst friends here. Much love
A new political party emerges in Britain. []
Amisja comments on May 15, 2019:
Melanie Philips is a right wing hack.
Im starting to feel like I have to hide who I am again.
Amisja comments on May 16, 2019:
Laura, you are safe here. We support you and the vast majority of us agree with you. Much love
What can we do to help women of childbearing age in the 21 states who have already passed or ...
Amisja comments on May 16, 2019:
Come and stay with me in UK
Do you speak to cleaning staff where you work?
Amisja comments on May 22, 2019:
After I wrote this, I thought maybe even the post sounds snobby (snooty/stuck up). I'm really not. I am just really grateful that they help us and make our lives easier. In addition, its only because of a series of lucky breaks that I am not cleaning offices too.
Can't happen soon enough! []
Amisja comments on May 23, 2019:
Why are you even commenting? You are Canadian. I for one enjoy being a member of the EU. It means that I have open access to the largest market on earth, have lots of travel and work opportunities. I believe we are ALWAYS better together. EU was practically at war for 500 years, since WW2 these military conflicts have ceased...why...because we talk!
I wonder how many members here know that one can purchase an Agnostic.
Amisja comments on May 24, 2019:
I only want a pen
Immigrants always send money home.
Amisja comments on May 26, 2019:
Jacar everyone of the responses here have already debunked your fallaecious islamaphobic nonsense. If I were to spout an unpopular opinion and everyone disagreed, I think I would start to wonder why I think in a certain way and try to challenge my own perceptions and prejudices. You don't. You just continue to hold these views directed largely at one religious group. The facts are not with you. Yes there are a number of radical extremists in Islam as there are in lots of other religions. In fact, having researched it the only 'group' who do no have radical extremists are atheists...mainly because they are not a group, have no charismatic leader and do not protylise. However most Muslims are kind and caring people, as are most Christians and most Jews. Most Buddhists aren't torturing Muslims, Most Hindus aren't rioting with axes. Your enemy is radicalised disenphranchised youth with poverty and empty bellies. Cure that and we'll see an end to extremism. The best way to that is to give them more money.
Does this group do anything consrtuctive that benefits society?
Amisja comments on May 27, 2019:
I exist ;)
Remember Tienanmen, The government’s count of those killed was 241 (including soldiers), with ...
Amisja comments on May 27, 2019:
China is a communist state. Not socialist
Amisja comments on May 28, 2019:
Very generic Bio. Throw in of meaningless adjectives and the syntax is wrong. He is a scammer. In addition, his glasses look like an instagram filter!
A single variable study "proves," warmer workplaces improve women's productivity.
Amisja comments on May 28, 2019:
Jacar you were arguing against wearing hijabs before. What is to be? Modesty or women being free to wear what they like?
Happiness has proved elusive.
Amisja comments on May 30, 2019:
You talk about the American way of life but I would suggest that the way of life expected in most western countries views personal acquisition of wealth and status as the focus for happiness. In other societies and other times, we viewed contentment as our contribution to society and care for each other. I would suggest that makes far far more sense.
We have forgotten the good old, patient friendly methods.
Amisja comments on May 30, 2019:
Question about a broken nose
Amisja comments on May 31, 2019:
You really should get this attended to. Not going to nag but it sounds like you might have a septal haemotoma. What on earth did you do? Please go to your GP
Amisja comments on May 31, 2019: gone scammer!
So there's been yet another mass murder shooting, this time in Virginia Beach.
Amisja comments on Jun 1, 2019:
BBC News - America's gun culture in 10 charts This puts things into perspective
I have noticed quite a few men here have been flirting carelessly with me, I'm not here for a ...
Amisja comments on Jun 1, 2019:
Carla keep your pic where it is.
I have noticed quite a few men here have been flirting carelessly with me, I'm not here for a ...
Amisja comments on Jun 1, 2019:
No all of you stop. She is here for community am I. No one needs to change their appearance because you guys can not control your reaction to a 'pretty face. I imagine Carla has much more to say as a human being. Stop making her discomfort at being flirted with...her fault. Stop
Health is affected by extreme stress.
Amisja comments on Jun 1, 2019:
Should atheists have to do jury duty?
Amisja comments on Jun 3, 2019:
In UK there is no swearing on the bible/qoran etc you just swear to tell the truth.
My t-shirt finally arrived today. Next I got to try it on after my fundamentalist spouse cools off.
Amisja comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Well done...I agree though, we need a pic
Anyone been watching the new Prime series, Good Omens?
Amisja comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Oh its sooooo good. I watched them all and I can hear Terry Prachett throughout it. I watched the last night but they did allude to another series!
Make a difference in someone's life. Smile at as many people as you can today. It actually works!
Amisja comments on Jun 6, 2019:
I think they'd think I was constipated!
Amisja comments on Jun 9, 2019:
No...well I met Ian Brady (notorious child murderer in UK from the 1960s)
I have tried a couple of other date sites and so many profiles start out with must love Jesus, or ...
Amisja comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Welcome, very lovely pup there. Who is she/he?
I know its maybe a bit petty but is there any chance we could just have a heart emoji as well as the...
Amisja comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Sent you a letchy love emoji
Amisja comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Widower...usual stuff. Lots of random adverbs. Really odd post too.
Cutting girl's genitals is beyond justifiable.
Amisja comments on Jun 14, 2019:
The problem is Jacar that you are misinformed and place your hatred of religion soley at the feet of one faith...Islam. in fact all religions have extreme ideas. Jewish women shave their heads and wear wigs. Some ultra ultra orthodox women wear an extreme full head and facial covering. Head covering is endemic amongst lots of separatist christian groups. Extreme cruelty to women is common in JWs and groups like the Plymouth Brethern. FGM (of which I am trained to recognise, record and treat) is a completely non religious activity and is entirely based in African countries. It was widely wiped out with the influx of EU Christians but has returned mostly to NE African countries. As for head coverings in the desert. Well where should I start? Other to say, Have you ever been in a sandstorm?? A Moges - African Women Organization, 2009 -
Though Atheism is not a religion, which one of them are more generous? :)
Amisja comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Hate to correct him but Muslim isn't a religion too. Plus not homeless person shaming but..nice trainers.
I love you
Amisja comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I just wanted to be able to say it again ;)
Trump: My Faith In Jesus Helped Get Me Through The Mueller Investigation - The Intellectualist
Amisja comments on Jun 16, 2019:
Oh get to f**k you bloody stupid man
Luxembourg Becomes First Country to Make All Public Transit Free
Amisja comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Yeah but to be fair, its teeny ;)
Hey folks.
Amisja comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Is anyone else as scared as I am about global warming?
Amisja comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Yes, I am terrified. I think governments are just going to have to be very firm, no more single use plastic, no unnecessary air travel, hugely improve rail and public transport. Then encourage repopulation of bees, fish etc. We can do it but not until the population stops seeing this as lead by a fringe group of dreadlocked hippies and start realising this is REAL.
Is the universe infinite?
Amisja comments on Jun 26, 2019:
This makes my little brain pop
Maybe I'm looking for the impossible.
Amisja comments on Jun 29, 2019:
You have clearly thought about this a great deal and that is commendable. I think the key is evolutionary biology is time...time beyond our ability to imagine. Millions and millions of years. However, we see evolution in real terms every day. Sit a group of 20 years olds in front of a 30 page academic paper and they have no idea how to get through it. Bullet point the same paper on PPt or better still condense into a 'twitter' sized paragraph and they've got it. Time and miniscule changes through each generation (even cellular and molecular generations) gives us what we have today. We know it wasn't a god or intelligent design because of the errors. We would not accept the amount of flaws if the human body was a car. We are an evolutionary work in progess. The majority of adults 40+ have some problems with eyesight. Backs are notoriously dodgy. The upright thing was never meant to be permanent. If you see evolution as a straight line from A-B. From the primodial soup to you, then with respect, you will get in a muddle. Teaching anatomy and physiology reminds me daily how complex the human body is but also how flawed it is. Let me put it this way. I sew, I buy bits of fabric, needles, pins, zips, etc etc..then I make a pattern. Its invariably wrong. I remake it. Then I cut out...might make a mistake, back to the drawing board, lots in the bin. Then I make something up. First fitting, lots of alterations. Back to my sewing table...more alterations. Finally I create something wearable. Except, I am never quite sure. Will it hold up...will the fabric take the first wash, etc etc... Given time the process of creating the flawed muddled disasterous life we have is possible and certainly not requiring divine intervention. If it was, I want my money back!
A "perfect world" is theoretically possible, is it not?
Amisja comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Just a peaceful world where each person is recognised for their contribution to the greater good.
The River Walk in Pendleton is a source of enjoyment and exercise for me.
Amisja comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Pendleton is near me in UK. It's where the witches came from.,_Lancashire
How to get two over 6 ft tall teenagers to do chores around the house?
Amisja comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Grrrr welcome to my world....
My water broke... I'm heading to the hospital to welcome my little baby into the world!
Amisja comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Ooooh exciting
To all our American friends.
Amisja comments on Jul 4, 2019:
If Scotland becomes independant please can I emmigrate? I have land already there.
[] Here is a guy who thinks he will be a good wife.
Amisja comments on Jul 5, 2019:
I would actually love a good wife. Do I get to watch while he cooks n cleans? (Tbh my current partner is a good un with all that!)
Following complaint about a post made to this group which has now been removed to the author's page ...
Amisja comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Hmmm this is confusing. I feel like I have been told off
Sorry if i ramble.
Amisja comments on Jul 6, 2019:
That is awful. You poor thing. Yes its abuse and please feel safe to share here. As a child in England, we rarely went to church. My parents were not religious and to be honest it was fun.
My big trip to the British Isles is coming up and suddenly there's a huge glitch.
Amisja comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Hey not Scotland but would be happy to see you in North West England about 200 miles fron Edinburugh.
11am and already 36 degrees (97f). Time to escape to cooler climes.
Amisja comments on Jul 11, 2019:
Come to NW England, its 16C
I came across the word "soul" in a book I'm reading and wondered if the word (aside from relating to...
Amisja comments on Jul 11, 2019:
Pineal gland. Its what bounds to the mother and every other living thing. This is not woo wooey, it is real and vital to our survival as a species.
@AmiSue - Happy Birthday!
Amisja comments on Jul 11, 2019:
Hey happy birthday. Lets have a party, I'll bring gin
Feminists: Is this a safe place to have a discussion about second and third wave feminism? 🙄🤔
Amisja comments on Jul 11, 2019:
Erm kitten pic?
This is why I freak out much more often than I used to, right here.
Amisja comments on Jul 11, 2019:
Yeah but mine are my sons! Its not nice. Sit them down and get a big piece of paper and get them to agree a plan. Get them to sign it.
I just saw this on facebook.
Amisja comments on Jul 12, 2019:
She is sending them some kebab meat? How kind of her
Pool Report from MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Reporter accompanying the VP to McAllen TX border patrol ...
Amisja comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Hitler waa not alone. He had enablers and was encouraged in his activities by his base. He rounded up people and sent them, initially overseas but then into concentration camps. The Nazis had a plan which was excecuted to precision. I don't see this with Trump. In a way, it is almost worst. It was my country who invented concentration camps. During the Boer War we incarerated 45, 000 Afrikaans and basically left them to starve to death. Some of that was intentional but most of it was down to poor management decisions. There was a huge outcry at the time but it still happened. 1000s of white Afrikaans and their black neighbours were killed, many by disease and malnutrition. It was sold to the Brits at home as a battle for Britishness and those complaining were called 'pro-Boer'. Companies were encouraged to distribute union jacks and people were reminded that this was how the empire became great. It did untold damage to SA and the UK. Many british guys were killed too. As a small child I met a vet from the Boer war but had been bayonted through his skull. This, to me is where the similarity lies. To me this is not an ocastrated plan of mass extermination. It is more like they are walking into a situation where people will just starve to death. I have to say though, rounding up illegals does sound a little like, kristallnacht. Be careful dear Americans. Please. Here is my source... The Concentration Camps of the South African (Anglo‐Boer) War, 1900–1902 Elizabeth Van Heyningen History Compass 7 (1), 22-43, 2009
Read your bible people!
Amisja comments on Jul 14, 2019:
This was Paul who said it in letters. Paul is all over the place when it comes to gender and sexuality. I suspect he met his match with Thecla and consequently attempted to cling on to his 'power'.
My sister died yesterday after being sick for 2-3 years.
Amisja comments on Jul 14, 2019:
So dreadfully sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine how difficult that must be xx
Name your US reps and what they do for you/your district
Amisja comments on Jul 16, 2019:
I live in England. I have an MP called Graham Jones, nice lad. He's scared of me! Slightly too centre left for me (By British standards). He's a bit harmless to tell you the truth.
Amisja comments on Jul 19, 2019:
Well its either a civil war or a war overseas he wants. Its your sons n daughters who will die.
Do you believe President Donald Trump is racist? | |
Amisja comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Unavailable due to legal reasons! Pips
Pet Peeves Let’s talk pet peeves. What are yours?
Amisja comments on Jul 26, 2019:
I would have reported the mother. That is abuse and unlikely to end there.
Well... just curious...☺☺
Amisja comments on Jul 31, 2019:
I actually do this most years. Get a load of old fruit. Make sure they are clean. Harder fruit needs boiling up and mushing through tights, soft fruit can go right in. Then magic water, sugar, have wine. Throw in a cup of cold stewed tea for the tannin. The hard part is the waiting!
What gives your life meaning? Why keep going? (just curious)
Amisja comments on Jul 31, 2019:
These people...
The one thing I still have issues with is the fundamental idea of property.
Amisja comments on Aug 3, 2019:
Property is theft
Breastfeeding mom prompts Ohio cafe customer to call cops, shop owner says [foxnews.
Amisja comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Breast fed all three of mine as did my sister and my Mum. Thats what boobs are for.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott at NRA Convention: ‘The Problem is Not Guns, It’s Hearts Without ...
Amisja comments on Aug 6, 2019:
How incredibly thoughtless and cruel
Advertising atheism.
Amisja comments on Aug 7, 2019:
I am British, its more common to encounter non-believers than religious types
One of the wonderful things about being in my fifties is the fact that I finally know who I am.
Amisja comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Well done. I like being 53. I feel like a proper grown up and can say exactly what I think!
Look what I got done today!
Amisja comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Well done
This is a picture of my Mom and myself, shortly before she passed at the age of 101 years of age! ...
Amisja comments on Aug 10, 2019:
A lot of people here have arrived from religious backgrounds so I was wondering what your feelings ...
Amisja comments on Aug 10, 2019:
I think this decision is best left to the woman or girl involved. However I fundamentally believe that medical terminations should be free at source for any person needing one.
Suicide or murder?
Amisja comments on Aug 10, 2019:
As a mental health nurse who has observed people deemed to be at high risk (which he undoubtably was), I can not understand how he managed this undetected. It does happen, usually from ingestion of toxins. I read that it was self strangulation. My cynical mind would think that his death has probably ensured a HUGE sigh of relief in some quarters. I think we need more information. However, I think it was inevitable.
Hello all u heathens! Lol Looking forward to getting to know you as friends or maybe more! 🙂 ...
Amisja comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Hi Catherine, pleased to meet you from an extremely rainy north of England
Faces of evil
Amisja comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Please be strong. This too will end. You just all need to stay strong and vote vote vote.
There is a question that atheists ask, " How can a just God allow bad things to happen to good ...
Amisja comments on Aug 14, 2019:
There is no god. Trully good people are good without the prospect of eternal reward. We would like to believe that goodness is rewarded, but it isn't. ..certainly not by material wealth, notority and adulation. However goodness is recognised by personal sense of having contributed to the betterment of the world. It is a little thing but if we all chose this path, life for everyone would be better....
There are no words horrendous
Amisja comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Wow guys, you need to act. This is unacceptable. Its 2019. Its a good job this isn't UK the majority of babies are born out of wedlock!
Any Incense Users Out There?
Amisja comments on Aug 15, 2019:
They give me headache and I always manage to burn something
Amisja comments on Aug 18, 2019:
Your pics are fab. I like your happy face. You'll find someone, I am sure.
What's the biggest red flag when meeting new people?
Amisja comments on Aug 18, 2019:
I met a man..a doctor...who told me he loved me after the first meeting then talked about his ex, how much he disliked having to pay child support for the son he adopted and how much he now regretted adopting his son oh and how expensive the meal was! (I offered to pay half). It was awful. Love bombing is always yuck anyway.
Amisja comments on Aug 19, 2019:
Oooh Frankfort eh?
New scam today - a call from 'barclaycard' telling me a transaction for a few hundred pounds was ...
Amisja comments on Aug 21, 2019:
My ex (IT manager) once got a call from 'microsoft'. He played along for a bit.
So there is a condolence card in the break room for one of my coworkers who’s dad just died.
Amisja comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Buy a seperate one
Do you read the bible to get knowledge about it, and to be able to understand why it is fiction?
Amisja comments on Mar 13, 2018:
I find the historical details utterly fascinating. Like the guys in the OT swearing oaths by touching each other's genitals! Seriously interesting but probably based on oral traditions, fairy stories and camp fire horrors.
Where do you all work at? I work at USPS as a clerk.
Amisja comments on Mar 16, 2018:
University lecturer/clinical practitioner. University/NHS
What makes you are great partner?
Amisja comments on Mar 16, 2018:
I love him
How much of a roll does jealousy play in your past or present relationships?
Amisja comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I feel jealous and relieved. I hate feeling jealous but of course I recognise his good qualities...I see it in our boys. I am proud of him but kinda glad he's some bugger else's problem.
What is your favorite place to eat that is not fast food?
Amisja comments on Apr 8, 2018:
My kitchen
In death...
Amisja comments on Apr 8, 2018:
So so sorry for your loss but remember as I posted elsewhere, energy is eternal.
Are you easily annoyed?
Amisja comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Yes! Shut up! ;)
Since this is a mainly US-oriented site, I wondered if there were any other fans out there of The ...
Amisja comments on Apr 12, 2018:
I'm UK, my son and I love Young Turks
It's never too late for ________ (fill in the blank).
Amisja comments on Apr 13, 2018:
Growing up
Do you have a motto or mantra that helps guide your day to day life and interactions with others?
Amisja comments on Apr 13, 2018:
Yep...One, two, three...beep it! Works every time.
69 Visitors and no one says 'hello'
Amisja comments on Apr 15, 2018:
I did mean this tongue in cheek really...maybe British humour doesn't translate :(


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting men, women, trans men, trans women, genderfluids and others
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  • Joined Mar 12th, 2018
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